• Published 30th Apr 2018
  • 2,191 Views, 37 Comments

Daring Do and the "Hero Colt" (Dadonequus Discord) - CrazedLaughter

Daring Do's latest adventure hit's a chaotic snag when she ends up rescuing the adopted son of Discord.

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Chapter 5 - "Dark" Power

As you started to sway along to the music, Ahuizotl and his goons started to leave your mind. Idiots would never figure out where you were headed or where the eye was, so now was a time of repreive and good jams.

Hell, when you both nab the eye. you both could vamoose through a window at the top floor.

As you bobbed and plotted, you suddenly started to hear someone else humming along.

"Do do do do dododo....do do do do dododo..."

You slowly peer over to Daring Do, who was very very lowly going along with the song as she leaned against the wall.

"AHA!" You pointed over to her "I knew it was catchy! Even you can't avoid it's charm!"

"What?" Daring Do stopped when you caught her, she hadn't even realized she was going along with it until you pointed it out. " I....huh...erm....Ok fine, I guess it's a little catchy. tch, kids these days and their toys"

"C'mon Daring Do, You're never too old to enjoy a video game" you started to bounce closer to her has you hummed "Do do do dodododo" You gave her a nudge as you smirked at her "Do do do dododo"

Daring Do just groaned as she gave you a slight push.

But you just slid back to her side, and gave a gentle tug at her wing "Dananananana danana na nanana"

".....Danananaaa naa naa na na, Dananana naa naa naa" She slowly began to go along with it.

"Dododododo do" You hummed

"Dododod do do" And then she hummed, more vibrantly this time.

And finally, you had a duet of "do dos" and "nanas" as you both started to sway to the music.

This went on for a good while until suddenly, the elevator stopped...a few floors before the top.

At first, Daring Do and yourself hadn't noticed as you enjoyed yourselves

But then the doors opened, there were rows of goons behind it.

And then the music stopped

"Well, that stinks...I was really starting to...oh.." Daring Do notices the goons, and stopped mid sentence.

"Starting to what, hmm? Do you mean you were enjoying...your…..self?...crap!." ...what the fuck?! "HOW DID YOU GUYS GET HERE BEFORE WE DID?! WE USED THE ELEVATOR!"

They then began to give their replies
"We ran up the stairs!"
"Super fast, and now we're taking you to the boss!"
"Hold on a second, guys...I'm..still catching my breath."
"Me too!"
"Me three!"
"Yeah, That was a work out..I need a second too!"

Daring Do pointed to the mostly tuckered out army "See, kid? This is what I meant about staying fit, I just wanted you to be better than slobs like these. Look at them, don't even realize that they can't catch us"

"What? We have you surrounded. You can't beat ALL of us!" The one in front yelled out, he seemed to be the least tired, in fact. You think he was the goon leader, you had no clue, they all looked like generic pony thugs to you, even with the nice business attire you all had on.

Daring Do looks to you and whispers "Anon, grab on to my leg"

You silently grab onto her leg tightly. Whatever she had planned, it was probably ridiculous. So best to hold on tight.

She then looks to the goons and salutes "Don't have to, see you later." And then Daring Do launched up, through the elevator hatch on top. You hadn't even noticed it, but holy crap, were you screaming from the sudden jolt of movement.

And Daring Do herself? She was damned smart. When she got out into the elevator shaft, she karate chopped the thick elevator cable, sending the elevator crashing down before a single goon could even get into it.

When they looked up into the shaft, she gave them another arrogant salute before flying all the way to the top, forced open the doors, and flew inside.

However, what you expected wasn't what you got.

instead, it was a room more akin to Mr.Burn's office from the Simpsons. Dark, filled with books on one side. A single window behind a lonely desk in the back. Well carpeted, like a study in a mansion.

And the boss's chair was facing towards the window which outside, you could see the building towered over the city. Which meant you could escape….just having to ride Daring Do herself. Lest you wanted a ton of broken bones.

you were catching your breath as Daring Do looked around. "Alright kid, where's the eye? Where do we look? You don't think it's a secret passage behind that book case, do you?" She walks over to the bookcase and starts tugging at a few of the books there.

"Nope, it should be...." You take a look under the desk and see a safe on the floor with a digital display, and numbers on the buttons. "Right here...in this safe. Hrm, with a locked code."

Daring Do goes over to where you are and looks down at it "Looks weird. But you know the code, right?"

You smirk. she asked such an obvious question. "Of course I do. Check this out. 1..3...3...7. Haha! Open..."



"Did that thing just talk?" Daring Do found the advanced technology a little off. She also noticed the safe didn't open.

"Yeah...hold on" you started to ponder, how could it not be that number?

Maybe it was… "2...0..10"


"This kind of reminds me of the Catacombs of Troticinni. There was a chamber where you had to press in the correct panels on the wall to open the right door. But you had to make sure you got the order right, because if you ended up pressing the wrong ones….well...let's just say it isn't pleasant" Daring Do continued to observe you as you tried various other numbers to no avail.

"We get unlimited tries on this one but..GRRR! None of the numbers I can think of are working! STUPID THING! HYAAAAOWWW!" You slam your hoof on it as hard as you can, but it just didn’t budge “...c’mon...we were so close…”

"Relax, kid. You won’t be able to think if you keep getting riled up like that" She moves in front of the safe and takes a look "Let me give it a shot."

Daring Do tries the a few numbers of her own, mentioning that they corresponded with a few important numbers known to the natives. Apparently they had a thing for calendars . Those inputs she made, however.....didn't work either.

"Ok then...I'd use some of the dynamite I left back in the camp, but this safe…” She knocks on it a few times “Is pretty durable, it might actually be able to resist the blast.” She then looks to you and tilts her head in confusion “.Why can't you just use your magic to open it again?"

"Two charges a day...and I used em"

"Right..I remember you mentioning that. Well, what about those books? You think they might have a clue?"

Daring Do goes over to the bookcase, and grabs one.


"Maybe not..." Daring Do looks at the book she takes with a scowl and drops it, she does the same with the next few books.

"What's wrong?"

"All blank. That's a bust. hmmm, so let me ask this" Daring Do takes a moment to stretch "How tough are those kinds of safes?"

"My guess? Nearly indestructible"

"Darn..Well, just go in order, I guess. There's no chance any of those goons are getting up here, and if we just try everything, one of the codes should work eventually."

"Right. Ok" And so you begin. Punching in number after number as quick as possible until you can find the right combination.

"Say...Anon. I have a question for you. I didn't really give it too much thought until now. But, you aren’t like any other colt I ever met. You're from another dimension, right?"

...She..was asking about that?

Despite overcoming that Tantabus long ago, with some of your friends learning the truth about you, you’d think you’d be more comfortable with someone figuring out your secret on their own. But for some reason, her asking that question made you feel slightly uncomfortable. "Yeah...erm. I used to be a human from a place called earth....ummm..why do you ask? I mean, you’re not even weirded out at all by that?" She didn’t seem to have as grand a reaction as you thought she’d have

"I just wanted to know. And nah, I’ve seen weirder. Still, I get curious about things that are out of the ordinary. You probably should write a book about it."

you felt there was a cosmic irony in that sentence. that you felt your worry pass as you chuckle. "I know right? But ponies are pretty sensitive about certain things. Don't think they'd be too happy to read about me palling around with the queen of the changelings"

Daring Do scoffed "Eh, those are the kinds of critics you shouldn't really listen to. I think it'd be a nice read. Not everyday somepony gets sucked out of their world like that. But,you don't miss your original parents or anything like that?"

you shook your head, those words didn’t even phase you. In fact, given how casual the conversation was going, you started to feel more at ease. "Not really, they passed before I ended up here. And don't feel bad for me, I don't sweat it. My Dad more than makes up for everything."

"You're a pretty strong kid,Anon. Don't let anypony tell you different. Though..speaking of the changeling queen, if you don't mind me asking, what exactly happened to her?"

"I dunno. She ran away. But oddly enough, I still feel that we're friends. It's just that we both know that we would never betray the ones we love for one another. And she refuses to reform so, I had to accept that. But still...even though I don't know where she is and know she's still evil, I hope she's ok"

Daring Do snickered

"What's so funny?"

"You. And don't take that the wrong way. Because I'll say it again, this would make a pretty interesting book. Being friends with her, I can't really imagine what that's like. But I could tell from the way you sound, your words….Heh, was she that good a friend?"

"She made things interesting. And even though she denies that she did any good, there's a lot of things in my life I have thanks to her, whether she meant for it to happen or not. I'd never betray my friends or family for her though, but if she came to me for help, actual help, I think I'd give her a hoof"

"Heh, makes me wonder if Ahuizotl has that kind of soft spot. Don't tell anypony I said this. But the guy is pretty darn good at treasure hunting. There's so many artifacts in the world that just can't be uncovered alone. I'm sure if we worked as a team we'd be able to find them no problem." But she shrugs "But what are you gonna do, huh? The guy is a jerk. I guess that's why I feel pretty darn great when I beat him in something."

"Oh? What, do you like him or something?" You look up to smirk at her

She rolls her eyes "Not even close. But we've been rivals for so long that usually when we meet, it's always going through the rounds. One of us outsmarts another, he gets the item sometimes, he comes close to victory, i snatch it away in the end. And sometimes there's a few differences. Like today. today I got to team up with a pretty cool guy"

...You stop guessing numbers at the moment to look up at her, deeply surprised. "Really? You think I'm cool?"

"Don't look too deeply into it, kid. I'm mostly making conversation. But yes, you're pretty ok"

Sounded like she was back peddling there. "Heh, well. I guess you're pretty ok too"



You and Daring Do look over at the elevator. Ahuizotl, breathing heavily from anger, was standing there. Seems he forced his way in. But how?! "HOLY CRAP?! HOW DID YOU GET HERE?!"

"...I climbed. WITH MY HANDS!" Ahuizotl raised his fist, then pointed at Daring Do "AND YOU, DARING DO! THIS IS THE END! THE EYE IS MINE! YOUR FATE IS SEALED!"

Daring Do groaned "You ALWAYS say that. Yet here we are, having another ‘final’ meeting. Just give up, Ahuizotl, I'm not in the mood. You're alone, your goons and your cats are downstairs, you have NO element of surprise, and it's two against one. You have no chance"

"That is where you are wrong!" Ahuizotl rips his suit off and smashes his fists against his chest "You will indeed have your fate sealed today! This, I promise! The eye will be mine! And if I must destroy the both of you to have it! Then so be it!"

"Yeah yeah..." Daring Do enters a battle ready stance "Let's just get it over with"

In a panic, you began to put in numbers at a faster pace as Daring Do and Ahuizotl begin their battle.

Daring Do goes for a buck. But Ahuizotl bounces away from her with a wide jump....and lands right in front of you.

"HAHA! I have fooled you Miss Do. I only need the foal to achieve my VICTORY!" Ahuizotl chortled as he once again made a grab for you.

.....great..this shit again.

He grabbed you quickly and held you in front of Daring Do.

"Really? This again? It's getting old real quick, Ahuizotl" Daring Do, despite her mocking words, was visibly angry that he attacked you at all. Like a mother growling at a predator trying to get her child.

"....You know, you are right Miss Do. I too tire of this game. But this foal still must pay, so I will be keeping him. And should you try anything, I will make sure he will never know what it is like to take another breath" Ahuizotl holds you out in front of her, taunting her while bobbing you up and down.

"You're that desperate, huh?" She was walking from side to side, never losing eye contact with him, furious with him.

But he just smirked as he sat on the “Boss’s” seat, and looked down at the safe as he pressed you against the top of the desk. "More like I'm too close to victory that I cannot allow any more mistakes....hmmm" He seemed to be unable to figure out how the safe's input system worked.

"Yeah, you're not getting that eye. Let the kid go, Ahuizotl."

"I shall, after he tells me how to open this thing" He holds you up to eye level "You! Foal! Tell me how to open this contraption. Or I will make sure each of my goons make you feel how you made me feel. We'll all take a turn. And I promise not to show you any mercy before you continue the rest of your life after that as my adorable little daughter"

NOPE! Fuck that. This guy was a nutcase. Did you really traumatize him that badly? What a fucking baby.

Maybe...just maybe. You could set him up for Daring Do to knock him out.

...You hope this wouldn't break your teeth. "Get fucked!"

You open your mouth and clench down on his fist.

What you didn't expect is for him to be so surprised by your bite that he squealed like a girl before shaking you off...and through the window.

"ANON!" Daring Do reached out for you as you began your descent.

And boy, were you high. Those hundred floors were even higher up than the highest point of what the temple originally was.

"DAMMMIIITTTT!" Was all you could yell as you realized you bit down too hard and caused your own downfall.

You were about to go out like a salaryman. "..S-shit.."

How could you not foresee this?

How could you...


Daring Do?

Holy shit! She was diving down to catch you. "DARING DO! HELP!"

You reached out to her. But she wasn't nearly as quick as Rainbow Dash, she was having trouble catching up. "I'M COMING! NGGGGHHH!"

She was almost there, she was reaching her hoof out for you.

You shot your hoof up to hers, but you couldn't quite reach. And the ground was coming up pretty damn fast. "NGGGH!"


...Wait… "DARING DO!"

You quickly stop reaching for her hoof, and instead go for your saddle bag and open it up.


"HOLD ON! WAIT..C'MON..C'MON!..YES!" You pull out the grappling hook launcher that BonBon had given you some time ago. "HEY! DARING DO! CATCH!"

You attached the grappling hook to your foreleg, and shot it upwards. Daring Do dodged it, getting surprised as to what it was. But when she noticed the rope trailing upwards, She grabbed it and pulled up. Bringing you along with it.

...Thank you Bonbon.

"...That...was close. Hah" Daring Do chuckled nervously "That was quite a plan, kid. Where did you even get this kind of grappling hook?"

...Thank god you even remembered it. "A friend. I..almost forgot about it actually"

"Well it's a good thing you remembered. Look, I'm going to take you down to the bottom. It's too dangerous to take you up with me, I don't need you to get hurt."

"What?! But we're a team, Remember?!"

"Yeah, but that was too close. I don't want you getting hurt. Alright?"

She didn't want you getting hurt?! But you were so close...both of you were so close to the eye.

..getting hurt....


"Kid, if you're talking about using your head again. It isn't happening. Once Ahuizotl sees us flying up, he'll be ready to make the catch. I'm taking you down to the ground"


There had to be something you could do. Something that would help.

If only you had a charge left.

If only you could use the horn.

"Maybe if you could use that horn of yours, I'd take you back up. But since you can't use it. There's no reason to put you into any more danger." She tells you as she nears the ground itself.

use that horn...

Could you?.

....wait.... "DARING DO! YOU'RE A GENIUS!"

"...Why?! Wait...can you use the horn again?"

"Sort of. Check this out!" You plop the horn on your head. Without a charge, it remains as a Nightmare Night prop, and gives you the visage of Sombra.

"...Woah..Kid, what kind of magic is that?!" Considering Daring Do had no reason to believe it was a prop, she thought what she saw before her was a form of dark magic.

"..The power...of illusion" And with that. Daring Do becomes a little more attentive to your words. You explain to her your simple plan, to use this element of surprise to shock Ahuizotl and knock him out with a good hit.

"You're crazy, kid. You know that?"

"But it's a good plan, right?"

Daring Do smirks as she starts to rise up, signifying she was ok with it. "It's something. Alright, let's do it"

Daring Do starts to rise back up towards the broken window. Where a frustrated Ahuizotl is feverishly at work trying to open the safe.

"BLASTED THING! HOW DARE YOU KEEP ME FROM MY PRECIOUS EYE!" He growled as he uselessly pressed at the buttons.

Daring Do flew high above the window where she wouldn't be seen as you hung on the rope below her.

With the way you were hanging, and with the "Dark" magic flowing ever outward from your brow, it looked like you were flying with the power of evil power/ "Ahuizotl!"

"...Again?! HOW IS IT YOU ARE AS ANNOYING AS THAT DARING...Do?" He turned around, only to see you "hovering" in place. The dark magic covering and hiding the rope as you gaze at him with your evil eyes "What is this?!"

"I told you! I am the son of Discord! and I have summoned up my powers to bring you nothing but doom and destruction. I have destroyed that meddlesome Daring Do like an insect. And now....I shall crush you!"

"I-Impossible! I-I saw you... You and her were acting like friends!" He was backing up, afraid of your “dark” powers.

"And yet here I am. right where the eye happens to be. She served her purpose. But you? You were never needed."

"W-Wait! You don't need to destroy me! I am willing to forgive your transgressions! Perhaps..we can even be partners!" He tried to bargain with you


Oh yeah, this was in the bag.