• Member Since 18th Feb, 2016
  • offline last seen Tuesday


New to writing, but really wanna try and get things out. Oh, and if you follow me, I'll follow you back. Something I got in the habit of doing back on Twitter.

Comments ( 167 )

You might want to include a message status about if there'll be cross-overs or if you'll be having the main focus on story only, that way people won't bother you about it.

Good point... Halp...? Kinda my first Displaced here...

Blackdust, I would love more, and maybe a few lewd scenes in the future~.

In the works, Lewdy. And by the way, I need someone to bounce ideas off of. I got one guy that's a kind of co-writer, but...

You can bounce them off me if you want, just don't expect anything grand.

Heh, the both of us post within minutes of each other!
But seriously, I had a blast doing this crossover, and I look forward to next time they meet!

Same here man. Same here. OH! Hey, check the doc before you delete or erase.

Wow... Celestia is a Gun-jumping Bitch here. Did Twilight teleport him to save his life?

Of a sort. And I have always had this idea, that Sunbutt and Moonbutt were once fierce warriors, who despise the dark arts to this day.

Not surprising considering the number of dark mages in MLP that we know of.

Currently doing a full rewrite of the story for all those curious. User Zemez is helping me out with it.

Here's to hoping there's more to come!!

Already working on the next chapter and then reposting the crossover! Just trying to get timelines to align is all.

You my 'guy' just made my day... please... don't give up

I can't give up, lol. Got a co-author now, so it's gonna be even better than before.

I'm looking forward to the chapters! Have yall established a posting schedule?

Whenever we feel the chapter is done. Could be same day, could be next week. Depends on our individual schedules.

That's understandable, I'm assuming you're just getting back on the grind. I can be patient, I find so few stories where the lead is a male wolf...

Technically not a wolf. Technically, an alien from an rp and Steve from Minecraft.

I gotcha, alien with a built in Faraday Cage due to the electric power built up in their atmosphere... unless I grossly miss-read that... its canine looking... has fur... ill throw doggie treats at it if I could... though I'm still surprised Twi hasn't checked in on him if she knew where she sent him

And risk being caught by Tia who would quickly kill him?

I mean if it's proported that she believes that he's dead... maybe not... but come one Twis a princess and im sure she's got plans in place also I wonder what's gonna happen when 'Steve' gets into action... im sure that he and the pupper will get along quite nicely

Ohh and here enters possible Baddies.

Just a side villain that might become recurring.

Word, also didn't expect an update so soon. So now I'm confused, he was teleported to Canterlot then?

Canterlot dungeon. Why check the place she lived if she was clearly so paranoid that she'd blast first and ask never? Tia would be on edge, sensing something nearby, but not anymore than she clearly already was.

Gonna be fun getting to the bottom of the situation, maybe we'll see some pissed off Twilight now that she's a princess... of course Tia needs a reality check with how unreasonable she is right now, there has to be some trauma involved

Centuries worth. This is how she's been doing things for as long as anypony alive can recall.

So the phrase "set in their ways" applies here it seems. Well damn, insert 'war in Equestria' tag here if what I'm guessing is going to happen

I sadly am unable to give any further answers in that regard. Backstory and background that won't be disclosed for, at best, a couple dozen chapters? Sure, no problem. But stuff that pertains to the actual story as it is? Sorry, no can do.

Oh don't worry, I'm enjoying the journey as the chapters are released, I'm more interested in if you had any romantic pairings planned

Aside from Silphen and Aurana? Not at the moment. Need to think on them and figure out some finer details. Maybe Spike will get the two mares of his dreams, AJ and Rares, or maybe he'll get Sweetie Belle. Maybe Twilight will pick up Pinkie, opposites attract after all, and she would have a spell that turns one to the opposite gender for a bit.

Ohh nice, since you're in Season 3 with the story... I can see Spike with Rarity, Sweetie, and AJ because they all have those possibilities. I don't see very many PieLight pairings but there's many who would pair Pinkie with Cheese, though that's not for a season so I can see you working that, or TwiDash since that's pretty polar opposites... no paring ideas with 'Steve'?

Actually... It's post Twilight transformation, which was the S3 finale... We're in S4...

Fuck, I I got those swapped my bad, I glossed over the Canterlot Invasion. But yeah shift what I said to the left 1 season...

That would be S2...

I keep forgetting that the crystal empire time line

Left on a number line is going down in numbers, dude. Right is what you meant.

My god... im all over the place. Still point is made, I'm anxious to see where you two go with this story

Thanks mate. Take it easy and enjoy the ride!

Regardless, He got to work. For three tireless days he worked on crafting. The first thing he started was automating everything. From farms, despite his lack of hunger, as he didn’t even have a hunger bar, to mining drills that would mine by themselves. This was where he found out someone screwed with ore-gen even more by having the generation set in reverse. He found diamonds and such at the highest levels, followed by gold and redstone, till several hundred meters below the earth, he found an abundance of iron and copper.

Wait so wouldnt that mean iton and copper are stronger then diamond

What about obsidian armor(with mods),the one with netherite armor(from the nether update)?

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