• Member Since 27th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday


"Don't lose your way when the sunshine comes. Don't forget your hopes and dreams and delusions." -Mother: Cognitive Dissonance


First Contact between humans and ponies could not have gone better. As the two cultures begin to integrate, new opportunities open up for both sides to learn from one another. Unfortunately, some disagree on what shape that learning should take.

Depending on whether anyone finds this interesting, it may end up only as a one-shot. However, I have been thinking about this scene for a while after writing it, and am curious what others may think about it.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 3 )

I'll be interested in seeing whether you can actually make this story be about teleology in any real sense, rather than just as a ten dollar word in the title to make it sound more clever.

Firstly, damn, this is deep.
Secondly, the flaw in his logic is that the 'Harmony' would not be true harmony, as it would have been forced upon them by coercion and manipulation. If you will permit me to be ever so slightly religious about this, the reason in the Christian tradition that God became man and dwelt among us as Christ is that, if we were to see God in all his glory, we would have no choice as to whether to choose Him, whereas because he humbled himself and became man, we are freely able to choose Him, or reject Him.

Be interesting to see where yòu take this.

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