• Published 19th May 2018
  • 2,950 Views, 8 Comments

A Queen's Perspective - Explaining Equestria - gerandakis

After the Fall Formal Incident, Sunset Shimmer promised Queen Twilight she would explain to their new friends the land they both came from. But what will their friends think of such revelations?

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Once upon a time in Sugarcube Corner ...

Much like its Equestrian counterpart, Sugarcube Corner was a small café that was surprisingly busy, yet had some quiet corners at all times. In one such corner, five girls were sitting. Four of them were easily recognizable as part of a well known group of friends at Canterlot High. Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were sitting there together with a girl whose presence might surprise some that were not up to date with recent events at the aforementioned school, Sunset Shimmer.

Sitting in their booth at the window most of the girls were looking out of the window next to them. The light snowfall was a clear sign that fall was on its last legs and winter was approaching quickly, even though it was still too warm for the snow to actually stay around. Nonetheless, all of them had warm clothing with them and were looking somewhat cold. About a month had passed since the events of the Fall Formal had united them as Friends with some help from another world.

"Sooo ... Five cups of hot cocoa for my friends!"

As they turned around their gaze fell upon a pink haired girl wearing an apron that clearly showed she was staff in the café. Pinkie Pie looked as perky as ever and not cold in the slightest.

"I'm on my break now. So what did you want to tell us Sunny?"

Pulling a milkshake from somewhere Pinkie sat down next to Fluttershy and gave Sunset an expectant look.

"Well, you know how I promised Queen Twilight I would explain to you how things were in Equestria?" At the various nods and quiet noises of affirmation, she looked to them all one by one. "Well, I don't know what she told you already, so do any of you have any questions?"

"Well darling," Rarity was obviously somewhat uncomfortable with being the first to broach such a strange subject. "Twilight said you were a Pony ..."

She didn't need to continue as Sunset instantly nodded. "I am. Well, not here, but back in Equestra I am one, a unicorn to be precise."

"A unicorn?" Applejack asked with a skeptically raised eyebrow.

"Like in fairy tales?" Fluttershy asked quietly.

"From what little I know about the fairytales of this world, more or less. Look." She reached into a pocket of her jacket and pulled out what appeared to be a small sketchbook. "The main reason why I've waited until now to tell you all about this was that I wanted to prepare a few things. I've always had a bit of a thing for painting and drawing, so I made some sketches to show you." She opened up the sketchbook and took a few moments to look through it before stopping at one page in particular. "Here, this is how I look back in Equestria."

When the girls looked at the page they saw a colored sketch of an equine with yellow fur and a wavy yellow and red mane and tail that were strongly reminiscent of Sunset's hairstyle. Most of their attention was, however, focused on the small picture on the pony's flank, looking exactly like the one on Sunset's shirt and the tip of a horn poking out of her hair.

After a few seconds Sunset grew an amused grin at seeing the other girls repeatedly look from her to her drawing and back.

"Aww, you look adorable." At Pinkie's statement Sunset's grin immediately vanished and was replaced by a slightly embarrassed expression.

"You said you were a unicorn. Are there other kinds of ponies?" Rarity gave Sunset and the drawing an inquisitive glance.

"Well yes. Before the foundation of Equestria there were the three tribes, earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns like myself. Each tribe has their own unique magic, pegasi can fly, walk on clouds, and manipulate the weather. Unicorns can focus their magic outward into telekinesis and spellcasting. Earth pony magic is the most elusive, it's not usually actively used, it's more of a passive affair. It manifests as increased physical strength and endurance as well as an innate connection with the land. They can do things like sense even weak earthquakes from hundreds of kilometers away or make plants grow faster by just standing nearby."

"Well, Pegasi definitely sound the most awesome." Rainbow cheered.

Fluttershy quietly agreed. "Flying is fun, and having wings is generally nice."

"I'd go for unicorn myself to be honest." Rarity chimed in. "Twilight's telekinesis seemed really handy."

"Ah know ah'd go fer earth pony, that connection with the land sounds great fer farmin’."

"Yup. And increased strength is great for hugs!"

The girls interrupted their discussion as they heard Sunset's snickering from beside them. After everyone looked at her questioningly, she managed to stop and spoke up herself. "Sorry, it's just that Twilight told my what each of your counterparts are and all of you just independently chose the race your counterparts are in Equestria."

At that the girls sat in stunned silence before breaking out into laughter with Sunset once more joining in. After they calmed down Sunset spoke up once more.

"Well beyond that there are the three Princesses."

"Twi told us 'bout 'em, two of 'em are coun'erparts to the principals, right?"

"Yes, there is also Princess Cadence, though she was still rather young when I left." She grew silent for a moment. After Fluttershy put a comforting hand on her shoulder, she looked up. "Thanks Fluttershy. Anyways, the three princesses are alicorns. They're pretty much a combination of all three tribes, having the magic of all three in greater measure than normal."

"Say Sunny, if Celestia is the Princess of the Sun and Luna is the Princess of the Moon, what is this Cadence then?"

"She's the Princess of Love."

"Uhh, and what does that entail, darling?"

"From how I understand it, she can see the connections between people, and when things get in the way of their love she can restore it by reminding them of the special connection they share."

"Wow, but if she has that kind of power, what can Celestia and Luna do?" Fluttershy asked quietly.

"Well they raise and lower the sun and moon every morning and evening."

Stunned silence followed that explanation.

"Okay, not sure which is more scary, the fact that you know a being that can move the sun or the fact that you're so casual about it." Rainbow finally monotoned.

After some noises of agreement Rarity chose to change topic to something less worrying. "Well anyway, I think it's a shame that we can't see how Twilight looks over there."

At that Sunset gained a satisfied expression. "I think I can help with that." She picked up the sketchbook from the table and flipped it to another page. "When I stole her crown I did actually get a good look at her, here."

As she put the book back down the girls saw a depiction of Queen Twilight flanked by two grey drones bearing what looked suspiciously like firearms. Only Sunset herself knew that she had simply drawn her memory of how Twilight had confronted her in the mirror room.

"My, my she truly does look regal." Rarity said quietly.

"Uhh, is it just me or do those, what was it? Drones? have guns?" Rainbow looked at Sunset questioningly.

"Nope, they really do have guns. From what little Twilight had time to tell me, Stripped Gear is the most technologically advanced nation in all of known Equis."

For another half hour Sunset explained various things about her homeland and showed the girls a multitude of drawings, even including a map of equestria on Which she showed them both Canterlot and Ponyville on. She explained concepts from what could be done with magic, to such things as seasons needing to be changed manually.

After some more time Pinkie explained that she had to get back to work and the others said their goodbyes as the conversation wound down.

"Thank you for telling us all this, darling."

Sunset smiled softly. "No problem Rarity, I made a promise. And I keep my promises. Well, now anyway"

"Aww, it's all good Sunny, we've forgiven you." Pinkie cheered, appearing from somewhere.

"And I'm grateful for that. But I can't forgive myself so easily." Sunset let out a sad sigh.

Seeing that, Pinkie gave the girl a tight hug. The other girls soon joined in and in the middle of the massive group hug, Sunset finally gave a small smile.

Soon enough the girls separated and went on their ways home through the cold wind and slight snow outside.

Comments ( 8 )

Nice short story.

A bit too short. But I think Sunset knew next to nothing about changelings, seeing that she didn't say Twilight is a changeling queen.

Will there be Rainbow Rocks and Friendship Games coming?


Well, A: Yes sunset all sunset knows about changelings is from twilight and her friends, she left equestria years before the canterlot invasion, before which most ponies didn't know changelings existed.

and B: yes Friendship games and Legend of Everfree are planned and Rainbow Rocks is currently WIP, thouch it may be a while yet, I'm struggling with writers block.

I enjoyed this more because it had more of an identity independent of canon. (Plus, "scenes I wish canon had included" is one of the purposes fanfiction was *made* for.)

It has typos (which I was too dozy to think to note down. Sorry.) but, this one, I have no problem upvoting.

You'll find that the ones based on the movies also have more significant changes from here on in, and sections that are more or less unchanged will usually be skipped ...


Just finished catching up to what you've written and I agree. Definitely better in later stuff.

Glad that you think so ... now if only I'd manage to get over my writer's block and stop getting distracted so I can continue writing the next part ...

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