• Published 10th Apr 2018
  • 3,653 Views, 36 Comments

“Ocellus Some Beer, Won't You?” - Lucky Seven

Ocellus is the perpetrator of the greatest crime in the School of Friendship's history.

  • ...

This is a terrible idea.

“Ocellus, I’m telling you, nobody is going to find out.”

The scene was set. Ocellus had been laying in bed, catching up on some much-needed studying. Although confident in her knowledge, she knew that Ms. Dash had a penchant for adding particularly puzzling questions to her quizzes. ‘Just another way to stay a step ahead of the pack,’ she had told her students.

That way of thinking had rubbed off on the meek changeling, and she was determined to finish at the top of the first graduation class of Twilight Sparkle’s School of Friendship. Hay, she could see it now…

“And now, without further ado, your first ever valedictorian, Ocellus!”

The applause was heavy as Ocellus ascended the steps of what was to be her graduation stage mere moments from now. Once she finally reached the podium, she cleared her throat. “Mm. Fellow students, over the past few years, we’ve been through many things together. Avoided obstacles, cleared paths, and most importantly, formed everlasting friendships. With that in mind, there’s one thing I want to say…”

The auditorium was in a hush, everyone patiently awaiting what she had to say. Ocellus used the time to pick out her closest friend, Smolder, from the crowd. She began to laugh abruptly, a maniacal laugh that sent chills throughout the crowd. “I told you I’d be up here and you’d be down there, Smolder! Finally, I beat you at something! All those years of losing to you at Speed and Uno are over!”

“And that’s exactly why we’ll be giving you this trophy for being the ‘Most Awesome Being to Ever Live’,” Twilight spoke up, revealing a lifesize statue of Ocellus.

Heh, maybe Smolder really is starting to rub off on me in the wrong way, Ocellus chuckled to herself. Truth be told, if she were chosen to be valedictorian, she’d have nobody but her friends to thank for the occasion. Still, the idea of finally besting Smolder at something that relied on skill and practice, not chance, was pretty enticing.

She didn’t have much time to think more on that scenario, though, as her door swung open. “O-oh, hey guys!”

It had been quite a while since all five of her friends had visited her during study time, so this was a pleasant surprise. “Hi, Ocellus,” they all replied at once. And in the same tone…

Oh, Celestia. The last time they all said ‘hi’ like that, we had to spend a week rebuilding the school, she pondered worriedly.

“Is… something going on?” She inquired.

“Oh, nothing,” Gallus spoke up. “We were just wanting to see how our best buddy ever was doing?”

“Just doing a bit of studying for Ms. Dash’s test tomorrow,” Ocellus shrugged. “Are you sure that’s the only reason you’re here?”

The five simultaneously began to sweat, nervous smiles stretching across their faces. “Okay, truth be told, we want something and you’re the only one here who can get it,” Silverstream admitted. “But it’s like, totally okay if you don’t, haha.”


“We want you to get us some beer,” Smolder added, rather bluntly. “All the teachers talk about how great it tastes, even Fluttershy. We want in.”

“BEER?!” Ocellus cried out in fear. “N-no way, that’s illegal!”

“Hey, like, you should probably keep your voice down, bro…” Sandbar warned her. “After all, if we get caught now, we’ll never get to have that super cool stuff.”

“Yona never hear of beer until today. What taste like?” Their yak friend asked. Unfortunately, nobody had an answer for her. “Yona need know!”

“B-but why me?” Ocellus asked, to which pretty much everyone outside of Yona rolled their eyes. “O-oh. Right. Changeling…”

“So what do ya say?” Gallus prodded her. “We’d totally owe you.”

“But what if one of the teachers, or worse, one of the counselors finds out?” Ocellus showed a brief glimpse of panic. “It’ll ruin my school career!”

“Ocellus, I’m telling you, nobody is going to find out,” Smolder replied, one of her claws finding its way to Ocellus’s shoulder. “You’re like, the coolest changeling we know.”

Ocellus looked down at her books, then back to her friends. They all had a pleading look on their faces that she just couldn’t find it in herself to look away from. She sighed. “Alright, I’ll do it. But I get to try it too!”

“Deal,” Smolder smiled deviously.

Ponyville Liquor, Ocellus recited the name plastered across the neon sign overhead. The bright, vibrant glow of the sign was in contrast with the dreary, unkempt look of the building beneath. Still, ponies far and wide claimed that this was the place to buy alcohol.

The little changeling took in a deep breath, light blue flames surrounding her as she took on the form of… someone. She wasn’t quite sure who she’d just turned into, so took a look at her hoof.

White? She asked herself mentally. Ah, must be Rarity. Okay, Ocellus, you can do this. All you’ve gotta do is act like her and this will all be over in a few minutes.

With a gulp, she inched forward and pushed the door open. The chime of a bell announced her arrival, so any chance at turning back had evaporated. Once she was inside, the door slamming shut behind her, she could see that the store was fairly empty. Just one clerk, and another pony browsing product in the back.

That raised the biggest question of all. “What am I even supposed to buy?”

As she spoke, her voice sounded nothing like Rarity’s. In fact, it sounded a bit like…

“Ah, Princess Celestia!” The clerk shouted at her. “How’s my favorite royalty doing today?”

“O-oh,” Ocellus replied, shocked. How did I even transform into Princess Celestia?! Oh my gosh, I’m going to be in so much more trouble now if I’m caught. Just gotta try and act natural.m … Crap, what am I even supposed to say?

“No worries, I’m sure you’re too busy to chat right now. Gotta sign papers, listen to ponies and all other sorts of creatures complain. It’s a tough job. You here for the usual?”

Huh, looks like it won’t be that hard at all.

“Of course, the… usual. That’s what I’d like, hehe,” Ocellus chortled nervously. The clerk gave her a strange look, but nodded. The door behind him was kicked open, and he disappeared. A brief moment later, he reappeared with what looked like a mountain of alcoholic beverages. “Oh my Celestia.”

“What’s that about yourself?” The clerk peeked out from behind his stock.

“Oh, nothing,” Ocellus replied, whistling mindlessly in an effort to appear more innocent. “S-so, remind me again. What is the usual?”

“Well… normally, I throw in about six cases of Pon Light, four bottles of the finest wine, imported straight from Prance. Then I top it off with a special pick of whiskey or rum. This week’s pick is Kraken Black Spiced Rum,” he finished, pointing to the drink in question.

Oh, crap, Ocellus thought, I forgot the money, how am I supposed to pay for all this?!

“Heh, I’m sorry to tell you, but I appear to have lost my… funds,” she admitted sheepishly. Strangely enough, the clerk laughed.

“Ah, I know you’ve got me next time. You have a great day, Princess.”

Huh. That was a strange turn of events. Still, Ocellus wasn’t going to waste what good fortune she had going. All the beverages she would be taking began to glow a faint blue, something she hoped would remain unnoticed by the clerk.

“Hey, wait a sec, isn’t your magic supposed to be golden?”

“O-oh,” she stammered, trying to back out the front door with her prize. “I’m just feeling a bit… under the weather. Yeah, that’s it.”

“Huh. Makes sense to me. Sorry for the questioning, we’ve just had an influx of teenagers trying to steal beer lately,” he explained.

“Crazy kids,” Ocellus laughed. “Well, I’ll see you later!” She yelled, finally making her way out and slamming the door behind her. Letting out a hefty sigh, she whirled around to make her way back to the school, only to let out a shriek.

“Oh, hi, Princess!”

“H-hello, Starlight,” ‘Celestia’ replied. “How are you?”

“I’m doing great! The School of Friendship is a success, so I’m picking up a bottle of wine or two to celebrate with the girls.” Starlight smiled, her eyes gazing around the numerous bottles help in Ocellus’s magical grasp. “Looks like you’re gonna be doing some partying too, huh?”

“Oh yeah, lots of partying,” she tittered. “Well, if you don’t mind, I’ve gotta get back to the scho— er, castle. The castle. Yeah. That’s totally what I meant.”

“Uh… if you say so,” Starlight nodded, an eyebrow raised the whole time. “Well, if you see Ocellus, tell her I said hi. I haven’t seen her all day…”

“I’ll be sure to do that!” Ocellus shouted, panic finally overtaking her as she flew off, her beverages trailing behind her the whole time. Starlight watched as she flew off, before shrugging.

“Eh, wouldn’t be the first time Celestia’s acted a little strange.”

The door to Ocellus’s room swung open, and she quickly sidled in with her haul. Once she was certain nobody had seen her, she slammed it shut and locked up. “I’m back.”

“Alright!” Smolder excitedly shouted. “And you got a lot.”

“Yeah, like, you only had to get a twelve pack, ya know,” Silverstream giggled. “But hey, if we like it then that means we’ll have a lot!”

“Yona want try first!” The resident yak cried out, nearly tackling her changeling friend as she grabbed the bottle on top. “What ‘Kraken’?”

“A rum.”

“Hmmm…” Yona looked at the bottle curiously. It was almost pure black, but as she uncorked it, she could smell what resembled… honey? “Smell like honey. Yona gonna drink now!”

Any warnings from her friends were ignored as Yona chugged basically the entire bottle down in less than ten seconds. The yak let out a ghastly burp, and her friends couldn’t help but break out into laughter.

Of course, that all changed when the door was all but broken open, revealing a very miffed looking Celestia.

“Uh-oh, busted!” Gallus yelled,

“Aha, I thought I’d find you here,” Celestia directed her gaze towards Ocellus. “You’re in a lot of trouble, young lady.”

“O-oh no. I’m not gonna get kicked out of school, am I?”

Celestia seemed to ignore her, continuing on in a firm, yet polite voice. “So there I am, trying to pick up my favorite drinks after a long day at work, and Mr. Cap tells me that I was there not even ten minutes before, and had ordered…” Celestia levitated the receipt close enough to read, “Seven hundred and eighty three bits worth of alcohol.”

“Dude, you disguised as Celestia? That’s wicked,” Gallus interrupted, his fear replaced by awe. “I didn’t think you had it in you.”

“Yes, she did,” Celestia replied. “But you know what the worst part of this is?”

Ocellus gulped. “W-what?”

“You thought you could throw a party… without me!

“... What.”

“Silly ponies, didn’t you hear? I abolished that silly age limit last year. The new limit is sixteen, so you could have just bought it legally.”

“WHAT?!” They all shouted, equally frustrated.

Celestia didn’t bother replying, instead grabbing her favorite drink and uncorking it. “So, what do you say we all get to know each other a bit?”

“Dude, why are ponies so freaking cool?” Gallus laughed.

“Hey, betcha can’t beat me in a drinking contest, Ocellus,” Smolder challenged her friend.

“You’re on,” Ocellus smiled. Who knows, maybe she’d finally win.

Author's Note:

I don't know what I was on when I wrote this. Definitely not my best work, but something to help get those creative juices flowing again.

Comments ( 36 )

“So, what do you say we all get to know each other a bit?”

I can't wait for the sequel :rainbowwild:

Overall, short, silly, and fun :yay:

Picture unrelated

World War 2 soldier getting over his first hangover after the Battle for Iwo Jima, 1945, colorized.

"And the worst part is... You thought you could throw a party... Without me" holy crap my oc has the best mom ever(my oc's backstory is that he is celestia's adopted son from a really young age)

8856368 they're all gonna gang up on Celestia and whip her real good

Smolder's a mad Uno player. Who knew?

...I don't know why this particular detail stuck out to me. :rainbowlaugh:

You're a gay for jacking my story title idea.

I love you and your dirty tactics.

Then a hoof goes up, the sound of a zipper, and Celestia is really Pinkie Pie.

Dan #9 · Apr 11th, 2018 · · 1 ·

"Only the finest" said no school kid ever. Rather, only the cheapest macroswill that can easily been hidden from the dorm floorboss.

A dorm with quality tipple is as unheard of as one without a ham radio geek or two improperly using spectrum and hiding their gear under dirty laundry in the closet when the FCC fuzz come knocking. Or one without an IT geek showing everyone else how to get around the bullshit restrictions and blocks on the campus network.

That was a hilariously satisfying ending!

Dude, that's rad! What's his name? Does his special talent have anything to do with Celestia herself?

Actually celestia being both our oc's adoptive mothers is where similariries most likely end between our characters... My character is named strange quark... In the story i am writing he came into celestias care after aliens dropped him off from god knows where, tia adopts him and raised him as a son, he quickly becomes the albert einstein of the class and also invents his own type of magic. At some point that magic inadvertently takes down an alien science ship and after recovering alien tech and downloading data from the ship as well as learning from a survivor of the crash, strange quark makes several advancements that jump equestria's tech forwards by about 4 thousand years. He moves to ponyville and then at some point runs across queen chrysalis by accident on a geological survey mission he then falls in love with her and after a while they get married and have foals... I havent thought of a follow up story yet

I just posted his entire story in i guess a nutshell

How does one manage to accidentally turn themselves into a Princess? Wouldn't you know the height difference or something? Anyway, hilarious story, Celestia must be able to hold alcohol well if she buys over 700 bits worth

So it's a ponified self-insert? I'm assuming as it has the exact same name as your profile.

Pretty much... Its shaping up to be a nice story though...i am halfway through writing it(and refining it) i also got halfway through the story when i realized that it needed a prologue chapter so i wrote that and then half of what the other chapters said didnt make sense as it altered the story a bit..

VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED! HALF OF FIRST CHAPTER MAY GIVE YOU ADORABEETUS!(i also haven't finished refining most of the chapters i only got halfway through refining chapter 1 before i concentrated on the main story)

if you want to read the story so far here is a link to it https://www.fimfiction.net/story/390550/a-strange-relationship the early acess password is "Equine After All" oh and btw i mention and incorporate pretty much any other franchise i like in some way like at some point the red team and blue team from red vs blue destroyed their reality somehow, ended up in equestria and promptly got hired by Celestia as guards(they have since put aside differences as they both work for Celestia) there is a lot of tron stuff and a few mass effect references, as well as one punch man references, and basically there are references to things i like EVERYWHERE! in that story

I didnt intend any disrespect, i was simply looking for a test audience to see how my story is doing kinda like how some game developers make their games early access so people can enjoy it before it is released

Oh, Celestia. Why are you so awesome?

That was silly! You’re silly! :rainbowlaugh:

I enjoyed that. But Pon Light? Ugh. Tia has horrible taste in beer. :rainbowhuh:

I was gonna make some remark about how I’ve done underage drinking before in my life, but then it turned out they were all the legal age.

16? it used to be the limit where I live... (nld)

Hehehehe, this was silly and just so much fun. :twilightsmile:

“So, what do you say we all get to know each other a bit?”
I hope no Princess Molestia happens after this story.

What a crazy Story xD

Celestia seems like a chad princess.

why can i see this as a universe tie into the fic where the young 6 get hammerd on hard cider causes alot of property damage and are married to each other

Well. That was weird.

No idea where this thought came from:

It would be interesting if Changelings could selectively transform their limbs in advanced ways, like for example, turn one of your hooves into a Ventriloquist Dummy that you can control. Or to grow extra limbs which exist SOLELY to have dummies growing out of them. Dummies with real mouths and vocal chords -- this way you could be a One Person Multi-Ventriloquist Act! Without the need of holding your mouth still, because your dummies would have their own vocal chords!

Well then That was sure something lol And again I should not be surprised about princess Celestia Given her a personality throughout the years She's truly a party pony lol :trollestia:

Love the Cynder profile pic! Before that (imo) shitty Sky Landers thing, nice to see a pre/current Dawn of the Dragon version of her :3

I liked her design in Skylander's Academy. It's a little weird what with her neck being too long, but her design was cute.

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