• Published 20th May 2018
  • 523 Views, 11 Comments

Fairlight - The Fortress of the Four Winds - Bluespectre

Fairlight enters the human world as part of the agency task force to attempt to rescue the kidnapped mares and put an end to the nefarious trade in narcotics and illegal firearms.

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Chapter Fourteen - The golden dagger



Pain. Great goddesses, why did every single part of me feel like it was on fire? Wasn’t I dead? Dear Luna, I wished I was. Unbearable agony screeched through my being from the tip of my muzzle to very hairs of my tail: white hot, unavoidable, and without end. I couldn’t move, I was dead and yet cruelly somehow still alive. Chanting and a low background moaning sound from the monks filled my ears, merging in the dry air with my own screams. I was dying, my life ebbing away from the pumping wound in my chest, and nothing could stop it. How bloody ironic to be sent to hell by the very mare I’d come to rescue. Behind me I was faintly aware of a scrabbling sensation at my mane, niggled at me through the haze of suffering. For the goddesses sake, leave me be! Even in death could there be no peace? I was dying, leaving this miserable existence to be finally rid of this tragic pastiche of life. And maybe… maybe the herd would have pity on me? Maybe if I bowed to them, accepted my fate which… What was that? The insistent scratching and scrabbling was quickly followed by a gurgling chirrup as a small scaly head appeared before my eyes. It was Tarragon. I smiled and tried to speak, but I was so weak now, my last moments pouring from my body with every laboured beat of my torn heart. I just wanted to say goodbye to my friend, that was all… it wasn’t much to ask. In response she grabbed my muzzle in her tiny claws and held her mouth over mine, dribbling something into me… the effect was almost instantaneous. She jumped down and returned a moment later with more. It slipped down my throat as if it had a will of its own and I gulped it down greedily, feeling life slowly build within me once more. My senses began to tingle, sparking like a cut wire, bonding, regrowing. Under the ministrations of the extraordinary magic, the terrible wound in chest began to knit closed, the blood flow stopping. Tarragon reappeared, the silvery magic of the life giving fluid shining on her muzzle as she delivered her precious cargo once more. How had she know to do this? Had she seen me doing this and copied me? I would ponder this later, as for now, there were more pressing matters to attend to. I licked the last of the magic from my mouth, closed my eyes, and felt the pain slowly start to ebb away.

It was time.

Behind the lectern the enraptured abbot had his back to me, calling out in a feverish pitch to his mighty goddess. He had made his sacrifice and now awaited his reward whilst the monks prostrated themselves before him, chanting and swaying in time to the mesmeric sound. Tarragon continued to bite and chew at my bonds with teeth that were more used to slicing through sinew, flew and bone, but one by one they yielded to the dragonlings determinations. As soon as the second bond fell away I reached out and grasp the flask she had pulled out of my pack. My magic was back, if a little weakened, but after I’d drained nearly half the life essence from the container, I could feel the power of the wendigo back as it should be. It was beyond exhilarating. Beyond ecstasy. Tarragon took the flask in her little claws and hid it back in my pack while I reached down to take up my scythe, slipping it silently from within its oiled cloth sheath. For a moment my eyes caught the gleam of bright metal. It was Thalio’s dagger, now abandoned beside on the alter still dripping with my blood, its deadly purpose fulfilled. Shadow was there, sitting beside me in a glassy eyed daze reminiscent of the dulled state I had seen on so many of the monks since my arrival. Gently but firmly I took her muzzle in my hooves and dribbled some of my own life fluids into her open, and unresisting mouth. Almost immediately the mare’s eyes flickered for the briefest of moments before quickly returning to their normal blazing red. Recognition, life, and the horrible realisation of what she had been a party to, flooded through that gaze as surely as the magic I had imparted to her. Shadow stared ahead of her in silent confusion, taking in the scene of the monks and the abbot, the knife… and me.

She looked down into my face as if she couldn’t believe I was there. “Fairlight…?

I raised a cautionary hoof to my lips. “Hello love,” I whispered. “Long time no see.

Fairlight…!” She more mouthed the words that said them, but it was enough.

I held a hoof up to her mouth, swinging myself off the altar. “No time, we have work to do… up for a challenge?

By way of answer the thestral mare took Thalios’ knife from me and glared abject hatred at the abbot who, his own senses pulling him back to the movement behind him, paused in his chanting to look in befuddlement down at the mist swirling around his hooves. He turned slowly, his face a picture of horror and surprise as he took in the glistening form before him. I clicked the release on the scythe, and with a bang of its haft on the stone floor the wickedly long blade whipped out and locked solidly into place. I smiled at him, liquid mist dripping from between my teeth, the frigid winds of the north whistling around me in an unleashed fury of hatred and vengeance.

Abbot…” I hissed, letting out a long breath. “Time for you to meet the goddess yourself, my friend. Can you hear her calling?

L… Lord Fairlight!” he stuttered, “How are you…?

How am I still alive?” I laughed, propping the scythe against my shoulder. “You really are a pitiful soul aren’t you, Abbott, spreading misery and death in the name of the princess. Do you think she knows you are doing this to her children? Do you believe, truly believe, that the goddess of the moon understands that you are aiding in the extinction of your own race, one soul at a time?” He never saw Shadow move gracefully behind him. Like her namesake, both in silence and unseen, she reached the blade around the abbot’s neck until she was holding it to his throat like an avenging angel of death. I leaned forward and whispered in his ear, “How would you like to see what death is like?

Shadow pulled the blade effortlessly across his throat as he turned to his flock. Staggering toward them, his blood sprayed out in a crimson fountain across the stupefied monks; his final blessing as he passed to the afterlife he was so happy to send others. Silence fell as the thestral monks looked on in horror at the collapsed, bloodied figure of their leader. As one they looked up and saw Shadow, the bloodied dagger held in her mouth, and beside her a creature they could only begin to imagine in their worst nightmares. Pandemonium broke out a heartbeat later, the panicked monks all shouting, screaming, and running at once, desperately trying to open the doors that had somehow mysteriously frozen shut. My laughter echoed throughout the room and I leaped out into the midst of the throng, the song of slaughter loud in my ears and pulsing through my veins. It was time for a different type of chant in this dreadful place, and I was here to teach it to the faithful. I danced through them, a blur of steel and ice, wreathed in a white fog of death and the cries of the dying. I thrilled at the sounds, the feeling of the blood warm upon my hide. I breathed in their escaping life essence as I flowed unstoppably through the panicked monks, a whirlwind of metal and death. I’d not felt my magic so full in an age, and now… now I had achieved my goal. My thestral mare moved as effortlessly as a salmon through the river, joining me in the dance, dealing out death with the knife that was still stained with the blood of her love. The gift from the herd, was now my gift to my mate… my beautiful, wonderous Shadow.

The two of us laughed aloud, lost in the dance, whirling and spinning through the fog, the crimson torrent a wondrous accompaniment to the cries of the monks as they fell around us. It was as it should be, the wendigo and his mate, death and life… together. Yet all too soon the moment came to an end and we had to pause to catch our breath. The scene around us was indescribable, yet beautiful in its own, grim way. It was a charnel house of blood, bone and carnage that left us knee deep in the torn bodies of our enemies. I smiled, it was a beautiful sight, but not as beautiful as the girl beside me…

Shadow,” I breathed.

She leaned forward, fiery tears dripping down her cheeks. “Fairlight… Love.” Shadow grabbed me round my neck in her forelegs and cried, racking sobs taking her body as she squeezed me for all she was worth. Finally, pushing herself away, Shadow began sniffing me, nudging me with her muzzle and taking the occasional lick. She stood and walked around me, repeating the process several times until she was satisfied. Nodding, Shadow smiled. “Fairlight.

I took her up in my fore legs and kissed her, Shadow’s lips parting to allow my tongue to enter her mouth. A little unsure at first, she met me, her own tongue questing into my mouth, tasting and exploring. She pulled me hard against her and moaned wordlessly as she took her fill. Smiling at each other I knew we had to leave that terrible place, and I wasn’t sad to go. On our way out, Tarragon had returned to sit on my back, much to the surprise of Shadow who instantly took a liking to her. The two seemed to share some sort of bond too, clicking and chirruping to each other while we walked. Could she speak the dragon tongue? Shadow had never been one to talk much, but there was so much I wanted to ask her. Right now though, that could wait; we needed to get out of there. Fortunately we didn’t encounter any more of the monks on our way out, and were nearly at the entrance to the courtyard when a massive blast of wind violently blew the doors open, the force nearly knocking us to the floor. Shaking my head, I rose to my hooves just as a huge dragon’s head poked in, opening its great toothy maw. I knew what was coming next. The small yellow flame began to glow just as I pulled Shadow into a side room in time to avoid the flesh stripping blast of searing flame that engulfed the corridor.


I recognised that resonating voice. The casual cruelty and mocking tone had gone, but I knew it all the same. The last time I had clapped eyes on the enormous beast it had been vanishing in a broiling blast of green fire. How had this dread creature withstood such immense destruction energy? More to the point, how in the name of all the gods in the heavens, was I to defeat such evil? I shook my mane and allowed the power to seethe through me once more.

Suddenly Shadow took hold of my foreleg, her eyes full of concern. “No! Fairlight…

Damn this place! I’d just been re-united with Shadow and now this! Luna’s arse, couldn’t anything go my way for one? Just for bucking once? Smiling ironically to myself, I kissed her on the cheek. “I’ll be alright love,” I said gently. “I haven’t come all this way for some stinking beast like that to keep me from you. Here… take Tarragon. I won’t be long.

She moved to protest, but I closed the door behind me and walked out into the courtyard carrying my scythe.

I’m here, dragon,” I called. “I am here.” I looked up the scaled beast, my voice dripping with the utter derision and contempt I held for this disgusting animal. “You should have left things be. You could have simply let us go and continued on with your life in peace, but you can’t can you? What is it that drives you to such self destruction? Is it anger? Humiliation? Or is it wounded pride?” I hefted my scythe. “Whatever it may be, it shall be your undoing this day.

The huge creature lumbered up to me, bloodied rents in its body showing where the MAD had caused considerable amounts of damage. How the damned thing was still alive was a miracle in itself, for the dragon at any rate. It let out a hideous cough, spraying blood like rain. The monstrous denizen of the Coal Spike mountain was clearly in dreadful torment.

“You…YOU!” it bellowed, blood and smoke escaping from its wounds. “I’ll take you with me to the underworld, you cursed Celestian vermin!”

My wings snapped open and I flicked out the war scythe’s blade. “I’m no bucking Celestian!” I snarled, and immediately leaped into the air, diving in to the attack.

A rolling wave of flame came right at me as I rolled away, slamming my scythe into and through the creature’s already wounded side. It howled in pain, spinning round and tried to catch me with a snap of its immense jaws. I pulled away, pouring blue-white fog and ice at the thing in an attempt to freeze it. Despite its injuries and weakened state, the dragon was still insanely strong. Ice formed on its body, slowing it movements as blizzarding winds buffeted it from my magical assault combining with the blows from my blade. The scales on the creature were too hard to penetrate, however the innumerable injuries from the MAD had removed many, and these choice locations became the focus of my attacks. The dragon roared defiantly, attempting to leap into the air after its harasser but its wings were now so coated in ice they were all but useless. In a blind fury, the beast thrashed wildly, lashing its tail around like a whip, smashing into the black stone of the courtyard with extraordinary force. I dove, dodged, and swung my scythe, aiming for the dragon’s weakened areas until both the beast and I were breathing hard in our attempts to kill each other. It was then, when I should have been the most cautious, that I made a fatal error.

Heedless of its mangled body the great beast whirled round, and with lightning fast reflexes swung his tail like a flail, smashing it into the stonework of one of statues. The impact was deafening, sending chunks of stone spraying out like shrapnel at incredible speed, taking me full in the face, neck and chest. Crying out in anger and pain, I crashed into the ground, partially blinded by the stone shards. Before I had even a chance to try and repair any of the damage or even to drag myself aside, the dragon was on me. A claw that could have lifted a house grabbed me and brought me up to his huge jaws. To be honest I expected instant death from the half crippled creature. There was no toying with its prey now, nor what I had considered to be its customary gloating. The dragon’s body was so torn and broken from its ordeal it must have been running on nothing but sheer willpower, though it was all too clear that that alone would be enough to bring down its enemy this day. But some things, as the old saying goes, never change. Just as the creature lowered me towards my doom, he paused, glaring hatred at the helpless stallion in its grip. The ragged face grinned menacingly at me, unable to resist one final opportunity to gloat.

“I have you now, ‘wendigo’.”

My eyesight was just coming back to me in time to see the huge jaws opening and an inevitable bone snapping death. It was a final gamble, a last gasp so to speak, but I had one more trick up my proverbial sleeve to play. With all the magic I could summon, I aimed a blast of magic from my horn right down the things throat to where the little yellow flame had been. With a terrible shriek, the dragon recoiled from my attack. It wasn’t anywhere near as powerful as I’d hoped, I was still injured, and focussing was proving a lot harder than I’d hoped. Was it enough? In answer to my unspoken question the great beast smashed me bodily into the side of the main building and I dropped to the ground, a broken doll of mangled bone and flesh. I couldn’t breath. Pain and shock fought inside me for dominance, and even with my magic I doubted I could repair this amount of damage. I could only hope that I’d done enough to- The world boomed around me as a massive claw landed beside my muzzle and I looked up into a huge serpentine eye. Blood poured like a river from between its teeth, and I knew then with cold certainty, that the dragon would still be able to send me to the gates of hell with its dying breath. I watched impassively as those jaws opened, and I closed my eyes… waiting.

There was another huge, bone jarring impact. Dust and sand showered down on and around me as I lay there waiting for the end which never came. My eyesight was still unfocussed but I could just about make out the outline of the immense head and neck of the black dragon, now lying motionless on the sandy floor of the courtyard, its tongue lolling out and steaming in the dry air. Was I seeing things? My answer came in the form of a familiar thestral gracefully jumping down from the top of the dragon’s spiky skull to trot towards me. My last sight, as darkness took me, was of Shadow, looking into my eyes with her own. They burned with such a bright fiery red ferocity it melted my heart. By the goddess, she was beautiful.

It was a good way to die.


I was in a wonderful place, full of warmth, happiness, and the overwhelming taste of spice with a sort of fresh minty afterglow flooding my mouth. Marvellous, I thought quietly. I was back in my mother’s fore legs as a foal; warm, safe, and protected from anything that could wish me harm. There was no more pain here, no more tiredness. I was just there… safe. The way I’d been pushed and pulled by life didn’t really matter any more, I simply didn’t care. I’d saved Shadow and thrown down my enemies. What more was there for me to do? My work was done, and it was time to-


I opened my eyes.

Fairlight!” A tearful Shadow stood over me, two empty flasks lying beside her and a flapping Tarragon rushing about squawking wildly.

I smiled up at her. “Hello love… Long time no see.

She leaned across and hugged me gently, her mane falling across my muzzle smelling wonderfully of rich cinnamon. I tried to move, and was surprised to find I was actually still in one piece. I’d used an enormous amount of life energy to repair myself and it seemed that my wonderful marefriend had come through in the nick of time. Shadow reached around and beneath me, helping me to my hooves. She was incredibly strong for such a bony creature, and… my goddesses, there before me lay the dragon… I hadn’t been seeing things after all! And there, a knife embedded in the top of its head. Shadow helped me to my hooves, guiding me over to the creature. The monstrous thing, still gripping onto to its life right to the bitter end, let out a final, gurgling exhale. A few seconds later the very air around it began to shimmer as the dragon’s irascible spirit began to leave its body, the last vestiges of energy holding it to this mortal existence leaking away. Shadow held me as I breathed in, taking its escaping strength into my body. It was unlike anything I could have every imagined. I could feel indescribable amounts of power coursing through me, boosting my own to heights I’d never even dreamed possible. My awareness became razor sharp, my muscles bulged, and I felt strong… incredibly strong. I let out a rumble of joy at the sensation, the sheer unadulterated power of it all! I lifted a hoof and saw, to my surprise, running down my leg a sort of pale blue spiral in my normally pure white fur. This was new! I tried rubbing at it but it wouldn’t go away. I noticed then that it wasn’t isolated to only one of my legs either, the others were the same…even my flank! Good grief, I looked like somepony had been drawing on me in weird swirling lines whilst I’d been asleep! My surprise quickly turned to a helpless chuckle at the peculiar situation, and I sighed. What difference did it make? The madness of the world was frightening enough without becoming alarmed by odd blue lines. Maybe they’d fade away over time? Shaking my mane I dismissed my concerns as Shadow looked up at me quizzically.


I stood there looking at her in nervous anticipation. How would she see me now? Five years apart, thrust into a terrifying world created by those cruel monks, and now- In silent answer to my unspoken question, she walked up to me and licked my muzzle before taking my muzzle in her forehooves. Without a word she kissed me, slowly working her way up my head until she took one of my ear in her mouth for a nibble. An electric shock of sensation ran through me and, despite the currently incredible strength of my body, my knees went weak at the slightest touch of my thestral mate. As happy as I was though, this was not the place nor the time. We had to leave. Shadow, however, had other ideas. Returning to the steaming corpse of the dragon, she clambered up onto its huge scaly head and deftly pulled the knife from its brain. I watched in fascinated horror as Shadow next walked over to the creature’s ravaged chest and, horribly, plunged Thalio’s dagger into the exposed flesh, dragging it along in her forehooves. Gritting her teeth, she strained with the effort of her work but soon had the rib cage exposed, before digging ever deeper. In silence I watched her cut and slice at huge slabs of flesh with the skills of a trained surgeon, until she eventually re-emerged from the bloody carcase carrying in her mouth its still warm, and steaming, heart. In the dim light of the Wither World, the thing seemed to stare back at me accusingly as I stared in horror. I had a feeling I knew what was coming next.

Love?” Shadow gave a slight purring sound as she brought the organ over to me. It was enormous.

Oh no!” I said, holding up a warding hoof. “You’re not catching me out like that again!” I looked away, backing up.

I may as well have been shouting at the tide. The thestral advanced on me until I was up hard up against the stone wall. There was nowhere else to go. Slowly, she lifted it to my mouth and her words entered my head, warm but insistent.

Eat…share the strength…with me.

It was unusual enough for Shadow to say more than one or two words at a time, but with that look in her eyes, my mouth opened of its own accord and she pushed the warm meaty lump inside. Suspended between us, she bit down and I followed her lead, trying not to think of the strong iron like taste flooding my mouth. It was tough, chewy, and…. not all that bad really. I’d never eaten meat before and doubted I would again, but at least I wasn’t bringing it straight back up. But there was just so much of it! Shadow moved closer, taking another bite. All the time she gazed into my eyes, the burning red fires filling my vision until I felt I could dive right into them. I could see her, smell her, reach out and touch her. It had been so long, so terribly long. Slowly, inch by inch, we drew closer until our lips met, our teeth bumping against each others until she pushed the last piece of the dragon’s heart into my mouth with her tongue.

Shadow licked the final drops of the blood from my muzzle and then turned to look up at the sky. “Others will come, she said simply. “The spell is broken.”

I wasn’t sure what she meant exactly, but I nodded my understanding of the general situation. “Come on love, we need to go.

Home?” she asked.

I nodded. “Yes. First stop is the Purple Sands to pick up some friends, and then back to the Beyond. Hopefully Star Beard will have found a way to get us back to the mortal realm. That is, if you still want to go there?

Shadow merely bobbed her head before stretching her wings out in readiness for flight. I had my answer. I think that in truth, I always had. I let the magic pour into me once more, unfurling my wings, smiling at the fascinating mare that had captivated my heart so thoroughly. It was hard to fully comprehend the strange and mysterious paths Fate had steered me down to reach this point. Five years apart, living amongst monsters both reptilian and her own kind, and the lady Shadow, daughter of Far Sight and Maelstrom, was as determined to spend her days with me as much she ever had been. I was humbled. Truly, truly humbled. With a shared glance and a strong downward beat of our wings, we were soon aloft, keeping high just as Etrida had cautioned, arrowing straight for the thestral lands. Thank the goddess I’d brought dad’s compass; this whole area looked the same to me. In fact, I never thought I’d say it, but I almost missed the Beyond. At least the thestral land had something different to look at than rocks, rocks, and more rocks. I looked back to see Tarragon, full tummy included, landing on my back with a contented look. Nothing like a little cannibalism, eh? Dragons! I’d better not tell her mum...

Shadow flew closer, looking down at the small device I held in front of her in my magic. She looked at me with confusion on her face. In answer I simply smiled. “No thestral will be hurt there ever again love, but it’s your choice. All you need to do is-

I never finished my sentence. Shadow reached out and pressed the detonator, determination and anger in her eyes as she did so. Whether she understood what the device was, I had no way of knowing. Either way, it was done. The blast behind us signalled the last of my MAD’s and the end of the dark monastery, or at least a good portion of it. That dire place… Gods, as if the Withers wasn’t bad enough, what with the lake monsters and bloody dragons to contend with, now there were insane murderous monks on the prowl! What the buck was- Oops! Better not tempt fate, Fairlight, I thought to myself sagely. We flew for hours in silence, exchanging no more than the odd smile. It was enough for now. Shadow had never been one for conversation, and as for myself, I needed to conserve energy for flight. After such a massive expenditure of magic my body would normally require considerable rest. A rest that would have to wait a little longer. Thankfully we didn’t encounter any more of the giant flying beasts on the way back, other than little Tarragon of course. I kept forgetting that one day she’d be big enough to eat me in one bite, just like her mother. I truly hoped dragons didn’t suffer from teenage angst or else I could find myself becoming a tasty snack before I knew it. The tiny creature chirruped happily behind me, snuggling into my back. I smiled to myself. For now at least, the diminutive ‘Terror the east’ was still cute enough for cuddle. Gradually the land below us began to open out into a large plain of rocks, the smokey fog and pervasive sulphurous clouds of the dragon realm changing to a muggy, earthy odour which made my heart leap. We were near the marsh at last! And near the marsh was…


Shadow’s screech of joy resounded around us as she dove down to meet the grizzled old veteran who was stood outside his tent casually smoking a long stemmed clay pipe. He dropped it in his surprise and flew up to meet her. I began to laugh at the scene unfolding before me, partly out of relief, partly out of exhaustion, but more for the simple pleasure of seeing my mare so full of life once more. Truly, it was a sight that would have gladdened even the most cynical of hearts. The two thestrals hugged in mid air, twirling around each other in a rare display of unbridled happiness before coming in for a landing on the rough ground near the tents.

You’re alive!” Thorn exclaimed. “Thank the goddess.” He gave me a wide eyed grin. “Fairlight! I knew you could do it, my friend, and here she is… alive and well.” The old warrior checked Shadow over briefly before calling his medical officer across to examine her.

What exactly am I supposed to be looking for?” the medical thestral asked sarcastically, taking in the thestral mare before him.

Thorn raised an eyebrow. “Just give her an examination, Char. I don’t need one of your lectures.

You always need lecturing,” the medic huffed, taking a look at Shadow, “you just never listen to a word I say.” The wrinkly thestral snorted loudly, clopping her on the behind. “She’s fitter than you, you old goat.” And with that the medic stomped a hoof and stalked away muttering to himself.

Thorn watched him go, shaking his head. “Ignore him,” he said smiling, “Char and I have been on many campaigns, and he’s like family of sorts. I’ll ignore his insubordination this time, but one day...” With no more than a wave of his hoof, a group of thestral warriors rushed up to stand respectfully before the storm major, waiting for orders. “Strike camp, we leave at once.” He turned to me next. “You seem up for a flight, Captain, and the lady Shadow?” Shadow snorted and nodded her head enthusiastically. “Excellent!” Thorn exclaimed. “We will head to the Purple Sands for food and rest. Camping out is not as agreeable for my old frame as it used to be.” He shot me a look. “Not a word to Char. Understood, Captain?

I bobbed my head. “Understood, sir.

Shadow nudged me playfully before nuzzling Tarragon who chirruped happily behind my mane, digging her little claws though my gear and making me wince as they sank a little too deep. I was seriously going to need to have a wash when I got home, I probably reeked of dragon drool, but it was worth it to have my family complete once more. For that, I would have paid any price. For now though I joined in with the others striking camp. In due course the last of the ropes were loosened, pegs pulled out, and canvas rolled up ready for the trip home. It struck me as strange how seamlessly they all accepted me like one of their own for what was, in actuality, such a simple act, and even went so far as to thank me for the extra hooves during the work. There they were in their black armour, with me, the white stallion with blue eyes and a small dragon curled on his back, like I’d always been a part of the team. I think then, for the first time, I finally began to understand what it was that made the thestrals what they were. They were a single entity, a group of individuals, true, but individuals that made up one single, powerful, entity. They protected one another, fought for one another, and drew strength from the absolute belief in their chain of command. The watch could have learned a lot from these guys.

A few hours of flight later the welcome sight of the village hove into view once more. And what a sight for a weary pony it was! If the sheer numbers were any indication, the entirety of the Purple Sands tribe had turned out to witness our return: stallions, mares, even the odd foal, were arrayed below us with curious eyes as we came in for a landing. Actually, now that I thought about it, I hadn’t seen that many foals in my time in the Withers. It seemed that the birth rate was just as low as Star Beard had described upon my first visit to this mysterious home of his people. It may also explain to some degree the long life span of the thestrals, which was at odds with the warlike nature of their race. By and large the shorter lived a creature was, the more frenetic its breeding cycle. Conversely, the longer lived tended to have longer gestation periods to match their low rates of birth. Compared to some of the creatures of Equestria, such as the enormous Ursans, ponies must appear to be as prolific as mayflies. All things considered however, I was surprised this extraordinary race living in their perpetually dark world weren’t extinct. To see a child though was encouraging indeed. Suddenly my eyes caught sight of Short Stride, trotting down the steps of the great hall beside her husband. Even Astral was there, glancing partly at us and also, I noticed, nervously up at the sky. The cynical old soak probably half expected a dragon to come in and incinerate the whole village at any moment. Still, I wasn’t going to let him spoil the mood. Besides, tired as we all were we were far more interested in getting a bath, hot food, and a drink. Fortunately our goodly hosts were one step ahead of the game on that point, ushering our party into the hall where a small army of serving staff awaited us. I had barely managed to exchange a single word with Shadow before she was duly whisked away by her sister, leaving myself and my comrades to be divested of our clothing and equipment before being all but thrown into the communal bathing pool. I don’t think I’ve ever been so relieved to see soap in all my life. In due course we were all suitably washed, groomed, and politely, if a little firmly, informed that any possibility of an early bed was completely out of the question. The Earl and his good lady were awaiting us in the hall. From the reaction of my comrades this appeared to be fully expected. As for myself, I think a few hours sleep would have been far more beneficial. However, ‘When in Roam’, as they say…

Soon, copious quantities of drink and music were unveiled to start the evening off. This time however, I decided to avoid the balta. I noted more than one disappointed gaze at my unspoken decision on this point, though ignored them, tucking instead into the food my body cried out for. Just as I was starting to relax, Forge stood, stomping his hoof on the table for quiet. Gradually, the room fell silent and the musicians ceased playing. All eyes were on the Earl.

Warriors of the Purple Sands. Brothers and sisters from the Beyond. My bride’s sister has been returned to us this day, plucked from the land of fire where few are brave or foolish enough to enter.” Forge cast a quick glance at Astral who lowered his head submissively. “To you, Lord Fairlight…” He raised his goblet, “I salute your bravery. You may not be a thestral, but I for one would be proud to fight by your side and call you my brother.” A round of mugs and goblets thudding on tables followed before the Earl called for quiet once more. “Will you come among us and tell us the tale of your expedition? I for one am eager to hear it!

Another round of mug bashing and shouts of agreement followed, and I couldn’t help but smile. What the hell, I didn’t mind spinning a yarn or two. In fact I think it was about time I had some positive attention for once. As I walked to the centre of the room, my goblet floating before me in my magic, I hoped they were all sitting comfortably - this could take a while. Letting the magic roll through me I allowed my body to change, the mist flowing out around my hooves as I spread my wings dramatically. The thestrals murmured amongst themselves, watching intently whilst I turned slowly, casting my blue gaze upon them all. Smiling quietly to myself, I reared onto my hind legs and sent my voice out through the room as cold as the north wind…

Let me tell you a story…”

The warriors hung upon my every word until the very end, at which point I bowed before them with a flourish. A wall of silence met me. Everypony stared at the newcomer in their midst, some of them even visibly paled. Had my story been met with incredulity? Scepticism maybe? Perhaps I hadn’t told it well enough or had committed some unknown cultural blunder. There was so much I didn’t know about these people. In any respect, it was a little late to do anything about that now. Releasing my grip on the magic, I was returning to my seat when Astral stood once more.

You…You killed Sharar?” he exclaimed into the silence. “The black dragon of the Coal Spike?”

“Well, Shadow did actually,” I replied politely. “But as I said, we had help.”

From the Broken Cliff? Stone Hammer?

I nodded, hoping to the goddess I hadn’t put my hoof right in it. “That’s right, he fought the dragon with me when we were in the mountain.”

This last sentence was received with a loud muttering and flurry of excited gestures from the assembled thestrals. I couldn’t pick up on what was being said with everypony talking at once, so resumed filling my stomach instead. Meanwhile, Forge leaned across to speak to Short Stride. Unfortunately, I couldn’t hear what they were saying either, however their body language gave me a hint of what it was about - they knew who Stone Hammer was, and there was some significance in my involvement with him.

Forge spoke next, loudly enough for all to hear. “Lord Fairlight, are you sure this thestral was Stone Hammer?

Wiping my mouth I nodded. “He said he was, and the others followed his orders. I’ve never met him before, so I could only take him at his word.” I thought for a moment, casting my mind back to my encounter with that warrior from the Broken Cliff tribe. “His coat was a deep maroon colour, and he had green eyes,” I explained. “Nasty scar down his hind leg, from here,” I indicated with my hoof, “to here.”

There was a great deal of chatter and nodding before Astral spoke. “My Lord Forge, this is interesting news… very interesting news indeed. I ask that we me speak of this later and allow our guests to relax and enjoy themselves. It appears they have had quite the exciting adventure."

Agreed,” Forge nodded, sitting back down and waving to the musicians to start up once more.

The tension dissipated I took my seat once more, a little perplexed perhaps, but happy to be back amongst friends. Shadow nudged my shoulder, pushing a bowl of cherries into my hoof along with another goblet of the local speciality - the ubiquitous ‘gland squeezings’ known as balta. Well, in for a bit, I thought to myself, and downed the bitter brew to the encouraging cheers of the warriors. I hate to admit it, but I really did revel in the attention. Normally around this time the old Fairlight body would be getting a little worn down, but oddly, I felt absolutely fine. In fact, I felt amazing! I downed some more of the fruit and balta, then stopped, staring at my foreleg - my pristine white foreleg. When had I slipped back into my wendigo form? Good gods, I hadn’t even noticed. A slight chill ran down my spine; was I forgetting who I was? No… No, I felt the same as I always had, it was just that this felt more ‘natural’, more... ‘me’ somehow. I watched the light catch my diamond-like hoof. In a way it was as though I’d always been a wendigo, yet for some inexplicable cosmic reason I hadn’t realised who I really was, or my true potential, until I’d eventually merged with the spirit. I could still release it whenever I wanted of course, but right now, this felt... right. Shadow seemed to think so too, she’d been leaning against me most of the evening and occasionally sneaking titbits to Tarragon who was nesting quite happily in my pannier. If she didn’t mind, why should I?

The music began to pick up tempo, and soon I found myself tapping my hooves to the lively tune. It was quite catchy really. I think I must have had a little too much to much to drink as the next thing I knew was Shadow and I started dancing together after watching Forge and Short Stride take the floor. I wasn’t one for mane pulling and jumping about, however after a few drinks and my mate by my side, all inhibitions had simply melted away. To hell with it! Why not? I may have had four left hooves, but nopony seemed to care, in fact more warriors soon joined us, whooping and laughing with complete abandon. The terrifying warriors of the goddess of the moon, danced, sang, and leaped about with all the joy and smiles that would not have looked out of place anywhere in Equestria. And here I was, in their midst as though one of their own. It was certainly food for thought. Soon however, Shadow and I ended up collapsed in a heap near the fire, giggling like foals and nuzzling each other before Short Stride walked over, her wing draped over Forge.

Come with us you two,” she beckoned. “Come!” The mare laughed, beckoning us to follow them whilst her husband, more than a little inebriated himself, leaned across and kissed her neck.

Shadow stood, giving me a push to get me moving. Personally I could have quite happily nodded off right there and then, and admittedly it was with a little reluctance I did as I was directed. And so together, if a little unsteadily, we followed our generous hosts out of the hall, down a passageway, to a set of heavy wooden doors.

Your room,” Forge sniggered, leaning drunkenly against the wall. “May it serve you well, my Lord Fairlight!

He burst out laughing, only to be swiftly guided away by a chuckling Short Stride. What a bizarre group they were! However I didn’t have much time to wonder about that due to the surprisingly energetic thestral beside me pulling me headlong into the bedchamber. With a reverberating ‘bang’, the door slammed behind us as I was propelled inside. Stumbling to a rather wobbly halt I noticed my gear had, rather thoughtfully, already been brought in and placed neatly on the back of a chair by the little fireplace. Yellow flames flickered merrily above the snapping logs, adding a wonderful ambience to the dark wood panelling of the room. The rug in front of it looked comfy and inviting too, but then, so did the bed.

As did Shadow.

She moved up to me, her chest rising and falling rapidly, her fiery eyes burning brighter than any mere flame. The realisation of just how much I’d missed this exotic creature slammed into me hard enough to take my breath away. It may have been one year at the most for me, but it had been five for her. Five long years, lost in a nightmarish world of confusion, clinging to any scrap of hope she could find. Many would have surrendered to their despair in such circumstances, allowing hopelessness to wash away any last vestiges of determination they may once have had. But not Shadow. She’d never given up on me, not even for a moment. She had done all she could to find a way to reach the world in which her mate was marooned, even at the risk of her own life. Yet even those passionate fires of selfless determination could only burn so long. Five years is still five years, and despair eventually took hold, leading her to seek comfort in the monastery. As it turned out, a monastery full of murderers. If I hadn’t come when I had…

Shadow pushed her nose into my neck and huffed deeply, distracting me from my thoughts. “Fairlight…” she purred. “Love?

Unbidden, a horrible thought crashed through my desire with all the subtlety of a derailed locomotive. The heat of my passion was gone in a heartbeat. Shadow didn’t know about Tingles, or Lumin for that matter. Oh goddesses, I couldn’t tell her… not now. And yet, if didn’t, if I kept it a secret… I had to tell her or else all would be lost in a mire of lies and deceit. I couldn’t face that. She deserved so much more. I hung my head, ashamed to even be near her.

“Shadow…there’s something I need to…” I swallowed. “...to tell you, love” The dark mare cocked her head on one side, clearly surprised by my words. Hell fire, this was going to be bad. There was no sugar coating I could put on this choice revelation that could take away its sting. I took a deep breath and ploughed ahead. “When I returned to the mortal realm, I… I met a pony who helped me, who saved my life. We… we became close.” Oh Luna, this was it. “We’ve had a foal together. Meadow knows of course, and she’s happy for us, but… Shadow… I don’t know what to say…”

Slowly she turned away from me and walked over to the fire, sinking to her haunches. “Five years,” she said quietly, gazing into the flames. I stood there, struck dumb like the fool I was as my emotions churned in a turmoil of thoughts and words that failed me at every turn. My heart ached fit to burst. I could only nod dumbly as she asked, “Fairlight? You do not want me?

I looked up suddenly, “Yes!” I exclaimed. “Of course I want you! Shadow, I love you, I’ve never stopped loving you. It’s just I… I love her too. I don’t know how all of this happened, it just seemed to-”

The orange one?” she interrupted quietly.

My mouth opened and closed like a beach carp. “Yes, she’s the…” I gabbled, trying to comprehend what she had just said. “Hang on, how did you know? I didn’t say what colour she is.”

Shadow shook her mane. “We dream together. Meadow, Tingles… All of us. Together.

I stood there helplessly, my mouth hanging agape. A conversation I’d had what felt like a lifetime ago burst in my mind as brightly as an exploding firework. “Tingles said she’d seen you in her dreams,” I said quietly. “She described you so clearly, and yet I couldn’t understand how it could be so.” I hung my head, my shame there for the universe to see. “I didn’t believe her...”

Shadow’s words revealed the truth in all its unadulterated glory. “The dream world,” she said steadily. “The Wither World. Close.” She continued to stare into the fire. “You do not want me?

“I want you,” I said gently. “Meadow wants you, Tingles wants you. We want you with us, Shadow. You complete me, complete us all.”

Shadow rose to her hooves, her tail swishing as she approached me with tiny burning tears forming in the corner of her eyes. I felt like I was dying inside. “Oh no, Shadow, please… please don’t cry,” I pleaded. “The goddess knows I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m so sorry. Look, I’ll go and sleep in the hall with the others, okay? I’m sure you don’t need me hanging around here to-”

A foreleg shot out, blocking my movement toward the door. Slowly, I followed the line of the slender leg upwards, along her shoulder, past that smooth elegant neck, and finally to the sharp teeth and burning red eyes I had fallen in love with so long ago. Silent seconds flowed by as Shadow glowered at me, and then, in a blur of legs and surprising strength, she took my hooves out from under me, throwing me bodily to the floor on the rug. The thestral stood over me, her eyes blazing and teeth bared. For a moment I thought she was going to rip my throat out. Gods know I couldn’t have blamed her if she had. And so I closed my eyes, expecting the worst. Seconds passed. Minutes. I could sense Shadow drawing closer, feel her breath caress my muzzle. The warm cinnamon smell of the elegant mare tickled my nostrils and I shuddered involuntarily at its gossamer caress. Clenching my eyes tight shut I waited for the teeth to close on me, yet incredibly, instead of the expected retribution, a long tongue snaked across my muzzle sending a shock of sensation into my alcohol addled mind.

The mare’s rumbling voice blasted into my head like a sledgehammer. “MINE!” Then, as barely more than a whisper sneaking seductively into the back of my conscience, “Mine...

Bringing her muzzle up to my own, Shadow gently held my head in her fore hooves and slowly, seductively, placed her lips against mine. Her tongue pushed and probed until I opened my mouth to her insistent advance, returning the kiss in kind. Tasting and rolling our tongues around the other’s, I breathed in her scent, remembering all I knew about this incredible mare. I’d missed her terribly, dreamed of being with her so often, and at long last, after all this time, she was with me once more. Shadow let out a soft wordless rumble, pulling on me more and more until, with a loud gasp, she released me. As I opened my eyes I could see her the red glow of hers in the mist I’d inadvertently released, surrounding us in a fog of shining white-blue cloud. The warmth from the fire was still there but Shadow didn’t seem to notice. Her eyes were locked onto mine, focussing only on what was before her. I’d never seen a look in her eyes like this before, even in the prison cell. This… This was primal, animalistic drive. I could almost hear her heart hammering in her chest, echoing my own. In wonderment I watched the midnight coated mare, her chest heaving and nostrils flaring as she ground herself against me before settling back and angling herself just so. With a loud gasp and a resounding sigh, Shadow pushed herself down onto me only to collapse onto my chest, shuddering slightly. A moment later she pushed herself back up and looked down into my eyes, growling menacingly. I was a little taken aback by this aggressive side to her, but she knew what she wanted, and as her mate I was there for her whatever her desires.

In the white fog, Shadow’s eyes lent a deep red corona to my vision and I reached out to pull her down into a deep kiss, sharing my silvery life essence with her. The mare’s tongue took up the concentrated magic hungrily until, with a high pitched cry, she pulled away snapping her wings out. Suddenly Shadow lunged at me and I gasped as her sharp teeth sank into my shoulder, the pain both sharp and sweet. I groaned in ecstasy; I’d never felt anything like this before in my life, and I wanted more. I leaned forward and gently bit her shoulder opposite where she held mine. The mare moaned wordlessly and ground herself into me ever faster. Little whimpers began escaping from her jaws and she began to shake uncontrollably until, with a final ear splitting cry, her whole body shuddered and she collapsed on top of me, panting. Before my eyes, Shadow looked down at me with bright silver glowing eyes that made my heart leap in my chest. As I watched the ethereal colour gradually faded away, replaced with the bright fiery red I was so familiar with. I’d seen this before, in the prison cell… Then as now it was a little unnerving, but also incredibly erotic. Shadow pulled herself from me and moved to the bed, eyeing me meaningfully. Dutifully, and in respectful silence, I picked myself up and went to her.

The thestral mare held her forehooves up to me, uttering only one word. “More.

Naturally, I had to oblige.


Shadow and I lay in the welcoming warmth of the bath house come steam room. The water was not at the point of being ‘uncomfortably’ hot as such, but most certainly bordered on it. I could tolerate a fair amount of heat of course, take the hot springs at Smiling Borders for example, but this was on a different level altogether. Not that it bothered the thestrals of course, all of whom were happily lounging around as though it were no hotter than a warm hoof-spa in here. Sweat poured off my slowly cooking body as I lay there beside my mare, remained resolutely determined to stay until I could endure no more. Right now I needed the muscle soothing heat, and I have to say the feeling of submerging your whole body in its rejuvenating waters was something truly wonderful. In small doses. We had both washed and scrubbed ourselves thoroughly before easing ourselves into the steaming bath, as was the custom in the thestral world. I lay back, staring up at the ceiling and wondering to myself how familiar some aspects of this odd land were, and at the same time so completely alien to me. No wonder Star Swirl had stayed amongst as long as he had. Stretching out my legs I let out a sigh that made no secret of how tense I’d been up until recently. Not that last night hadn’t been a great stress reliever too of course, however battling religious zealots and dragons did tend to take it out of you. I chuckled to myself as Shadow moaned softly beside me, snuggling into me while I nuzzled her neck.

Fairlight?” she murmured quietly.


A burning red eye gazed up at me. “Tingles…Tell me?

So I did. I told her all about how we met, our ‘adventures’, for want of a better word, and even the terrible events that had transpired at the fortress. I held back nothing, telling her everything so that she could fully understand what had transpired. Besides, when had hiding the truth ever done me any favours? Concealing facts I considered to be ‘unsavoury’ from my loved ones had a horrible tendency to come back and bite me on the arse, and not in a good way either. I determined never to be so foolish again. Tingles lay in silence, occasionally turning to stretch a leg or wing as she listened to me. What she thought, or even if she could fully comprehend everything I was saying, remained, as always, a mystery. When my tale drew to a close she looked into my eyes with an expression I couldn’t begin to describe.

The fortress,” she said softly. “You will take me there?

“I…” I nearly choked in surprise. What the hell did she want to go there for? I cleared my throat and tried again. “If you want to, love. But why? There’s nothing there but rocks, snow and ice.”

Please?” she pleaded, quietly nuzzling me.

I shrugged. Hopefully she’d give up on the idea with everything else that was going on right now. Personally I never wanted to see that damned place of horrors ever again. “If you want to, love,” I assured her. “Just don’t expect too much when we get there, okay? In any case, we need to concentrate on getting you home first so we can see everypony again. They miss you.” I gave her a peck on the cheek. “I’ve missed you.”

Tingles reached up and nibbled my ear before breathing into it, “Missed you.

Goddesses, she was working her bloody thestral magic on me again! I pushed myself away to face her. “I love you, Shadow,” I said earnestly.

She reached out to pull me into a steam drenched kiss. “Love…

At some point we must have made it back to the bedchamber, although I can’t remember exactly how. I think I was more unconscious than asleep that night, gradually drifting slowly back to a fuzzy wakefulness on the large comfortable bed. Somepony had placed covers over me whilst I slept and was singing softly at the far end of the room; a strange song in the thestral language which to anypony who didn’t understand them, would sound like so much screeching and clicking. To me, having lived amongst these fascinating creatures even for such a short amount of time, it reminded me of home, a mother’s love for her foal, and finding a dream. Sentimental stuff for sure, but I couldn’t think of a better way to wake up in the morning. It sure beat the radio, that was for sure. I let out a contented yawn and pulled back the covers. Despite a night’s sleep, I still felt physically worn out, yet at the same time deliciously content. With a good shake and a rub of my eyes, I climbed out of that warm nest to see Shadow brushing her mane in the mirror. She saw me watching her and smiled back at me in the reflection, her fiery eyes as warm as my heart. Noticing the grooming kit on top of the dresser, I magicked over the hair brush and began to run it gently through her mane. I have to say that there was something extremely intimate in mutual grooming, and the midnight coloured mare purred happily to herself as I worked. We didn’t need to speak. Sometimes, as the old saying goes, actions truly could speak the loudest. After a little while we swapped places, Shadow treating me to a good stiff brushing with the curry comb. I couldn’t help but hum in pleasure at the tingling sensations that the feeling of the brush running through my fur sent through me. My tail, mane and coat felt absolutely amazing by the time she’d finished, although I admit I was still a little tender in places despite the healing magic of the wendigo. To conserve energy I’d released the spirit energy before going to bed, remaining in my pony form. Besides, I just couldn’t get away with sleeping with wings. I mean seriously, how did she do that?! It never seemed to bother Tingles either for that matter, now that I thought about it. Granted, her pegasus wings were feathered and a little smaller than my own, however she always managed to sleep soundly. Whenever I tried to do so the bloody things were always in the way no matter how I lay. Despite my best efforts to get used to them, I’d had wing cramps one morning after sleeping in my wendigo form and I didn’t ever want to experience that ever again!

Groomed and ready to face the day, the two of us trotted out into the main hall and straight into a wretched scene of groaning, farting, and generally hung over warriors. Some still slept whilst others tried gingerly to stand and head home, bleary eyed and looking like they’d lost a championship boxing match. Tingles and I went completely unnoticed amongst this sad expanse of party goers, with the only other signs of life the ever indomitable white robed staff who glided effortlessly between the stricken warriors, attempting to clean and tidy the mess from the previous night’s revelry. Even the musicians had been indulging. One of them was fast asleep across their Lute, drool dripping from his open mouth whilst a bubble of snot in the corner of the musician’s nose expanded and contracted in time with his breathing. I couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight. One of the earl’s ever vigilant maids trotted over with a couple of bowls of porridge and berries balanced on her back, including some of the crystaline ones for me. Somepony had done their homework! In short order, Shadow and I were ushered to one of the few tables that had been cleared of equine detritus and made surprisingly comfortable. Thanking the thoughtful maid I wasted no time at all tucking straight into the steaming porridge. Despite my hearty meal last night I felt half starved this morning, and I confess, it was damned good too. In what seemed like mere seconds I’d wolfed the whole lot down, berries and all, before sitting back contentedly. Good gods, I felt great! The best I had in ages in fact, and now my stomach was comfortably full I was suitably reenergised to face the day.

Shadow was the first to get up. She trotted towards the main door, calling back to me, “Run?

So much for a lazy day then! Nodding to her, I followed her out into the open air. It was something I’d never get used to in this world - no sun. You couldn’t even have a decent roll as most of the ground here was sand, and I wasn’t sure what that weird white ‘grass’ stuff was back in the Beyond either. I was still oddly tempted to try and sample the stuff, although admittedly I don’t know why really. It was just… different. I shrugged the thought away, stretching out my legs as Shadow trotted off through the village. I followed her, keeping pace.

“Shadow?” I asked. She turned to me smiling, and raised an eyebrow. “When I was in Etrida’s cave,” I continued, “she showed me the most beautiful paintings I’ve ever seen. She said you’d done them for her.” Shadow nodded. “Is there a place like that here in the Wither World?” I asked.

She shook her head. “No,” she replied. “Dreams.

“They’re in your dreams?” I asked.

She smiled. “Dreams with Meadow. Dreams with Tingles. Flying, running.” Shadow gave me a knowing look. “Foals.

“Foals?” What did she… Uh, oh...

Shadow blushed. I think I did too. Damn it all, I was beginning to get the picture. Of the three mares she was the only one who didn’t have a foal. Without warning an image of Mitre popped into my mind, his sarcasm heavy as he spoke, “The harem continues to expand.” I shook my mane, dispelling the image and increasing my speed into a canter as a shiver ran down my spine.

The land here had what you may think of as ‘dread’ appeal all of its own. Inky black water lapped against the shore making a pleasant ‘shushing’ sound as the breeze took up my mane and tousled it playfully. Tarragon had flown off on her morning breakfast hunting rounds earlier, but now she was back, swooping in to skim over the waves happily chirruping and squawking to us. On my first venture into the Wither World I’d noticed the complete absence of wind, at least until I entered the Beyond. Even then it was barely a whisper, but here in the Purple Sands it was very noticeable indeed. What made the Withers so unique to my mind was not so much the inhabitants, but more the way their ‘areas’ were defined so specifically, each one a little ecosphere all of its own. It was almost like each area had been specifically tailored to the peoples living there. Very strange indeed. I imagine that the denizens of these places didn’t even consider such oddities as out of the ordinary as they’d been living here so long it was accepted as normal. Doubtless they’d see my homeland as being just as alien as theirs was to me. And that was something else that worried me. The longer I was here the longer I was gone in the Equestrian realm, and only the goddesses knew what that was going to be like when I got back. Time was very skewed between the two worlds, and it would also appear to be completely random too. What would I find when I got back? Lumin as a colt, wondering who I was? I gave my mane a shake. It didn’t bear thinking about. We’d have to find Star Beard as soon as possible. We soon paused to catch our breath by a small wood, and by ‘wood’ I mean a collection of the lethally spiked ‘things’ that passed for trees in this land, when a plaintive cry drifted to us over the sound of the surf. Shadow lifted her head, listening intently. I moved up beside her, following the direction the sound was coming from, trickling a little magic into my senses until...

“There! Come on!”

My hooves dug into the sand, propelling me rapidly towards the source of the cries. Shadow followed closely whilst Tarragon flew on ahead, squawking her encouragement. My heart thundered, my ears flattening as I ran. The sound was louder now, intensifying in its urgency, and dripping in unbridled fear. The little dragon began circling up ahead and shrieked at something below one of the dark purple dunes that gave area its name. Cresting it in a flurry of hooves and sand, we came upon the source of the distress. It was a young thestral mare with a large pack of wood strapped to her back. She was heading right for us, head down, bawling and shouting as she came. In a lather the panicked mare rushed up to us and all but threw herself at Shadow, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Ghosts! the young mare howled. “Spirits of the dead!” She gasped, choking for breath and was trembling all over.

Shadow looked back at me in alarm. Damn it all, what madness was this now? Ghosts?! What else was this madhouse going to throw at me? The poor girl’s chest was heaving and her breathing laboured from her headlong flight. As Shadow comforted her I took the opportunity to reach over unbuckle the heavy wood carrier from the terrified creature’s back.

“Show us where you saw them,” I said trying to sound reassuring, “and then get yourself home. I’ll take your wood back for you.”

She nodded her thanks and turned to point back the way she came. “There! The clearing beyond the dunes.

Shadow gave the mare a hug and sent her on her way, the young thestral taking wing now that she was unencumbered from the confines of the wood carrier. I gave Shadow a nod and we both took off at a gallop following the hoofprints in the sand. It wasn’t far. The mare had been cutting wood for the fire and her axe was still lying where she’d dropped it together with several piles of cut logs. Just beyond where she’d been working I could make out the occasional white sparkle of light, its silvery motes glittering through the gaps in the trees. It looked oddly familiar too, in fact, very familiar. With a quick shake of my mane I decided to explore this peculiar phenomenon and confirm my suspicions. We pushed into the prickly undergrowth, dodging past the lethally spiked branches and finally emerged into a small clearing. The brightness immediately hit me like a sledgehammer, shining so intensely it hurt my eyes making me flinch. I’d been in the Purple Sands too long; I was getting so used to dark and drab as being the predominant colour scheme that anything bright was like having a searchlight shone directly into your eyes. It was no wonder Shadow took so much pleasure in creating her landscape paintings, it was the safest way to see colour here that didn’t incinerate your retinas. Thankfully though my vision began to clear quickly. The last thing I wanted was to come under attack when I was all but blind. To make matters that little bit more interesting however, my horn began to itch with the telltale build up of magic in the air. Somepony was here, or at least had been here, although the place looked empty now. Shadow snorted beside me, nudging me with her muzzle. Turning to where she was looking I tried to focus on the hazy figure of a familiar pony approaching us. Honestly, I don’t know if I was relieved or furious right then. The newcomer was carrying a staff in the glow of his magic, but something was wrong, the image was wavering in and out like a poorly tuned radio signal. Despite that I could still recognise the outline of the swine I wanted to throttle. It was Star Swirl, the most self important blow hard magician Equestria ever spawned. That rat owed me for not warning me about the chamber in the fortress. He halted a few feet away, his voice distant with an echoing quality.

“Fairlight? Is that you?”

“I’m here, Star Swirl,” I said tossing my mane. “What do you want, is something going on?” I looked about us, but we were the only three there. “Where’s Meadow?”

“There’s no time to explain,” the old wizard replied firmly. “But have no fear, both she and Sparrow are safe.” He clucked his tongue, fidgeting with something in the pocket of his robe. “It’s all I can do to speak to you like this.” His image shook and reformed itself. “Blast it all!” He reasserted his focus on us. “Listen, you need to get to the Rift, it’s your only way home. My research has shown you need three things: firstly, dragon magic. Second, you’ll need magic from the realm of the eternal herd. Finally, you need a light to shine the way - the beacon you have around your neck should suffice in that regard. As for the other two, it’s up to you my boy. I wish I could do more, but the barrier is just too strong.”

I shook my head, ,aybe I hadn’t heard him properly. “Barrier? What barrier?”

The image flickered. “Celestia has placed a barrier between the worlds. She sensed you enter the Wither World.”

My blood froze. That old witch! “She’s trapped us here?”

He nodded, affirming my fears. “I’m sorry, Fairlight. The barrier is preventing Meadow and I from forming here properly, even where the veil is usually thin. It’s taken all my magic to do this much, and I’m on borrowed time as it is.”

A thought suddenly struck me. “Wait! Tarragon here is a dragon, and we have the dagger Thalio gave me from the eternal herd!”

The wizard’s eye went wide. “My goddess, Fairlight, that’s it! But, you have a dragon with you?” He stared at the tiny creature milling around by hooves, “How did you-?” He gave himself a shake. “Regardless, its magic won’t be strong enough I fear. Still...” Star Swirl scratched his wispy beard with a hoof. “It may be worth a try though.”

“What do I need to do?” I asked urgently.

“Speak to my old apprentice,” Star Swirl replied. “Tell him to follow the directions for combinations in ‘Magical Transmutational Dynamics and Quantifiable Dimensional Quadratics’.”

“What?!” I blurted.

The old wizard thumped his staff on the ground. “Just tell him to read the bloody book!

I opened my mouth to reply but the image was already gone, leaving me standing there like a lost soul. A lost soul... but with hope. “Shadow,” I breathed, “we can go home. To my home…”

The thestral mare nuzzled me and then pulled me into a hug, her wings flapping excitedly.



I stopped to collect a nice quantity of the berries for later, loading them into the basket the wood collector had left behind. I wasn’t so sure I’d need them just yet, after all my magic still felt unusually strong, but I certainly wasn’t complaining about that. “Don’t look a gift pony in the mouth”, mum would always say. I wouldn’t either. As I’d promised I collected the young mare’s wood before we headed back to the village. It was hard to concentrate though, my head was now a raging torrent of thoughts and emotions all centered around what Star Swirl had told me. We could go home! Plans began to form in my mind and my excitement spurred me into a gallop which even Shadow had trouble keeping up with. In no time at all we were back at the tribe’s hall. Forge was outside, stretching and yawning before lazily scratching at his tangled mane. Smoke wafted up from his pipe as he looked up in surprise to see us charging into the village, and especially at the large collection of wood strapped to my back.

The Earl nodded towards it and grinned mischievously. “You know, we have staff who collect the wood, Lord Fairlight. You needn’t have troubled yourself. Or is this some sort of wendigo work-out routine I’m not privy to?

I laughed. “Just doing my bit, Forge.” I glanced at Shadow who smiled back at me, her eyes sparkling. “We have news!”

It’s not those blasted ‘ghosts in the woods’ I’ve been hearing about all morning is it?” Forge groaned rubbing his eyes. “Whatever next?

With a quick tweak from my magic I took off the wood carrier and had a good shake. “They weren’t ghosts, my friend, but messengers.” I closed my eyes, savouring the words, “We have a way to send us home, at last.”

Then this is truly wonderful news!” he exclaimed loudly. The warrior clopped me on the shoulder and turned to Shadow. “Come my friends, let us ready you for your trip home without delay.” Forge trotted back up the steps into the hall, his morning fatigue vanishing like the smoke from his pipe. “Squires! Servants! Rouse your lazy heads you scoundrels, there is work to do!” With a spring in our step, Shadow and I followed him inside.

The rest of the morning was spent replenishing supplies and preparing for our return to the Beyond. Shadow was off chatting with her sister and Forge, no doubt regaling them with the details of our ‘ghostly encounter’ near the shore, leaving me to get on with the packing. I’d elected to collect my things from the bedchamber and had joined the others in the great hall rather than spending time apart from the rest of the tribe. Sitting there strapping my equipment in place I was pleasantly surprised to note that despite the excesses of the previous evening, Thorn and his warriors were as bright and alert as ever. Although admittedly they seemed a little uncomfortable accepting help from the Earl’s legion of staff, eventually even these grizzled veterans relented under their insistent onslaught. It wasn’t all business either, I’d noticed more than a few exchanged glances that were most certainly far from platonic. I smiled to myself, strapping one of the panniers to my flight suit. Relations between the Purple Sands and the Beyond looked to be about as stable as they ever could be, and you never know, with any luck it may actually prove to be a step in the right direction with regards to calming their warlike spirit. Goddess willing there may even be more foals before long too.

The overall cacophony in the hall produced by so many thestrals was actually refreshing to hear, reminding me that the world around us was far from the desolate expanse of dry nothingness I had once assumed it to be. In actual fact the Wither World was literally teeming with life. Strange life, to be sure, but life nonetheless. Here in this hive of activity armour clattered noisily, voices shouted to one another, and there was even the occasional roar of laughter. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, taking it all in. It would be a shame to leave all of this behind. I felt unexpectedly comfortable around these peculiar creatures, perhaps even more so than my own people. They had come to accept me amongst their number, fought by my side, and I had joined them in ale, dance and song - even if I didn’t know the words! But it was Shadow who it would affect the most. This was her world, her people. Her sisters were here, as well as her mother and father. I know she had made her decision, but to leave all of this behind? Dear Luna, I hope she knew what she was doing. Dreams of Equestria were all well and good, but it would be like drawing a conclusion about an entire country and culture purely from watching a movie. I mean, look at Smiling Borders for instance. The brochures painted it out to be the most luxurious and well attended holiday destination a pony could wish for. Reality however, as I’d discovered on at least one occasion, barely ever bore any resemblance to expectation.

We assembled outside the hall along with most of the tribe’s ever inquisitive villagers who had crowded round to watch the proceedings. Forge, Short Stride, Astral and a whole bevy of dignitaries had similarly gathered at the top of the steps to wish us all a final farewell. What thoughts, if any, that our hosts had about Shadow’s departure to Equestria was neither mentioned nor alluded to. In typical thestral style it had simply been accepted as ‘The will of the goddess’ as they often intoned when confronted with a situation or scenario they could do little to influence. I was relieved by that of course, the last thing I wanted was to be met with a barrage of angry opposition, although at the same time it would have put my mind at ease somewhat if somepony here had at least offered a differing opinion. Discussion was always to be welcomed. I liked to be challenged in my beliefs, made to think and reconsider my standpoint before a decision was reached. Blind acceptance of matters as being willed by some amorphous deity added little to even the mere possibility of any constructive discourse. Still, I’m sure if Shadow had any concerns she would have shared them with me. For now though, having successfully extracted herself from her sister’s embrace, she simply smiled that gentle smile of hers and shook out her wings. Suddenly a vigorous movement caught my eye from amongst the throng. It was the wood collecting mare whom we’d ‘rescued’ from certain peril on the shoreline earlier that morning, waving to us. By the looks of things we’d made a new friend here. If nothing else, at least she’d avoided having to lug all that wood home herself. Still, I’m not sure whether Star Swirl qualified as ‘peril’ particularly, however I wouldn’t put anything past that old sod, corporeal spirit or not. In any case the mare was waving at Shadow and I happily, no doubt relieved to find her ‘ghosts’ weren’t actually hungry spirits from the afterlife after all. I smiled back at her just as Forge reached us, shaking my hoof vigorously. Even Thorn received this warm gesture from the earl which I was pleased to see. Old enemies, now friends, was a little ray of sunshine in this land of eternal darkness - metaphorically speaking of course. Shadow didn’t escape either, receiving yet another hug and a kiss from her sister, making for a heart warming scene for all to see. As for Tarragon, she’d already had her morning fuss from Short Stride, and was safely snuggled inside my pannier and probably munching her way through the berries. Fortunately I’d had the foresight to mash the rest and refill my empty flasks before the little monster scoffed the lot. It wasn’t life energy, but it would be better than nothing.

And then it was time to leave. Horns blew and drums rolled out our departure. It was all a lot more than I’d expected to be honest; I felt quite the celebrity! In fact my metamorphosis from a dull grey coated pony into my wendigo self elicited such a wave of ‘Oohs’ and ‘Aahs’ from the onlookers that it had my cheeks burning in embarrassment. So it was with some relief that, with a cry from Storm Major Thorn, we leapt into the air, sand billowing up around us as we soared high into the sky. In mere moments the village that had made us feel so welcome was quickly dwindling behind us. I kept in formation with the others, feeling as though a heavy weight had been lifted from my heart. I don’t think I was the only one either. It could have been my imagination of course, but the atmosphere of our group felt lighter and more ‘alive’ than at had at the outset of our quest. Thorn’s warriors seemed re-invigorated, possibly by the knowledge that they were returning from a successfully completed mission. Better yet there had been no casualties. Only yours truly had been mangled, stabbed, fried… the usual. I sighed. With my luck going out for dinner was probably going to result in a life threatening situation. That said, I still considered myself to be one damned lucky pony. I had my own herd, a heritage that had I could be proud of, and friends.

What more could a stallion ask for?