• Published 24th Jul 2012
  • 3,615 Views, 369 Comments

A Very Happy and Sunny Life - Wearin Hat

A diary, much like any other, containing the strange story of the oddest resident of Ponyville.

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Don'cha Snow!

SNOW! It’s snowing! Look at the snow! All that fluffy, huggable, lovable, edible snow! SNOW! SNOW! SNOW! SNOW! SNOW! SNOW! SNOW! So much SNOW!

Hey, Booky, did you snow that it’s SNOWING? No? How can’t you snow that? I mean, lookit, it’s all white and snowy! How can you not recognize snow when you see it?

Oh, right, you’re a book.

Well, my companioned book, it is currently raining snow! Isn’t that wonderful? I love snow. So white, pristine, innocent, and amazing!


And you snow what that means, right? It’s winter!

That’s right, Booky! It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Everypony in town is doing their part in kicking off the winter season and they’re just doing a horrible job at it. Then again, it isn’t like I help. Then again again, it isn’t like they ask me to.

The weather team’s got all the clouds doing the snow work while all the other peons do their crap. All very boring.

It’s all that seems to happen this time of year. Everypony’s insanely busy and then suddenly they aren’t. It’s madness.

I mean, come on, do they need to go and toil their time away with setting any of this crap up? Sure, the decorations are kind of a tradition, but they’re a horrible, stupid, and gaudy tradition. And I can’t tell you how many times Mayer Mare’s given me crap for picking up holiday decorations on my routes. Stupid bitch actually made an addition to my contract stating I can’t do that anymore. Stupid bitch.

The worst part has to be the attitudes everypony seems to adopt. They’re all cheery and happy. Makes me sick. I mean, yeah, I act all nice and crap when I’m out and about, but if I wasn’t then I’d probably be in jail. Them? They do it for reasons I can’t fathom to understand. Why would you act differently just cause the seasons changed? I don’t know. Hearth’s Warming Eve could be a big part of that problem, though.

Oh, Hearth’s Warming Eve. Such a pleasant little holiday. I remember how Mom, me, and Daddy dearest used to celebrate by hanging out in the living room in front of our fireplace playing board games, eating cookies, and drinking milk. It was nice. Notice how I said was. Yeah, I don’t really do that anymore.

Every time that holiday rolls around I end up sitting in here like it was just another day. Oh, don’t be confused, the snow makes it damn near impossible to get anything done on my routes. After that bitch banned my collecting of decorations I stopped making money during winter. It’s a very harsh season for me. Hearth’s Warming Eve is the worst, though. Everypony’s so happy and smiling. Bah, fuck it. You can’t just smile and be happy cause it’s a holiday. Trust me, it doesn’t change crap for me.

I have no clue how this year’s gonna go. I’d figure it’d be the same as usual, but this is my first winter in this house and I’m not entirely certain that my life’s persistent conflicts will leave me the fuck alone.

Anydrew, the snow is at least nice. Except for the cold. And the wetness. And the shoveling. And the snowponies. And the snowflakes.

I hate snow.

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