• Member Since 7th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 16 hours ago


Working on new stuff always, I'll be back before you know it.


Being a Runner isn't easy.

Life in the deep, dark shadows cast by the Mega-corporations that rule Equestria is hard enough, but for Runners it's especially hard. This has more to do with the fact that your job basically requires you to be shot at, but, hey, it's a living. Rarity's living, specifically.

Of course, now that she and her team has taken this new job, things are about to get a whole lot worse.

Chapters (31)
Comments ( 120 )

A new Dungeonminer story? count me in.

Hell yeah! I am ready for this.

This looks fun. You always deliver on pretty interesting stories, Miner.

I'm curious if and when Twilight is going to show up. During the job, perhaps?

Reminds me of Shadowrun.

That's actually the crossover, but it wasn't an option in the list.

Very nice. I'm a old fan of that old FASA game. Still play Battletech.

I love ShadowRun! Please don’t stop!

I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. Trap, or maybe a test?

Never make a deal with a dragon! :moustache:

Oh hey, there's Twi.

This story sounds fun. I haven’t seen a shadow run x-over that was well written enough to read more than 1 chapter. I’ll be keeping an eye on this.

Reversed roles between Spike and twiggles eh? Makes sense given how OP dragons are.

Well I think we all know which etiquette Twilight has. Also, poor purple smart. Spike could have left her with enough cash for food at least.

“You're kidding?” she asked. “Wow, ghetto life is awful.”

Wow indeed.

“What happened to my bank account, sir?” Twilight asked, a light panic in her voice.

Hahaha, harsh.

“Not so small anymore,” Blanche said. “They recently released a new antivirus software that has taken the market by storm, but that’s neither here nor there. The important thing is, they’re trying to up their security to protect their code, and they’re willing to pay some runners to test their new system. It’ll be a milkrun for you, break into the place, deal with some non-lethal measures, take on one security team armed with paintball guns, and all for at least 1k each.”

Assuming this isn't another trap, it sounds like a softball mission that Spike arranged so Twilight could get a soft intro to the life.

Never good when two different jobs collide, but at least it ended well for Rarity and Co.

“Yupperooni!” Candy replied. “I had a guest room put upstairs for ponies we were protecting, but you can have it since this isn’t a safe house anymore!”

Well, they do need to be careful and keep Twilight safe.

Twilight nodded, mouth agape, and eyes wide with terror.

That seems like the right reaction.

Once again this feels like a milk run put together by Spike to give Twilight a soft introduction to the life.

Have you read Shadowtrot? It's a pretty good fic, so far.

Dun, dun, duuunnnn!

An irritated and overly schooled mage with something to prove, this could be exciting and probably explosive.

It seems way too late for the "never make a deal with a dragon" part of the mantra, unless they're just reminding themselves to not make a deal with a second one in which case that feels even more critical than not making the first deal.

The Streetsam watched as the flames exploded around her and Balboa, leaving them unharmed as the fire vaporized the three ponies that were trying to stab her. A second later, it was her, the drone, and ash standing in the middle of the hallway, with a shocked, hooded earth pony staring at her, lightning crackling from his hooves.

Yeah, there we go.

Geeze, that encounter with the elemental was kind of close.

“You blew all your remaining spells in a record twenty minutes, Rookie,” Web said. “That, and some bad luck with your drain today has pretty much left you useless. That’s why you carry a gun, it’s your fault for not using it.”

Oops. So much for conserving ammo.

“She was still reckless. Could have gotten herself killed,” Web said.

“I’m right here, you know,” Twilight said.

Web turned to her, stared her dead in the eye, and repeated. “You were still reckless. You could have gotten yourself killed.”


It rang once, before automatically picking up, and Spikarunz’s fierce, purple face appeared in front of her, plastered across her AR glasses. “Twilight. It's time for your first job."

Oooo, sounds like fun.

Ah Shadowrun. I lost track after the first chapter then finally found it again. Very impressive story so far!

Poor Applebloom. I wonder where she ended up?

Applejack is too emotionally invested in this job.

Probably justifiably so, with Mac there as a wage slave, but still.

Shadowrun, huh? Man, it's been a while. I had a lot of fun with this system, with my Hermetic Mage, Danny Denim.

I wonder how long that middle managment gent or mare has to live now.

Is this supposed to be a maze runner crossover I can't tell

No, shadowrun (Cyberpunk 2077 with magic)

As a fan of cyberpunk, color me intrigued, good sir or madam

AJ is way too personally invested in this mission.

But at least she's self aware and honest about it.

“Well, I took some advice to heart,” Twilight said, “and once I figured out that conserve ammo applies to spells as well, I’ve started to look at the effectiveness of my spells. Anyway, long story short, the easiest way to get rid of the mage was to turn him to goo, so I acted like I was also under the effect of the spell, praying that he cast Mob Mind, until his guard dropped enough that I could close the distance.”

Not bad, newbie.

“Listen to me, Rookie,” Applejack told her. “I’m an awful liar. Gem does not let me talk to Ringos, Wingmare doesn’t let me disguise myself, and I couldn’t even talk to my own brother without breaking his heart, cause I had to tell him that our sister went missing years ago, and it's all my fault. I can’t lie to save my life, so when I say I’m not going to drop you, you know it’s the truth.


Twilight blinked, before she glanced into Steel’s eyes, which had turned back to a natural green. “Told ya I’d be back, Rookie. Now come on, let’s go.”

The green looks much better anyway.

“Yes, I received some very interesting orders for dealing with these Runners.”

Man, good thing that they brought Twilight with for the drop off and that the Ringo was Shining.

Looks like Web had a bad time at some point. A very bad time.

I'm concerned about the proximity of this guy to the Ahuiztech base. He may be involved with them.

Ahh, or there could just be an enemy runner team.

Nice Matrix work, Rarity.

And now there connected with the Mob. This could get interesting.

Donna ran into the right convenience store.

“Hang on!” she said, coming out of the back with the mare and the kid from behind the counter. “Ladies, allow me to introduce Donna Madonna, daughter of the don of the Belgrade Family.”

Oh shoot, good call saving her even aside from just being a good samaritan.

I take comfort in the likelihood that at least some of the people who were directly performing the experimentation on Fluttershy probably had an unpleasant short-term future after she made that deal with Papa Spider.

I have a feeling they remember Fluttershy quite well after her deal

what crossover is this from:rainbowhuh:

This is a Shadowrun crossover, right?

Thanks😁👍 i'd just googled it and it look like a good game now i'd just have to go to gamestop to see if they got it 😕

The truth, according to Spikarunz himself wasn’t so far off. A creature of some description, either born from, or improved upon by the Awakening, took control of several tribes in the jungle to the west, and used their old superstitions to begin a cult of bloodmages.

Man, Ahuizotl is bad news.

A terrible, twisted mass of mana, pain, and hate clung to the ceiling of the room, and stared down at the two mages with the eyes and faces of countless victims of Ahuiztech’s cruelty. Long, terrible legs spanned the room, locking the beast in place as it stared down at them. “Beast-pony,” one of the faces whispered, “beast-pony,” another agreed. “Why have you returned, Beast-pony?” the collective asked. “Were you not free?”

This place needs to be burned down to the ground.

Everypony else took two steps back as the feathers in her wings began to drop onto the floor.

No kidding.

Web unleashed is scary. I wonder what sort of Focus she just picked up from this place.

Got a feeling she just picked up Zephyr.

This is an amazing story so far! I only have one question. If Spike is the CEO why is Twilight's cutie mark, specifically her starburst, on the building?

Because magic. Literally. My understanding of her cutie mark is that it is a recognized symbol of magic. Spike's company symbol is literally "We're magic."

Yep, that time when that little 'milk-run' you were on goes 'six ways to Sunday'. Been there several times.

At least Gem & Co. came out of it with all heads accounted for, not all of ours did.

Yeah, I remember the hell of a job gone bad. But I usually got paid!

I think the real lesson here is don't go on missions without Fluttershy.

“That’s the idea, anyway. She did good, but in the end, it wasn’t good enough to keep the corps from doing some shady stuff. But that’s where you come in. You facilitate the corps in keeping their secret backdoor deals going, out of the eyes of Good Celestia...”

I feel like on the whole they could be doing better at this.

Find out who is playing at being Jack the Ripper, IMO.

“You tempt me too greatly,” she said, before her dress morphed into a trenchcoat with a wide-brimmed hat.

Oh yes.

Rarity found herself staring down a monster. Forty percent of his body was replaced with cybernetics, and what sixty percent remained organic nearly made Rarity’s stomach turn. A hulking form of a pony with no fur, and greyed, patchy skin stood in the alley. His glowing red cybereyes pierced Rarity’s soul, even through the camera, and its chromed, metal jaw unhinged before he bit down on the mare’s flank.


Interesting to learn that ghouls are a thing, ad that there are ones that are as civilized as anyone else in this cyberpunk environment.

“What corp is making a ghoul soldier?” Twilight asked.

That sounds like a question that needs to be answered.

Good work, Gem.

The interesting thing is that Celestia is still around to some degree. Does that mean Cadance and Luna are as well? Possibly even Discord?

Before I read this, I must know: What aren't the Princesses doing anything about the corporations?

Was "formally known as" meant to be "formerly known as"?
Also, should "a bent in the back" be "a vent"?

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