• Published 7th May 2018
  • 3,757 Views, 89 Comments

A Queen's Perspective - Equestria Girls - gerandakis

Twilight Sparkle has been a changeling queen for just over a year now. While she is represeting her hive on a royal symposium in the Crystal Empire a mysterious unicorn stals her crown ...

  • ...


It was the beginning of lunch hour and despite the fact that no lessons were taking place this morning, it being the day of the Fall Formal, many students still chose to eat in the cafeteria. In a corner of the room, next to a battery powered music player, sat Spike, waiting in Twilight's backpack. Nearby Fluttershy, holding two empty cups, took a seat next to Sandalwood at the table with the eco-kids. Pinkie was standing at the food counter a tray in her hands. Rarity, another empty tray before her felt right at home at the fashionistas' table, she was slightly nervous however as she had been agreed upon to be the one to give the starting signal for her plan. She reached into her bag and pulled out the accessoires from earlier putting them on, it only took a split second before the other fashionistas took note.

Seeing this, Rainbow Dash started approaching the athletes' table another set of ears and tail tightly in her grip. Allright, Showtime. Determination clear on her face she put on the ears followed by the clip on tail and quickly sat down on an empty chair at the table. Looking up, the other athletes soon took note.

This was the signal Pinkie Pie had been waiting for. She pulled out another set and put it on before gripping her tray once more. With a determined slam of the tray on the counter and a sly grin on her face, she started the beat.

From the other side of the cafeteria, Rarity echoed the beat, adding the stomping of her feet to the mix.

At the eco-kids' table Fluttershy, who by now had also put on a set of the accessoires took hold of her cups and softly banged them on the table, adding to the rising music. The general chatter in the cafeteria started to die down.

Sitting opposite of Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and her own sister Applebloom, as well as a very confused looking Big Mac, Applejack added the clapping of her hands to the music.

Across the room, at the athletes' table rainbow had started taking part in the beat with a tray of her own. This was the signal Spike was waiting for. He reached a paw out of Twilight's backpack and pressed a button on the music player.

The moment the first notes of the instrumental began to play the last of the chatter in the cafeteria ceased and as one the five reunited friends raised their voices and started singing.

"Hey, hey, everybody
We've got something to say
We may seem as different
As the night is from day."

Gradually the confusion of the students began to shift towards enthusiasm at the impromptu musical number, as the five friends, who had gotten up from their seats, approached one another.

"But you look a little deeper
And you will see
That I'm just like you
And you're just like me.

The singing paused as a few well chosen guitar riffs rang throughout the hall.

"Hey, hey, everybody
We're here to shout
That the magic of friendship
Is what it's all about"

One by one the students noticed that all five of them had pulled blue sweaters, with the stylized C in the shape of a horseshoe that was the school's logo, over their normal clothes.

We thought we were different
As the night is from the day
Until Twilight Sparkle
Helped us see another way"

As the five girls arrived next to one another at one of the walls of the cafeteria and turned towards the gathered students, they began the refrain.

"So get up get down
If you're gonna come around
We can work together
Helping Twilight win the crown
So get up get down
'Cause it's gonna make a sound
If we work together
Helping Twilight Sparkle
Win the crown!"

As they danced through the hall each of them sung in turn. Pinkie starting them off.

Hey, hey hands up now,
We're sending a message
To the crowd
Hands wave up
Then come down
We party together
All around

Rarity began now. "Generous, honesty,"

"Laughter, kindness, loyalty" Applejack seamlessly continued.

Fluttershy and Rainbow rounded of the quintet

"Twilight helped us each to see"

"All that we can be!"

As recognition flashed across the faces of the students the five began the refrain anew. They danced across the room in various patterns until Rarity and Pinkie reached the door, pulling it open to reveal Twilight Sparkle. She too had pulled a CHS Sweater over her clothes and wore the pony ears and clip on tail. With an enthusiastic grin she began her solo.

"I'm gonna be myself
No matter what I do
And if we're different yeah
I want you to be true to you"

As she passed the rockers' table Flash Sentry got up with his guitar and joined the music.

"If you follow me
We'll put our differences aside
We'll stick together and
Start working on that school pride!"

The other rockers had by now taken places in an impromptu band setup with a bass and even a drum kit. Everyone present simply assumed that Pinkieā€™d had a hand in setting it up and chose not to question the matter further. Instead almost all present students got up from their seats as the five friends spread around many sets of the same pony-themed accessories they had been wearing for the entire song. Students all throughout the cafeteria took them and put them on before joining in the singing as the instrumentals cut out and their voices alone were left to carry the refrain.

"Jump up make a sound (Hey!)
Stomp your hooves turn around
Start now, make a change,
Gonna come around
Jump up make a sound (Hey!)
Stomp your hooves turn around
Canterlot Wondercolts
Help her win the crown!"

The refrain repeated a few more times before the singing students slowly calmed down and instead approached Twilight to ask her questions, to express their support or to simply get to know her better.

Half an hour later, Twilight sat in Vice Principle Luna's office. On the Table before her lay various photographs showing her in various aggressive poses around the destroyed party decorations in the school's gym.

"This is impossible."

The Vice Principal seemed unimpressed. "This is clearly you in the photographs, is it not?"

"Clearly. Nonetheless this can't have been me."

"Oh? Why not?" Despite her scepticism Luna couldn't quite hide a shred of curiosity. Listening to the original excuses of the students was one of her favorite pastimes.

"You said this happened during lunch hour?" Without waiting for an answer, she pressed on. "I was occupied at the time. I wouldn't have had the time to do this. That aside I have no reason to do such a thing."

At this, Luna's curiosity took center stage on her face. "Occupied?"

"At the beginning of the lunch hour, my friends and I put on a little musical display in the cafeteria. I spent the rest of the lunch hour talking to various students."

Luna was dumbstruck. So that's where that music came from.

"We did attract quite the crowd so if you just ask a few students they will confirm this."

"Very well. I will check this. Wait here." She walked towards the door and opened it. "And don't touch anything."

"Mister Sentry, were you at the cafeteria during lunch hour?"

"Yes, Vice Principal, I was."

"And was Twilight Sparkle there?"

The boy took the time to let out a short chuckle. "She was. Kinda hard to miss."

"So I was told. Thank you mister Sentry."

"Anytime, Vice Principal.

"You were at the cafeteria during lunch hour?"

"Yeah, dude, that was cool, man. They put on like this music show, or something. In the end we were all singing along, totally rad, man."

"I take it by they you mean Twilight Sparkle and her friends?"

"Yeah, man."

After questioning a few other students throughout the school's hallways, the Vice Principal was satisfied that the picture was sufficiently clear.

As she returned to her office, the Vice Principal found Twilight still sitting in the chair, as she walked around the desk she saw that the girl's eyes were closed, a serene expression on her face. Luna cleared her throat and Twilight jumped.

"My apologies, I was ..." She chose not to mention that she had been communing with the hivemind. " ... lost in thought"

"I understand. This is a big day afterall. Anyway, seven separate students have independently confirmed your story, so it seems that Sunset Shimmer's evidence was fabricated."

"Sunset Shimmer," Twilight deadpanned. "I should have known."

"Still with your innocence confirmed the fact remains that the Fall Formal Dance cannot happen with the gym in this state. We'll have to postpone."

At those words Twilight's face was one of panic once more. But after only a few seconds Steel Gaze contacted her over the hivemind. <My queen, Princess Celestia asked me to remind you that true friends can face any adversity.> She had used Luna's absence to keep her friends and family back in Equestria updated on this latest turn of events.

Twilight took a deep breath, employing the technique she had learned from Cadance years ago. As she answered her voice was calm first inside the hivemind, answering her guard, <Thank you Steel, she's right.> Then in the real world answering Luna. "We'll see about that."

Luna was surprised to hear this. "Do you have a solution in mind, Twilight Sparkle?"

Twilight stood up from her seat and turned towards the door. As Luna heard her speak once more, there was only determination in the girl's voice. "I do. See you this evening, Vice Principal."

As she left the office Twilight turned to find her new friends, knowing it was the time for truth.