• Published 12th May 2018
  • 12,294 Views, 654 Comments

Helljumpers - CommanderApplejack

When Scootaloo disrupts one of Twilight's experiments Scootaloo and Twilight find themselves in a galaxy at war.

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Chapter 11: Fallout

A soft beeping rang through Twilight's ears, stirring a bit to try and block out the annoying sound.
"Doctor, I think she's waking up again."
Twilight could recognize the voice from somewhere but wasn't able to attach a name to it.
"Step away from her sergeant, you there, get the taser ready just in case she goes ballistic again."
The second voice also sounded familiar, what was her name again, Karen? No, it was longer than that. Catalina. Twilight tried to open her eyes, straining at the effort she finally got them open only to close them again as they got assaulted by a bright light.

"Twilight, can you hear me?" Cat asked, Twilight reopening her eyes letting them get adjusted to the light level in the room. Having a good look around she saw the source of the beeping, a medical monitoring station. Around her were a few doctors one of which was Catalina, standing a bit of a distance away was Mack, the door to her room seemed to be flanked by two armed guards.
She tried to move to face Cat but found that she couldn't, taking a glance at her hooves she found that they were being held together by belts which in turn held her strapped to the bed, "Cat? Why am I strapped to the bed?" She asked, Slightly afraid.

"Last time you woke you started thrashing and screaming, you flung two of my assistants into a wall with telekinesis before we managed to stun you again." The doctor said, "We're just taking precautions to prevent you from hurting yourself or anyone around you."

"Oh." Twilight responded, "I didn't hurt the assistants to bad, did I?" She added feeling guilty about hurting people that were there to help

"They only got a few bruises, nothing serious." Cat reassured the pony before continuing, "Twilight, what do you remember about what happened in the boarding attempt?"

It took Twilight a moment to dig up her memories of the event, "I remember getting angry after Scootalloo got hit by the elite, by the way, is she alright?"

"We had to perform light surgery and she'll have a wicked scar but she'll be fine." Cat told Twilight which visually relieved the pony, "Is there anything else you remember?"

Twilight tried to remember what happened after she left Scootaloo and the other ODST's but coming up blank,

A bloodstained hallway, bodies casually thrown around l

A flash of a memory suddenly at the forefront of her mind, her breathing and heart rate accelerated. "Catalina, what did I do." She asked the doctor.

Mack stepped forward to stand next to Twilight, "After you teleported away to the bridge you cleared the hall of all of the alien boarders."

"How?" Twilight asked having a creeping suspicion.

"The bridge crew didn't see but before you charged out of the bridge your horn started smoking and your eyes turned green with red pupils..."

"..and a purple haze leaking from the side of my eyes." Twilight finished for Mack, "Dark Magic."

"I recall you saying that that was an extremely dangerous form of magic." Catalina said as she remembered what Twilight had told her about magic when they first met.

"It is. Cat, can you bring me a datapad, I have to build something." Twilight replied

"And What might that be Twilight?" Mack asked while Catalina was grabbing a datapad from medical

"Can't say yet, I have to run tests to see if I can even create the needed material." Twilight said while Catalina's medical staff were releasing the straps holding her down, "You'll be the first to know if I figure it out."

"Is Twilight joining us today?" Lucy asked, "I don't think she has taken a break from that project you said she was doing, Mack."
The entire group excluding Twilight was sitting in an empty mess hall as the ship was running on a skeleton crew while almost everyone else was in cryosleep, since there still wasn't enough was known about the ponies physiology to risk cryosleep the squad was to be awake for the entirety of the two-week journey.
"She said she had made a breakthrough so she'll probably be here in just a bit." Mack replied glancing over at Scootaloo who was eating her rations. "You know Twilight's going to be mad again if she spots you eating meat again, right?"

"I don't give a crap, sarge." Scootaloo said, the pegasus had been in a foul mood ever since she had woken up from the anesthetic and seen her face.

Twilight chose that moment to walk into the mess hall, Tyler was the first to spot her. "We're deeply honored by your visit, Princess. To what do we owe the pleasure?"

Twilight rolled her eyes as she sat down at the table with the rest of the squad and revealed a box she was holding under her wing. "I managed manufactured something for Mack."

Mack picked up the box and opened it, revealing five black metal rings, "Twilight, what are these?" he said while he inspected one of the rings.

Scootaloo almost choked on her meal as she saw what Mack was holding, "Is that an inhibitor ring?" she blurted out.

"What's an 'inhibitor ring'?" Lucy asked also curious of what it was what Mack was holding.

"You place it around the horn of a unicorn to prevent them from casting magic out of their horn, the orphanage had a few in case they had to deal with a violent unicorn." Scootaloo explained before turning to Twilight, "Why would you build something like this?"

Everyone looked over to Twilight for an explanation, "Remember how I stopped the boarders Mack?" Twilight asked and Mack nodded, "I used Dark magic even though regular magic should have been powerful enough to stop them. Dark magic corrupts and twists the user over time, If I ever look like I'm going to use it again I want you to place one of those rings on my horn and knock me out, doesn't matter in what order you do it."

Mack put the ring back in the box and closed it again, "Just make sure you don't do it again, Twilight."

"I won't Sarge." Twilight said, "I'm just making sure you can stop me if it gets a hold of me again."

Twilight looked over at Scootaloos meal, her eyes immediately narrowing. "Don't tell me that that's meat."

Scootaloo swiftly grabbed the remaining packages and bolted for the door only to be stopped as Twilight levitated her back over to the table, "Cheater." Scootaloo grumbled while twilight dislodged the packages from under her wing and levitated vegetarian ones over to replace them.

"So, do we have any training scheduled for today?" Twilight asked while she sat down for her own meal, switching the subject like nothing happened.

"Standard PT to keep physical fitness up but other than that, we'll have some free time." Mack said trying to withhold a snicker as Scootaloo was glaring at Twilight, "Lucy, you had a crapload of 'classic' movies, didn't you?"

A small smile formed on Lucy's face as she started to browse her tablet, "You know you've just doomed us to at least ten hours of ancient movies right?" Tyler deadpanned.

"I know! Isn't that awesome!" Lucy squealed, "I've already got three movies in mind! Meet me in the rec room in thirty and take some snacks!" She shouted while she ran out of the mess hall.

"Mack, I have projects that need attending! I can't just take a break!" Twilight said as she backpedaled from the table, "I still haven't found a way home!"

"Twilight you have been working non-stop ever since you got here, you've been either training, fighting or studying. You need a break, badly." Mack said while he, unseen by twilight, passed the box with the inhibitor rings on to Tyler.
"I can't stop! I- I have to..." before Twilight could go any further Tyler tackled the pony, She summoned her magic to get him off herself.


Twilight again poured magic into her horn only for it to fizzle out, using her hooves she tried to feel what was wrong with her horn, "You didn't!" She said with a raised voice while looking over at Tyler.

"Had to field test those things at some point and if I'm going to sit through that movie marathon, then you're going too." He said with a grin as he picked up Twilight and started carrying her to the rec room, "You two get the snacks, I'll make sure Twilight gets there."

Mack looked over at Scootaloo, "You get the snacks, I'll get the alcohol myself. It's best if as little as possible people know about the contraband stashes of the crew." Scootaloo nodded and walked off wondering what Lucy had come up with.

Rainbow was lazily floating through the dreamscape, concentrating on getting into an artificial dream bubble Princess Luna had created to be extra difficult to penetrate. She had been practicing various aspects of controlling the realm around her since the first night she entered the dream world. A few of the necessary skills were: leaving her own dream, entering the dreams of somepony else and actually freezing and changing that dream so that when a nightmare occurs she would be able to stop it.

As of right now, only leaving her own dream was going smoothly, entering the dream of another pony was already a bit harder since ponies unconsciously tried keeping anypony from entering their mind, and then there was freezing a dream. Luna had allowed for her to attempt to calm a pony having a nightmare once, she got blown away, to put it mildly. To calm a pony having a nightmare you have to overpower their willpower to stop the dream, a panicking pony has a lot of willpower, so much so that Dash got kicked out of the dream and woke up in the real world with a splitting headache.

Outside of the dreamworld, she was being trained by the two nightguards and by training she meant getting beaten into a pulp with sparring wingblades. Having at least been to the Wonderbolts academy she already had the physical strength covered, but since the bolts only got basic combat training she was being thrashed by the two Lunar guards.

Something else The princess had told Dash about was the large Scar in the dreamworld. It was a tear in the fabric of the dreamworld made by discord as a last attempt to spite the Lunar Princess. Other then that The pegasus was told that she wasn't to approach it due to chaos magic running rampant around it.

Refocussing her efforts on the bubble in front of her she felt the barrier keeping her out slipping as she entered the bubble where Princess Luna was waiting for her in the middle of a large plain.

"You have improved again my apprentice, the barrier we put up was much stronger than that of a regular pony" Luna said with a smile as she saw Rainbow entering her dreambubble, "And thine did it quite fast at that. Shall we have another attempt at calming a nightmare before the nights' end?"

Dash winced, remembering the last time she tried. "If you insist, Princess. But I must ask you to not to make it too difficult, I promised the weather crew that I would help them with a weather front that was forming in the Everfree. If I have a splitting headache again it would endanger the rest of the flight crew."

Luna nodded and a moment later she conjured a burning house, "This should be a relatively easy dream to stop, focus thineself and stop the fire from moving" Dash focussed on the fire trying to will it to stop, although being careful to not lose control so she wouldn't be kicked from the dream. Slowly but surely the fire started moving slower and after a few minutes completely stopped. "Awesome!" Dash cheered as she looked at the now in time frozen house, a ripple went through the dreambubble moments later, "Princess, what's happening now?" she asked looking around at the dream that was rapidly disintegrating around her.

"Thou are being awoken in the real world. We shall see thine tonight again my apprentice, but now you are seemingly needed in the waking world." After the princess finished her sentence the entire world went white for a moment as Dash was pulled from the dream realm.

"Dash! wake up!" Cloud Chaser stood by the side of Rainbow's bed, the mare was panicking a bit. "Sorry for waking you, Cap! We need you out there now, the situation changed!"

Dash not having the ability yet to wake up without being drowsy looked at the mare beside her, "Chaser, for one I'm not the captain anymore. Two What's the situation If you felt the need to pull me from my dreamwalking lesson with Princess Luna."

The mare turned a bit pale at the mention of the Princess, "Uhm, t-the storm has just been upped from a cat three to a cat two and growing." At hearing this Dash threw off the blanket of her bed revealing that she hadn't undressed from the previous day standing fully armored with her wingblades covered in protective padding for practice, "Is there a danger of it becoming a Cat one?"

"If we don't intervene soon, yes." She said eyeing Rainbows armor earning a smack to the back of her head, "Get your head back in the game, Chaser. If you want to stare at my flank you can do it after the job's done." Deciding not to wait for an answer from the blushing mare Dash jumped from her balcony into the air to the rally point the weather crew used when going out over the Everfree, "Thunderlane!" The Grey Stallion turned from the rest of the crew to face Dash, "Glad you woke, we need to act quickly to weaken the stormfront. You take Derpy and Chaser with you to sweet apple acres, we can't have orchard getting too damaged." Dash saluted the stallion, which surprised him. "Chaser! On me!" She shouted at the mare that was just approaching the group. "Yes, ma'am!" She shouted back, reminding Dash that she too had been at the Wonderbolt Academy.

Flying in a V formation the trio raced to the apple farm, "Derpy, You get to the south field to prevent damage to the orchard, Chaser you're making sure the barn doesn't get hit too badly." The two pegasi flew off without question leaving Dash the section of the farm between the Everfree and Ponyville itself, flying at high speed towards the edge of the forest she quickly saw the large mass of clouds rolling towards them. Not waiting for the clouds to get out of the Everfree she shot into the cloud mass and started punching and bucking out the clouds. Lightning arcing through the sky around her as she removed the clouds, a sudden bolt of lightning hit the armor Dash was wearing and made the armor glow blue for a moment. Thanking the princess for including wards that protected against lightning strikes, even though the thought behind the ward was to stop the type of lightning conjured by unicorns.

After fifteen minutes of fighting the clouds, Dash flew up above the cloud layer to check up on her two wingmares. In the distance, she could see that Derpy had cut a large grid pattern into the clouds making them lose density and in turn lowering their destructive capability. You could say a lot of things about the muffin mare but you could always count on her if there was a weather concern. Looking a bit closer she could see Cloud Chaser had also made the same pattern but seemed to lag behind on progress, Dash with her speed had already cut a decent swath in her region of clouds decided to take a quick look to see if Cloudchaser could use the help. The flight over to the other pegasi's sector was short and Dash began flying a search pattern trying to find the wake of her teammate, finding nothing.

"CLOUD CHASER!" Dash rapidly descended below the cloud cover into the storm below looking down at the Everfree to see if she could spot a crash site. Taking a few passes she suddenly heard the howl of a timberwolf from the forest behind her, coming to a stop that would have torn the wings off of most pegasi she looked over at the clearing where the sound came from. Cloud Chaser was lying at the edge of it with a burned wing and multiple wolves bearing down on her, not hesitating a moment Dash ripped the protective padding from the wingblades and made a dive-bomb on the lead wolf. The Wolf too focussed on the downed pegasus got his head cut in half by Rainbows wingblade, immediately moving on to the next wolf she managed to score a deep cut on its torso making it too collapse into firewood. The remaining three wolves took their distance from Dash before starting to circle the two mares, Dash quickly stood up on her hind legs and drew her longsword and stuck it into the ground before falling back on all four of her hooves. "Use that! Don't try anything fancy just point it in their direction to stop them from jumping you!"

One of the two wolves focussed on Dash surged forward making dash roll to the side and slashing at the wolf, the Timberwolf saw what dash was doing and tried moving to the side but wasn't fast enough. The wingblade cutting deep into the side of the wolf making it the third of Dash's casualties. The fourth wolf was still keeping its distance but Rainbow had had enough of the fight and charged it, the wolf raised its claws and took a swipe at the armored pegasi. Rainbow tried to dodge the claw but like her previous prey was too slow although in her case the swipe left her with three gashes on her neck. Remembering something Moonlight had quickly drilled in her mind was to get up immediately after getting hit, otherwise, your opponent might get the opportunity to finish you off. Something the thestral had already done all too often in the few lessons she had already had. The timberwolf not prepared for the lightning-quick response from the pegasus got to see the sharp edge of Rainbows wingblade moments before it lost part of its skull.

Hearing a scream from behind her she quickly turned to see Cloud Chaser sitting on her haunches with the longsword embedded in the rotten remains of the timberwolf that had jumped at her. "You okay, Chaser?!" she shouted at the other mare, "Y-yea, thanks to you." the mare stammered, "Dash! You're bleeding!" She shouted as she saw the claw marks on Dash's neck.

"Just a flesh wound." Dash replied even though she had no Idea how bad the wound was, 'At least it's not bright red, so no veins got damaged.' Dash thought, thanking the bolt academy for the first aid lessons. Dash grabbed the longsword from the remains from the wolf and resheathed it, "You're out Chaser, I'm bringing you to Ponyville central. That wing is pretty screwed up." Picking up the downed pegasi, who didn't protest, and lifted her up above the cloud layer out of the storm, making a beeline for Ponyville. She spotted a pegasus surveying her sector, presumably Thunderlane trying to find out why Dash was behind on clearing the clouds. She rerouted a bit to attract his attention, which worked as the Grey Stallion came up alongside her. "Thunderlane! you need to send reinforcements to my and Chaser's section! I'm taking her to the hospital!"

"She's not the only one Dash! how in Tartarus did you get those gashes!" He shouted at Rainbow. "Timberwolves! Now get working on the storm before sweet apple acres gets hit and check up on Derpy." Rainbow shouted back, the stallion nodded and broke off to get his own fellow squadmates. Rainbow corrected her course again back to Ponyville Central, feeling herself become a little drowsy as adrenaline started leaving her body and the blood loss was starting to take its toll on her.

Crashing through the front door of the hospital she scared the life out of the receptionist, Dash putting all her remaining strength in her legs she stood up and faced the startled mare, "My friend needs medical attention." She said pointing at Cloud Chaser, after she said that her eyes rolled back in their sockets and Rainbow collapsed on the hospital floor.

Author's Note:

This chapter ended up being something completely different to what I had imagined it to be, the title might not be completely appropriate.:twilightsheepish:

As for the drawing of Scootaloo, I imagined the scar to be a bit more severe but I simply don't have the skill required to draw a scar like that.

Until next Chapter :twilightsmile: