• Member Since 18th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen 6 days ago

Minds Eye

Are you not entertained?


Luna has a few questions for her sister after her little performance in Twilight's play. Namely, where does she get off raising the sun during the night like that?

This could get ugly...

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 35 )

.....what did adagio have to do with this?.....also.....did everypony die

Luna reared once more, power gathering at her muzzle one last time."FO KRAH--!"

Celestia did the same, the brilliance of her magic matching her sister's."YOL TOOR--!"


Two of the most powerful beings in the multiverse just had a conflict. Apparently Dagi felt that through the mirror and despite not being able to feed on it anymore it was still a satisfying experience of the likes one needs a cigarette afterwards.

post coital satisfaction.
it was such a clash between sisters that she felt it in her special place all the way over there.

Pretty much 8894576. She enjoys voices.


Imagine is Celly and Lulu tried to Dragon Shout each other out of existence during the Nightmare Moon fiasco. The Everfree would probably look a lot different now.

Elsewhere, twisted and entwined in her bed sheets, Adagio Dazzle lit a cigarette.

Big Lipped Alligator Moment much?

Damn Luna, it was her onesversary.

Good thing they had a millennium to fix the damage!


Nothing wrong with lighting up after various comings and goings...

Hey, rules are rules. Standards apply to everyone or no one.

Celestia did it to help a friend on a special occasion.
Luna did it because she's a whiny little b*tch.

Apparently the Friendship festival during the movie didn’t count. ;)

Nothing in MLP is canon. I think a senile Twilight is telling stories to small children.

even when i saw that look on Luna's expression i knew that she would obviously do something like that XD

I think that the point still stands. Luna tried to keep the moon in the sky outside of its schedule when she became Nightmare Moon, and while there was a lot of other things that went on at the same time, and we all know that refusing to lower the moon was hardly the worst thing she did that day, the conflict nonetheless started with her refusing to lower the moon. That matter is, therefore, settled: The sun and moon are only to appear in the sky according to their schedules.

Celestia deviated from that schedule, and you know what? You're right; it was a special circumstance, and it was to help a friend. It was also done without permission. Celestia and Luna rule together as equals, don't they? Well, apparently not, if Celestia can just raise the sun whenever she feels like it!

Elsewhere, twisted and entwined in her bed sheets, Adagio Dazzle lit a cigarette.



Wait, what's that about a harem?

Pinkie's coming back...right?

Surprised no one went full Fus Ro Dah on anyone. But that was some serious Canterlock on Celestia's part. But, then, she's had a thousand years more practice than her sister.

As usual, the fandom delivers better story content than the actual show. Really great read, Luna is criminally underutilized in the series.

Royal Canterlot Voice = the Thu'um
headcanon accepted
now if they just used better shouts

The inevitable fanfic.

I have to say, as far as rejoinders go, "YOUR DEMANDS ARE FLATULENCE IN A STORM!" is pretty high on the list of the best.

I was kind of hoping Twilight might assert the Friendship Mantle and put them both to shame, but I suppose I should give her a few more centuries before she's ready for that kind of stunt. In any case, delightful bit of siren-pleasuring madness.

Who's Jack Hughes? :derpytongue2:

8894637 Ah, you're talking about old Mount Everfree?

Author Interviewer

This went so much better than it could have, my trust in you was not misplaced. :)

Glad you enjoyed it so much, and thanks for the review!

I guess it's a sign of my age that people need to think so hard on that last line. Blasted kids not understanding my symbolism.


What did I just read. :twilightoops:

I hope Twilight and co are ok. Their eardrums were probably ruptured; that's a painful thing, and I speak from experience. :fluttershysad:

On that note, good Skyrim reference? And intense verbal fight, too.

"Everyone, quick!" Pinkie Pie tore out her mane, and spread it wide. "Out of the universe!" She dove into it, and her mane vanished behind her.

I CALL HAX! Also, L:rainbowlaugh:L. I was hoping someone would do a story about this issue. Luna's face says it all. Bravo.

Whoa, whoa, wait! Hold the phone! The rest of thier lives? Living every red-blooded guy's dream and all they had to do was give up all thier magic potential? :rainbowderp:

Where do i sign up? :pinkiecrazy:


I shall have to remember that one.

Every so often I like to come back to this story and have myself a chuckle.

Luna reared once more, power gathering at her muzzle one last time."FO KRAH--!"

Celestia did the same, the brilliance of her magic matching her sister's."YOL TOOR--!"

All I've got to say is, "VEN GAAR NOS!"

Good to know people still enjoy my stuff. Thanks!

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