• Published 2nd May 2018
  • 1,458 Views, 110 Comments

Learning to Soar - Pinky Music

Bob, a brony with a growing depression, somehow finds himself in Equestria. Will this be a good thing, or will he wind up alienating the ponies he loves?

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Chapter 12

The next couple of months were like night and day compared to the previous months, filled with more good times than bad. The darkness that was overcoming me had passed for the most part, and whenever I was in a bad mood, I was more confident in talking about it with my friends. Even when my mood wasn’t at the level of ‘bad’, doing my exercises or even working on small jobs here and there for ponies in town would get me feeling better. At least I was making a positive difference in ponies’ lives, something that was always there, but I hadn’t acknowledged it until recently.

The day for the ‘Running of the Leaves’ was finally here, and, with the help of everypony, I felt ready to tackle this challenge. Now, my ego wasn’t so large that I expected to win or even get top place, but I would feel incredibly happy to complete this task. AJ and Dash came up to me as I registered and got my number.

“Mav, you reckon you’re ready for this?”

“As sure as ever, AppleJack. I’m not expecting to win or anything, just complete the race without completely wiping myself out would be a pleasant ending for me.”

Rainbow sidled up next to me and gave me a bump with her shoulder, “Hey, either way, you’re totally awesome, but I’m not going to go easy on you!”

“Rainbow, I wouldn’t have it any other way. But between you and I, I want to come in before Bulk Biceps myself.”

Pinkie announced that the race was about to begin and to get into places. As I headed toward the starting lines, I took note of how the line ups are matching as we get ready. The excitement in the air was contagious as I danced on my hooves, anxious to get the race started. Twilight, apparently, decided to join in on the race for the first time since her first year in Ponyville. We chatted a little before we got into our starting stances, and then the starting gun (or whatever they used) went off.

I galloped for about a minute, then settled down into a comfortable canter, pacing myself as I also enjoyed the scenery. I passed a few ponies and moved into the shade of some trees. The smell of pine needles, mud, and other assorted things in the leaf litter reminded me of when, just a couple of months ago I was steeped in an all-encompassing darkness. As I moved from the shade into the sun, I thought about my friends who helped me through the tough times. Sure, I wasn’t out of the woods yet (figuratively and literally), but I know it would just be a matter of time. They had always been there for me, even when I didn’t think that anypony really cared about me, and it was a pleasant thought that I had friends here that I could rely on when things get bad.

During the race, the sounds of hoofbeats rang loud in my ears. If I were human, I would be tempted to climb a tree or find some other cover from the veritable sea of ponies that were racing. I chuckled to myself at that, because now I’m one of those that is generating the sound. I looked around during the race and noted the colorful leaves that fell down, my feelings now were as cheerful as the colors that one could see all around us. I took deep breaths to smell the forest around, adding to the surreal theater of nature I was experiencing. Not only that, but when I concentrated on the smells and sounds around me, I just got into a flow. The noise and smell of the ponies that were around me could not override the calming nature of the woods around us, but the colors, wings and horns on them only served to remind me that I wasn’t on earth.

With all the trees we passed, it felt like we were running faster than one could fly. The experience was incredible, and carried me through the twists and turns. I felt like I was floating on air, despite the fact I wasn’t flying. I slowed down again, pacing myself so I wouldn’t be all worn out by the last stretch, in case I needed some additional energy. Twilight happened to catch up to me at this time, so we paced each other and chatted about the race. I brought the subject of Winter Start Up with her, and how I might help.

“I’m sure we can use your help somewhere, Mav.”

“Think I could help move some clouds?”

“Well, I’d have to leave that to Rainbow – she is the weather manager for Ponyville.”

“Really? I thought that with her becoming a Wonderbolt, she would have to give that up and leave it for somepony else.”

“Well, there is a fair amount of time that her backup is taking care of the teams, but she still takes care of the weather for the most part.”

“Hmmm…that makes sense she would have others to cover when she’s not around. Speaking of being around, I’m still looking to be on my own you know? I understand I’m earning my keep and all, but there’s something about having one’s own place to take care of.”

Twilight nodded in response. At least she understood my point, so I pushed myself into a gallop when we approached the section where we would pass the house. The sun made laser-like beams of light through the canopy, each getting bigger as the leaves fell to the ground. I remembered the episode where Applejack and Rainbow Dash competed against each other in this ‘race’ and marveled at the spectacle around me. The path that was laid out left the forest and made us weave our way through town, past the house I was looking to buy.

The view of the house energized me like nothing before, so I returned to a gallop along the last few stretches of the race, until I crossed the finish line. Afterwards, I trotted around to an open field to cool down, until I bumped into Rainbow Dash, who beat everypony there. I however had come in a very respectable 14th place of about 30 ponies, which pleased me to no end. Dash congratulated me (after she boasted about her win) and invited me for hayburgers with Fluttershy. I couldn't say no to free food, and besides, I hadn't seen Fluttershy in a while.

After we get our food and a table, Fluttershy asks, “I haven’t seen you around lately, Maverick. What have you been up to?”

“Well, I’ve been helping around Twilight’s castle, odd jobs around Ponyville, that sort of thing. I’ve…well, got an eye on an abandoned house that I’d like to buy,” I described the house and the state that it is in.

“Sounds ambitious!” was Fluttershy’s reaction.

“Sounds awesome to me!” Rainbow chimed in.

“It’s both, I think, but it’s also going to be difficult, and as of right now, the house is outside of my price range, but it’s just a matter of time before I can afford it.” I reached for my hayburger as if I had hands, almost squishing it before I caught myself and picked it up like a pony.

“Given your determination when I was teaching you how to fly, I’ve no doubt you’ll achieve it.” Fluttershy said, and Rainbow nodded in agreement.

With that topic closed, Rainbow asked, “Mav, I was wondering why you keep wearing clothes? I understand that you wore them all the time where you came from, but you’re here now.”

“Well,” I nervously scratched the back of my head, “I know this is going to sound a little silly, but, I’m self-conscious about being a blank flank. C’mon, a pony my age without a cutie mark? I can’t imagine how much worse my encounter with Spoiled might have been if she knew that.”

Flutters and Rainbow looked at each other with matching grim faces that told me they agreed with that sentiment. They looked past me, so I turned my head around and noticed Hard Hat walking up to us.

“Hiya, Mav, girls!” he said as he approached.

“Hi Hard Hat.”

Rainbow interrupted, “Wait…Mav, you know Hard Hat?”

“Oh, yeah, I met him while working on some houses in town a while back. We’ve been good friends since. What did you need, Hard Hat? I hope that we don’t need to fix that roof again over at Lyra’s place.”

“No, Mav, but…I was..uh..wondering if you’d like to come with me to a birthday party this evening?” his eyes seemed to shift back and forth between Flutters and Dash, almost as if they were having some sort of silent conversation, but I decided to ignore it.

“Um…why? Who is it for?”

“It's for Golden Harvest, and it’s going to be lots of fun.”

I gave him a sideways glance, “Yeah, I bet you just want to ambush me for a prank or something like that.”

“It’s not like that, but there will be a surprise.”

“You think Golden Harvest would appreciate it? She doesn't seem the type of pony to appreciate a 'surprise', if it's what I think you're planning.”

He put on a pouty face, “Awwww, but it just wouldn’t be the same without you, Mav.”

“Oh, and how about that time you and Pinkie tricked me into jumping in a pool filled with jelly?”

Rainbow giggled at that one, "Now THAT's a story I'd like to hear."

"Don't even think of it, Rainbow! I don't want a repeat of that, unless you want me to tell everypony about that one time you collided with…"

“All right! All right!” she interrupted, then crossed her forelegs over her chest.

Hard Hat pleaded, "C'mon, Mav. I promise to make it worth your while. Besides, Golden Harvest really, really would want you to come!"

“Fine! Do you mind if I go back to take a shower? I still feel all sweaty from the race.”

“Not a problem. Party’s at Sugarcube Corner, 7pm. See ya there! And…ya stink, literally!” with a chuckle, he left.

I looked back over at Rainbow and Fluttershy, both of them seemed to be giggling at me, “Hey, what’s so funny?”

Fluttershy immediately put her hooves over her mouth and blushed, while Rainbow only said that they were thinking about the pool filled with jello.

“Uh-huh…” I replied, “I think that I’m going to go take that shower now.”

Fluttershy raised a hoof to stop me, “Maverick, have you ever been to a spa?”

“Never, in this or my previous life, and I’m not going.” I crossed my forehooves in defiance.

Fluttershy, for her part, gave me a look where it was only time before one would cave in to her. My eyes met hers, which was a mistake on my part, as her gentle gaze destroyed my feeble resistance after a few minutes and I gave in. I looked at my hooves and while I didn’t have any idea what a bad hoof would look like, I’m sure they would have a farrier there. I may have read up on my new anatomy, but didn’t really pay too much attention to things other than my wings and related exercises.

When we finished our meals, Fluttershy and I took off for the spa. In addition to getting my hooves taken care of, we also had massages, which felt incredible! When the spa pony got to my wings, I groaned in satisfaction as she hit all the right points. It was so relaxing, I almost fell asleep on the massage table. To the credit of the spa pony, she gently woke me so I could get off the table. We then headed to the steam room to relax some more before leaving. When we were finished, Fluttershy had some chores to do, so she headed off her way and I went back to the castle. I wasn’t in my room for very long when there was a knock at my door.

“Hi, Twilight, what can I do for you?”

“I didn’t get a chance to talk to you before you left with Rainbow…I just wanted to say how proud I am of you at how far you’ve come in such a short while.”

“Thanks, Twilight. I don’t think I’m quite out of the woods yet, but with the help of you and your friends, I’m getting better.”

“Well, the fact that you’re trusting us and talking about your problems is a real big step on its own. By the way, you look extra clean and fancied up, is there something you’re doing tonight?”

“Well, Fluttershy took me to the spa, much as I didn’t want to. It was not as bad as I thought it would be.” It was then that I took a closer look at my coat and noticed that it was growing a little thicker. “Hmm…I don’t remember my coat being this thick before.”

“Mav, it’s normal this time of year for one’s coat to grow thicker in preparation for winter. This is especially true of pegasi, who have to fly in such cold weather.”

“Oh, well, as long as it’s normal…back to the party, though, were you coming along?”

“I have a couple of things to finish up here, but yes, I’ll be there as well. You go on ahead without me, I’ll see you there!” She gave me a smile that I could only describe as cute as she walked away.

Steve jumped up onto my back, then my head and pointed to the window, telling me that it was time for me to head out. Nothing needed to be said between us, as I headed out to the balcony and jumped off, spreading my wings on the way down and pulling up, soaring above the trees as I headed into town, flying rather fast, one hoof ahead of me, the other at my side in a ‘Superman’ pose.

I almost passed up Sugarcube Corner, but caught myself and landed a short distance away. The building was unusually dark and quiet, which gave the surrounding town an eerie feel, as there was nopony around. Steve, meanwhile, had hopped from my head and scampered inside the store.

“Steve! Get back here, it doesn’t feel right!”

All he did was look back at me, smirk, and continue into the store. I sighed and started to slowly walk toward the store, ears moving about as I listened for any danger. I moved slowly up the steps and into the store, looking about as I said, “Hello, is anypony here?”

The inside of the store was pitch black to the point where I couldn’t see my hoof in front of my face. What made the situation all the more disturbing was the complete lack of the usual smells that the store had. No wonderful cinnamon rolls, cupcakes, or fresh bread seemed to exist to assault my senses. All of a sudden, the lights came on and everypony around yells “Surprise!”, with Pinkie suddenly on my left, and Fluttershy on my right. All I could do is freeze like a deer in headlights as I saw all the ponies there.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the late posting, but here's the next chapter!

Art provided by Rainb0wDashie

An image to go with it.