• Published 21st Mar 2018
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Hearts and Hooves Day Panic - RCharge

Rainbow plans to make this upcoming Hearts and Hooves day one that her marefriend Applejack will not soon forget, but she has one problem: she can’t afford a ring.

  • ...

A Night To Remember

Rainbow Dash swallowed hard. She knew that she didn't have many options, and she knew that Hearts and Hooves day was quickly approaching. She sat in her room and stared at the walls as she tried to come up with a solution to her problem. She needed one, and fast.

What am I gonna do?! Come on Rainbow, think! Why did I blow my savings on those rare Daring Do manuscripts? Rainbow thought as she squirmed around on her bed. As her eyes traveled across her room, she stopped abruptly and focused on them all, piled neatly in a corner of her room. The longer she stared at their colorful bindings and attention-grabbing titles, more and more guilt built up in the pit of her stomach. Rainbow mentally kicked herself, for she had saved every single bit she could, but now, they were all gone.

It had been a little over two years since she’d asked Applejack out. She blushed as she felt no small amount of butterflies flit about in her stomach, remembering just how nervous she felt when she had asked Applejack out. After that whole fiasco with Discord years ago, an odd feeling, one that she had never felt before, had grown within her heart for months before she realized that she had a crush on her longtime friend. Another couple of months passed before she was able to finally ask her out, and there was no small amount of stammering and blushing.

Now that she looked back upon that awesome day, she wondered why she had been so worked up and nervous about asking her out. Applejack was simply perfect in every way; the best friend a mare could ever ask for, but for Applejack to be her marefriend? The thought was incomprehensible at first, but when Applejack had said yes without a moment’s hesitation, Rainbow knew that putting her heart on the line for all to see was worth it, even though there was a chance that she could have ruined their friendship by making things awkward. That was easily the best day of Rainbow’s life, but she planned to top that.

She was going to ask for Applejack’s hoof in marriage, and nothing was going to stop her.

Well... except for her lack of bits.

Rainbow shook her head as she slipped off of her bed. “Okay... Think, Rainbow, think!” She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, then flicked her tail once as an idea popped into her head. “Let’s go see what Twilight’s up to; maybe she can help me figure this out.”

She made quick time to Twilight’s castle; thankfully the wind was at her back, pushing her along. Rainbow arrived outside of Twilight's bedroom door, landing on the edge of the balcony. Rainbow raised a hoof and knocked on Twilight’s door, several times in fact. By Celestia please be home, please be home… Her prayers were answered when an exhausted and stressed voice from inside called out, "Coming..!" Her legs trembled apprehensively, and when she was about to turn and leave, the door opened to reveal her friend with a frazzled mane and bloodshot eyes. Bags sat under the unicorn’s eyes as she stared at Rainbow with a tired expression.

Twilight didn’t seem to notice Rainbow at first. Thinking there was a crisis, she immediately started to ask, “Yes, what is it? Is Equestria in trouble again? Do I need to ward off some evil mag...” Twilight paused when the realization of who it was finally dawned on her. She was silent for a few moments before she spoke up again. “...ic? Oh, hello Rainbow. Let me guess, you need my help again?” Twilight asked in an exasperated tone.

Rainbow rubbed the back of her head with a foreleg and chuckled nervously as she decided to strike up a conversation instead of getting straight to the point. "Hey there, Twi. Geez, you look terrible! Did you just finish one of your all-night study sessions? What does that make this, the third one this week?" Twilight just sighed and stepped away from the door to allow Rainbow to enter. Looking around, she noticed piles of books strewn haphazardly around the floor in front of numerous bookshelves. "Wow, this place sure is a mess. You really need to clean this place up.”

Twilight rolled her eyes and glanced at her. “...Let’s take a seat and maybe you can tell me why you’re here.”

Rainbow shrugged. “Sure. Wanna go to the map room?” Twilight nodded and led Rainbow into the main antechamber of the castle. Twilight sat in the chair that bore her cutie mark and pointed to the seat next to her. Rainbow hesitated at the door for a moment before she walked in and quietly took a seat next to Twilight. She came here for a reason and she wasn’t one to back down from anything. Not even if it meant asking for help.

"Twilight, I came here to ask for some advice," Rainbow said, eventually raising her voice to break the silence. Twilight looked at her with a blank expression, almost as if she knew what was going to be said before she said it. "I screwed up. Big time. I was saving bits for a gift I’m planning on giving to my special somepony. However I ended up spending them on something I shouldn’t have and..."

Rainbow was cut off by Twilight who gently pressed a hoof against her mouth. She tried to continue talking for a couple of seconds before she realized it was no use and fell silent. Twilight lowered her hoof when she felt that the message was conveyed.

"I get the point,” Twilight said in a quiet voice. Silence hung heavy in the air for a time before she started talking again. “Well, you could always get another job to help pay for it..."

“But Twilight! I’m already a part of the weather team! If I got another job, I wouldn’t be able to do most of the things I do now! Nuh uh, no way, not even in -your- dreams, Twilight!” Rainbow retorted as she gestured around with a hoof. The idea of working two jobs did not sit well with her at all. “What will the others think? Me, a well-known pony in Ponyville and a member of the Wonderbolts, working to make up for my reckless decisions? There’s at least a hoof-full of others things I can name that would be a better use of my time.”

Twilight sighed and rubbed her face with a forehoof. “Rainbow, listen to me. You’re ignoring the problem at hoof! You only have two weeks and three days from today to order that gift. Unless you’re going to magically produce the amount of bits you need, which you -can’t- by the way, the only other way you’re going to get them is by -getting another job-.

“No! I mean, t-there’s other ways! There has to be!” Rainbow blurted out as she tried to avoid the obvious answer. “I-I can borrow money from someone! Y-yeah, that’s something I can do right? All I have to do is borrow the money and...”

“Pay it back later. Yes, I know...” Twilight said exasperatedly as she finished Rainbow’s sentence for her. She rolled her eyes. “Remember the -last time- you did that? You -still- owe me twenty bits, and that was from when I covered the cost of that Daring Do book you bought. As far as I know, I have yet to receive them from you. That was -two weeks- ago Rainbow. Two. Weeks.”

Twilight Sparkle paused momentarily to allow what she said to sink in before she continued. “Remember what you said when I offered to pay? ‘Don’t worry, Twilight. I’ll pay you back tomorrow! I got you covered...’” Twilight said, doing her best impression of Rainbow’s voice before she continued, “Gee, I wonder what happened to those twenty bits Rainbow? Did it go to more Daring Do books?” she asked sarcastically as she reminded Rainbow about her rather unhealthy obsession with the book series, letting a little grin slide onto her face.

Twilight stared at Rainbow, silently praying to Celestia as she attempted to drive the point home, and hoped that the urgency of the problem would finally dawn on her. Rainbow resignedly sighed and hung her head in what appeared to be a mix of shame and regret. She knew that the chance that she could talk herself out of this one was rather slim. She felt her heart as well as her pride sink into her stomach as she began to speak again. "...I know what I must do. As much as it pains me to say this I have to…” Rainbow paused as she took a deep breath to steady her nerves, “...to sell my Daring Do book collection,” Rainbow stated dejectedly as she shuddered at the thought of selling her most prized possessions to make up for her mistake.

Twilight glanced at Rainbow and gave her a reassuring smile, “I don’t think that will be necessary.” Rainbow glanced at Twilight with a look of intrigue and confusion as Twilight continued. “Let’s compromise. How about I buy the rarer books you have in your collection? I know you have some manuscripts signed by Daring Do.”

Rainbow slowly turned her head to look at Twilight, “Wait...how do you know that I have those?” Rainbow asked.

Twilight fidgeted nervously. “T-that’s not the point, Rainbow! The point is, I’m willing to pay top bits for those manuscripts and you won’t have to decimate your entire collection. How’s that for a compromise?” Rainbow’s face appeared to brighten at the proposal and she rose to her hooves in anticipation.

“Awesome! Thanks Twilight! You don’t know how much this means to me!” She said as she stood up and walked to the balcony. Rainbow spread her wings and lept into the air as she allowed the wind to guide her home.

As she arrived at home, Rainbow rooted around in a cupboard to grab a canvas bag. Returning to her stack of signed Daring Do manuscripts, she picked each of them up in turn and set them into the bag as a twinge of pain struck her heart each time. After having secured the books, Rainbow left her home to return to Twilight’s castle as promised.

Later that day, Rainbow counted the bits in her Wonderbolt bit bag that she carried around with her. “One-hundred thirty-three, one hundred thirty-four, one hundred and thirty-five bits…I have just enough for that ring and I’ll have some bits left over even. Awesome! Now to pick one out...” Rainbow said as she rubbed her forelegs together nervously. The butterflies flitting around in her stomach reminded her she was in way over her head as she entered a specialty store down in the middle of Ponyville.

One week later, Rainbow arrived at Sweet Apple Acres and knocked on the door as she adjusted her mane, letting a nervous smile upon her face. She only hoped that her special somepony was home right now. The door opened and Rainbow was relieved when she saw who was on the other side. Rainbow walked up to Applejack and pulled her into a kiss. After a moment of surprise, Applejack eased into the kiss and held Rainbow close as she ran a forehoof through her mane. “Hey Applejack, can I come in?” Rainbow asked as she broke away from the kiss. It was only a formality at this point, but it was one that Rainbow adhered to.

“Howdy, Rainbow…this is definitely a pleasant surprise. Come right on in, sugarcube, I’ll gladly accept some company right about now. The family left for town and guess who got left behind to watch the farm?" Applejack quipped as a twinge of annoyance became apparent in her voice. Rainbow didn’t focus on that though. She focused on how the light reflected in her marefriend’s eyes, her cute freckles sitting on her cheeks, and the way that she looked at her. Hopefully, if all goes well, she wouldn’t have to make time to admire Applejack anymore.

Rainbow walked inside with an amused grin on her face. “Yeah, I guess you drew the short straw this time, Applejack…” Rainbow said as she let out a nervous laugh. Come on, Rainbow. Don’t lose your nerve now. You made it this far, you’re gonna blow all of the hard work you’ve done getting to this point if you do... She thought as she put on her best, if not forced, smile.

“Yeah, guess you’re right. Big Mac did it last time so I guess it’s my turn now. Come on upstairs sugarcube. We can talk in my room,” Applejack said. No sooner than Rainbow heard that, a lump formed in her throat and butterflies flitted around in her stomach. After a moment’s hesitation, she nodded and followed right after Applejack. The scenario played itself out in her head a dozen times before...but it was nothing like the real thing, and she knew this.

As Applejack led her to the stairs, her throat clenched shut as the butterflies in her stomach acted up again. “This…is not going to be as easy as I first thought,” Rainbow muttered to nopony in particular as she swallowed hard. Soon after, they began to ascend the steps to the upper landing.

When they arrived at the upper landing, Applejack began walking down the hallway before she stopped in front of a door with a red apple painted into the bottom frame. It may have only took a few minutes before she found herself outside of Applejack’s room, but it felt like an eternity to Rainbow. The butterflies acted up once more and caused her to feel sick to her stomach. Applejack opened the door and held it open for her, “After you, sugarcube,” she said with a warm smile and a subtle gesture of a foreleg. Rainbow glanced at Applejack and walked inside.

Applejack’s room didn’t really change much during the time that Rainbow started visiting AJ’s house. The lavender and green wallpaper was the same, the black apples were the same, even her bed was the same. She took a seat on the bed and sank in slightly. Okay...maybe the bed isn’t exactly the same as I remember, but it’s close enough. Rainbow thought as Applejack sat next to her.

“Okay sugarcube, why’re you here? Something on your mind? Or are you here for a little playtime?” Applejack asked suggestively as Rainbow averted her gaze and tried to avoid the question. However, Applejack placed a hoof under her marefriend’s chin to tilt her head so it faced hers again. “Don’t you trust me, Rainbow? I’m always willing to lend you a hoof or an ear when you’re in need and I know you’d do the same for me. So what’s got you all riled up?”

Rainbow sat there in silence as her breath came in ragged bursts. Eventually, she spoke up and broke the silence. “You wanna go to the Hearts and Hooves day dance with me?” she squeaked out as her voice barely peaked above a whisper.

Applejack held a hoof to her ear, “Come again, sugarcube? I couldn’t quite hear you. What did you say?” Applejack asked.

“Can you go to the dance with me? I know that it’s gonna be all frou-frou, but I think it could be a little fun. You know, the one in Canterlot?” Rainbow said as she looked at Applejack expectantly. Applejack fell silent for a moment as the butterflies in Rainbow’s stomach flitted around again. Thoughts began swimming around in Rainbow’s mind before Applejack’s hoof came to rest on her shoulder.

Rainbow was about to speak before Applejack pressed her lips against Rainbow’s, which quelled the butterflies in her stomach as she eased into the kiss. After a short period of silence, Applejack spoke up. “I thought you’d never ask, sugarcube,” Applejack said as Rainbow’s face brightened.

“Awesome! So... AJ? Do you think you could do me a small favor?” Rainbow asked as Applejack sat back down next to her.

“Sure Rainbow. What is it?” Applejack asked as she looked at her marefriend.

“Do you think you can wear that dress you wore to last year’s Gala to the dance? You look so lovely in it,” Rainbow said as Applejack raised an eyebrow at the question.

“Why do I need to wear a dre-?” Applejack started to ask before Rainbow gently placed a hoof on her mouth to speak.

“Because I want us to be the best-looking mares when we go to the dance together. I know you hate dresses AJ - believe me, I do too - but, could you possibly... put up with it for just one night? Just to make my - no, our - day as special as the pony that’s wearing it?”

Applejack was about to retort until she saw Rainbow’s hopeful expression. “Alright sugarcube, but only for you. I’ll wear the dress to the dance,” Applejack said as she sighed heavily and rooted around in her closet for the dress. “Gotta make sure that it still fits; though. Wanna help me get it on?”

Everything’s going according to plan… Rainbow thought as she stepped forward, a relaxed grin on her face. “Sure.”

“The rest of our friends are gonna be there, right?”

“Yeah, I think so. Why wouldn’t they be? Celestia invited us all, remember?”

The night of the dance was upon them and Rainbow had everything set out several hours early, her gift tucked away in a pocket of her suit. Before she arrived at the farm, Rainbow rooted around in her closet and found her old Gala dress; thank Celestia it still fit her. She took it off and folded it once, then placed it on her back, leaving the hanger sticking out. She didn’t want to get it dirty before they got to the Gala, so as she locked her front door, she hooked the hanger around her saddlebags and took to the skies.

After a quick five minute flight, Rainbow knocked on the farmhouse’s front door, surprised that it opened almost instantly. “Hey Big Mac. Is Applejack ready?” Rainbow asked. Big Mac shook his head, “Can I come in and wait then?” After a couple of seconds, Big Mac obliged and stepped aside, allowing her to come inside. Passing by the living room, Granny Smith eyed Rainbow and gave a curt nod of approval that helped her relax a bit.

A short time after, Applejack walked down the stairs from the upper landing. Earlier she practiced putting on the dress and was finally able to clasp it herself. Big Mac offered to help her but she declined and stated that no help was necessary. She must’ve applied makeup right before coming downstairs, because Rainbow noticed the gloss from the lipstick glistening in the light. Seeing Applejack like this surprised Rainbow, given what Applejack said about wearing dresses a few days ago.

“Howdy Rainbow, how do I look?”

“Beautiful,” Rainbow said, at a loss for words. Applejack’s cheeks flared brightly and a smile crept onto her face.

Applejack was about to speak when Rainbow gently placed a hoof on her mouth. “You don’t need to say anything. Your smile’s enough, AJ,” she said as she removed the hoof and lightly kissed Applejack on her strawberry-red lips. Applejack returned the kiss and smiled as the duo made for the door. As they left, everyone gave the duo well wishes.

“Wait, don’t you think it’d be a good idea to wait to put on the dress?” Rainbow asked, eyeing the dirt all around them.

“Well... it did kinda take me awhile to get it on; taking it off might take too long, and we could miss the train,” Applejack said, her smile faltering. “And then we’d have to put it all on again once we get there.”

“Good point. Hm... Aha!” Rainbow’s eyes lit up with glee as she wrapped her forelegs under her marefriend. Thankful that she didn’t weight that much, she lifted her up and took to the skies, flying in the direction of the train station.

As they arrived at the train station, they boarded the train heading to Canterlot. Finding an empty seat near a window, Rainbow let Applejack sit on the windows seat as the train started moving. Rainbow tried her best to remain calm but her marefriend already knew that she was a nervous wreck. “Rainbow?” Applejack quietly asked as Rainbow turned to face her marefriend. “You okay sugarcube? You’re awfully quiet and that’s not like you at all. Something on your mind?”

Rainbow sat there in silence until she finally decided to speak up. “AJ, what if things don’t turn out the way they’re supposed to? What if we get turned away at the door? I wanted this to be our special night but here I am feeling like I’ve been twisted into knots. I don’t think I want to go through with this, I jus--” Rainbow was cut off as Applejack pressed her lips against Rainbow’s again in an attempt to calm her marefriend down. This seemed to have the desired effect as Rainbow eased into the kiss and let the tension wash away. Other passengers in the car couldn’t help but smile at the duo as the train started chugging down the tracks.

Breaking off from the kiss, Applejack smiled and spoke up. “Sugarcube. Tonight -will be- our special night. No matter where we go, no matter what we do and no matter what happens, we’re together. That’s what makes tonight special, Rainbow. If anyone has anything to say about that, who cares? As long as we’re together, why does it matter Rainbow? This train’s gonna take at least a couple of hours, so try to relax a bit,” Applejack said as Princess Celestia’s castle slowly came into view way off in the distance. Rainbow spent the remainder of the ride mulling over what Applejack said. She knew that Applejack was right, however she was fairly certain that Applejack didn’t know how right she actually was. As everypony else minded their own business, she draped her left wing around Applejack’s back and laid her head against her neck, staying silent for the rest of the ride.

As the train neared Canterlot, Rainbow folded her wing back against her side and slipped on her dress, thankful that it was a bit easier to put on than Applejack’s. Eventually the train came to a stop at the station to allow passengers to disembark. Applejack and Rainbow exited the train and made their way to the castle along with a small group of other couples. As they filed into the castle they were ushered into the ballroom where light music was playing and refreshments were served.

Rainbow wondered why she had been worried about them being stopped at the door; they were two of the Elements of Harmony. The press would have gone wild if they had not been allowed in.

During the event, Rainbow initially kept off to the side as her marefriend partook of some horderves. The butterflies in her stomach flared up again and caused her to regret this decision. She started sweating nervously and pressed herself into a corner. Applejack noticed her marefriend’s expression and walked over to rest a foreleg on her back. “Something the matter, sugarcube? You’ve been standing in this corner for over fifteen minutes. I thought you liked parties?” she asked as Rainbow glanced up.

“AJ, I-I’m overwhelmed. I...I think I need some air…!” Rainbow exclaimed as she rose to her hooves and quickly made for the door. Applejack looked concerned and followed behind Rainbow.

“Rainbow, wait up! Let me come with you. I didn’t want you to go alone,” Applejack said as she caught up with Rainbow. Pausing, she allowed Applejack to catch up as she calmed down slightly. “Where we going sugarcube?” Applejack asked as they walk out of the front gate and into Canterlot Square.

“I dunno. Someplace quiet I guess. Saw a nice little grassy hill on our way in. Shouldn’t be too far from here either,” Rainbow said as she led Applejack down a side street that led out of town. Eventually the duo were outside of the city limits as Rainbow ascended that small grassy hill; she could think of no better place to pop the question that danced on the tip of her tongue.

“Rainbow?” Applejack asked as they sat on the hill overlooking Canterlot. “We don’t have to stay if it’s making you uncomfortable. Shoot, I was about ready to speak up if you weren’t and...” Rainbow didn’t seem to register that Applejack was speaking to her. Instead, she was looking at Applejack as butterflies flitted in her stomach. The moon was rising in the sky as the wind gently flowed around them. It’s now or never Rainbow...the situation is perfect. You’re alone, the moon’s rising, and you have the perfect view of Canterlot. It’s time.

Rainbow rose to her hooves and turned away from her, hiding the fact that she was reaching for her pocket. Before Applejack could say anything, Rainbow turned around as she balanced a small velvet-lined box on the top of a hoof. “Applejack, I brought you up here for a reason,” Rainbow said, her voice quivering like an arrow flying straight toward its target. Reaching up with her free foreleg, she opened the box to reveal a small gold ring with a diamond beset in the clawed sequent. Applejack was about to say something when she saw what she held in her hoof.

Rainbow waited for a moment to let what Applejack saw sink in before she continued. “Applejack, out of all the time I have spent with you, the last two years have been the happiest years of my life. We shared the good times, the bad times, and all of the times inbetween. Believe me when I say that there’s nopony else I’d rather be with right now,” Rainbow said as she noticed tears welling up in Applejack’s eyes. “Applejack, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to wake up with you all snuggled up against me each and every morning from this point onward. To this, Applejack, I ask this simple question: will you marry me?”

Silence hung heavy in the air for a short time. Rainbow was worried that she overdid it.

“Rainbow...that was the nicest thing anypony has ever said to me. If there’s anypony I want to spend the rest of my life with, it’s you sugarcube. Rainbow... what else can I say but yes?” she asked as tears of joy streamed down her cheeks.

Rainbow felt a lump form in her throat as Applejack walked over and embraced her, tears still running down her cheeks. I-I did it. I really did it. I managed to pop the question, and she said yes! This has to be the best night ever! Okay Rainbow... play it cool. You just landed the prettiest, kindest, most awesome mare that you ever met...now what? Rainbow thought as she hugged Applejack back.

Eventually they released each other and walked back down the hill towards Princess Celestia’s castle. The night was still young, and Rainbow was looking forward to spending the rest of the dance with her fiance, Applejack. Rainbow walked beside Applejack through the archway leading back inside the ballroom, a bit of pep in her step and a broad, accomplished smile on her face.

“Well? Now what?” Rainbow asked in an amused tone of voice, to which Applejack smiled and turned to the serving tables with food trays lined upon them.

“How about some horderves? By Celestia, they’re to die for.”

Applejack and Rainbow made their way to the table across the ballroom. During their travels, they bumped into Pinkie Pie who was bouncing around in a corner pushing what appeared to be one of her many party cannons, this one with disproportionately sized wheels. “Okley-dokley! Time to make this party pinkieriffic!” she announced before noticing Applejack and Rainbow passing by. “Hey friends! Thank goodness you’re back! You were just about to miss the best part of the party!”

Rainbow was about to speak when she felt the butterflies flit around in her stomach again. Taking a deep breath, Rainbow spoke up, “I think it’s gonna be hard to beat this!” she said as Applejack raised a hoof to display the diamond ring that resided upon it.

Pinkie’s face shifted moods rapidly. First excitement, then confusion, to shock, to awe, and finally to joy. “Oh my good golly gosh! I gotta go tell the others! Ooh! Ooh-ooh-ooh! I gotta throw a party when we get home! I can’t wait!” Pinkie said in a sing song tone as she happily bounced around the room.

“Heh, typical Pinkie Pie,” Applejack said with a giggle, hiding her grin with a hoof. “Shall we go tell the others?”

“Yes, I think we should,” Rainbow said, nuzzling her fiance’s cheek with an earnest fervor. “When we get back home, I can’t wait for you to move into my place!” she said, unable to keep her excitement contained.

“You know I’m not a pegasus, right? How am I even gonna get up to your place?” Applejack asked, cocking her head to the side as she grinned.

“Uh...” Rainbow’s ears flicked back as her shoulders drooped. “Um... I have no idea,” she squeaked out.

Applejack laughed. “Don’t you worry your pretty little head there, sugarcube. We’ll figure it out. We always do.”

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