• Published 28th Jan 2019
  • 2,445 Views, 91 Comments

Fallout: Equestria - Resistance - tom117z

One small change can alter the course of everything you know. One small change, and the Enclave have won.

  • ...

7 - Plan of Action

Chapter Seven: Plan of Action

“Good plan? Great plan.”

The Equestrian Wasteland looked so peaceful from up above.

Okay, that’s a lie. It still looks like shit.

And yet…

It did have a better look to it from the air. I guess that’s what I miss most about the old Sky Bandit, there wasn’t quite as much to worry about up here. Oh sure, the occasional raider would try and take a pot shot at you. But it never worked. Not when Calamity was the one pulling it.

I miss Calamity.

It was also a lot quicker than walking, but I could see why we didn’t take it in the first place. If the place hadn’t been about to explode, that factory probably would have picked us up from miles away. Even now I kept expecting a few pegasi to jump out after us, and so was Steampunk judging from the occasional worried glances he’d give out of the windows form the cockpit, which looked like it’d been heavily modified by the stallion to accommodate non-pegasus pilots.

The others were all letting him worry about pursuers, though, and were taking the moment to relax after our run through hell and back. Granite and his remaining squad members were silent, though, probably letting the fact that they could never go home dawn on them.

I actually hoped they wouldn’t come to regret helping us.

Stripe sat at the back, cleaning her sniper rifle and giving the occasional wistful glance at her PipBuck that made me wonder just what, or who, it was that ran through her mind. Morning Glory was also quite distant, just staring out one of the windows much as I had been, her eyes looking weathered and haunted. I wonder if mine were looking like that?

That left Liberty Bell and Coffin, both of whom were deep in discussion about the ramifications of what we’d done and just how they’d frame their report to Silver Bell and Life Bloom. I was content on leaving the official crap to them, I never was one for paperwork.

I returned to my window, watching as the dirt of the wasteland shifted to the further wasteland of the Appleoosian Desert. From deep blacks and greys to shades of brown, so not much of an improvement to be honest, but there you are. A small thought crossed my mind, however, and a frown wrinkled across my unfamiliar face.

“So, uh…” I started to say, looking up at Steampunk. “Where are we going exactly? I mean, won’t we be seen?”

“I’d say we’re fortunate not to have been already. Double so for me, seeing as I had to run the trip to get you out of that place,” he replied. “But we’re not heading back to New Appleoosa. Not directly, at least. There’s an old train tunnel used by the Equestrian military before the war, it was abandoned sometime before its end, though. The Enclave doesn’t use it, and it’s full of ghouls.”

“I thought they hated ghouls?”

“They do, but they have yet to bother to send in teams to clear them out, which works in our favour for as long as that lasts.”

“I’m sure there’s an operation for it penned somewhere, but they have bigger fish to fry than what they think isn’t a priority target,” Liberty Bell added in from the side.

“Right,” Steampunk agreed. “And it’s big. Big enough that a single vertibuck can fly through it, albeit with care, all the way to the station. We’ve retrofitted said station to hold the few vertibucks we have. It’s a squeeze, but it works.”

I hummed. “And the ghouls?”

“We try not to bother them. Besides, we have defences and barricades against them.”

“And for when the Enclave finally decides to send a team in,” Coffin interjected. “Though when that day comes, we’ll need to find a new place to store our things. Once the Enclave knows what we use the place for, they’ll send in more than we can chew.”

I had to wonder just how many times that exact thing had happened…

“Okay. Underground tunnel filled with ferals that might someday be bombed by the Enclave, got it,” I snarked. “And then what?”

“We have a tunnel dug all the way to New Appleoosa, specifically to the sub-levels of the factory our HQ is at,” Steampunk further explained. “We dug it out as a back door to escape through, and is how we found the train tunnel in the first place. It’s all worked out quite nicely so far.”

‘So far’ being the keywords, or so I’d imagine.

“We’re almost there as it is,” Steampunk then informed us. “Strap in, I’m going to need to take us in nice and carefully.”

Right. The last thing we wanted was to catch the blades of this thing on the tunnel walls.

Okay, now that I thought about it, I was starting to think I’d prefer taking my chances with the ferals…

The vertibuck made a bank, our speed slowing as Steampunk started to descend towards the ground. Keeping an eye outside, I believe I just about spotted an ancient-looking tunnel entrance between a large rocky outcropping. The tracks leading out of it were extremely dilapidated and torn up, and already I could make out shambling figures just inside the tunnel’s entrance that were probably the first of the ghouls.

And yet, with what I hoped to be great practice, Steampunk brought us down right towards it.

My stomach clenched as we passed the threshold, open sky being replaced with crumbling concrete walls that I was amazed still kept the roof up. Red bars passed by underneath us, scattering about as we passed the ferals by.

The tunnel was large, accommodating several tracks with a high ceiling clearance. But even that was barely, and I could see Steampunk’s eyes narrowed in concentration as he kept the flying machine directly central as he flew us down. Just one wrong move…

And then he started to slow down again, the tunnel opening up into a large cavernous space filled with a sudden onslaught of green bars over the red.

Looking out the window, I could tell the space used to be an extremely large station where the military kept its armoured trains and such. Now, though, it looked like most of what used to be here had been cleared out in favour of large and flat platforms that held at least three other vertibucks that I could see. Said vertibucks were being worked on by ponies and griffons in dirty overalls while armoured guards cautiously watched our descent.

There was a bump as we touched down, and I think we all must have shared a collective inner sigh of relief.

“Thank you for flying Air Steampunk, you may all kindly disembark,” the stallion quipped as he turned to regard us all with a smirk. “But seriously, you have better get moving. I need to give this baby a look over for any damage.”

“Right. Thanks for the save, Steampunk,” I said to him as I got up from my seat.

“Think nothing of it. You all did a hell of a thing. Silver Bell was right to have me pick you up, Sparkplug.”

“Yes, she was…” Coffin mused, looking thoughtfully at me in what I really hope wasn’t suspicion.

“Well, my mother does know how to pick ‘em!” Liberty Bell chirped, giving me an enthusiastic side hug that made my cheeks burn for the millionth time. “She found the rest of you, right?”

“Technically, I found her,” Coffin lightly retorted. “But point taken.”

We all hopped down and out of Steampunk’s veribuck, leaving the stallion behind to run whatever checks he needed to do on the flying machine. A few wary glares were sent at the Enclave soldiers who stepped off with us, though a quick nod from Liberty Bell set them at ease. Likewise, the mare shared a few words with a passing member of the Resistance who then asked the squad to follow him.

The pegasi glanced between one another, but then nodded. Granite shot me a glance of apprehension as he started to depart, but then turned away and vanished amongst the activity in the station.

Coffin hummed, still eying me thoughtfully.

“I’d quite like to get moving,” Morning Glory spoke up, gaining all of our attention. “I have been a captive for several decades and I think a hot bath would be the least I could ask for?”

Liberty Bell gave her a nod. “Oh, I’m sure we can find you something. Though, Mom and Life Bloom will probably want to ask you some question…”

Morning Glory rolled her eyes, but then something Liberty said seemed to register inside her head.

“Life Bloom? As in Tenpony Tower’s Life Bloom?”

“That would be the one!”

Glory seemed to pause a minute, thinking to herself. “Hm, in that case… But I still want that bath first!”

“We’ll figure something out,” Coffin said. “We still got a trek ahead of us, though. Tunnel goes a deep way before reaching New Appleoosa.”

“Well then, do lead the way.”

Coffin didn’t need asking twice, turning his back on us and walking away. We moved to follow the stallion, and I found myself taking up the rear to stay out of his way for the time being. I mean, I get it, I’d probably be a bit weirded out too if some strange mare turned up out of the blue, apparently just some random pony, but then can do the stuff I can do. That, and my many slip-ups about the whole in the future thing...

I didn’t like lying to him about who I was. Maybe I could convince Silver Bell and Life Bloom to include him? He seemed like a guy who could keep quiet, be I also knew he really didn’t like his friends keeping secrets from him. What would he do if he found out on his own? Would I still be his idol after I lied to him?

As totally weird as his worship is, the thought of being revealed to not quite be the godly figure he’s built up in his head after all this time.

No, that Lightbringer wouldn’t have let all this happen in the first place.

Goddesses, I’m really disappointing, aren’t I?

Ugh, not thinking about it anymore. I just wanted to get back to the Resistance’s headquarters and get some food in my stomach. And some sleep. Yeah, now that my thoughts had turned to it, I was starting to realise just how drained I was feeling.

Welcome home, Pip…

We moved into a small dark space dug out of the station’s wall, the tunnel beyond being mostly pitch-black beyond from the small motes of light dotted around at various intervals from small magical lamps. We had to squeeze in single file so not to get stuck, leaving the Resistance’s impromptu vertibuck storage behind and taking the underground passage back to the factory’s sub-level in New Appleoosa.

The air quickly started to thin out, a noticeable nip accompanying the dark. My coat stood on end as I even saw a bit of my own breath, and I suddenly found myself intensely disliking this passage. I guess it beats a horde of Enclave guards, but fuck me with an alicorn’s horn this place was claustrophobic.

But, after walking for quite some time, we started to incline upwards. A light made itself know at the end of the tunnel, Coffin breathing a very audible sigh of relief as trotted briskly up towards the opening.

We moved through it, a wave of warm air wonderfully hitting us as we emerged into a small room that was entirely empty beyond a single bare table and a ceiling turret idly pointing towards the only doorway leading out from here. Several green bars were already appearing on my Eyes Forward Sparkle from beyond that door, making me figure that we’d safely made it back to their headquarters.

“Well, we’re home!” Liberty Bell proudly announced. “You all should take a load off, I’ll go talk to Mum and see about getting somepony to get Ms Glory her bath.”

“That would be appreciated…” Morning Glory replied, stretching out her wings as it seemed like a world’s worth of weight seemed to fall from her back.

“I’ll go with you, I gotta talk to them anyhow…” Coffin said a little too cryptically. “The rest of ya’ll go on ahead. It’ll be a while probably before the bosses want to hear from us.”

“Then let me the first to bid you all farewell,” Stripe said as she moved forward, turning briefly back towards us. “Let us hope our efforts were enough. But do not rest easy, for with all I have seen I know the Enclave will take no time to lick their wounds.”

“At least we saved a whole bunch of ponies those tanks would have killed, right?” I said to the zebra, trying pretty hard to get some cheer from her.

She just gave me a sad, tired smile. “Little pony, just because you spend so much effort to save some souls one day, do not believe that something else won’t take them the next.”

And with that, she left.

“Forgive her, she wouldn't have come with us if she didn’t think we weren’t making a difference,” Liberty Bell assured me. “Those friends she lost? Well, they gave everything to save some… people a long time ago. Then the Enclave wiped those people out anyway.”

I stared at the door where she’d departed. “Yeah, I get how she feels…”

“One story of countless. Our cause has always picked up the lost and dreary,” Coffin dryly noted. “It’s why we fight so fucking hard.”

“Anyway, we should go. Glory, would you mind following Coffin and I?” She gave Liberty Bell a nod. The unicorn smiled in turn, before then turning to look at me. “Hey, get some rest, Spark. I think you need it.”

My everything agreed.

But first, that food…

After giving my newfound friends some final farewells, I left them behind and started moving through the halls of the base. I still wasn’t super familiar with its layout, but I remembered enough to make my way into the mess hall. Just follow the smell, right?

The room wasn’t anywhere near as packed as the last time I’d been in here. I guess most people were helping out around the place at this time of day. Still, there was still some leftover food on the counter, so I grabbed a plate and started to help myself. My stomach gave a final pleading growl as I took my reward and threw myself down at the nearest table. It wasn’t the most substantial portion, a couple of apples and a sandwich, but it was more than welcome.

With food started to give me a bit of extra energy, I started to think again. I tried my best to keep from thinking about my friends, how I got here, all of that depressing crap. It was really hard, but I tried.

Instead, I turned my thoughts to New Appleoosa itself. All the ponies up above, living the Enclave lifestyle while most of Equestria suffered. How many of them actually believed in the Enclave’s bullshit? How many just turned a blind eye because they were scared or, infuriatingly, simply didn’t want to risk their pampered lives.

I finished my meal, leaning back in my chair as my eyes drifted up towards the ceiling.

Ah, fuck it. I was going for a walk.

In the city.

Okay, this was probably pretty stupid. But I just felt a burning need to see it. The once peaceful trader town I’d stayed in fresh out of the stable, turned into a hotbed of entitled assholes who hurt innocent ponies.

I did this to them.

Argh, stop it! Focus, Pip. Just go for that walk, maybe it’ll clear your head…

I got up onto the table, absentmindedly levitating my tray back over to the counter for washing as I exited the cafeteria in a hurry. As much as I wanted some fresh air, I made a stop at the bunk the Resistance had provided me to drop off some of my gear. Anything that I wasn’t keeping in my PegWing was left behind, didn’t want to practically leave a sign above my head telling the Enclave “She’s a freedom fighter, shoot her in the knees!”.

But after I had dumped all my junk, I made straight for the exit and blew past anypony else in my way.

Heading up into the factory out of the sub-level, my ears were assaulted by the grinding of tools and the thumps of machinery, ponies working the factory not giving me barely a second look as I passed them by. I wonder how many knew about the headquarters, and how many workers were actually Enclave supporters and kept in the dark by their coworkers.

It couldn’t be all that many. The Resistance had to keep the sub-level a secret somehow.

And to have built it in the first place. Now, I’m not an expert on being all sneaky about stuff, our many ‘attempted’ stealth missions were a fucking clue in on that, but there was no way in Luna’s milky moon tits that they could have pulled it off without their support.

I guess that’s comforting? Eh. I just needed some fresh, not to internally debate who all this shit came together.

And yet I’m still doing it…

Shut up, brain.

I moved through the factory until I managed to find the door leading out into New Appleoosa, taking hold of them with my magic and bursting out into the sunlight.

Actual sunlight.

Even if this fucked up fake utopia, I still couldn’t get over how beautiful it was to see with my own eyes. Looking up at it still took my breath away, just like it had the first time I had gone up to see Watcher.

To see Spike…

Funny, I had half expected to see a Spritebot come up to me by now and preach about the Magic of Friendship. I wonder what happened to that dragon…

I hope he’s out there, somewhere. Just watching, like he always does.


I wonder what he would think of me now? He put his trust in me. To lead my friends, to do the right thing…

Dammit, the fresh air was meant to stop me from thinking about how badly I messed up. Now I’m just thinking of more reasons to feel like crap.

Stupid useless fresh air…

I gave a sigh. I still had barely stepped a single hoof outside of the factory, maybe an actual walk around the city would clear my head. That is why I came out here in the first place, and it was worth a try if nothing else.

Maybe getting pissed off at the Enclave was just my go-to distraction.

I started to move again, heading down the pathway and past the impossibly green grass surrounding it towards the buildings and roads that made up the city. I still couldn’t get over how a place as beautiful as this could have been created by complete fuck heads.

I suppose I was used to seeing bad guys live in places like Red Eye’s Fillydelphia, dirty and full of radiation, disease and death.

Then again, I suppose with the beauty comes the pre-war luxury. Why would the Enclave want to live in anything less?

I just wish they were more like this Thunderhead that Glory had lived in, an Enclave that actually wanted to coexist with everyone else and share in all of this. Imagine the good that could have come our way if the entirety of the Enclave had been like that. No slavery, no racism and segregation, no mindless slaughter and genocide in the name of some bullshit idea of ‘purity’ and general superiority.

Equestria could have looked like this again. All species working together in friendship, trying to actually build something of the Equestria that existed before the war broke out. Maybe somepony could have activated Gardens of Equestria?

The Gardens… Did the Enclave find it? Could Spike protect it? If not, what would they have done with it? I highly doubt any of them were exactly worthy to wield the Elements of Harmony.

Just like I hadn’t been.

Now we just have these little Enclave-controlled oases, everything outside left to toil and die so they can maintain it for themselves.

Maybe coming out here was a mistake, as much as I hated feeling like crap, I wasn’t sure I liked the fire beginning to pump through my veins either. The last time I had gotten so fucking angry…

Arbu happened.

Goddesses, when was the exact moment I became one of the most screwed up ponies in the Equestrian Wasteland?

I stopped, looking around and realising that I had walked my way through several streets while I’d been stuck in my thoughts. And, actually, I wasn’t entirely sure where I was…

Why did the Enclave have to change the layout of this place so much?

An Enclave patrol passed by, but they didn’t give me so much as a second glance. Other ponies were walking the streets around me, not paying me any attention as they went about their own days. Some of them seemed almost eerily cheerful, acting as if all in the world was good and nothing existed beyond the giant walls around us.

Others looked more uncertain, giving that patrol nervous looks before hurrying along.

I crossed the street, moving towards a building that had glass covering most of the front to reveal a few tables and a counter which had a pony serving drinks. I knew a bar when I saw one, and I sure as hell could use a cider or something.

Just one. Never was actually overly keen on the stuff, I guess my mother put me off the idea of alcohol with what it turned her into.

But I’ll make an exception this once.

Oh! They have Sparkle-Cola! Forget everything I just said, I was having that!

I trotted over to the bartender, passing a younger couple before presenting myself before the stallion.

He looked at me critically, eyeing my apparel. “Enclave technician, judging by the uniform. Haven’t seen you around with the other work crews, when did you sign up?”

“Oh, um… recently!” I quickly answered. “I’m a little new.”

“Ah, I see,” he said in understanding. “Buy your way in or are your folks in the military?”

“I feel like I’m the one who is usually meant to ask the barkeeper questions. You know, about rumours and stuff.” Please don’t notice that I’m deflecting!

He chuckled. “Fair enough. So, what can I get a patriot to our fair nation?”

I raised an eyebrow. “So, you support the Enclave, right?”

All of a sudden, he seemed to squirm and look rather uncomfortable. “Y-yes, ma’am! Love the Enclave, what would we do without them? Heh, nothing but support our end of New Appleoosa…”

He was such a terrible liar, but I guess the uniform had him thinking I was actually some kind of Enclave authority. Even as just a technician.

Thank you, Life Bloom, for the believable cover.

I gave him a disarming smile. “Hey, you’re not in trouble. Relax.”

“Oh, okay, good,” he said in relief, sighing before attempting to build himself back up to something of a confident manner. “My apologies, the last employee your forces questioned like that got dragged away. Never saw Helping Hooves again.”

I couldn’t help but cringe. I guess even a lot of the ponies inside the inner city lived in constant fear, even without the added danger of the normal wasteland. My thoughts turned to those nervous ponies outside compared to the ones completely relaxed and happy as can be. Just how many ponies inside this place were actually supportive of what the Enclave were doing, and how many lived here simply because it was better than the alternative?

Part of me wanted to hate the latter for sucking up to the Enclave just to get a better life rather than standing and fighting for something better for everypony. But another part of me kinda understood. What if he had a family?

That actually made me feel even more on edge standing out in public. Who knew how many ponies around me were good and normal, and who actually thought the Enclave wiping out all other sapient species to be a good thing?

“Just a Sparkle-Cola, please,” I asked of him, eager to just get my drink and sit down a while.

“Oh? Not AeroFizz?” he asked, and I frowned in confusion. “I’ve heard that’s what most Enclave are being encouraged to drink nowadays?”

“I must have missed that…” I muttered.

“Really? It’s all over the radio and televised broadcasts. Replacing pre-war beverages with their own versions… Never had it myself, but there you are.”

They were even making their own soft drinks now? I wonder who came up with that one.

“Tell you what,” he began, extracting a bottle from behind him. It looked oddly like Sparkle-Cola. Both the liquid and the bottle, only with a different label. “Since you’re such a patriot, I’ll give you a free taste. If you don’t like it, I’ll hoof you a Sparkle-Cola free.”

Huh? “You don’t need to-”

“Just to assure you that I AM a supporter!” I said with almost a hint of desperation.

Poor guy.

I decided to play along, taking the bottle in my magic and loosening the lid. The smell of sugar and diabetes hit my nostril, and I hesitated for just a moment before giving the liquid a sip.


I mean, it wasn’t ‘great’. It tasted a lot like a sugary syrup more than anything. But it wasn’t actually as bad as I was expecting from something Enclave-made. It certainly beat their taste in music. Yeah, if I had a bottle of this out in the wasteland I wouldn’t mind drinking it every now and then. And yet, it just didn’t have quite the same ‘zing’ as Sparkle-Cola. I think it was the lack of a carroty aftertaste, it just felt like it was missing something.

“Don’t like it?” he asked worriedly.

“Actually, it’s alright,” I responded. “Just no Sparkle-Cola.”

“Fair, I’ll swap you,” he said, sliding the AeroFizz back towards himself and hoofing me over a Sparkle-Cola instead. “Between you and me, I think they’re running out of Sparkle-Cola. After two hundred years, I think most bottles have been found and drank.”

Yeah, that made sense. I guess there always was going to be a time where the world lost its last bottle.

“Some pegasus company up top is trying to replicate the recipe, but I guess they’re having a little trouble,” he continued, pointing a hoof upwards. “Anyway, enjoy your drink!”

I thanked him, finding my way to a small two pony table in the corner and sitting down with the cola nestled between my hooves. My eyes glanced around the bar, seeing only a few other occupants remaining. They were all engrossed in their own drinks and meals, so my eyes trailed up to the box-shaped object hanging on the wall.

Was that a television? I’d see busted ones in pre-war homes, but never a working one.

“Welcome to Neighvarro News Network! The Grand Equestrian Enclave’s ONLY televised news channel. Sponsored by the Enclave military and High General Death Scythe herself!”


Curiously, the image of the pegasus behind the desk was actually in colour. That was… new.

“The glorious and ever-powerful High General Death Scythe has released a report showing a recent string of victories against the terrorist organisation that continues to threaten the safety of pony civilisation. These raiders are highly dangerous and deranged, and we remind loyal citizens to report any strange activity.”


“Death Scythe has continued to lead the Enclave’s heroic efforts against the dreaded terrorist leader, reportedly known as ‘Warlord Silver Bell’, who became prolific after her personally attempted assassination of the High General, leaving our leader severely wounded.”

Wait, Silver Bell did what!?

“Now the High General continues to lead the efforts against these vile elements and their alien allies. Silver Bell, reportedly the unholy child of a ghoul criminal, is a living reminder to us of the danger that comes from falling under the influence of non-ponies.”

I subtly lit my horn, letting my magic reach out inside of the television until… Ah, that felt important.


Something came free inside the box, and it immediately fell silent. Fortunately, nopony seemed to notice, too engrossed in whatever it was they were doing.

But I was MUCH happier not listening to Neighvarro’s bullshit. They called Ditzy a criminal! Now, that just wasn’t going to fly.

And I notice they’re not even talking about the fact that their death machine factory just went up in smoke. I guess Death Scythe doesn’t want ponies to know about that.


I picked up my Sparkle-Cola and took a swing. By the time I was done, around a quarter of the bottle was already empty. With a small satisfied sigh, I put it back down and stared down at my own hooves. That news broadcast was really bugging me. My Homage… She broadcasted the truth, no matter how bad it hurt. This guy was just making it up as he went along. I mean, ‘Warlord’ Silver Bell? Seriously?

It made me wonder, though. How many more ponies who had never been outside of these walls believed them? How could they now, if they have never been allowed to see the truth and make judgements for themselves?

All those pegasi up above, as oblivious as they were forty years ago while the soldiers they thought were heroes continued to stomp people into the dirt the same way raiders would. Granite had indicated as much, and he’d been one of the few to actually develop a conscience despite what their superiors had expected.

He reminded me of Steelhooves in a way. The Steel Rangers had been selfish, thinking themselves above everypony else. Then Steelhooves and the Applejack’s Rangers rebelled against that idea, falling back on the ideals of Applejack about protecting rather than dominating.

I wonder where the Rangers are now. We could use that amount of firepower.

I heard the chair opposite me move, and I looked up to see an increasingly familiar stallion sit down opposite me. He gave me a curious look, that eyebrow of his meeting his mane.

“Sparkplug,” Steampunk greeted me.

“Steam,” I muttered in reply. “You stalking me now?”

He chuckled. “Hardly. I was sent to bring you back, actually.”

“I just wanted a walk.”

“Which is dangerous when unnecessary,” he scolded. “You should have at least told somepony first. You were on that… ‘task’ recently, you never know if ponies might have gained knowledge of your face.”


“Coffin was there too…” I retorted lamely.

“He has the advantage of a father who’d shoot down such claims without hard proof, given his position,” he pointed out. “You do not, as far as I am aware at least.”

Ugh… Why do smart ponies have to have good points?

I sighed. “Alright, let me just finish this.”

He nodded. “Alright, just hurry it up. The Boss wants to talk to you anyway.”

I guess Silver Bell is ready for that debrief. That was faster than I expected.

I took another sip before I then stared right into Steampunk’s eyes. “So… I hear on the news that Silver Bell almost killed the High General.”

Steampunk bit his lip, looking around at the other patrons. “Yes… That ‘terrorist’ did almost assassinate the High General a while back. I hear that a mole in her staff allowed a small resistance force in and Silver Bell beat her half to death and damn near plunged a blade into her heart before reinforcements drove them off.”

“But she survived…?”

“Of course. Ever since, the High General has been quite… persistent in her pursuit of Silver Bell and her allies in particular. More so than any other group, even the Applejack’s Rangers.”

If that wasn’t an obsession, I don’t know what is.

I hummed, chugging down the rest of my Sparkle-Cola before I stood up, Steampunk following after me. I pulled out a couple of bits and levitated them over to the counter, the barkeeper looking pleasantly surprised. I then left the bar, Steam following right behind me.

“Alright,” I said to the stallion. “Let’s get back.”

Steampunk led the way as we walked through the Resistance HQ, the two of us safely back down in the factory’s sub-level. He’d given me a further lecture on subtlety as we went, and I just nodded and kept on going as he did.

He wasn’t wrong, but I was glad for the small rest anyway.

From what I could gather, he was leading me back towards the meeting room where we had discussed the factory previously. This was confirmed as we rounded a corner and the doorway to said room came into sight, though my ear twitched as I swore I heard some slightly raised voices inside.

That twitch quickly became a full wilt as we opened the door to Coffin’s irritated shout. He was standing opposite Silver Bell and Life Bloom, his helmet resting on a table nearby as he looked like he was about to enter a fight.

“-aren’t you telling me about her!?”

“Coffin, we have discussed this…” Silver Bell said patiently.

“That you picked her up as a fresh Enclave recruit who saw the truth, I gathered,” Coffin remarked disbelievingly. “I can tell a lie when I hear one as blatant as that. I do not appreciate being told bullshit by a friend and ally. Ever.”

Steampunk loudly cleared his throat, all eyes turning towards us as I stood there a little sheepishly, unable to meet Coffin’s gaze.

I guess the cover story was no longer as believable as it had been.

“Sparkplug, the mare in question,” Coffin said, though, with noticeably less hostility than what was directed at Silver Bell and Life Bloom, Morning Glory just standing awkwardly in one corner while probably pretending to be somewhere else. “I’m guessing they’ve gone and ordered you to keep quiet about something, right?”


“Don’t answer that,” Silver Bell interrupted sharply, turning back towards Coffin. “Drop it, now. You have a job to do.”

He huffed. “Fine. But if I find out that whatever you’re making her hide is gonna hurt her, I’m going to have a few things to say.”

Coffin thought that they were making me keep silent about my past? I mean… he’s not wrong in a way, but not in the same context as he’s probably imagining.

And, somehow, I doubted he would remain so passive towards me if he knew the full extent of the lie.

“Anyway,” Life Bloom interrupted. “Thank you for retrieving Sparkplug, Steampunk. You may go.”

“Alright. Ma’am,” he said with a nod at Silver Bell before leaving the room.

With the door shut behind him, this left just the four of us. Silver Bell softly cleared her throat, preparing to speak.

“Now then…” she began. “Morning Glory here has been rather informative, and I think you should hear what she has to say for yourselves.”

I frowned. “You’re not wanting to hear about what happened at the factory.”

“I know enough. For now… Miss Glory?”

Glory gave Silver Bell and inquisitive look. “Coffin is right about one thing. You are trusting a recruit with a lot here.”

“She’s reliable,” Silver Bell defended. “Just tell her what you told me.”

“If you insist…” Morning Glory began, clearing her throat. “For the past few decades I have been in the ‘employ’ of the Enclave, working towards whatever next big project they have their eyes on. Naturally, they tried to keep me away from any information no necessary for my work. But I still heard things, I had plenty of time to learn. I could overhear how they’re spread far thinner than they’d like anypony to believe, how Death Scythe’s war machine is leading to a shortage in the economy.”

“All obvious signs that the Enclave isn’t as stable as they’d like us all to think,” Life Bloom mused. “But nothing we hadn’t already surmised ourselves.”

“But what your Resistance didn’t know is how valuable New Appleoosa really is to them.”

“Valuable? The pegasi above put value on all their land cities, it’s how they control the wasteland around them,” Coffin stated.

“But New Appleoosa is the only one that so happens to be the home of Death Scythe’s most senior underling,” she pointed out. “And all his secrets.”

“Secrets that could win us the war,” Silver Bell concurred.

“What secrets are we talking about?” I asked. Gotta admit, I was rather done with world-shattering secrets. It’s what got us into this mess to begin with, at least in part.

“You don’t think that the Enclave got as big and powerful as it is through mining mountain tops, did you?” Morning Glory asked. “That they’ve managed to amass such advanced technology?”

I have to admit, I did find it strange. I only had to look at the PegWing on my hoof to see the ridiculous advances they had made in only a few years.

“By all estimates, the Enclave shouldn’t have even half the armaments they have today only forty years after a megaspell apocalypse. An increased raptor fleet, power armour improvements, more efficient weapon designs and maybe a couple of these cities at most. Easily enough for their economy back when to handle.”

“But here we are, with Enclave cities dotting the wastes,” Life Bloom added. “Hades tanks are only the tip of the iceberg. Anything from the technological advances of the PipBuck to the number of materials required to build any of this… It just doesn’t seem possible, not unless they’ve somehow got the infrastructure of the old world. Which they don’t even have now.”

“And yet they keep making advances as if they have, even if the general flow of bits can’t keep up,” Morning Glory continued. “Whatever Death Scythe found to make all of this possible, some of it is in this city. That’s why Grim Gallop is here, and that’s why they would never just drop a balefire bomb on this place if we took it.”

“Wait, you’re wanting us to seize New Appleoosa!?” Coffin baulked. “We don’t have the numbers or equipment for that! Never mind that Grim Gallop has a working Hades tank!”

I had to agree, even for me that was a little crazy!

Silver Bell noded, apparently also conceding the point. “I know. Which is why we’ll need the Applejack’s Rangers to make it work.”


“If we take the city, the Enclave won’t want to risk losing whatever information they have stored here in a megaspell detonation,” Life Bloom explained. “And between us and the former Steel Rangers, we will have the numbers and firepower to both take and hold the city as a staging ground for further engagement.”

“You really think this information is that valuable?” Coffin asked cautiously.

“If it leads to the secret of their success? Yes,” Morning Glory answered. “We might be able to use it ourselves. And if not, destroy it. Losing whatever is getting them these materials would stem the flow, and it might even be enough to entirely force the Enclave’s economy into collapse.”

“They can’t fight us while their own cities enter the ensuing meltdown,” Life Bloom said. “It would be chaos. Nations can be felled by more than radiation and explosions.”

“Which is why Sparkplug and Coffin are going to recruit them,” Silver Bell suddenly announced.

Suddenly feeling the pressure, I glanced to see if Coffin was feeling it too.


Oh, he was.

Silver Bell raised a hoof to halt any incoming objections. “This is important. The Steel Rangers are currently occupied in Stable 12, which was a fact only known to myself and Life Bloom. At least until now.”

A stable? I suppose they lost Stable 29 when the Enclave first rolled through, and it makes sense they found a replacement.

Though, I couldn’t imagine there were many others unraided by the Enclave.

“How come the Enclave haven’t found them?” Morning Glory asked as if she read my mind. “The Enclave received a list of most stables years ago from Stable-Tec HQ. Pried from the dead hooves of the Steel Ranger chapter there.”

“Not Stable 12. The data must have been corrupted, because this one was found long after the Enclave sent expeditions to the others,” Life Bloom answered. “The stable was empty when they found it, and they decided to make their home there. They stay hidden, we only know about it because one of their members secretly entrusted us, just in case the time ever came.”

“Members?” I asked. “Who?”

Life Bloom looked right at me. “Her name is Velvet Remedy. You may have heard of her, Sparkplug.”

Velvet! Velvet was in Stable 12!? Would that mean Calamity was as well!? He had to be, since they had both joined up!

Oh, I was SO there!

“It won’t be easy,” Silver Bell wanted. “They might still be hesitant after the last time we banded together. We lost Junction R-7 that day, almost the entire damned Resistance.”

“It’s been decades, they have to be ready to try again,” Life Bloom said hopefully.

“Maybe, but I don’t like to assume. If they hesitate, you’ll have to get them on side however you can,” Silver Bell said to us.

Coffin remained in thought for a moment, but he then nodded. “Alright. We’ll see to it. I got Sparkplug’s back if she has mine.”

I gave him an attempted disarming grin. “You bet! I want to leave right away.”

He frowned. “You seem eager.”

Oh! Right, he’s suspicious…

“Eagerness is good, this is important,” Silver Bell jumped in. “We need the Applejack’s Rangers if we want to have any hope at all.”

“I would be careful about dealing with them,” Morning Glory warned. “When I was following Blackjack, our encounters with the Steel Rangers more often than not led to bullets being fired.”

“These are Applejack’s Rangers, they left the Steel Rangers to follow a more moral code before the Enclave gained control over anything,” Life Bloom pointed out.

“I know. Still…”

“You will set out first thing tomorrow morning,” Silver Bell announced. “While you’re gaining us some support, we’ll be planning the assault. Morning Glory has already decided to set up something of a lab for both dissecting some of the Enclave’s technology and preparing to receive that data should we succeed.”

“I’ll get whatever we need. My mentor thought me something of a prodigy,” Glory claimed proudly.

Clearly, the Enclave had agreed with her mentor.

“There is… another matter,” Life Bloom then interrupted.

“Yeah, that…” Silver Bell said with a sigh. “There is a small issue. A contact in Grim Gallop’s inner circle sent us this recording…”

Silver Bell wandered over to a nearby terminal, tapping away at the keys for a few moments before my PegWing buzzed. I looked down at it, seeing a file being remotely downloaded into its hard drive. It completed quickly, and I scrolled over to the file and allowed it to play.

Rather than just an audio recording that I might have gotten on my old PipBuck, a fully coloured video began to play. The recording showed an office from the view of a security camera, a grim-faced pegasus stallion sitting behind an elaborate ornate desk while a unicorn mare that honestly looked more like a raider than any kind of Enclave pony stood opposite him while examining some of the office’s decorations.

“Sheesh, you really fucking love your pampered shit, don’t you?”

“I didn’t bring you here to discuss the decor, ‘Colonel’,” the pegasus, Grim Gallop if there voice was an indication, deadpanned. “We lost a major asset to these rebels. Our soldiers stand out, but you blend in with the rest of the filth outside our walls, Rope Gallows.”

Rope Gallows scoffed. “Yeah, you’re a cunt as well. So what exactly do you want me to do about it?”

“Your job,” he snapped. “You find these ponies and eliminate them. You do this, and the Enclave will continue to turn a blind eye to your little band of lunatics as they continue to plunder, rape and do whatever it is you savages do to the ponies in the outer cities.”

“Call me all you want, Grim. But who knows? I might have your job one day,” she taunted, getting a twitch out of his eyes and he seemed to barely restrain his anger. “You even know who these ponies are?”

“Nopony left alive saw their faces. No security footage would have survived the blast,” Grim Gallop responded, letting out a calming breath. “But I trust you can keep your eyes peeled.”

“If they came from the local cell, then they’ll probably be out on another job soon,” Rope Gallows deduced with more intelligence than I’d think from a raider. “If they make a move, me and my boys will be on them.”

“Be sure that you do. The Enclave is watching.”


The recording ended, and I was left with a single rather big question…

“Who the fuck was that!?”

“Rope Gallows,” Life Bloom replied. “One of the few raider bosses left in the Equestrian Wasteland. And those few are only allowed to be so because of how spread out the Enclave are, they often send them to do their dirty work.

I frowned. The Enclave were working with raiders now? “Right, and they give them ranks, too?”

“Rope Gallows is a… special case. Her gang’s former boss was part of this deal, but Rope Gallows is both smart and far more willing to work with the Enclave. Her skills got their attention, and she joined up. She got into SG, and eventually returned to challenge and kill the former boss to take over the gang. She helped spread her newfound training to them, and now they’re Death Scythe’s go-to gang.”

She joined the who? “What’s SG?”

“Storm Guard,” Coffin supplied helpfully. “According to Uncle Ern, they got the name from some ruthless fighting force from pre-war times. Intelligence gathering and elite operations. They used to be the Wonderbolts, but the name and structuring changed after the Enclave took power.”

“And this one has a pack of raiders at her back,” Life Bloom stated.

It’s still weird, I would have thought the Enclave ego would have stopped them from getting help from anypony. “I’m kinda surprised they haven't just killed them all.”

“It is inevitable, once their usefulness has been outlived I’m sure that ‘Colonel Gallows’ will probably turn on her own gang in a heartbeat to ensure her own survival. But for the moment, their deal allows them to raid with impunity so long as it’s not on anypony with Enclave citizenship. In turn, they help out the Enclave with their little problems when they are short hooved.”


“I’ve also sent the location of Stable 12 to your map,” Silver Bell stated. “Get some rest, and be prepared. Rope Gallows is very skilled at hunting down her targets, she will come after you the moment you try to leave the area.”

“You’re so sure she’ll spot us?” Coffin questioned.

“She always does.”

Well, that’s comforting. Tomorrow we would be right back at it with barely a moment of rest, running across the wasteland with not only the Enclave hunting us but also a band of raiders led by one who was actually intelligent.

But the reward?

If it meant reuniting with my friends… Any risk was worth it.

Footnote: Level 5

New Perk: Intrepid Hacker - Your companion has given you an extra hacking attempt if you get locked out of a terminal.