• Member Since 17th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago



A purple miscellany of minifics.

Written for the RariLight Bomb event.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 63 )

I believe you've captured Rarity's attitude perfectly here, down to the gratuitous French. :raritystarry:

Aww! Lovely little moment.

This will be a wedding hard to beat, though I expect Rainbow Dash will try, eventually.

I have to appreciate the suitable etymology of "Knackerton Gore." Though i imagine a real Knackerton in Equestria would be a truly disturbing place.

Also, I adore Old Shuffles's unlifetime achievement award.

And in countless capitals around the world...

"What do you mean 'They have a spare'!?"

Hahaha This was definitely inspired at least in part by Pirates of the Caribbean

Hey, if it's good enough for Pirates of the Caribbean. (Kelpies of the Caraban?)

A lovely string of firecrackers to add to the Raritwi Bomb. I'd ask to see you take on my favorite pairing, but since that involves the human dimension, I'll just appreciate what you gave us here. Thank you for it.

She won't stint on the maelstroms when it's her turn to get hitched. Heavens help the hapless spouse who may object, though it's more likely the heavens'll be inflicted on them instead. Glad you've liked Dawn's wee moment, as well as Rarity's attitude in Mereswine.

Oh, definitely. Weddings on ships in the midst of heavy combat need to be a more common trope. :pinkiehappy:

Glad you approve, PotC rip-offs and puns based on theatrical makeup and all! Old Shuffles was far too much fun a detail to not include once I'd conceived of him. :twilightsmile:


Is it cheaper or more expensive to use an actual zombie for monster movies, I wonder? On the other hand, it's not like you need to PAY the zombie...wait, does that violate some labor law? Are the undead unionized?


My only real question is why Discord stole the tortoises. Was he trying to have them race against Angel to see if that old aesop was true?

On a related note I've been to the Galapagos. I had the honor of meeting a tortoise that was the last of his kind. He's dead now. His entire species is extinct.

Also will Rarity be satisfied with a hurried wedding, or will she demand a more extravagant one later?

Ambiguity on the subject of zombie labour law has been such a blessing for the Equestrian film industry, and they'd definitely prefer to keep it that way. Shuffles' own opinions have largely been kept to himself, barring the odd gurgle.

Was it this lad you met? I remember being scunnered to hear about him being the last of his kind a while back, and doubly scunnered when I heard of him passing away.

And aye, once the impatience had petered out and they were back on Equestrian terra firma, a fancier wedding would have been in the offing. No telling what might interrupt that one, though. :raritywink:

Taken as approval, and thank you! :twilightsmile:

"And that’s not an actual flesh-eating zombie."
I was planning to upvote this when I finished, but I wasn't sure if I was going to Favourite it or not. After this paragraph, decision made! :D

Glad Old Shuffles helped you decide! :twilightsmile:


I thought mulberry was a darker, more reddish purple?
Ah, it doesn't matter. Lovely opening story.

And if I hadn't already decided to Favourite it... :D

Glad you like it! I'll confess I've got less than zero eye for picking out shades, though the wiki itself seems to reckon Twilight's a 'pale, light grayish mulberry'. Deid shocking after years of presuming she was lavender.


“Avast! Or yarr, even?” The perky pink party pony, evidently done with the earlier scrum of violence, popped her head up from where she’d been loading a carronade with mounds of stale buns, smiling brightly.

I guess she has to make do when the party cannon isn't available. Also, nice alliteration! Also also, nice story!

She's a talented mare at improvising. Glad the alliteration appeals, as does the story overall!

Eh. Colors are so subjective--I'm convinced everyone sees them differently--that I can't really criticize. If the wiki says mulberry, sure. I'm going to keep calling it lavender, just because that's what makes the most sense to my color-naming conventions.

Dayum, son! The Ebon Dragon himself would be hard pressed to top that wedding! Very nicely done!

Well this was entertaining. I can just picture every attempt at a wedding Twilight and Rarity have getting quite handily derailed by villains of the day or the like. At least once by Chrysalis (even if she is reformed) just for old times sake even. And oddly inspiring as the idea that their little conflicts keep ramping up as time goes on is an amusing one I would love to see done.

Well they were all good but this? This is glorious.

Glad you like it! There's definite story potential in Twilight and Rarity's eternally-frustrated wedding day. Rarity's mounting aggravation would be something to behold. :raritydespair:

Thank you! Taking a perfectly decent, innocent prompt idea and forcing pirates into it tends to at least enliven proceedings.

There is something inherently pleasing about Rarity vs. Pirates. Can't really put into words what it is, but whenever it pops up in a fic it just makes me happy.

Also, Pinkie being an official with the power to wed any pairing she wants is a prospect that should make the world tremble.

Fun little ficlets! Dolphins and pirates and zombies, oh my!

Glad you like these ficlets! And I concur about Rarity and any association she has with pirates. Best Clotheshorse brandishing a pair of flintlocks is an aesthetic with a definite je-ne-sais-quoi about it.

I'd say it'll be the exact opposite. She and her fiance will travel the world looking for some apocalyptic crisis to share their vows in the midst of, only to have it twarted before they can begin. In a fit of frustration she'll have the absolute perfect ceremony in perfect weather, with perfectly behaving and dressed attendees, no hitches whatsoever with the music or catering out officiant, as the Sunset lasts for the whole ceremony, painting everything in it's golden hues.

She'll grumble about it the whole time, and it won't even be Discord's fault :rainbowlaugh:

The whole story was amazingly cute though, well worth the fave :yay:

That, and Pinkie fighting pirates/being optimistically granted temporary captaincy. And Fluttershy inevitably taming a kraken and getting it to tell her about it's feelings. And...


"Princess Twilight Sparkle, I was not born yesterday," Tirek said flatly from within his cell in Tartarus. "I am capable of seeing when I'm being set up for a fall."

"No, look, please escape and cause havoc," said the exceedingly tired-looking alicorn hovering before him. "Want Equestria? It's yours. I just want a moment's chaos. She won't stop whining about the lack of it."

You can't have too many madcap elements lobbed in all at once. :raritywink:


Poor Shuffles.

Yeah, it was Lonesome George. Poor guy.

Chrysalis, back for revenge again?

BTW, is this in the Palaververse?

Not Palaververse canon, alas, much as the verse'd be improved for its inclusion.



So why DID Discord steal the turtles?

Because it seemed like a good idea at the time. :raritywink:

I no speaka dat language of French
Ich spreche Engish und Deutsch, aber nicht Französisch.

“And that’s not an actual flesh-eating zombie. They’ll have sourced a docile one from the alchemist-necromancers in Zebrica, and somepony’ll be jangling keys off-camera to coax it forward. Did you know there’s one zombie who’s been loaned out to nearly every studio for decades now? Old Shuffles. They awarded him an Oatscar once. Best Supporting Act—”

Wait, they have ZOMBIES? THAT'S EPIC!

Yep! In a world like Equestria's, voodoo-style zombies being used as labour (and acting talent) seems like a reasonable step. :raritywink:

“And that’s not an actual flesh-eating zombie. They’ll have sourced a docile one from the alchemist-necromancers in Zebrica, and somepony’ll be jangling keys off-camera to coax it forward. Did you know there’s one zombie who’s been loaned out to nearly every studio for decades now? Old Shuffles. They awarded him an Oatscar once. Best Supporting Act—”

I really like this. It's a nice blend of the fantastical and the mundane.

And that’s not an actual flesh-eating zombie. They’ll have sourced a docile one from the alchemist-necromancers in Zebrica, and somepony’ll be jangling keys off-camera to coax it forward.

Downright pedestrian, really.

Did you know there’s one zombie who’s been loaned out to nearly every studio for decades now? Old Shuffles. They awarded him an Oatscar once.

That must have been an interesting awards ceremony.

"If, if the, uh, nominee would now like to say a few words...?"
"... well said, I suppose."

Oh, hey,they’ve brought

Missing space.

I can't quite tell is this was a dreadful setting to hold a marriage in, or a spectacular one. It'll certainly be a memorable one, that's for sure.

Christ, I wonder what their honeymoon will be like at this rate.

Glad you like it! Taking fantastical notions and figuring what mundane uses you could put them towards is always good fun.

Space fixed, and thank you. :twilightsmile: Leaning towards 'spectacular' myself, though I suspect there isn't a word that could do justice to their inevitable honeymoon.

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