• Published 5th May 2018
  • 12,330 Views, 203 Comments

Alternate Beginnings: Year One - Doug Graves

Seven years before the events of MLP:FiM, a human appears in Equestria, meeting Applejack and other ponies of Ponyville.

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23 Fluttershy*

July 27th, 993

Fluttershy gives her living room another look around, making sure everything is in place. This will be her third date with the human Doug, and she is hoping it will go well. He will bring another one of his experiments, as he calls them, that try to recreate what he remembers of human cooking.

Their first date had been… well, not a disaster. Definitely an eye opening experience. Doug had asked her what kind of flowers she liked. So they went back and forth, talking about deserts, appetizers, and snacks until Doug mentioned deep fat frying. The revelation of where the fat came from, and what kind of things that would get deep fried, had been briefly terrifying for the yellow pegasus. That had prompted a discussion of what animals were like where Doug came from and how they compared to animals on Equus. By the time that was finished, it was getting late, but Fluttershy was intrigued enough to schedule another date the next week.

Date number two had gone well, with both of them reminiscing on the various pets they had and the antics they got into. Fluttershy had left that date feeling much better about things, and looking forward to this one.

There comes a knock on the door, and Fluttershy takes a last glance around before trotting over to the door and opening it. Doug is standing there with a bouquet of daisies in his hand. He smiles at her as he steps inside, offering the bouquet. Fluttershy accepts with a smile, taking a bite of one of the flowers as they make their way to the table.

Doug unloads his pack, placing several serving dishes on the table while Fluttershy gets the plates and utensils. Fluttershy looks at the main course; it appears to be a mix of vegetables and spices, sliced and tossed into one large mess.

Fluttershy points a hoof at it, “What is this one? It looks delicious.”

“Well, I took the concept from a movie, actually. It has eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes, and some peppers. I just kind of grabbed spices randomly, I couldn’t remember which ones it was supposed to have.”

Fluttershy’s face blanches a little at the mention of peppers. “Is… it… spicy?”

“Oh. It shouldn’t be that spicy. It’s just yellow peppers, and I didn’t add that much spice to it.”

“Okay. Well, I’m sure it will be very good.”

Doug takes Fluttershy’s plate and heaps on a generous portion, following with some of the salad and a piece of garlic bread. It is still a little jarring to him how much the ponies eat, but the pegasi are at least fifty pounds heavier than him. Unicorns are a bit heavier than that, especially the ones that don't do a lot of physical activity. Most of the earth ponies are easily double his weight. The work on the farm has built quite a bit more muscle on him and burns a lot more calories than his previous job. It gives him an appetite to match, but with the weather scheduling he has started to get closer to his previous portion sizes.

The two eat in silence before Fluttershy asks, “So, what was the movie that inspired this dish?”

“Oh, you would have loved it. It starred a rat that tries to make its way in the human world of fine cooking.”

“That sounds fun. Did the rat make it?”

“Eventually, yes. There were twists and turns, of course, and eventually the rat’s genius pays off. Though in the end, when the rest of the cooks find out, they all leave in disgust, leaving the main character and love interest to make up, save the day with the help of the rat’s family, and live happily ever after as chefs at their own restaurant.”

Fluttershy smiles, “Oh, that sounds like a wonderful movie. Maybe you can help me recreate it, and perform it for my animal friends? Maybe some of them would be inspired to find their own calling. Well, I mean, if you were okay with it.”

Doug finishes his meal, making a pile of his dirty dishes and looking to Fluttershy. “That sounds like fun, though we might need to improv a little on the dialogue.”

Fluttershy pauses, a little embarrassed, “So, um, how does it work between a rat and a human? I mean, I can understand how a pony and a human can, you know, but I would think a rat would just be too small.”

Doug stares at Fluttershy blankly. “Uhh. Oh! The love interest is a human, and she falls for the human cook that had taken the rat in. The rat basically was able to tell him how and what to cook; everyone else believed it was the human coming up with the dishes on his own. He had to pretend because no one would want to eat a dish conceived and prepared by a rat.”

Fluttershy nods, a look of relief on her face. “Oh. Well, I know some ponies have difficulty with trying out new things, especially from something weird and different.”

“Ya, I know the feeling.” Doug glumly looks down at the table.

Fluttershy realizes how Doug has taken it, and quickly moves closer to him. “Oh, I’m sorry, please don’t think that I think that about you.” She snuggles up nxt to him and nuzzles his arm, her wide smile beaming up.

Doug laughs, petting her mane. “I know, Fluttershy, it’s okay. I know you don’t think of me like that. How long do you think it would take to train the animals to do those tasks, anyway? I know you’ve talked a little bit about bird choirs and such.”

Fluttershy smiles, glad Doug has forgiven her hurtful comment, “Oh, getting them to sing is quite easy. Birds naturally sing. Getting them to sing in tune with each other can take some persuasion and careful suggestions.”

Doug continues running his hand through her mane, going further each time. “You must be very gifted to get birds to stay together, much less sing together.”

Fluttershy blushes behind her mane, “Well, it’s not that impressive. Not like what you are doing with the weather scheduling. That must be very hard.”

“Oh, did Rainbow tell you some about that? I find it very enjoyable. Turns out Fillydelphia was happy with the plan I sent them a week ago, so a couple of the smaller towns outside of Manehatten wrote the head weather manager, asking if this ‘Cold Digger’ pony could write them a schedule as well. They aren’t able to pay as much as some of the larger cities, but I was happy to take them on. The work won’t be too bad. Heh, anywhere that doesn’t border the Everfree forest isn’t too bad.”

Fluttershy nods, happy that Doug has started taking over the conversation. She knows a lot of mares just love to talk about themselves, and doesn’t want to come across as one of them. Plus, getting a stallion to talk about work almost never happens.

Doug continues, “Most of the difficulty with this scheduling seems to come from trying to cycle in vacations and injuries. I have to make most of the schedules work with something like half the workforce, and then find some place to put the extras, like random odd jobs, minor efficiency bonuses, or just longer breaks if they have the extra hooves. In fact, one of the other major benefits with my scheduling is a lot less of the water is dumped into the aquifers. Cloudsdale normally has to constantly schedule waterspouts to recollect the 'wasted' water. With my technique you get the same amount of water to the ground where it is wanted, but with fewer rain clouds. So you have less clouds delivered, less wasted water, and less waterspouts needed to reclaim the excess.”

She grins up at him, “Well, I’m glad you were able to find something that you enjoy doing.”

Doug smiles, “Well, thank you, Fluttershy. That reminds me; I would have a bit of extra income from this, especially if more areas want me to work for them. Or after Cloudsdale sees the results and assigns me a lot more. If you had extra bits, or could do anything that you wanted, what would that be?” He looks up, then puts one hand on his chin, scratching himself with three fingers.

“Oh, that’s easy. I would spend as much time as I could with my animal friends. I mean, I wouldn’t want to stop seeing my pony friends, not at all, but I love taking care of injured animals.”

Doug glances at Fluttershy, “I thought that was what you already do?”

Fluttershy looks at the ground, “Well, I do that in my free time, but it doesn’t really pay the bills. I work as a therapist, well, whenever somepony needs one. Or I do odd jobs around town, or pet sitting, but I think most of those jobs are just given to me out of pity. Or because somepony likes how I look and just wants to stare at my flanks.” Fluttershy hangs her head in shame at that last one.

Doug moves over and puts a comforting arm around Fluttershy, “Well, I’m not going to say anything silly like ‘you don’t have beautiful flanks’, but you have so much more to offer. You have such a warm, caring personality, always thinking about others and how they are feeling, and then wanting to make things better. Not in a cheery way like Pinkie Pie, but in a way where they know they are loved and thought about.”

Fluttershy smiles and plants a small kiss on Doug’s cheek. He smiles back at her, going back to petting her mane. “Do you like being a therapist? Or the other jobs?”

Fluttershy thinks back a bit. Before Doug came along, there wasn’t a lot of demand for her services. After he had come into town a few times she did have a couple ponies come over, but they mostly were scared of him and needed reassurance more than an actual counselor. Fluttershy certainly doesn’t feel traumatized just from being around him, even after Rainbow had pushed the two together. And now with him being in her house… she wonders if ponies will get the wrong impression. Like she won’t be able to give good advice on Doug because she is his friend.

Doug continues to watch Fluttershy as she thinks, muttering to himself, “I didn’t think the question was that hard.”

That seems to break Fluttershy out of her trance, and she slowly shakes her head. “Um. Well, there are parts I like about being a therapist. It’s nice helping ponies with their problems, but I don’t like having to charge them for advice, or for being a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on.”

“Well, would you like it if I helped out with some of your living expenses here? Help you to pursue your dream of helping animals and ponies wherever help is needed? It might not be much, but maybe pet food?”

Fluttershy’s eyes grow wide as Doug’s offer goes across her mind. She quickly hides her frantic expression as thoughts race by in a jumbled mess. It is definitely tempting; not having to perform odd jobs around Ponyville would be worth it. But worth what? Fluttershy thinks through the different things she can offer to Doug in exchange for his assistance.

Therapy sessions? He doesn’t seem like he needs them, though how the other ponies in town treated him might be taking its toll. But you don’t really suggest therapy to a stallion unless he is obviously in need of it. Better to wait for them to come to you, and Doug hasn’t given any hints that he is looking for therapy. Applejack had mentioned something about coming herself, but she doesn’t think that is a good swap.

Maybe Doug wants her to perform odd jobs? She knows he doesn’t care for going into town, and most Ponyvillians are perfectly happy with that arrangement. Maybe she can act as a courier for him, getting things he needs or going places for him? But he already has Rainbow or Applejack for that, and Rarity is probably happy to order and ship anything else he needs.

Pet lessons or grooming? Care? Maybe a pet at all? Fluttershy steals a look a Doug, who has closed his eyes and seems to be dozing while he rests his arm around her. There are lots of animal friends who won’t mind staying with the human, though she would have to caution him to never eat a pet or it would be the last one he had.

Does he… does he want her to provide him with meat? Or be happy that he is a meat eater? She steals another look at him; his mouth is open enough for her to see his sharp canines and incisors. She shudders at the thought; though she had and would provide animals with whatever nutrition they needed it seems different when she would be so directly involved. Well, maybe she can ask Mr. Buzzard if there is any carrion around. Though, then Mr. Buzzard won’t have the meal for himself. Also, because it would be a recurring thing, not something she does only because the animal is injured and can’t provide for itself. She certainly can’t see herself helping butcher a chicken, or cook the meat, but maybe she can talk to the chickens and find which ones are old or sick?

Fluttershy awakens from her thoughts when Doug’s hand scratches behind her ear. She sighs in contentment before freezing. What if… what if he wants her? Well, she already knows that he is interested in her, otherwise why would he be on this date?

What if… what if this is his way of asking if she wants to go to the next level? Another quake echoes through the mare’s body; she never thought of herself as the kind of pony who would do those kinds of acts for bits. She had spurned the offers she got when she was doing odd jobs, and she has half a mind to do the same to Doug right now, put him in his place. What kind of gentlestallion pressures a mare like this?

Fluttershy gives a quiet sob as her resolve fails, the act of standing up to Doug becoming too much for her. The thought of her animal friends comes back into her mind; how much she enjoys being there for them, helping them in their time of need. Before, she would have said that she will do anything for them; now, she is being given that opportunity. Will she really sacrifice her body for her animals?

Fluttershy chances another look at Doug, who is now looking at her with curiosity. It has been a while since either of them has said or done anything. She takes the moment to peer into his eyes. They aren’t like a pony’s; so small, yet they can show the same expressions if one looks closely. She… she supposes she can love those eyes. With a heavy sigh, Fluttershy gently pushes off Doug. “Um. Please don't move. If that’s okay with you. I… I’ll be right back.”

Doug gives Fluttershy a questioning look while releasing his arm around her. She gives him a small smile before turning and walking to the door, flying away. Doug shrugs, picks up a nearby magazine and starts to read about cockatrice eating habits.

A few minutes later Fluttershy lands outside of Applejack’s house, moving up to the door and knocking. Soon the heavy clop of hooves is heard as Applejack makes her way to the door, grumbling something about ungrateful pegasi. The door opens and Applejack is momentarily startled, causing Fluttershy to shrink down, hiding herself behind her mane.

Applejack speaks first, “Fluttershy? Ah didn’t expect to see you here. Is everything alright? Ah thought Doug would be at your place. Tonight. For the date.”

The mare continues looking at the ground, stammering, “Oh... um… yes, he is okay. I came here to ask you if…”

Applejack moves a little closer to Fluttershy, “Um, didn’t quite catch that, Sugarcube. Might need to speak up.”

Fluttershy is quieter than before, “I wanted to ask…”

“Little bit louder than that.”


Applejack sighs, motioning with a hoof. “Would you like to come inside? We finished dinner already but there might be some leftovers.”

“Oh, no, I don’t mean to intrude. I just came here to,” Fluttershy pauses again, steeling herself while Applejack does her best to be patient, “I came here to ask if I could join your herd.”

Applejack’s smile brightens. “Well, Ah sure didn’t think that that would be coming along so quickly. You two really hit it off or something?”

Fluttershy’s smile fades, “Um. Yes. Something like that.”

Applejack grins, “Ya, he sure can be forward. A lot like Rainbow Dash in that regard. He knows what he wants and he goes for it. Do you think he’ll spend the night at your place?”

Fluttershy’s face turns to a slight frown as the reality of what Applejack is implying hits her. “Oh. Um… I don’t know, I haven’t asked him yet. You don’t mind, do you? I would hate to impose.”

“Don’t worry about a thing; Rainbow might miss him some, but we’ll be okay. You go give him a night to remember, ya hear?”

Fluttershy tries to disappear behind her mane as Applejack gives a quiet laugh. “Good night, ‘Shy. Have fun!”

Fluttershy slowly slinks backwards before turning around and heading towards home, anxious thoughts about her first time going through her mind. What if he doesn’t like her? Would he still help with her animals? What if she doesn’t like it, and it hurt a lot? Would he care? Would he want to do… it… the normal way, or was he some kind of… deviant?

Sooner than she likes, Fluttershy lands at the door to her house. Drawing in a deep breath, she opens the door to see Doug still sitting on the couch, now on a section about cockatrice plumes and how to style them. Doug puts down the magazine as she walks in, giving her a smile.

Fluttershy smiles back before starting off in a commanding voice, “Doug, I just got back from Applejack. She said,” Fluttershy trails off as Doug had given her a querying look, not the smile she had been expecting, “Um. Is something wrong? Is everything alright?”

Doug gives her a reassuring smile, “Oh, Fluttershy, everything is fine. Did you... did you go to Applejack to ask about joining the herd?” At Fluttershy’s delayed nod Doug continues, “Oh, Fluttershy. You know the money wasn’t contingent on you joining the herd, right?”

Fluttershy shakes her head, tears forming in her eyes, “Are you… are you saying you don’t want me in the herd?”

Doug gets off the couch, moving so he is eye level with Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, I’m saying nothing of the sort. I would be happy for you to join the herd, I just don’t want you feeling pressured, or that you have to join for the money. I want you to be happy; I thought giving you a way to do what you love and are so good at would be a perfect use for the money.”

Fluttershy lunges forwards, pressing her lips against Doug’s. One arm catches himself while the other slips around to Fluttershy’s back, quickly stroking up and down. Slowly, the first arm gives up as Fluttershy pushes against him, the two of them falling to the floor.

Fluttershy continues trying to bury her lips on his, messily kissing anywhere she can. “Oh, you silly stallion,” she says between kisses, “Don’t you know, when you say things like that, I want you even more?” Doug attempts to nod between kisses, but is repeatedly foiled. Eventually Fluttershy slows down, looking at Doug. “So, um, is that a yes?”

Doug nods, “Of course it is, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy thinks of what is coming next, shaking slightly, “Oh, um, it’s my first time… please be gentle with me…. if that’s okay with you.”