• Published 19th May 2018
  • 2,961 Views, 17 Comments

Equestria's Newest Guardian - SunsetDragon

Dying, not cool. Being resurrected with powers and an artifact I've always wanted in a show that I thought was cool, now that I could work with.

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The Guardians Arrival

After stepping through the portal, Ignis had expected to end up on the outskirts of a city or small town. He did not expect to be placed inside the middle of a forest, a forest that had an eerie feeling to it. From what he remembered from the show there was only one place that had a forest that felt eerie and had problems that would occur, The Everfree Forest. Now this ment that Ignis was in a place full of creatures that could attack and kill him at any moment should they desire, but it also ment that he was close to Ponyville.

The place where the mane six lived and also where a lot of adventures happened for the girls. Ignis was certain that he needed to make his way there, if he could talk to Twilight, convince her that he was not a threat and also convince her to take him to princess Celestia and Luna, then things would go a whole lot more smoothly. The only problem with that plan was getting to Ponyville.

Now Ignis was no coward but he knew when he was outclassed or when he didn't have a chance in a fight. This however never stopped him from doing something he thought was right, but at this moment, if a creature such as a Timberwolf decided to have him as a snack he would certainly loose his life. Ignis had no idea how to use the magic that was now in his body or the Quirk that resided within him, hell he was sure that even if he used either his magic or his quirk accidentally that their would be serious repercussions afterwords. After all, everything came with a price, no matter how small or big there was a price for everything.

However, he couldn't let these thoughts get the best of him, right now he was on a mission. A mission to get to Ponyville and hopefully, be able to meet the princesses. So with those new thoughts in his head, Ignis set off in a random direction hoping that it would lead him out of the forest and put him on the path towards Ponyville.

After what Ignis could assume was at least an hour, he was still in the forest and from what he could see, was nowhere near Ponyville. Luckily, Ignis had yet to run into any dangerous animals, although he would argue that the otter he had encountered could be classified as very dangerous. After another 30 minutes of wandering Ignis had decided that the best course of action would be to rest before he continued his aimless wandering. Ignis looked around to find a good tree to rest near and had spotted one that had a lot of branches and was very thick. Ignis had sat at the base and leaned against the trunk for back support and started to doze off. Just as he was about to fall asleep Ignis heard a ear piercing shriek, that had startled him awake, but what he heard next absolutley terrified him. Mere seconds after hearing the shriek Ignis had heard a loud howl and as soon as he heard that howl, only one thing had popped into his head 'Timberwolf'.

The moment that one thought popped into his head Ignis bolted in the direction he heard the two sounds. While Ignis was running towards the location he heard even more shrieks and howls, this only made Ignis run faster. Ignis had made his way into a clearing where he saw what had caused the noises. Three little fillies huddling with each other backed up against a tree, with faces that showed that they were absolutely terrified. In front of them, three big and hungry looking Timberwolves, with the one in the middle slowly closing in on the fillies.

Now Timberwolves are creatures that look exactly as they sound, big wolves that are made entirely out of leaves, branches, trees, and tree sap. These creatures were dangerous and apparently ate meat, that's the only explanation Ignis could come up with for why these creatures were attempting to eat the fillies. When Ignis looked over the fillies, he recognized them in an instant. They were the Cutie Mark Crusaders and they were undoubtedly in the Everfree Forest to try and get their Cutie Marks. Ignis could confirm his thoughts when he saw that the fillies flanks were blank and that had answered a few of his questions. But before his thoughts could linger any longer the lead Timberwolf had howled again and got into a pounce stance. It was at that moment that Ignis had moved without even thinking, and when his mind caught up with his body he was only a few steps away from the main Timberwolf.

At this point Ignis had moved his body to brace himself for the impact and charged even faster to get more force in his charge. Ignis had smashed into the main timberwolf knocking it away from the fillies and knocking it down. After hitting the main Timberwolf, Ignis had turned towards the other two wolves who looked shocked that a creature smaller than them had knocked down their leader. While the main Timberwolf was getting back up and the other two were stuck staring at each other, Ignis had looked back at the fillies. They looked at him with a mixture of feelings, with the main two being shock and worry. So, in order to calm the fillies, Ignis said the only thing that came to mind. "Fear not little ones, I am here."

After saying what he could only hope would calm them somewhat Ignis turned his attention back to the Timberwolves that were standing a few yards from him. From the corner of his eyes, Ignis saw the main Timberwolf get back up and go for a lunge. Now Ignis had no idea how to counter a lunge so he dived out of the way and quickly got back up. After recovering Ignis saw that all three Timberwolves were coming at him, they stalked towards him in different directions. Ignis had recognized this tactic, it was the same one used against a character from one of his favorite movies. After realizing what was going to happen, Ignis had started to slightly panic... Ok forget that, he was totally panicking.

'I'm gonna die, i'm gonna die, i'm gonna die!!' were the only words going through his mind as he stared down the Timberwolves. 'How am I gonna get out of this?! Huh?'

Ignis hadn't realized that while he was internally panicking he was also subconsciously walking backwards as the Timberwolves stalked forward. He only just noticed that he was doing this as he felt his back against a tree. But now Ignis was beyond scarred, he had been successfully cornered and he new what was gonna happen next. The Timberwolf directly in front of Ignis had gotten into a crouch position and was getting ready to strike. Ignis had to think of something fast or his life in Equestria will be cut short, so he started to look around for anything that could possibly help him. Luckily there was a branch directly above Ignis and just close enough for Ignis to reach if he jumped.

'That could work.' Ignis thought. 'Hope you like hitting your head you ugly looking tree branch.'

The moment the Timberwolf leaped forward, Ignis had jumped up and grabbed the tree branch. The Timberwolf had ended up hitting its head and becoming dissoriented. Ignis took this opportunity to get out of the corner and let go of the branch. Ignis landed on the Timberwolf's back and jumped off before the beast got back to its senses. Unfortunately his landing wasn't the best, so he ended up falling on his butt. Ignis quickly got back to his feet and turned around to face the two Timberwolves.

"Wait a second, weren't there three of yo-Ahh!! Ignis had been screamed in pain at a sudden but powerful force that had hit his back. Ignis was now laying on the ground, face down, as the third Timberwolf had pounced on him. The beast was holding Ignis down with his paw. Ignis had moved his head to look at the timberwolf and what he saw scared him. The Timberwolf was holding its claws up, as if waiting to sink them into Ignis's back. Unfortunately, the moment Ignis looked the beast in the eye that's exactly what it did.

"Aaaaaarrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" Ignis had given a blood-curling scream at the immense pain that he was feeling in his back. It felt as if he was being stabbed by multiple butchers knives while being stabbed by thorns. The pain was then amplified after the Timberwolf had started to push down on his paw, to say that there was another scream of pain would be putting it lightly. While this was happening the other Timberwolves had turned their attention back to the fillies who were to scarred to run. The beasts had started to slowly stalk towards the fillies, fully intending to end their lives. After a couple more seconds of pushing Ignis into the ground, the Timberwolf above him had pulled its claws out of his back. Then it started to walk towards its comrades, intending to get itself a meal.

Ignis was just lying on the ground feeling nothing but pain, he was so focussed on the pain he was feeling that he almost didn't notice the sound of crying. Ignis lifted his head up to look at the scene in front of him and it was terrifying. The crusaders were crying their eyes out as they hugged each other. The Timberwolves were getting closer and closer to the young ones getting ready to devour them. All while Ignis laid on the floor, doing nothing. He was so angry and disappointed with himself, he should have told the fillies to run while he distracted the Timberwolves. He was told to be the one to stop an opponent who could easily take on armies, while he was struggling with Timberwolves.

'No' He told himself as he shifted his arm under him. 'I am not about to let three little fillies die on my watch.'

Ignis had slowly started to lift himself off of the ground, though not without difficulty. Ignis was determined to get up as fast as possible, he would not let these fillies die. After a couple of seconds, he was able to stand up on his feet and look directly at the Timberwolves. They were about to attack the crusaders, and that was when Ignis had started to run. Though the pain that was shooting throughout his back Ignis did not slow down, because if he did he knew that the crusaders would be no more. Then, as he was running, Ignis felt a strange sensation go threw his body. He had no idea what it was until he looked at his right arm, and to say he was shocked would be putting it lightly.

Ignis's arm was covered in red glowing lines, and they were ripping off the entirety of his sleeve. After recognizing what this meant, Ignis raised his arm into a punching position and was trying his best to run faster than he already was. Luckily, the Timberwolves hadn't noticed him until he was a couple of feet awat from them. While being so close, Ignis thought that he'd recite what the mentor of the previous user of this power had said.

'Clench your buttcheeks kid, and yell this from the depths of your heart!' Ignis had screamed inside his head. It was only now that the three Timberwolves, who were conveniently lined up next to each other, had noticed that Ignis was running at them. Though what intrigued them was that one of his appendages was balled in a fist and that said appendage was glowing.

"Sssmmmaaassshhh!!!!!!!" Ignis had yelled as he buried his fist into the Timberwolf's side. The moment he threw his fist into the beast, it had broken apart due to the sheer force of the hit. After the initial hit, a giant force of wind was thrown in the direction of the other Timberwolves. The force of the wind alone had shattered the other Timberwolves and had caused a massive blast of wind pressure straight in front of Ignis that had continued on for a while. The force of the hit had also caused enough wind force to blow everything around him away. This, however, meant that the crusaders were also blown away from Ignis, luckily though they were able to grab onto a tree to keep themselves from being sent furhter into the forest.

After the wind pressure had died down, Ignis was left standing less than an inch away from where one of the Timberwolves stood. He couldn't believe it, he had just used One for All in an actual battle and had saved three lives. He felt as though he was on cloud nine, until he remembered that the crusaders were still here in the forest. Ignis had turned to where the girls had been crying, but found nothing. He was confused until he remembered that he had just used One for All, then he started to worry that the girls were stuck in a tree or thrown deeper into the forest.

Ignis had started to look around to see if he could hope spot the girls, or at least get something to help him find out which direction they could have been blown off to. Luckily he had spotted them holding onto a tree about 30 feet away, so he started walking towards them. That's when he felt immense pain all throughout his body, enough pain to make Ignis fall to one knee. Even with all the pain he felt, Ignis had gotten back up and started to walk towards the crusaders, albiet slowed and pained.

When Ignis had gotten to the tree the crusaders had held onto, he saw the looks on their faces. They all had looks of amazement, but they also had a small trace of fear. Ignis didn't find this all to suprising, they were just attacked by Timberwolves, saved by a creature they had never seen, and with a power that could destroy cities with ease. So in order to try and calm the little ones, Ignis sat down in front of them, though it was quite painful due to his injuries.

After Ignis sat down, he looked at the fillies and very calmly asked. "Are you three alright?"

The fillies were still a little on edge, but one of them had stepped in front of the other two. She was a small orange pegasus, with very tiny wings. She seemed nervous but had answered Ignis question. "Y-yeah, were okay." then she shifted her eyes from staring directly at Ignis, to looking a little to the right. "What about you though?" she asked.

After hearing her question, Ignis followed her eyes to see what she was staring at. When he saw the object she was staring at, he understood why she asked. The object in question was Ignis's right arm, though it didn't look like an arm. His arm had been hanging limply on his right side, it was a light black from his bicep to his wrist but his hand was a dark black. Now that Ignis was paying attention to his arm, he realized he couldn't move it, he couldn't even feel it. This was more than enough proof for Ignis to come to his conclussion, his right arm was broken.

After realizing that his right arm was broken, he turned his attention back to the filly. He thought that lying to her wouldn't be the best option, but she didn't have to know the full extent of the injury. "Well, i'm not perfectly fine but i should be alright after I see a doctor. I should probably do that before I try and get to the Princesses."

After saying that, the other two fillies joined there friend and where now looking at Ignis in confusion. They looked between each other and then looked back at Ignis. The filly to the right of the orange one was the one who spoke. She was an earth pony with a pale olive coat and a red bow in her mane. "Ugh, why're yuh lookin for the princesses?"

"That's because I was sent to see them and I have important information for them." Replied Ignis.

Again the three fillies looked between each other, staring in each others eyes. It was like they were having a conversation with their minds and after staring at each other for a while they turned back to Ignis, with small smiles on their faces. The filly with the orange coat was the one to speak. "I think we can help you at with that. But we'll have to get back home first."

"Alright then, lets get going then." Ignis said, then asked. "Oh wait, what are your guys names?"

"I'm Scootaloo." Said the orange one.

"I'm Applebloom." Said the one with the bow.

The last one to introduce herself was a unicorn filly who had a light gray coat and pale light grayish harlequin colored eyes. She introduced herself just like the other two. "I'm Sweetie Belle."

After they introduced themselves, they stood next to each other and began to speak together. "And we're..." Then they suddenly shouted out "The Cutie Mark Crusaders!!!!"

After regaining some of the hearing he lost because of the fillies shout, Ignis proceeded to introduce himself. "Nice to meet you, my names Ignis, Ignis Ragnarok." After his introduction Ignis asked. "Now how about we get out of this forest?"

The crusaders nodded and everyone proceeded to get up from sitting. Ignis had a bit of difficulty due to his injuries but had got up regardless. When everyone was ready Ignis asked if the fillies knew which direction the town was. Luckily they did, seeing as how they didn't travel to deep into the forest. With the crusaders leading the way, the group of four had started their trek to ponyville. As they were walking Ignis was quietly thinking to himself about his situation.

'Alright, so I get attacked by Timberwolves and save the Crusaders. Then I get to talk to them and help them get back to ponyville. And to top it off, I unlocked One for All at the cost of cuts in my back and a completely broken arm.' Ignis thought. 'Guess it could've been worse, I just hope that I can get patched up soon and find out at what point I arrived here. I really hope i'm at least at the end of season 3, at least then things get interesting.' While Ignis was thinking, he had slowed way down from the pace of the crusaders. The crusaders noticed this before they got to far from him and Scootaloo had called out to him. "Hey Ignis, you commin or not!"

Ignis had been brought back to reality when Scootaloo called and immediately noticed the how far behind he was. He quickly caught back up and apologized for falling behind, the crusaders forgave him and they continued on their way back to ponyville. Ignis only hoped that when they got there that he could get some patchwork done quick, and then be on his way to meet the princesses to tell them who he was and why he was here.

Comments ( 13 )

Why the Matrix of Leadership? Unless he can turn into a cybertronian it literally won't help him in any way.

when's the update? i wanna see more of it!

More. More. More.


LEAVE MY YUNO OUT OF THIS! :twilightangry2:

just curios, how often will this be updated?

After hearing her question, Ignis followed her eyes to see what she was staring at. When he saw the object she was staring at, he understood why she asked. The object in question was Ignis's right arm, though it didn't look like an arm. His arm had been hanging limply on his right side, it was a light black from his bicep to his wrist but his hand was a dark black. Now that Ignis was paying attention to his arm, he realized he couldn't move it, he couldn't even feel it. This was more than enough proof for Ignis to come to his conclussion, his right arm was broken.

He should have asked for super regeneration 😅

any idea when we can expect an update and new chapter?

Is a new chapter on the docket to be made and you're just experiencing writer's block or is the story dead?


continue it its a good story:heart:

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