• Published 8th Apr 2018
  • 4,491 Views, 132 Comments

Alternative Reality - Crystal Night

Infinite finds himself in Equestria, where his presence may help the Princesses, if not whole of Equestria.

  • ...

Stage Ten: Loose Ends

The morning sunlight peered through the cell bars.
The only noise that could be heard was from a few drops of water from the ceiling. But if one would pay close attention, a slight snoore was also present in the area.
Twisted Fate remained in his slumber unaware of the pair of hooves approaching his cell. The pony in question opened the door with a soft click and stepped inside.
"Rise and shine Twisted. It's a new day."
The slumbering pony opened his eyes to gaze at his visitor. "I heard you had a little talk with the princess yesterday. Now, you know you shouldn't have done that."

"Wh-what do you mean? Who are you?"

"You should've kept your nuzzle shut pony." - his eyes flashed green for a brief second.

The jackal yawned loudly, he had to admit that it had been a very long time he hasn't slept well like this. Infinite still felt that lingering of revenge and power. As he get out of his bed, he made his way to the bathroom.
Letting the water running, he washed his face glancing at his reflection on the mirror. The Zero he once knew seemed so far away yet it was still in front of him.
This place had recently brought some questions about his purpose and future.
What would even happen if his revenge was complete? He didn't have the desire to rule the planet, unlike the crazy doctor. That is, if he managed to find way out of this world anyway. What if he couldn't and get stuck here forever?

He quickly shook his head. All these mental questions were starting to give him a headache. Still, he had one question that was possibly the most important of all.
"Why does she even care about me?"

The question lingered in the air, as if someone would answer it, but no answer ever came.
He put his gloves back on and left his bedroom. Infinite was surprised to see the guards were missing, he quickly shrugged off and went on his way for breakfast.
On his way to the dining room, he noticed something odd. He saw sereval guards roaming the castle hallways, going back or forward, and a much bigger guard presence than he remembered. If he didn't know any better, something was up. Whatever it was at least it wasn't his fault. Yet.

"What's with the huge fuzz back there? I almost got run over by a group of guards." - he stated as he saw Celestia and Luna sitting together.
As he sat down, neither sister had said anything and simply glared at Infinite. "What?"

"Didn't you noticed anything strange yesterday Infinite?" - asked the Solar Monarch.

"Not that I know off." The waiter arrived with a pancake plate, placing on the table and leaving.
"And what did you do last night, before going to sleep?"

"Me and Luna had a couple of snacks, we were hungry. What's with these questions anyway?" The jackal was starting to get annoyed at this point.
Celestia threw a side glance at her younger sister, who's cheeks seemed a bit red.
"He speaks the truth sister. We...had something to eat before going our ways."

The white alicorn sighed.
"Remember the pony you interrogated yesterday?" He nodded. "Well the guards found him this morning on his cell, without life."

"Pfff, good riddance." The looks he received from the princesses was one of disappointement to say the least, more so from Luna. He looked away. "Just saying we know he was bad."

"That may be true, but he's still a pony nonetheless." - stated Luna, a clear tone of annoyance in her voice. "Unfortunately that wasn't the only thing that happened.
The crystals we found have also gone missing."

"This gets more interesting by the minute." - he replied back, enjoying his meal.

"Can you take this a bit more serious?" Luna was slowly losing her temper.

"Why should I? This got nothing to do with me anyway. This is your kingdom, you solve it." - he shot back.

"Then why did you decided to help me in the first place?!"

"Silence!!" Luna and Infinite quickly glanced at Celestia, who they forgot that was also in the same room as they. "This argument isn't going anywhere. The last thing I need is you two doing this right now. We have other urgent matters."

"Apologizes dear sister." Celestia wrapped a wing around Luna's back letting her know it was fine.
"If you're looking for a apology from me, don't."
The moon princess simply rolled her eyes.
"If you don't mind, I have more important things to do." - she said, glaring daggers at him. With that being said, she left them, feeling a bit down by what happen. She didn't mean to lash out at him like that, but Infinite was being so... Infinite.

"She feels herself responsible," - that got his attention. "It happened during her watch."

"But she's not the one roaming the hallways."

"Even after all this time, her mind is still filled with doubt and remorse."
He raised his eyebrow.
"What do you mean?" - he inquired, sounding a bit surprised, even to himself.

"A thousand years?! Just by herself? On the moon? She didn't tell me that part, I felt there was something more but I didn't want to press it anymore." Celestia nodded. The book he read the other day didn't also contain that information for some reason, was she trying to hide her past?

"She stills feels like she has to prove herself not only to her, but also to everypony else." The jackal stole a glance at the door, feeling uneasy. "She is slowly getting over that, however it may take some time."

"I...I shouldn't have been too harsh on her.'

"It's alright, you didn't know." He got up and was about to left when Celestia called out for him. "If you're going to talk to her, try the royal warehouse. I got a feeling she's there."

"Uh, thanks." As he left the room, the solar princess smiled.
For the first time in a while he was about to do something he hasn't said on a long time.

Luna grunted and kicked, this search was proving fruitless. Who ever did this clearly knew how to get inside and out without leaving any trace. The door lock was fine, it wasn't forced. She didn't detect any magical presence. Windows also didn't show sign of being broken. Only the crystals had been stolen, everything else was still here.
A knock made her turned around to see Infinite at the door. "Oh, it's you." - her amusement dropped even lower now.

She really didn't want to see him right now.
"I hope I'm not interrupting."

Luna ignored him at she kept trying to locate any clues.
"I know I messed up at breakfast. I shouldn't have said that." The lunar princess continued, not wanting to waste any time. "It was stupid of me. I didn't know about your struggles. Look, what I'm trying to say is..." - he gulped, this was the hard part.

"I'm sorry."

Did she hear that right or were her ears deceiving her? She glanced at Infinite noticing he did seem sorry about it.
"What did you just say?"

"I'm not repeating myself. Don't make this awkward." - he announced crossing his arms. Luna couldn't herself but smile. "Great, you're making this awkward now."

"I'm not doing anything." She could barely contain her smile, Infinite for his part just sighed but eventually cracked out a tiny smile.
Infinite walked around the room, not really sure what he was even doing there.
"Do you feel that?"

"Feel what?"

"That energy, the same one I felt from the crystals. There's a slight trace of it."

"Do you think it's enough to track it down?" - she inquired, a plan forming in her mind.
"Yea, I think so."

The couple was escorted by a group of guards as they made their way into the air docks. Shortly after the Storm King invasion, the princesses thought the air ships seemed very unique and useful, with Tempest's help they decided to create more including a air dock. It made trading and traveling across Equestria easier and safer.
"The air docks? Interesting. Are we getting closer Infinite?"

"It appears to be so."
They finally reached the destination which was an air ship located away from the others and it had only a few workers there. "The trail ends here Luna."
The princess stepped forward.
"Excuse me, but I would like to know who's in charge here."
A cyan pegasus with a white mane wearing a hat approached them and did quick bow.
"That would be me, your Highness."
As the two ponies chatted away, the Phantom Ruby begun glowing softly, that didn't went unnoticed by Infinite. Interesting. He glanced at the pegasus and walked towards the duo. As he did, the ruby glowed brighter.
By the time we reached them, Infinite was practically inches from the pegasus nuzzle.
"Who are you really?"
That got Luna's attention as well of the nearby workers, who looked at each other. "What do you mean?" - she asked him.

"Whoever this is, it's not a pony." Her gaze shifted from her companion to the pegasus. Not a pony? Does that mean... Her thought was cut when suddenly the jackal grabbed him by throat.
"Infinite!" As soon those words left her mouth, the ruby sparked to life as the pegasus was engulfed in green flames.
Everyone stood in shock at the revelation before them. Meanwhile Infinite was mostly confused. Did the pony just really turned into a freaky looking insect?
"He's a changeling!" - the lunar princess shouted as the guards drew their spears out.

"A what now?" That's all he said before getting smacked.