• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2014
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Graglithan The Greater

Fear my Linguistic Might! For I am Graglithan!



This story is a sequel to Beating Yourself Up Over It

When Twilight’s friends had gone through the portal to ‘talk’ with their counterparts, things ended up going in a direction that was not quite what they had intended. Okay, it went mostly the way some of them had expected, but there were exceptions in a few cases.

They thought that it was all planned out perfectly. Twilight gets distracted by, as Rainbow put it, the super nerd project of the century. Then, they sneak over, teach them a lesson, and sneak back before she’s ever done having the time of her life, and they sit there as she says words that would fly entirely over their heads in her excitement. They even timed it so that it was during a time Twilight would be preoccupied with princess work and would want to jump into the project even more.

As they came back through one by one, however, her friend's all soon learned that they weren’t as sneaky going into the portal as the five thought they were.

This little story was written as a Sequel/Side Story to "Beating Yourself Up Over It," and originally intended only to be a single chapter. However, I found that putting all of them into just one section would make a massive info dump. Not wanting to intimidate anyone who likes to read casually, or dwarf the other side chapters I planned on writing, I decided to move them to a separate story entirely. I still plan on releasing that collection at a later date, and it will probably have a similar title to the original.

So please, enjoy the side of the story taking place on the other side of the portal, and this one as well.

And remember, comments usually fuel my writing.

5/24/18 Edit: I thought I finally escaped you Feature Box... but no, you have claimed yet another story of mine.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 172 )

I think everypony is about to get a good lesson on not pissing off Twilight and what it is like to be on the other side of her power.

... Dis gonna be good:pinkiecrazy::trollestia:

. . .Spike you idiot. Why didn't you double check with Twilight first before turning the portal on? Surely with the amount of checklists she has you quadruple check you would have thought to do this?

I think Twilight being a utter bitch about this who thing.
They have every right to do this as the Anon A miss incident could caused far worse consequences and there plenty of fics for that.
Hope ti backfires on Twilight in the end.

8912891 I do believe that you're right.

Can't wait to see what traps she comes up with for each of them.

Although I really hope that she doesn't come up with one as cliched as a rope snare for AJ.
WAY too predictable.

On another note, can she even come UP with an appropriate one for Pinkie Pie of all ponies?

You have challenged my honor. It has been accepted.

I'll just be here for emotional support.

Rainbow and the others are going to be so BUSTED!!!


Actually, a Pinkie trap isn't that hard. Just put a pastry beneath a box propped up by a stick. The rules of comedy dictate she MUST fall for it. Of course, the problem is keeping her in it...

Well......wasn't expecting this. ....I do hope though that Twilight thinks mercifully when it comes to Flutters. ....yes, I have my priorities. n///n

Considering that they are guilty of the same crimes themselves during the wedding, they have no right to do or say anything.

You mean when she ran in starting accusing Candace of being evil no proof nor trying to think not giving a good argument at all.....Yeah they SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES!

No don;t get me wrong they choose not believe her for the wrong reasons but Twilight didn't help thing at all, when she was acting like a lunatic as usual in a crisis.

Thou i blame Celestia mostly she know Candance a lot longer and yet her acting in such a rude manner or so, and she doesn't think anything is wrong?
Ethier she suffer a blow to the head or she oblivious to the point of being deaf,dumb and blind.

8912997 Um... okay.
Ohhhhh, dear.
What in Celestia's Name have I unleashed???:twilightoops:

8913101 Hmmm, well, this is true.
On ALL counts.

I so can't wait to see what she comes up with, though I agree with taking it a little easy on Flutters, and will wonder how she's going to get Pinkie.

I so agree with Ri2 on that sentiment.

The first story was a fun romp in character-focused comedy. I’m looking forward to more!

Suddenly, Applejack understood precisely why Rainbow was scared earlier. “Uh... Ah, need an adult.”

Twilight carried her up to another room of the castle and set the hay bale down. “I am an adult.”

You know, this quote would go very well with aa later chapter having someone DOOOODGE!!!

Rarity should be forced into a compromising outfit when she returns and not be able to remove it.

Also she shouldn't be able to move or use magic.

Well it looks like AJ was a very adventurous filly when she was younger, or very stupid one I can't quite tell the difference here.

Both are technically correct, which is the best kind of correct.

I would do that, but I'm pretty sure compromising clothes would ruin the E rating.

But, they’re usually naked. Revealing clothes would be kinda pointless.


harness & bit, reins, blinders, saddle, spreader bars and manacles all in horrible puke green colour


How fast do you want this story to loose its “E” rating? That would be more appropriate if this story was more mature, but it is not.

This was beautiful. And I definitely got the Scooby-Doo reference here... although part of the buildup in the trap gave me a very Looney-Tunes / Tom and Jerry vibe to it as well. XD

Can't wait to see how you're going to handle the others! :pinkiehappy:

meh ok the spreder bars a bit much but theres nothing sexual about bits bridals blinders unless you make it sexual

I humbly suggest that the author check out the justly famous Grimtooth's Traps series of books for trap inspiration. Seriously, some of the are awesome.

An Example:


I used to have the entire set, and got that look very often. Sometimes it's good to be the bad guy. :twilightsheepish:

(cue meme-making people)

So what will Twilight do if Sunset Shimmer comes through and gets trapped? She's innocent.

A hair popped out of place from Twilight’s mane, a second flame dancing upon it.

She is so close to turning into what I headcanon as a Rapidash Mega-Evolution that her physical body is barely stopping it.

.... My personal favorite was the ten foot deep pit trap no one would ever admit to falling into; it was full of whipped cream (too thin to swim in, too thick to breath through, too slippery to climb out of, and too embarrassing to even think about. The perfect April Fools Day Trap.)

Then again, if Twilight has a copy of Grimtooth's Traps and plans to use them.... then where is she going to get the lobster from?

(Trust me, if you read the books, this question makes sense.)

Here is hoping she doesn't mess Rarity's hair outfit or boutique. I can easily see the next sentence.

"Twilight dear, please fix it before I get charged with regicide"

Putting it out there that AJ or RD will yell Dodge to one of the others coming back through and that causes the others to lock up like Gohan. If true to form, have it to where they curse Pavlov.

Out of all the worst possible things, this is THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING! :raritycry:

Just so you know, I'm rooting for Pinkie Pie here on this one.

“No idea.” The apple farmer glanced at Twilight again and gulped as lines of vapor were rising off of her coat. “Also, is Twilight uh, steaming? Or am ah just seeing things?”

The prismatic flier stiffly nodded. “Yeah... Twilight was literally on fire when I got back. I think she took a quick shower or something to put it before she caught you.”

Applejack paled as her eyes darted towards some kind of metal collar Twilight pulled out of a bag and started remembering a specific incident at Froggy Bottom Bog. “We talkin' little flame or inferno?”

“She looked like a volcano about to blow.”

The orange mare stared at her friend in silent shock before glancing back to the Princess of Friendship. “Celestia have mercy on our souls.”

Hell hath no fury. . .

Slowly, the adjacent wall of the pit opened up and the cream covered mare could only stare in horror as all manner of filth was on display. Mud, leaves, garbage bags, and some form of green slime all filled the passage, and more lights could be seen lining the hall. “T-Twilight please, I-I’m sorry! I admit that I’ve made a horrible mistake, but please don’t-!

Oh dear. Rarity, you f***ed up.

I think Pinkie’s is going to be epic. She does need to override the Pinkie Sense after all. I bet Discord is completely enjoying this.

hope Twilight has some comeuppance. She has done shit just like this to every other main 6 member and they never threatened her. This kind of story is always a little annoying to me for that fact. Unfortunately this chapter seems a little, lacking... I don't know. It feels like you literally took this from a picture you saw. Also would have liked it more if Rarity wasn't all "oh um ....so sorry... " and stuttering and stuff. Twilight technically has no right to do any of this as she shouldn't be allowed into the other world either. Also thought Rarity wouldn't come back so early. She would have loved a world where clothes are worn at all times. That's an easy given.

Just kinda disappointed with this one. It felt a little forced. Also Rarity would still be pissed off at throwing in mud and stuff.
Also Twilight has no right to have flame mane.... It is super forced.

to be fair, the mirror portal is state business. the fact they ignored a princesses orders on the matter warrants punishment.

i wouldn't be surprised if twilight drafted discord for pinkies time.

Damn, Twilight. That was brutal.

But funny, in a mean way. XD I like it!


The mirror isn't owned by anyone. Literally. Anyone claiming to own the mirror is also starting that they own the universe on the other side. So Twilight can't actually prohibit travel through it. Also if that is the case then why were Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer allowed to use it.

I'm just worried about how this is going to end. I've read countless stories like these where Twilight will take things way too far for something as small as this and never actually have any comeuppance. Her friends haven't done anything wrong. The castle is literally open to them whenever. I've seen too many stories where favoritism for Fluttershy and Twilight are commonplace and whenever anything inconvenient (no matter has minor) happens to them, everyone reacts as if it was the worst sin ever. Compared to when ponies like Applejack and Rarity have things happen to them, it will usually effect their job. And usually in a bad way. But the ponies only apologize whenever they inconvenience either of them while whenever someone inconveniences Fluttershy or Twilight, it is overly punished.

Celestia has only stated that they couldn't go because she didn't know what was on the other side. So why is Twilight so vehemently against this? I feel like Twilight is way to aggressive in this. like WAY TOO aggressive.

So, Rarity's trapped in a pocket dimension in a painting. Yikes.


I'm just worried about how this is going to end. I've read countless stories like these where Twilight will take things way too far for something as small as this and never actually have any comeuppance. Her friends haven't done anything wrong. The castle is literally open to them whenever. I've seen too many stories where favoritism for Fluttershy and Twilight are commonplace and whenever anything inconvenient (no matter has minor) happens to them, everyone reacts as if it was the worst sin ever. Compared to when ponies like Applejack and Rarity have things happen to them, it will usually effect their job. And usually in a bad way. But the ponies only apologize whenever they inconvenience either of them while whenever someone inconveniences Fluttershy or Twilight, it is overly punished.

So.....what will happen in the next chapter? The chapter where the unstoppable force meets the immovable object?

You mean a mass trying to go past the speed of light?

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