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The Crimson Reaper

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." -Abraham Lincoln

Comments ( 170 )

Oh Hell yeah! I never thought my story would inspire someone, you have my support.

Sauron wasn't the greatest warrior, he was like Saruman a great speaker and his words alone are powerful enough to twist the minds of weaker creatures than him. Sauron's goal was to dominate, he wanted to dominate all living things and he poured his will to dominate into the one Ring. Together with his malice and evil etc. etc. By "corrupting" the rings made by Celebrimbor (Basically having contact with the rings) he connected them to himself and by forging the one ring he could thru it command those ring that the elves wore. Sauron came from the Vala Aule (God, archangelic like being) and knew his lore of craftmanship.

Sauron can manipulate energy, he is able to control weather, he can pick up objects with telekinesis, he can manipulate elements like light, darkness, shadow, fire, earth, wind, water. By using his skills and knowledge how to manipulate fire and weather, he clouded the skies of Gondor with the help of Mounts Dooms ash.

Sauron, was a mage, he was a master sorcerer, he was called the necromancer meaning he could send spirits like the Witch King. Sauron could communicate with the unbodied and he made them his servants, basically he controlled ghosts. Of course how exactly Sauron's powers look like or what shape they take is all up to your imagination. It can be green, it can be orange and yellow (like I choose to do) you can choose blackness and maybe something similar to space manipulation effects.

I recommend go and use the superpower wiki, they have nice descriptions of powers, beings like him can poses, remember not to go overboard. Of course you need to see the difference between power and knowledge, in this case your character has only power and doesn't know how to forge great weapons.

I hope this will help!

Comment posted by DAMN HAMSTER deleted May 11th, 2018

What lord of the rings character are on this story ?

Wow, this story is already better then Sauron's Second Chance

Well, Im not entirely sure yet, Im willing to go the way of "LOTR Character in equestria" or Im going to try a story where the MC is just a regular guy that was given the one ring. Im up for suggestions.

A good setup for the next chapter.:twilightsmile:

I was just asking if Frodo and his friends will be here. Because He’s my favorite character. And the other guy you send that will bear the ring or something?

I am going to say this here and now, you have a good set-up... Don't muck it up!

Yeh, sadly I wont put in LOTR characters, however, it isnt going to take away from the story.

Yup i got the reference and this is a very good story you are making

Now, that we have a threat I can think of many scenarios where is this going.

Either we will see our new Lord of The Rings save the adorable CMC, gaining favors later when he meets the ponies.

Or we will see total destruction of the forest by accidently misusing the power it gives him. Later receiving status of a potential threat by Celestia because everything that destroyed something is immediately a threat you need to turn into stone or just banish to Tartarus.

Your gonna have to be more specific, or throw me some context.

well, to put it simply, My basic premise is that your average Joe finds himself in equestria(which is Middle Earth after a hellava lot of years) and he's lived a life of seclusion and hermitage in the everfree forest for millennia. Thats just about it for now, Im starting work on the next chapter.

"Deparav avhiuk foreukav, avhiuk iuk noav ij fighav lat saib accompliukh!

You made that up or is this from a website? If yes then I'd be happy to have the Link.

Nice progress, so we are going with the saving CMC strategy to gain favors and become "friends" with the mane 6.

Personally I would make his voice more scary, but its still good!


To answer your questions, that was the Black Speech of mordor, I used a translator. Heres the link: https://lingojam.com/BlackSpeechTranslator

Also I set it up in the first chapters that our MC is a hermit, whos been living isolated in the Everfree for god knows how many millennia(1000 years) and this is the first time he's directly interacted with ponies since....well when he first arrived millennia ago. Not to reveal much but lets just say He's seen Celestia and Luna when they were foals. He values his privacy, but isnt above helping those in need. But I dont think he expects to be friends with ponies.

And furthermore: The only reason why I didn't make his voice so scary is that this is him when he's trying to be pleasant and persuasive. His voice is tempered and controlled, trying to persuade more than intimidate. However, you havent seen him get angry yet....

I'll introduce him later, for now Im keeping his identity as vague as possible.


The only reason why I didn't make his voice so scary is that this is him when he's trying to be pleasant and persuasive. His voice is tempered and controlled, trying to persuade more than intimidate.

Sauron was the same way apparently, at least when he wasn't looking all armored up and sinister. Remember, one of his most well-known titles was "Sauron the Deceiver", and his fair form was beautiful/disarming enough to fool even the most perceptive of the elves of old, prior to his true nature becoming common knowledge.


Just to establish things right now: This is not Sauron. So while you are correct in your thoughts about his voice, the MC himself is not the Dark Lord.

I'm aware of that, I was merely pointing out a similarity. After all, it makes sense that he'd gain at least some of Sauron's traits/abilities, seeing as he's technically the new Lord of the Rings, and the ring apparently contains/contained the majority of Sauron's soul (I'm not sure if it does anymore after being melted down and remade, but at the very least it should have left an impression after all that time). But hey, just because Sauron used said traits to deceive people, that doesn't mean his successor will choose to do the same. :twilightsmile:

I don't know why, but I feel that Twilight or Celestia might demand the ring. For research purposes and totally not to control other countries so that her ponies may be treated like some sort of higher race or anything, idk what you're thinking about.:trixieshiftright:

well...celly and farren have some...history.

oh and just a heads up Im gonna be changing up the POV style Im using, just to see if it works better.


*frantic typing in the background*

huh, what?

*looks up from stove, a wooden spoon in one hand and a box of industrial strength 'plot thickening agent' in the other being poured into a pot.*

"Clever girl..." mutters Applebloom.

Jurassic park reference to what Owen says to blue the velocraptor

Well, the being we already saw was likely one of the Valar. And now I am wondering what kind of being Discord is. Maybe one of the Maiar? And I would bet that good old Star Swirl is/was likely also one. :D

Since he wears a ring of power does that make him equestria’s gravewalker

I wonder what happened to him he seems pretty scared about whatever happened

...Think about the most horrible betrayal you have ever felt by someone you've trusted unconditionally....then throw some salt on the wound....and burn it with lava for good measure.

Panic Attack, PTSD, Madness gone rampant. Take your pick.

Oh, I got that. I was more asking what the hell he went through in the past to cause him to respond like that to his "nieces". But I suppose that's something that'll be revealed in a later chapter.

Shhhhh, that comes later.

...when the skeleton/ghost army rises.


I'm waitng for mind control...Not for clopping purposes, idk what are you thinking about you BAKA!

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