• Published 10th May 2018
  • 6,180 Views, 76 Comments

The Mis-text Mystery - MareDoVVell

What do you do when your best friend sexts you out of the blue? What do you do when they tell you it was meant for someone else?

  • ...

Never Answer Your Phone After Midnight

Sunset sat huddled over her desk in the semi-darkness of her little apartment, chewing on the end of a pen as she stared at the text book in front of her. While she maintained near perfect grades with relative ease, even she needed to study on occasion, especially when it came to human history.

She was in the middle of a particularly dense paragraph on some ancient war or another, when her concentration was broken by a rhythmic buzzing noise. Figuring the only one who could be messaging her this late at night would be Princess Twilight, she pulled open a desk drawer, only to stop short as she saw the magical diary laying within sat completely motionless and inert.

"Huh." Sunset mused to herself, before hearing the buzzing noise again, drawing her attention to the cell phone lying on a small table behind her. "Who's messaging me at nearly 1am?"

She stood from her desk and walked the few paces to the table, scooping up the phone and turning on the display with the click of a button.

Twilight Sparkle(Human)
1 New Message

"Weird, Twi never stays up this late unless she's in the middle of a major project, and I thought she mentioned she'd just finished her latest one..." Sunset muttered to herself. "hope nothing's wrong." Trying to restrain herself from jumping to conclusions, Sunset keyed in her passcode and tapped the little speech bubble icon on the screen.

Ohhhhh yes! I love it when you do that! Next I'll take the whip cream and put just a little of it on my...

"Wh-what?" Sunset mumbled, her eyes growing to the size of dinner plates as she scrolled through the increasingly fithy message. She swallowed heavily as she tried to figure out just what such a message could possibly mean, but her thought process came to a screeching halt as another message popped up beneath the first. This one was a picture message.

"AHHH!" Sunset screamed as she caught a glimpse of far too much purple skin and reflexively tossed her phone into the air, before remembering just how much the stupid gadget had cost her and scrambling to try and catch it before it hit the ground. She fumbled with it in the air for a bit before it slipped between her now sweaty fingers and thumped softly onto the carpet.

She blew a sigh of relief upon seeing that nothing on the phone was apparently broken, and was about to pick it up again when it went off a third time, causing all her muscles to seize up at once, her hand shaking slightly as it froze inches from the device. At this point, she was pretty terrified of what this latest message could be, but she had to admit she was also pretty curious, and there was some third feeling she couldn't quite identify egging her on as well.

Steeling her nerves, she grabbed the phone back up and navigated to the messaging app, studiously ignoring the two previous messages as she focused in on the third.

OMG Sunset I am so sorry! Those were meant for somebody else! I swear! This is so embarassing!

Sunset chuckled as she could practically hear Twilight's panicked voice as she read the message, though after a moment, she felt herself frown slightly. Strange. Shrugging it off, Sunset rapidly typed up a response, hoping to reassure the anxiety prone bookworm.

No problem Twi, we've all done it before, no big deal.

Sunset hit send, then a moment later grimaced as she realized what she had just said.

Er...we've all mis-texted that is, not...the other thing...sorry, I'm not helping am I? Look why don't we just forget this ever happened, sound good?

It was a few minutes before Twilight replied, not that it was much of a lengthy answer.

Thank you!

Sunset chuckled again, imagining Twilight slowly coming down from a frenzy of sheer embarassment. She felt pretty relieved herself, now that she wasn't reeling from trying to figure out the implications of her best friend sending her sexy texts. The sense of relief fizzled quickly however when Sunset realized that just because the messages weren't meant for her didn't mean they weren't sent intentionally.

What could Twilight Sparkle, of all people, be doing engaging in instant message based smut? And more importantly, with who!? Sunset clutched the side of her head as she tried to process the full picture of what was happening, but it didn't take long to realize she didn't have the slightest clue as to either answer, and even more annoyingly, why she so desperately needed to know.

"Whatever, why do I even care?" She muttered, sighing heavily as she tried to shelve the thought and return to her studies.


A few hours later found Sunset tossing and turning in her bed, covers thrown to the side and her pajamas turned into a rumpled mess. "Ugh, I just want to sleep!" She groaned into her pillow, squeezing her eyes shut and trying desperately to ignore the thoughts churning around in her head.

When this, unsurprisingly, failed to send her off to sleep, she sat up with a growl, giving the pillow a solid punch to vent her frustration. "FINE! I'll do just a little investigating, and then maybe I can finally sleep."

With the decision made, she rolled out of bed and trudged down the stairs from the lofted sleeping area, trying to smooth her pajamas some as she went. At the bottom of the stairs, she turned and headed straight for her desk, violently yanking open the drawer and pulling out her magic journal.

Settling into her chair, she spread the journal open in front of her and grabbed a pen, immediately chewing on it as she tried to figure out what exactly to write.

Hey Twilight, are you awake?

Sunset was pleasantly surprised when the book started to glow and vibrate almost immediately as a flowery scrawl of letters began to appear on the page under her own less formal writing.

Hey Sunset, it's nice to hear from you! I was just about to head to bed, but I'm in no hurry, though shouldn't you be asleep? I thought you still had school on Fridays?

Oh you know me, up studying and trying to find the answers to some nagging questions before I call it a night.

Sunset grimaced at the half-truth she had witten, but figured it was for the best, then pressed her pen back to the page.

Listen, can I ask you sort of a...weird question?

Of course Sunset, you can ask me anything.

Sunset smiled at that, feeling warm as she read the response. Then her cheeks started to heat up as she tried to figure out how to ask the next question in a way the Princess might understand.

Have you ever...engaged in erotically charged correspondence with somepony?

Sunset began to sweat as the seconds seemed to stretch into years, praying she hadn't offended her friend.

You mean like sexting?

Sunset raised a brow at that.

Well yes, but how do you know what sexting is?

Rainbow, the one on that side, explained it to me once...completely unsolicited.

This earned an eyeroll from Sunset. She paused for a moment, thinking how best to ask her next question, when Twilight continued to write back.

To answer your question, no I haven't, but...I'd be willing to tr...

Sunset blinked as the last words were suddenly scribbled out before she could read them. How odd, Twilight rarely made any spelling mistakes.

...why do you ask?

Sunset penned a brief summary of what had happened a few hours before, as well as the concerns that had been keeping her awake, then stared at the page while chewing on her pen again as she waited for a response.

Well it certainly seems a bit out of character, believe me, I would know, but it also doesn't seem like this is any of our business.

Sunset frowned at that.

But...something about this just feels wrong, I know it! What if she's in trouble!? I have to look into it.

Fine, I know better than to try and talk you out of it, just be careful, she may not take kindly to your 'investigation'. And...let me know if you need any help, I'd be more than willing to step over for you.

Thanks Twi, will do!

Sunset hastily scribbled down her response, barely reading Twilight's message, before she shut the book and placed it back inside her desk. That done, she sat back in her chair and crossed her arms, a fox-like grin spreading across her face as she began to run schemes and scenarios through her brain in preparation for the next day.

Princess Twilight was just being paranoid, she was sure. There was no way Sunset's actions could possibly offend Twilight, I mean, what was a little total invasion of privacy between friends?

Author's Note:

This was supposed to be a one-shot, but halfway through I realized I was nowhere close to halfway through, so gonna go with a hopefully short multi-chapter format. Also gonna try and wrap the whole thing up relatively quickly instead of my usual schedule of updates randomly every few months.

...we'll see what happens :twilightblush: