• Member Since 17th Jun, 2012
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Rune Soldier Dan

Love is a verb, not a noun.


Opposites don’t attract. There is no way a forthright, friendly girl like Applejack and a sarcastic backbiter like Adagio would ever fall for each other.

And yet, here we are.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 83 )

New stuff from you?

Niiiice! Your AJ and Adagio stuff is always a blast to read!

Looking forward to more!


Also, Adagio is a Siren, meaning that she isn't exactly chaste

ore respectful of the chastity of the others

Sure. Happy to sail along.

You said you'd do it and you did not disappoint. Thank you so much for this. Is this meant as a follow up to your Appledagio story?

So that's kidnapping and two casual death threats by the 'heroes' so far, and I'm guessing there'll be no consequences whatsoever for either. :applejackunsure:

I really liked Appledagio, but the people I think we're meant to root for are insufferable here... And Adagio's just taking it, like she's lost all her fire.

Oh my gosh Adagio in here is just great!


mmm.... changing it to a random tag to better reflect that this story is going to be a series of impulsively-written episodes. Sorry this one wasn't a winner. :applejackconfused:

Kind of... same continuity, but since its tone is so different (random cartoonish antics instead of quiet romance) and I won't be referencing the former, it feels too odd a fit to call a proper sequel.

“I’d buy the shovel.”

God damn, I love this cold-hearted & sassy Fluttershy! I want to see more of this Fluttershy! :rainbowlaugh:

Its so hard to pick out my favorite Twilight moment bcuz she was straight savage & Adagio was beyond hilarious as well! I'm gonna love reading this story a lot! :rainbowlaugh:

But...she's in her underwear. She's about to walk out the door half nekkid....

Ha! AJ got tortured by Adagio & Rarity's fashion choice, only to get them back with those overalls! :rainbowlaugh:

“Asphyxiation ain’t sexy!” Applejack gave a piteous gasp, lacking the breathing space to do anything else as the strings forced her flat body into an hourglass. Or at least, made a violent attempt at it.

Thank you, Applejack.

And I have to say, Rarijack friendshipping and Adagity friendshipping is delicious. More of those two, please?

As for gags I'd like to see? Adagio trying to use Siren Logic on a date or telling Applejack about her life in the past (the latter would be a nice bit of sentimental for all the giggles to be had in this one!). Seeing AJ visit the Siren's home and bring her good old country gal sense and big sister instincts to the lightly dysfunctional (but mostly hilariously so) home of the Siren's would be fun. Oh, and Halloween stuff, since Adagio has probably been witch hunted before (c'mon Grumpydagio is g u d s t u f f) and it'd giver her the chance to interact with more characters like Apple Bloom and others.

6 inch heels? What??? That's crazy talk.

Fresh blood poured into Applejack’s blush at the phone-sex murmur Adagio called a voice.

yeah that uh...that sounds bout right

Ideas for a short story or gag? Hmmm... *thinks*

Adagio and AJ's first official public date?
Movie theater fun time with Adagio?
Apple Family once a year reunion with Adagio invited?
Grudge match between Dash and Adagio where AJ has to intervene?
AJ makes a home cooked meal for Adagio?
Adagio makes a home cooked meal for AJ because AJ is doing it all the time?
Aj takes Adagio camping and shows her some beautiful nature thing?
Video games and Adagio cheats?
Rodeo date?
Some guys or girls try to flirt with Adagio and AJ ends up acting a little jealous and stuff?

At the other two’s shocked looks, Twilight gave a shrug. “I’m hyper-aware, and we’ve seen each other naked. Don’t make this weird."

more weirder than it actually already is?

“In what?” Applejack managed with ever-shrinking volume. “My lungs?”

okay that made me giggle. I love this story a lot. Its really cute. And an unlikely couple i can definitely get behind.

Applejack is nice, honest, friendly, generous, and moral. Literally everything you’re not.

I mean, she hasn't threatened, kidnapped, or forcefully read anyone's mind yet, so that's at least one point for her. Looking forward to the inevitable backlash from AJ.

Favorite chapter so far. I very much like this Rarity :pinkiehappy:

Would love to see Aria catch wind of some of the Rainbooms less friendly shenanigans and turn things aroumd on them on Adagio's behalf.

I do like the idea of AJ/Adagio/Other chapters. Not necessarily for everyone, but it is a good way for Adagio to work up a rapport with the others. That said, it won't work for everyone. After all, the inevitable Pinkie party will focus on Adagio as the guest of honor.

I give it about three minutes before Adagio starts trying to wreck the party just to escape.

Dang it Apple Bloom...

Damn... sexy times denied.

:applecry: whuddya mean ya don't want me here?

A door slammed open across the house, accompanied by a pre-teen voice. “Big sis, I’m home!”

Damn it Applebloom, you ruined sexy time!

Give AB 10 bucks and send her to the movies.

This is going to take a few moments for me to digest. Or maybe another chapter...we'll see.

:rainbowlaugh: Flawless timing. Also, nice way to show the chemistry between these two without any suspicious friends running interference.

Oh my, things are coming quite personal now... What's gonna happen tomorrow?

Huh, the story had a rough start but Im really starting to get into it.

This is turning out pretty good.

Guilt and practicality forged a truce, and Sunset upended the fish into the head-and-tail cooler. The shelter cats would love it. Nodding, Sunset retrieved more fish from the freezer and got back to work, humming cheerfully as she lopped off heads and tails.

Maybe she's a bit too gleeful about lopping off parts. Just a little.

Poor Mister Blub-Blub

Poor Adagio, seeing that fish bought back old happy memories of her childhood.... Great now I miss my first fish... :fluttercry:

That was oddly cute. Poor Glub glub!!!! Loved the Celestia like Hydra.

Ok, ok, you can have the fav. You just made me feel for a freaking fish you a-hole.

Between a wonderfully evil Sonata and Princess Hydra, these chapters were a delight. Thank you for them.

Three full hairnets in a non-Euclidean arrangement tamed her curls,

She did accidentally summon an aspect of Yog-Sothoth, but it was hardly the first time her hair had done that.

I'm sure the fact that she's imagining poofy orange hair on each of them is just a coincidence.

Me and My Siren Review

Ok, so here for the other part of this, and just like that, let’s go chapter by chapter:

As it happens, Adagio likes apples: Okay, so first: I love that title. Second: I think I mentioned it before, but it bears repeating: This chapter is really amazing because, even though it’s clear that this is a sequel to Appledagio, this introductory chapter allows to set up everything the readers really need to know to get into the story, all the while being a pretty fun and entertaining chapter all on its own. So kudos for that!

Science and Magic:: This is perhaps the only one I’ve got a lil’ beef with, and no, it’s not even the dark comedy. That was a little out there, I’d say, but not something that bothered me personally. What did bug me was that I didn’t quite get what exactly Twilight did to kidnap Adagio. Did she like, use a device to disintegrate her and then put her back together somehow? ‘cause that’s what I got the impression of.

That aside, it’s an okay chapter overall, just one that kinda feels like it’s there more to fill in a potential plot-hole (aka, the “shouldn’t AJ’s friends be concerned?” question) more than anything else.

Let’s Shopping: …isn’t it “Let’s Go Shopping” or like… eh, you know what? Forget that. I loved this chapter! It’s perhaps my favorite. It was just so much fun, the snappiness and comebacks between all parties involved being just outright hilarious, and the way it ended being both so funny and heartwarming, oh my goodness, this chapter’s just the best! XD

Teenage Hanky Panky: And this, this was just so. Freaking. ADORABLE! And not just that, but like, it’s stuff like this that really makes a more than convincing argument about how these two can work as a couple, which is just not as easy to pull off as some might think (trust me, I’ve seen badly done executions of it), so kudos for that and thanks for such wonderful chapter. ^^

Siren Schemes and Losing Teams: And this was… weird. I dunno, but I feel like this chapter here was foreshadowing stuff more than trying to do much in and on itself. Clearly Adagio isn’t being open about the true nature of her relationship with Applejack (specifically, that she actually cares for her), so that’s clearly something that’s gonna blow up sooner or later, I’d expect.

More importantly, though, that finishing line: “...Her stomach hurt.”, I mean… it’s completely out of nowhere and I just can’t connect it to anything, but it sounds foreboding for some reason, and it has left me concerned ever since.

Still Life in a Sushi Bar: And then there’s this, which was actually quite good, mind you. I personally even thought that it could have be its own stand-alone story with a few tweaks, but regardless of that, it was interesting to learn more about Adagio in such a way, and again, it feels like this is foreshadowing some upcoming stuff, like somehow Adagio’s past is gonna play a part on whatever decisions she might take next.

So will all that said and done, all I can do now is hope and look forward to the next chapter. Again, though, thanks for this awesome fic! ^^

Oh, and… well, had an idea for a chapter, though at the same time, this one feels so obvious that I suspect you’ve probably thought of it already, but well, here goes: Basically, we had a chapter about Applejack’s friends (or two of them, at least) acting concerned about their friend’s relationship, right? So how about one where Aria and/or Sonata take a stance (whatever that is) once they realize that Adagio is serious with her feelings for Applejack? It could be funny, it could be dramatic, whatever you wanna make it, I just think there’s a good story to tell there.

Furthermore – and this would probably come after a chapter like the one suggested above – Adagio deciding to return the hospitality for once and inviting Applejack for dinner at her place, which – whether planned or not – leads up to them having dinner with Adagio’s sisters as well, and cue a very awkward and uncomfortable dinner. XD

Well, hope you’re doing okay there. See ya in next review! Or if you’d like, you can always just contact me for whatever. ^^

Yours, “Should be eating more apples” Alexander, the Godslayer.

See ya!

Persona 5 reference...?

Awww, how sweet! Adagio & AJ have a new pet of their own together!

Don't you go believing in any of that destiny hogwash!

She rubbed her hand along Makoto’s side, eliciting the now-traditional purr and bite. Not so bad.

cats are good
dagi needs time to learn this

Yeah, my cat rubs on my feet and I pet her for a while and then BAM, chomp.

This chapter title is very indicative of the content. I never pegged Granny Smith for being as, if not more, sexually blunt as Adagio.

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