• Published 2nd May 2018
  • 1,966 Views, 182 Comments

A Disparate Bond - the7Saviors

Sometimes, one change -- one little detail is all it takes to unravel the threads of one's fate, but these threads will not stay unbound. The ties will be bound anew and a certain lavender filly's fate will change drastically.

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An Unexpected Discovery

The two fillies were stuck.

Their plan to escape had failed before it even really started and now they were forced to deal with this mammoth of a prison guard. The guard himself stared down at the two somewhat impassively, but for how much Twilight was panicking, he might as well have had murder in his eyes.

The filly sat there frozen in shock and fear as she stared up at the large unicorn. She opened and closed her mouth, but no words came out, a tiny squeak being the only sound she was able to make.

Starlight on the other hoof, fell to her haunches and wailed.

The stallion winced and covered his ears.

"Whoa, whoa, would you quit it with the waterworks already?" he yelled over Starlight's cries, "I'm not gonna hurt you, alright?"

Starlight continued to wail obnoxiously to the point that even Twilight had to cover her ears, her initial fear replaced by utter shock at the sheer volume at which the light pink filly could scream.


The door to the room was suddenly enveloped in a shining yellow aura and slammed open so hard it was ripped from one of the hinges.


The bellow was more than enough to drown out Starlight's cries and everypony in the room started violently at the sudden intrusion, including the stallion. All heads whipped around to face the doorway.

Standing in the entrance to the room was an absolutely livid unicorn mare.

Beneath all the fear, shock, and confusion, Twilight couldn't help but notice just how immaculate the mare looked, even with her face scrunched up in an angry snarl.

Her pristine cobalt blue coat was wrapped in a soft black cloak clasped together by a small jade colored brooch in the shape of some kind of serpentine creature eating it's own tail. Her neatly feathered turquoise mane fell to one side of her face, and her brilliant yellow eyes were narrowed and blazing.

In a few words, she was the prettiest mare the lavender filly had ever seen.

For a heartbeat, nopony spoke a word, the two fillies and the stallion staring back at the irate unicorn mare. Then the mare, finally taking notice of the fillies, straightened up and looked from them to the prison cell.

All at once, the fury fell away and was replaced with a look of mild interest.

"Oh, the brats finally escaped," she turned once again to the two briefly with an unreadable expression before turning right around and trotting back out of the room, "good, that actually took a lot less time than I expected."

She looked back over her shoulder to the stallion, who stood there next to the fillies with a flat expectant look on his face.

"Fix the door, Comet," she turned back around and continued her trot, "you two come with me."

She didn't wait for the two confused fillies to respond before trotting out of sight down the stone hallway just outside the room. The stallion, Comet, looked over to the broken door and sighed before shaking his head.

"Look," he began, rubbing the back of his neck and turning to Twilight and Starlight, "you two better not keep Aeon waiting," he trotted over and pushed to the two girls towards the doorway, "come on, I'm sure you two have questions. She'll be the one to answer them... probably... hopefully."

Twilight was about to ask the stallion what he meant when he pushed them again, this time all the way out the door.

"Like I said, don't keep her waiting," he said one last time, "she should be down the hall to the left. Keep going until you reach the black metal door at the end of the hallway... oh, hang on a minute, Purple..."

Comet lit his horn and the ring around Twilight's own horn was enveloped in a bright orange glow before being lifted up and off the filly. He floated it over to himself before nodding to Twilight.

"I don't think you'll need that anymore," he explained, "I told that mare you didn't need it in the first place, what with your magical burnout and all, but she insisted..."

He continued grumbling complaints about the mare as he retreated back into the room.

"Well, so much for that plan."

Twilight turned away from the entrance of the room to see Starlight giving her a sour look.

"Thanks for that by the way," she groused as she began trotting down the hall, "If I had known you were such a loud mouth I would've just left you there."

Twilight winced and hung her head guiltily.

"I'm sorry, Starlight," she muttered, "I was just... curious," she looked back up at Starlight, "I love learning about magic, and that... whatever you did back there was something I've never seen before," she gave Starlight an apologetic frown, "I guess I got carried away with my excitement... and got us caught."

Starlight eyed the apologetic filly for a moment, her displeased frown softening slightly. She looked away and sighed before facing forward and trotting down the hall once more.

"It's alright, Twilight," she finally replied, "at least we're not gonna be thrown back in jail again... at least I don't think we are."

Twilight nodded and followed after the light pink filly. A bemused frown crossed her face as she observed Starlight and she decided to voice her concern.

"Hey... Starlight?"


Twilight's bemused frown deepened.

"What was all that about back there?" she asked, "y'know, with the screaming?"

"Oh, that?" Starlight replied without looking back, "I always used to do that whenever..." her steps faltered and slowed briefly before she picked back up her pace a moment later, "...whenever I didn't want to do something or my... m-my..."

She shook her head.

"It was just something I did whenever I didn't want to do something," she finished, "I was hoping he'd just let us go if I cried loud enough."

"What?" Twilight asked incredulously, "that's sounds like a terrible plan, Starlight. What if he had decided to just... I don't know... hurt you or something instead?"

Starlight merely shrugged and kept trotting.

"We're here now, aren't we?" she reasoned, "you heard that mare. Apparently she was expecting us to break out of that cell."

"Right, and that's another thing," Twilight whispered worriedly, "we don't know anything about that mare... or anything else about this situation for that matter," she shook her head before looking around her, "how did we get here? Where even is here? What was that fog?"

She turned back to Starlight, giving her a pointed look.

"And why did you just rush towards it without thinking?" she asked accusingly, "I tried to tell you it might be dangerous, but you completely ignored me and galloped off on your own anyway!"

Starlight didn't say anything to that.

She didn't even bother to face the lavender filly.

"Well?" Twilight pressed with a frown, "why did you--"

"I didn't want to keep wandering around out there."

Twilight blinked.

Starlight stopped and finally turned to fully face Twilight with a solemn expression.

"Who knows how long we would've been trotting out in that desert, Twilight," she explained, "I didn't bring enough food for the both of us, and I only had maybe a few hours worth of water if I stretched it."

"But... but then why?" Twilight asked with a frown, "why did you decide to take me with you if you didn't have enough food and water for the both of us?"

"Well for one, I think you would've tried to follow me anyway," Starlight answered with a shake of her head, "and besides that..." she looked away from the lavender filly as she thought, "...I don't know. You just looked... bad, I guess. I couldn't just leave you there."

She turned back around and stared at the black metal door just up ahead.

"And I didn't want to be alone..."

Starlight had said that last part quietly, but Twilight heard her anyway and her expression softened into a look of understanding. She trotted up next to the light pink filly and rested a hoof on her shoulder.

"Starlight, I--"

As heartwarming as all this is, I'd like to get started sometime today if you both don't mind.

Both the fillies jumped in surprise at the sound of the deep, almost sensual feminine voice. They turned to looked at each other, their eyes wide with bewilderment and disbelief.

"Did you just--"

"Yeah I did! What was--"

It's just simple Telepathy. Now hurry up and enter through the door in front of you. I have a lot of time on my hooves right now, but I'll be damned if I'm going to waste it all waiting for you two to get over yourselves.

The fillies simply stood there, gaping at the door before them.


With a yelp, they both scrambled towards the entrance and Starlight used her magic to push the door open. Once inside, the two fillies stumbled to a stop and gawked at their new surroundings.

Beyond the doorway was a massive, circular room filled with rows and rows of large shelves. Even from where they were standing, the fillies could see that each shelf contained a plethora of books of all kinds. A spiral staircase lining the wall could be seen leading up to another floor above and another staircase led to a floor below.

A large chandelier hung from the ceiling and seemed to glow with several bright ethereal looking motes of amber light rather than actual candlelit flames.

Both fillies slowly made their way further into the room, their heads swiveling this way and that, trying to take everything in. Tall bookshelves lined the grey stone walls and the rest of the shelves that weren't against the walls were arranged in circular rows that encroached upon the center of the room.

In the middle of the room itself were a few long wooden tables chairs, presumably for reading or studying. Starlight and Twilight also took note of another door between the rows of shelves lining the walls.

Twilight couldn't believe her eyes.

This was the last thing she had ever expected to see since waking up in that rocky desert. In that moment, all of her fears and worries were completely shunted aside in favor of sheer awe and a growing excitment welling up within her chest.

The mysterious mare had summoned them to one of the largest libraries Twilight had ever seen in her young life.

Author's Note:

Hey, Twilight found the library! Maybe things won't be so bad after all. :twilightsmile:

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