• Published 13th Apr 2018
  • 9,398 Views, 87 Comments

My Dreaming Ends... - shinigamisparda

A doomsday cult awakens an Old God, to... unexpected results.

  • ...

Your Nightmare... Is Postponed.

Twilight Sparkle raised her head with what little strength she had left. A dark violet light tinged the surrounding wasteland coming from the runes underneath her and her friends, draining their power and funneling it to a single source. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were trapped like she was, strapped to a crucifix-like post by cuffs and chains. Along with them was Starlight Glimmer, Spike, who had also long given up trying to get free.

She looked around, as her friends, assistant, and student were not the only ones. Princess Celestia and Luna imprisoned the same as her, as were Shining Armor and Cadence. Even Flurry Heart was given the same treatment, showing the cult's cruelty as they ignored her cries. But this was not limited to ponies as Discord, Dragon Lord Ember, Thorax, Pharynx, Prince Rutherford, Queen Novo, and Princess Skystar had been propped up. The only prisoner who hadn't been forced to endure the same was the former Dragon Lord Torch, likely because they wouldn't have been able to handle it. The fact that such a large and mighty dragon had been brought low was a testament to how much planning and power the Twilight's Hammer cult had.

She saw them praying to their leader, the minotaur Crushing Steel, as he chanted, dark energy swirling around him. Twilight looked around to her friends and family, not knowing what to say but trying to convey it nonetheless. She smiled at them, a weak but genuine smile despite her saddened eyes. She knew this was it, that they'd failed, but at least she'd get to spend her last moments with those closest to her. Most of them smiled back in wordless understanding, feeling the same way. Others like Ember and Torch refused to be seen weak and still struggled to get free, even though they knew there was no way to escape.

"The time has come, my faithful followers," Crushing Steel began. "With the power of those that would oppose us, we remove the final block to our Great Lord, and usher his will to bring for the End Times! Rejoice!" The cult members, consisting of every species, cheered. "And now, I shall call forth our Master, and bring an end to this pitiful world!" He turned away from them and raised his arms, power surging around him and the runes at his altar glowing brighter. "C'Thun. C'Thun! C'THUN!" he bellowed. The power he had been gathering exploded as the light around him surged. A wave of energy spread across the land, and for a moment there was silence.

Then everything shook. The wastelands parted, shattering like glass. The sky grew dark, blotting out any light from above. From the wound in the land a purple miasma spewed everywhere. Then came the first signs of the being below, tentacles with slitted eyes at the end. "HE COMES! REJOICE! REJOICE FOR THE END OF ALL!" Crushing Steel laughed. As more tentacles burst forth a massive orb broke rose into view, larger than any mountain, and underneath was a mass of flesh with more eyes and tentacles extending from it. For minutes the group could only watch in horror at what was before them. When it finally stopped it looked like an orb the size of the moon had been propped up by a mountain. And then came the noise, something that sounded like a long exhale of breath, but of such strength and power that it was like the earth trying to tear itself apart. And then, finally, the orb turned to face them all, revealing it to be a massive and horrifying eye. After gazing about the sight before it, the creature spoke.

"... Not again."

Everyone just blinked for a moment.

"Uh... what?" Spike muttered.

"Lord C'Thun? What is the matter? Your Chosen are here! We have carried out your will and revived you!" Crushing Steel began.

"Fool. Your 'Master' has done no choosing. What fool are you to awaken me?

The creature's voice and cadence were somehow calm, yet carried such power. Every syllable was like a whisper in their ears, sending shivers down their spines, and yet also had a strength that made it feel like something was crushing their lungs. There was also a tinge of boredom and a annoyance, like it was tying to explain something to particularly stupid child.

"I... I am Crushing Steel, High Priest of the Twilight's Hammer, and I-"

"'Twilight's Hammer?' How is it you even have the same name?" The mighty beast even rolled its eye. "Listen and understand: I had no desire to be awoken."

"Wh-What? But your voice spoke to me!"

"An apparent effect of my presence, something that I had no control over. I came to this world from Azeroth before even the tinies of microbes had an inkling of evolution. I had grown tired of attempting to revive myself through insignificant mortals such as you, only to be thwarted by so many time and time again. So, with great difficulty I had convinced others to release me so I could leave. I desire only sleep, and you are impeding my wishes. Begone."

"Wait... what!? After all this, all the work I've done, you're just going to go back to sleep!?" Crushing Steel asked, completely aghast.

"I care not for your efforts. Your actions are as meaningless as your lives."


"... Excuse you?" C'Thun asked in a tone that, despite it's calmness, had clearly lost any semblance of patience.

"I... I mean-" Before he could finish Crushing Steel, and all his followers, were vaporized by beams of power. Perhaps by coincidence, they also freed all of the prisoners, who were still staring slack-jawed.

"NONE demand of C'Thun." He then shifted his focus to those that remained. "You."

"Y-Y-Y-Y-Yes?" Twilight whimpered out.

"I had specifically ensured that I influenced none so that I would not awaken, but that seems to have failed. It is now your duty to ensure I never awaken again. For if I do, I WILL destroy this world for such transgression."


The abomination seemed to grunt in approval."And now..." The Old God descended back into the earth, shaking the very world as it did, uttering one last word.


The wasteland converged back into place, covering the hole that had been made like it was never there.

For several minutes, every creature just stared at the spot, then back to each other.

"Well... That was a thing that happened," Starlight Glimmer stated.

Author's Note:

A stupid little one shot because even if I'm not that familiar with the lore, damn do I love everything about C'Thun. It thought it would be funny to see an indomitable Evil be all like "Go away, I wanna sleep."

And I am so pissed I can't use him in Standard anymore.

I may add, like, ONE more chapter, probably about Luna visiting C'Thun in his dreams or something.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the stupid.

Comments ( 87 )

I bet C'Thun dreams are filled with sunshine, rainbows, a lot of silly party hats, and tea parties.

Words can't describe this pice of art


. . .Did he just talk back to an Old God?
. . .
. . .Are we sure his name is Crushing Steel and not Death Wish?

Poor elder gods all ways getting woken up by petty mortals

Okay, I loved this take of the whole 'cultist trying to bring the Old Ones back' shtick.:moustache::rainbowlaugh:

Here are some corrections to some mistakes I found in the text.

Her a dark violet light tinged the surrounding wasteland coming from the runes underneath her and her friends,

Don't you mean 'Here the dark violet light...'

Twilight looked around to her friends and family, t not knowing what to say but trying to convey it nonetheless.

Do you mean to say in this part '...family, not knowing...'?

For several minuted, every creature just stared at the spot, then back to each other.

Here you mistyped, it is supposed to be an 's'.

Now, with my nitpicking done...

Have a fav and thumbs' up for making me laugh with this!:rainbowlaugh:

Oddly enough, Crushing Steel's last thoughts were, "Well, at least this one didn't immediately turn himself into a sheep."

Amusing in concept, if a bit rough in execution.



C'Thun is secretly a brony, which is why he came to this world. :rainbowwild:

Thanks for nitpicking. Fixed it.

Rough in what way? Lack of detail? Grammar?


Just found out a small detail that evaded me the first time.

"An apparent affect of my presence, something that I had no control over.

Effect. With this, I believe there are no more typing errors.

I hope to read more from you in the future - your ability to write comedy does bring a smile to my face. :twilightsmile:

Just seeing this has motivated me to write a story about the Shudderwock.

Aside from the nits others are already picking at, there were a few points where the phrasing was awkward and the sentences just didn't seem to flow well, even though they were grammatically correct.
The most obvious example I could find was:

As more tentacles burst forth a massive orb burst forth, larger than any mountain, and underneath a mass of flesh with more eyes and tentacles bursting from it.

Using the phrase "burst forth" twice in rapid succession like that technically isn't wrong, but it still looks weird and gives the sense that you didn't really know what you were doing there, and the third instance of the word "burst" at the end certainly didn't help with that.

Some helpful advice for future writing: the thesaurus is your friend.:twilightsmile:

Funny thing, now Twilight can claim to be his chosen.

8861459 8861397 Thanks to both of you. usually I pick up on those things but I started and finished this today because I wanted to get it out in time, so I missed it. Thanks.

Ha! Didn't even realize it!

Don't let Sargeres know you've got an Old God squatting there, my little ponies.:rainbowderp: He tends to get pissy about that sort of thing.

You're welcome. :twilightsmile:

Now I want to read a 100k+ fic about the silly adventures of a bored Old One.


Someone make this!

I, too, relied on C'thun. May his slumber by plentiful. :fluttershysad:

I fought all 4 Old Gods before they left Standard. That Druid used all 4 of them in one game and it was beautiful. I even got to use their Yogg-Saron and C'thun against them, since I was running Priest.

From one Hearthstoner to another, this was a good little read. Nothing earth-shattering, but a great way to see out the forgotten Old God. Perhaps now he can finally sleep.

Wouldn't it be funny if ALL sleeping old ones were this way? "It's called eternal slumber for a reason you fools!"


You know what the best part is? That animation is entirely too accurate.

Check the guy's channel. He's got more.

I did. They are also too accurate


i fucking love this 10/10

As a wow lore fanatic, I ADORE THIS STORY. 10/10

Ladies and Gentlecolts, this year's Darwin Award goes to Crushing Steel!!!

Additionally, I imagine that the reason the heroes were first defeated was because Twilight Sparkle was having a field day trying to change the name/clarify/and-deny-she-had-any-hammers of Twilight's Hammer.

And next time on WOW crossover hour, Twilight Sparkle restarts the Twilight hammer in an effort to ensure C'thun is never awoken again. Does so accidently twenty years later when she mutters his name in her sleep.

That was hilarious. I know nothing about the lore in question, but I love the idea of an Eldritch Abomination just wanting to go back to sleep. Where can I find more stories like this?

unexpected results.

Wrong one, though.

He's from World Of Warcraft.


For 'unexpected results' refer to 'Bow down before the God of Death'.

I wanna see some Yogg Saron. Yep. Bow down before the god of death! Whispers of madness. Yogg Saron IS nothing but a mass of just mouths. Even his eyes are...mouths. He disguises himself as a young female in trouble before you fight him. Turns out you're doing what he/she wants. Yoggy would make a great villain. C'thun was cool, but all I can think of is that annoying Ahn'Quiraj crap and Silithus.

you will die.....your friends will betray you.........you will betray your friends.

Fucking brilliant. Would've made it even better if changelings were the ones to summon him

Is that a fanfic name? Can you link?

Now this, this is a real work of art. This is the greatest fanfic on this website. Liked and followed!

Oh wait, I just realized, you’re referring to Yog-Sarron’s effect, right?

Rip year of the mammoth. I'll miss C'thun and the jade idols. :fluttercry:

But seriously though this is a nice little fic.

8863014 "It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye."

so very true so bee careful with Atiesh

"Well... That was a thing that happened," Starlight Glimmer stated.


I shouldn't have read this in public, I started laughing, boomed out "none demand of C'thun", and then started cackling. It was great. Well done. :moustache:

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