• Published 9th Oct 2018
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Ask Roseate Grimsbane, the Witch - Robipony

NOT A CLOPFIC! Roseate Grimsbane is a unicorn mare who tries to live as peacefully as she can in Equestria, or as peacefully as you can when you're a witch and your husband is an eldritch being from outside our known universe. Ask her some questions.

  • ...

Chapter 2 - A New Familiar

“Alicris is simply one of many worlds they yearn for, long for, and in response to their attention we seek them out. Like a moth to a flame. However, the fire is so bright there is no way we can comprehend it.

"But what happens to those who are burned? What scars are left behind?”

Quote from the Outsiders, by M.R. Amorcolt.

Roseate found herself in a cage made of coral, the frame held together by tentacles and barnacles. Stretching her limbs, she examined her surroundings before coughing on the thick air.

The surroundings did not surprise her. She recognized them from recurrent nightmares stretching back seven years ago.

Using numerous concoctions and spells, Roseate had tried ward off the dream, but all attempts had failed. Even dreamcatchers couldn't ensnare these nightmares. Repetition inured Roseate to the bizarre dream that plagued her subconscious.

Orange straps of slender fabric held tightly to her legs, chest, neck, and head, and a segment covered her right eye. As in her dreams before, the occasional shift of the light revealed profane magical runes adorning the edges of the ribbons binding her, runes that were both alien and yet familiar.

Her cage, along with many others, was suspended above a vast void. Strange sea anemone-like plants hanging from the fleshy ceiling cast the only light, shimmering between the cage’s tendril bars.

In her previous dreams the other cages were all empty, save for the bones of their original prisoners; however, now one of them actually contained another pony. It was a unicorn mare with a pale gray coat, a dark blue mane and tail, and amber eyes.

While Roseate could make out the mare's form she had difficulty discerning the mare's mood. Roseate was about to call out to her when a familiar, ominous sound began to resonate throughout the void.

A shadowy nebula began to float upwards toward them, its form slowly coalescing into a fearsome equine form. Stardust formed two wings and a horn.

This creature wasn't the fabled Nightmare Moon. No, it was a thousand times worse. It was a Tantabus, a dream tainter, a living key to the everlasting night, an eldritch parasite that beset even the greatest of the Outer Minds.

Roseate could feel the Tantabus's stare as it examined her and the other prisoner, an otherworldly malice filling the air. In its gaze she could feel HIS presence, exuding the same distaste HE channeled into her long ago when HE was still alive.

Recognizing that her nightmare would soon be over, Roseate closed her eyes, awaiting its end: for her body to be torn into oblivion like so many times before...

But the end didn't come.

The cage suddenly shifted as, somehow, the tendrils encasing it began to come loose. As the cage began to fall, the Tantabus let out a terrifying roar. HE wouldn't let her go! HE wanted to punish her as HE did so long ago!

A tendril of blue smoke reached out to grab the coral bars but instead shattered Roseate's confinement.

As Roseate plummeted into the depths and the lights of the anemones above faded, other shapes appeared at the edges of her vision. Things resembling insectile limbs, broken glass, webbing, and tendrils danced beyond the limits of Roseate's natural sight, but she could still feel them there.

The shapes turned their attention to her, observing as she continued to plummet.

Then eyes began to appear, glowing in the depths, watching her. The beings she had spoken to through the mirror were here now, beholding her with intrigue.

It was suffocating, having all those alien eyes watching her, just enough that Roseate could feel her heart racing, anxiety fluttering in her chest. That was when she felt them.

The soft tentacles of her beloved wrapping around her, holding her in an embrace of protection and reassurance. As long as Arsthotua was with her, Roseate would remain strong. As long as Arsthotua stayed by her side, she would be safe from HIM.

Roseate awoke on the round bed, her body covered in sweat. Her purple silk blanket lay disheveled, barely covering her. The room was empty, her husband's tendrils having withdrawn back behind the veil sometime during the night after their lovemaking.

Looking over at the clock, she saw that it was 7:13. She would need to start class at 8:30.

Pulling herself off the bed, Roseate prepared for school. First, she walked into the hall and turned into the bathroom to shower off the sweat and extra fluids from last night's activities.

Roseate pulled back the purple curtain and stepped into the shower. Standing under the shower head, Roseate turned the faucet handle. Soon, a cascade of water came streaming down, gradually warming. The warm water soothed her body.

Once she was clean, Roseate dried herself off using a towel and returned to her bedroom.

Walking over to the table, Roseate tied her mane back into a bun with the black hairband before levitating her bifocals onto her nose. Then stepping into her walk-in closet, Roseate examined some of her clothes. Today she felt like wearing a scarf.

After glancing over her collection, Roseate decided upon a scarf with black and green stripes. Then, noticing some matching stockings, Roseate determined that it would be a crime not to wear them, as well.

Now dressed for the day, Roseate stepped out of the walk-in closet and examined the time on the clock: 7:32. Three floating eyes emerged into existence, examining her.

'You look lovely today.'

"Thank you." Roseate smiled before turning toward the door.

'Those garments compliment your form perfectly.' Arsthotua continued, 'I almost want to take you right now.'

Roseate could feel an invisible tendril rubbing her left foreleg. "But then I would have to take another shower and come up with a lousy excuse for why I was late to my class."

A low chuckle rippled through Roseate's mind as the tentacle retreated.

Stepping out into the hallway, Roseate considered what to do next. Sure, she could head straight to school and sit there and wait a half hour for her students to arrive. Or she could open that second box she had stored away the previous night. Walking into the storage room, Roseate examined the undisturbed box.

Opening the cardboard box, Roseate perceived its contents. On the top was a black, wide-brimmed hat, a hat commonly associated with witches. She had once worn it as a joke for a Nightmare Night costume, the one time of year where one could be called a witch without the fear of the Solar Guard breathing down their neck. Putting the hat aside, Roseate continued to pull out other items.

There were three books. Each belonged to a different school of magic considered forbidden by the Equestrian government: Necromancy, Tartarian magic, and even Nightmare magic. Perhaps she might try to practice some magic from these books later.

Next, she pulled out an old, stuffed bunny doll.

"Oh, there you are, Mister Smelly Bottoms!" Roseate squeaked as she snuggled with the doll, "I was wondering where you had gone."

Perhaps she should convert one of the empty rooms into a toy room.

Moving her hoof around the inside of the box, Roseate felt her hoof rub up against a glass sphere.

"Oh, I almost forgot about this!" Roseate said as she pulled the item out with her magic. It was a crystal ball about the size of a pony's hoof, a completely transparent sphere.

Enveloping the crystal ball with her magic, Roseate walked over to the mirror, which was still covered with a blanket. While she considered tuning the sphere to the mirror now, Roseate was sure that she would need to leave for the school soon. With a deep sigh, Roseate returned the magical item to the box before stepping back out into the hallway and locking the door.

Walking down the stairs, Roseate made her way to the kitchen. Pulling open the refrigerator, she pondered what to make for breakfast. She decided on toast. She grabbed two slices of bread and put them in the toaster. While the machine cooked the two pieces of toast, Roseate pulled out some strawberry jam and butter along with a carton of orange juice.

Taking a glass from one of the cupboards and setting it down on the table, she poured herself a glass of orange juice before returning the container to the fridge. Lifting the glass up to her muzzle, Roseate took a sip of the golden liquid before letting out a happy sigh. Seconds later, the bread popped out of the toaster. With the toast finished, Roseate placed them on a plate and spread some butter across them with a knife. Once she had completed buttering the toast, Roseate spread some of the jam over it.

With her food prepared, Roseate sat down at the table and ate. It wasn't the best breakfast she ever had, but she wouldn't complain.

Once she finished her meal, Roseate placed the dirty plate and silverware in the sink and ran some water over them. Then, grabbing the satchel containing her teaching materials, Roseate stepped out the door and made her way to the school.

The children roared happily as the bell rang, indicating the end of the school day.

"Thank you all for coming," Roseate called out as the foals ran by, "Be safe."

Once the last child had left the room, Roseate let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, today had gone a lot smoother than yesterday. A few of the foals had come forward to apologize for harassing her about her Cutie Mark, probably at their parents’ behest. All the same, Roseate forgave them and they had proceeded with the class.

Now with class over, Roseate sat at her desk, stacking the collected pages of homework in a way that they could be examined later. Putting the papers in her satchel, Roseate prepared to leave the schoolhouse.

Her stomach rumbled ravenously. Perhaps Roseate could grab a bite to eat at the local diner. Stepping out of the schoolhouse, she made her way back to town.

Much like her home, the school was a small distance away from the town, separated by trees and bushes. A dirt path and a wooden sign served as the only indicators of where to go.

Stepping out into the street, Roseate examined many of the surrounding buildings. There was a town hall, and next to it was the library. Walking down the street, Roseate passed by a few small businesses before coming up to the Maple Family Diner, a business owned by a mare named Maple Syrup.

A bell rang as Roseate pushed open the door and stepped inside.

"Come on in!" Maple called out, "Take a seat!"

Maple Syrup was an earth pony mare with a golden coat and a brown mane. She wore a blue waitress uniform with a white collar and apron. Somehow, she had managed to balance a plate with numerous sandwiches on her back.

Following Maple's instructions, Roseate walked over to a booth and sat down. While the waitress continued to deliver food to the other customers, Roseate pulled out her students' homework and started to grade them. Considering that it was simple arithmetic, the grading process wasn't too difficult, at least not for her.

"Hey, Roseate!"

Roseate looked up to see Bell Flower sitting down at the same booth, just across from her, despite the fact that there were clearly a few unoccupied booths nearby.

"Hello," Roseate said before returning to her grading. "What brings you here?"

"I finished my shipments for the day," Bell explained, "so I decided to stop for a bite."

"I see."

Looking out the window, Roseate saw a stallion trying to get the attention of a mare who seemed to be ignoring him. Roseate shrugged, probably just a lover's squabble, nothing for her to worry about.

"So, how is your second day in town?"

"It has been going well."

At that very moment, Maple Syrup walked over with a couple menus.

"I'm sorry for taking so long," Maple apologized. "Here are your menus."

"Oh, don't worry about me." Bell Flower smiled. "I'll just have my usual."

"So the avocado sandwich and a root beer," Maple nodded before turning to Roseate. "And would you like some time to look at the menu?"

"I think," Roseate bit her lip, "I'll just try what she is having."

"Very well." Maple smiled. "I will have your meals out soon."

After writing down their orders, Maple walked back behind the counter, before putting the order up for the cook to see. As Roseate watched the waitress walk away, her attention was grabbed by another mare in a distant booth. She was a unicorn with a light bluish gray coat and dark blue mane, her amber eyes matching the movement of her pen as she wrote away.

"Who is that?" Roseate asked out of curiosity. Something about the mare's aura felt off.

Bell Flower glanced over her shoulder, "Oh, that's Moonlight Raven, apparently she is an author who comes to Muleport from time to time for the peace and quiet."

With Bell's explanation, Roseate shrugged and resumed examining her students' homework. A frown crossed her face as she noticed that one of her students, June Berry, had managed to completely fail her math homework. Perhaps Roseate needed to better explain the math section.

As Roseate proceeded onto the first Ponish assignment, Maple Syrup had returned with their root beers.

"Here's your root beer." The waitress placed a pair of glasses before them with the carbonated fluids and straws inside. "Your meals should be out shortly."

"Thank you," Bell said before taking a sip of her drink.

After grading another student's homework, Roseate took a sip of her root beer. The bubbly beverage was cold and refreshing.

"So you're the new teacher," Bell Flower exclaimed. "We have been needing a replacement since the last one disappeared."

Roseate narrowed her eyes. "Disappeared?"

"Yeah." Bell took another sip. "Just one Thursday afternoon, she walked out into the woods and was never seen again."

"They didn't find anything like a body?"

"Nope." Bell shook her head. "Just completely gone. Vanished without a trace."

"How strange." She tried to contemplate what could cause such a disappearance. There were a few supernatural forces she could think of, as well as some inter-dimensional ones.

"Hey, Bell!" A male voice called out, drawing both Bell Flower and Roseate's attention.

The voice belonged to a pegasus stallion with a white coat and a red mane and tail. A pair of red sunglasses covered his eyes.

"Hey, Signal Flare," Bell smiled as the stallion approached. "Are you here to restock on supplies?"

"Indeed I am." Signal Flare nodded before turning his attention to Roseate. "And who is this?"

"This is Roseate Grimsbane. She is the new teacher here in Muleport."

"I see, and a pretty one, too," Flare said.

"She's married." Bell Flower mentioned.

"So?" Signal Flare gave a confused look. "That doesn't change anything. Whoever they are, I sure hope they know how lucky they are."

Roseate giggled. "I'll remember to tell my husband that."

"Excuse me!" Maple Syrup said as nimbly squeezed past the stallion to give Roseate and Bell Flower their sandwiches.

"Oh, sorry about that." Signal Flare apologized awkwardly. As the stallion moved he accidentally bumped into Roseate.

While the brief contact was completely innocent, Roseate could feel her stomach twitch sickeningly.

Despite the sudden onset of queasiness, Roseate did her best to smile at the waitress. "Thank you for the food."

It wasn't hard for Maple to notice Roseate's discomfort, "Ma'am, are you all right?"

"I'll be fine." Roseate hoped.

She waited patiently for the stallion to abashedly excuse himself to go to the restroom before waving the waitress back over.

"You wouldn't happen to have some ginger, would you?"

Returning home, Roseate placed her satchel down against one of the legs of the table before making her way back up the stairs toward the storage room. As she made her way to the stairs, Roseate noticed something amiss.


There were vibrations in the air that didn't belong. Like the strumming of a guitar in a graveyard, it was a sensation that felt off. Roseate recognized it as being caused by a dimensional intrusion.

Moving into the living room, Roseate made her way to the basement. Perhaps Arsthotua had an idea of what was going on.

Opening the door, Roseate descended the wooden staircase into the basement. The room was concrete. There were a few puddles of water in the corners, and a freezer stood in the back.

Roseate walked over to one side of the room where the concrete looked just a tad bit too dry. Placing a hoof on the wall, Roseate began to chant.

"Zamavi futfari yog gresp ngi riviel t'taph sicrit't futfari melodh!"

The concrete shimmered before the illusion gave way, revealing a carved-out passageway that descended into the bowels of the earth. With the way exposed, Roseate proceeded inside. Floating orbs of teal flame hovered near the walls, illuminating the path into the depths. The sound of water running was audible.

'Is everything all right?' Roseate asked telepathically.

'Everything is fine.' Arsthotua answered. 'We have a guest.'

Eventually, the path opened up into a large cavern with pools of water filled with glowing sea anemones. In the center of the room was a clearing with a stone table, seated at which was a figure who was undoubtedly the guest.

Drawing near, Roseate could see her husband's eyes and tendrils lining the cavern ceiling. One of the tendrils was reaching down, manipulating a chess piece on a gnarled chess board. The guest was playing, as well.

"Roseate." As Arsthotua spoke, his voice resonated through the cavern. "Allow me to introduce our guest. This is the Smiling Stallion, he has some business in the area and thought he would stop by for a game."

Turning to the visitor, Roseate looked him over. In profile, he looked like a gray earth pony wearing a black hoodie; however as he turned to face her, it became clear that his toothy mile-wide smile was conformed to his face.

"It is an honor to meet you." The corners of his mouth pulled upward during the entire statement, a rather unsettling display of razor-sharp teeth.

"How long will you be staying?" Roseate inquired, feeling uneasy. A part of her wanted to talk to her husband about the incident in the restaurant. It was a discussion she didn't want to share with a guest.

At closer inspection, it was clear that this wasn't an ordinary game of chess. The board was actually a cube, each side possessing checkered spaces with two different shades of aquamarine. It floated in the air, moving on an axis so that the box almost resembled a diamond. The pieces were mostly black or red; although as the board turned, Roseate noticed one side that featured mismatching pieces.

There were ten of these unique pieces: one blue pawn, two orange pawns, two yellow pawns, two white pawns, one pink pawn, one purple knight, and one violet bishop.

"Not long," the Smiling Stallion answered, "I am just waiting for the preparations; besides, your husband is winning."

The Smiling Stallion moved his hood, causing a red knight to advance forward to take one of Arsthotua's rooks.

"Indeed. Still, you are a worthy opponent."

One of Arsthotua's tendrils picked up his queen and moved it to the right five spaces. One of the yellow pawns marched forward on its own.

"Well, have a good game," Roseate said before starting to head back upstairs.

As long as Arsthotua kept an eye on the Smiling Stallion and made sure that he didn't cause any trouble, Roseate would be fine. She was about to leave when Roseate remembered what Bell Flower had told her about earlier.

"Before I go," Roseate turned to face the Smiling Stallion, "You wouldn't happen to be responsible for the disappearance of the previous Muleport School teacher, would you?"

The Smiling Stallion turned to face her, his eyes staring into hers. "Of course not, I only arrived moments ago, and my agents know full well not to mess in the affairs of innocent bystanders."

"Just making sure."

Roseate's ears twitched as the sound of somepony knocking on the door upstairs broke the stillness in the house. As Roseate walked up the stairs, she tried to think of why anypony would be knocking on her door.

'Of course, I'll have Pinkie Pie bring you a dozen tomorrow.'

"Oh, yeah!"

Reaching the front door, Roseate looked through the peephole to see a bouncing pink pony on the other side. The box of cupcakes miraculously balanced upon her head. Pinkie's eyes grew bright as Roseate opened the door.

"You must be Pinkie Pie." Roseate smiled. "Ms. Cake said you would be coming by."

"Indeedy weedy, here I am." Pinkie grinned, emitting a weird squeaking sound filled with emotion. "And here are the cupcakes that you purchased."

That was one way of putting it.

"Thank you very much. Please, come inside."

Once Pinkie had stepped inside, Roseate escorted her to the kitchen.

"If you could set them on the table, that would be just fine."

As Pinkie set the box of cupcakes down on the table, Roseate fished out some tarot cards. At times, she would feel the compulsion to see another pony's future through the cards, and often at such times, fortunes proved to be interesting.

"I hope you enjoy the cupcakes!" Pinkie squeaked.

"Before you go," Roseate sat down at the table, "how interested would you be in having me tell you fortune?"

"Can you really tell the future?" Pinkie asked excitedly as Roseate set up the cards.

"Not really," Roseate lied. "It's mostly a fun party trick."

"Oh, I love party tricks!" Pinkie sat down at the table. "Let's do it!"

Roseate shuffled the deck, cut it twice, and shuffled again. Once she was certain that the deck was properly randomized, Roseate began to draw cards and placed them face down on the table until there were two rows, each having seven cards.

"Now pick a card." Roseate motioned with a hoof.

"Okie doki!" Pinkie tapped a card in the row closest to her on the left corner.

Using her magic, Roseate flipped the card, revealing the image of three mares standing around a campfire.

"Judging from this card," Roseate examined the card. "You are part of a small group of friends, who have gone on numerous adventures together."

Pinkie took in a shocked breath. "How did you know?"

"Choose another card," Roseate said, ignoring Pinkie's question.

"Oh! Oh! What about..." Pinkie contemplated her choices. "That one!"

Flipping over the card Pinkie was pointing at, Roseate saw the image of a centaur. The card was upside down.

"There will be many struggles ahead of you..." Roseate scratched the side of her head, "the outcome of which will be decided by the next card you choose."

A bead of sweat dripped down the side of Pinkie's face as she stared at the cards. Roseate had to do everything she could to not just burst out giggling.

"How about that one?" Pinkie said at last, pointing to the card closest to Roseate.

A smile crept across Roseate's face as the card was flipped over and the image came into view. It was a castle surrounded by green fields with the sun over head.

"Yes, as long as you and your friends work together, great fortune will be your reward."

Pinkie wiped the sweat from her brow, "Hoo-ee, that was a close one!"

Roseate bowed her head. "Thank you for kindly accepting my offer."

"Hey, let me try!"

Before Roseate could do anything to stop her, Pinkie Pie flipped over one of the cards. It was a black card, the image of long black tendrils emerging from a swirling starry void. It was an extremely rare card to draw, and its omen wasn't good.

"Please don't do that." Roseate quickly scooped up the cards. "These cards are rather... Old."

Pinkie's ears flopped down. "I'm sorry."

The mare's mane seemed to almost deflate for a moment.

"It's okay. You didn't know."

With her apology accepted, Pinkie returned to her regular cheerful self. "Well, I best be going!"

"Allow me to show you out." Roseate smiled as she escorted Pinkie to the door.

"If you ever want more cupcakes, you know where to look!" Pinkie said cheerfully as she stepped outside.

"I do indeed." Roseate stood in the doorway. "Thank you."

Roseate watched as Pinkie bounced away before she stepped back into her domicile and locked the door. The matter with the black card was still on her mind. Returning to the table, Roseate took the pile of cards and neatly shuffled them once more.

"Surely it was just a luck of the draw." Roseate chuckled nervously as she tried to reassure herself. "Just a coincidence."

Picking up the deck, Roseate made her way back upstairs. She wanted to try to convert that one empty room into a toy room before consorting with the Scryial. Perhaps this would help distract her troubled nerves.

Pulling the cloth from the mirror, Roseate gazed into the vast void beyond its metal frame, the glowing eyes peering back at her. Next to her were a few books, a black cauldron filled with water and a burlap sack.

"Hello again," Roseate said to those within the mirror, "I will answer all your questions soon, but first we have a familiar to summon."

She began to pull supplies from the sack.

"Just a branch of olive," Roseate began adding ingredients to the cauldron, "about five grams of charcoal, three grains of wheat, a leaf of poison joke, some incense from Saddle Arabia, the eye of a cockatrice, and a single ruby."

Once all the ingredients were added to the pot, the water took on an oily sheen.

"Then all you have to do is say the magic words." Roseate smiled.

Closing her eyes, Roseate held her hooves up over the cauldron and began to chant.

"Alenag farth ah griet sirventaph. Alenag farth ngi sirvi mel gos yj feothful femoloerel."

Slowly, the contents of the pot began to swirl, glowing a bright sickly green before coalescing into a perfect sphere above the witch's cauldron.

Bones of jade crystal formed to create a feline skeleton, followed by crimson flesh and white sinew. Layers of flesh and fur grew over the newly constructed body. Once it was completely formed, the being was lowered to the ground, its body as still as death.

It was a cat covered in black fur with a pink stripe starting from between its eyes and moving all the way down the spine, the tips of its ears and tail bleached white.

From the sack, Roseate pulled out a purple collar with a silver pendant, which she placed around the cat's neck. A sealing rune was engraved.

Leaning down, Roseate sealed her lips around the cat's mouth a breathed into it, her breath giving it life. After giving three breaths, Roseate stepped back and watched.

The cat's eyes flashed open, the orbs a vibrant green. A smile crept across Roseate's face as her familiar came to life.

"Hello, my familiar, my name is Roseate Grimsbane, and I have summoned you to this plane to aid me in my craft."

The familiar looked down at his collar before giving her an annoyed glance, "Did you really have to pick such an unappealing collar to bind me with?"

Choosing to ignore the familiar's attitude, Roseate turned her attention back to the mirror.

"Now, in addition to other question I have for you, you can also try to name this little guy."

"What are you talking about?" The familiar’s annoyance mounted. "I already have a name! It's Gu'olghathmmphriesan!"

"Of course it is." Roseate giggled before whispering to the mirror. "Just go ahead and send us your best names. Now, onto the questions!"

Viper Pit asks: "How did she meet her husband?"

Evening Song asks: "What, specifically, did you have to offer and/or sacrifice to take Arsthotua as a husband?"

"It wasn't an offering in the usual sense of the word," Roseate replied. "Our first meeting was caused by an act of desperation. However, as with all beings from beyond the veil, a sacrifice was made, and an alternative was accepted."

Night Storm asks: "How powerful are your spells? And what kind of magic do you like?"

"The magic at my disposal is a mere fraction of that possessed by my husband. Truth is, I have no magic of my own." Roseate raised a hoof and touched her horn. "I was born with a rare genetic defect called, Congenital Cornual Nerve Aplasia, more commonly known as Dead-horn. Basically, while the horn is present, the nerves required to send magical data from the brain to the horn are missing. It is rare but common among ponies of a mixed lineage."

Roseate removed her hoof and frowned.

"Needless to say, this disorder cost me dearly in my youth," Roseate returned her gaze to the mirror and smiled. "But to answer your question, I enjoy trying to learn magic of various origins, including those considered forbidden by most scholars. I will discuss this in better detail shortly."

NicLove asks: "Can he make you a mother?"

A pained expression swept across Roseate's face. "He can and he has, but for some reason my children only slumber."

NicLove asks: "Can he only be male or is it just that he prefers to be male?"

"While his species is vastly different from ours," Roseate replied, "Arsthotua qualifies in both worlds as a masculine entity."

bestinDworld asks: "Do you like belly rubs?"

A green tendril reached out from the shadows and began to stroke Roseate's cheek. A smile crept across her face, and she pushed into the tentacle's embrace.

The familiar gave the tentacle a wary look.

"It depends upon who is giving it."

Roseate let out a little giggle as the green appendage caressed her.

Drake asks: "How did you figure out how to summon an Eldritch abomination?! Is it dangerous?! I would call the royal guard but I’m afraid he’ll eat me!"

"With the aid of the Isidria," Roseate held up the ancient tome, "I was able to summon Arsthotua into the world, and yes, such an act can be quite dangerous. Piercing the Fifth Veil is an arduous task even for them, and they can be stern with those they deem unworthy. However, many of them can be empathic of those in great need.”

The tendril withdrew.

"But don't worry, Arsthotua wouldn't consume you," Roseate answered slyly. "The consequences of your actions would warrant a more terrifying fate."

A chuckle escaped the witch's lips.

NicLove asks: "Why did you tell the town that you were married?"

Ri2 asks: "How did you meet your husband, and what was the wedding like?"

"Because we are." Roseate smiled. "We went through both the rituals of the Eldar Realm and of an Equestrian Wedding ceremony. And before you ask, yes, he did take on the form of a pony for the latter. He just isn't terribly fond of wearing a pony's skin."

A green eye appeared to observe the conversation.

"It also makes it so that stallions are less likely to ask to be my special somepony," Roseate continued, "or for my hoof in marriage. As for the wedding, the Equestrian wedding was just like your usual wedding. We made our vows for better or worse, we exchanged rings, we kissed, rice was thrown, pigeons ate the rice, the pigeons choked on the rice, and we proceeded on to the honeymoon."

Pulling out the Isidria, Roseate turned to a few pages where the squiggling ink formed the image of an orb with a mouth filled with jagged teeth and countless mouths within.

"The Eldar wedding wasn't too much different," Roseate said, pointing at the image. "However, there, when you throw the 'rice,' the 'pigeons' don't eat the 'rice.' The 'rice' eat the 'pigeons.'"

A shiver crept up the cat's spine.

Roseate set the tome aside and watched as a curious alien face loomed in the mirror.

Genesis asks: "How many realities are you currently aware of besides your own? I'm not talking simple planes of existence but all together realities that have different histories than the one you currently have?"

"Well, it depends." Roseate bit her lower lip. "If you are referring to alternate versions of the world I live in, I know there are a few, but I haven't seen them, nor could I describe them. If I had to guess, there are at least twelve. That I can say for sure."

Genesis continued: "Would it be at all possible to jump realities, should (or even realms though I strongly suggest you don't) the current one became too compromised?"

"It is possible." Roseate scratched her chin. "I do have a few artifacts in my possession that allow me to move to certain locations. However, it wouldn't be wise to take up permanent residence in those unearthly regions."

Acoustic Pulse asks: "How many realms are there, and do you have access to all of them?"

"Well, there is the Alicris Realm," Roseate answered, "which is named after our planet. Alicris is actually where the word Alicorn comes from, due to their connection with the celestial bodies. There is the Eldar Realm where Arsthotua and a few other eldritch beings come from. There is also Tartarus and Furorult, a couple of worlds meant for prisoners and the most dangerous of beasts."

Roseate stretched her legs before resuming her discussion.

"Those are just a few of the ones I've listed. I can assure your there are at least ten more that I haven't mentioned. As for whether or not I have access to them, the answer... meh."

Holding up the Isidria, Roseate turned to a few pages.

"Going to other realms isn't the problem," Roseate explained. "Rather, it is surviving in those domains and being able to return that is the hard part. For example, in the Eldar realm, oxygen as we know it doesn't exist. You have to carry a powerful vessel with the right magical sigils just to ensure that you can breathe during your visit. And that doesn't include having to deal with some of the harsher beings of that world."

FanOfMostEverything asks: "Is Discord an eldritch entity akin to your husband, or some bizarre class of being all his own?"

"Draconequi like Discord are a bit of a mystery, and an annoying one at that." Roseate rubbed her right temple. "While they are strange beings, they don't possess any of the traits most eldritch beings have. It has been theorized that they might be a species of Chimera that were birthed into existence when magic was first introduced to the world. However, there is so much evidence going around both confirming and contradicting this that I could never say for sure."

"Fortunately, most of the Draconequi left this world centuries ago." Gu'olghathmmphriesan grumbled.

Umbra Amino asks: "What’s the closest you ever came to be found out?"

"Let me think." Roseate said before a smile crept across her face. "There was one time while Arsthotua and I were on our honeymoon in Las Pegasus. Apparently, the maid hadn't noticed the 'Do Not Disturb' sign and half walked in on us... Anyway, fortunately this particular maid had been known for drinking on the job, so nopony believed her when she started crying about tentacles and shadowy tendrils."

NicLove asks: "From 0 to 10, how good are you?"

Roseate squinted. "I'm not sure. Good at what? You might want to be more specific with your question."

John Dillinger asks: "What sort of banks do you have in Equestria? Also, how is the economy?"

"Admittedly, I can't say for sure how secure our banks are. Sure, we have magical locks that increase the integrity of bank vaults, but when you have creatures powerful enough to simply tear those doors off their hinges, those security measures seem almost pointless. As for the economy, ever since the return of Princess Luna, the economy has improved quite a bit."

Death is disturbed asks: "Do you like heavy metal? If so, what bands do you like?"

"There are some heavy tunes that I enjoy. There is a band by the name of Thirteenfold based out of Manehatten that I find especially amusing. Then there is Madness Inscribed which likes to use a lot of occult imagery in their work."

NicLove asks: "How did you meet Cup Cake?"

"You mean Mrs. Cake," Roseate said. "I met her about... maybe five or six years ago. Back then, she used hats to conceal her succubic features, however it kind of prevented her from trying to find a special somepony. At the time, I was in need of money and discovered her secret when we accidentally bumped into each other at the market. A potion was made, some bits were exchanged, and she has been coming back to me for help ever since."

Flarion asks: "Have you ever heard of Lovecraft? Call of Cthulhu?"

"Those names don't ring a bell." Roseate shook her head. "Sorry."

Viper Pit asks: "Would you like some extra poison/venom? I have some to spare, which you could probably make some antivenom with it."

"I wouldn't mind some," Roseate replied, "although it would probably help if I knew what species the venom belonged to."

White Cobalt asks: "Hey Roseate, now that you're unpacked and settling in, do you have an idea of what your future holds for you here?"

"Well, I've been having these nightmares that have been pulling me to here," Roseate answered, "I am hoping that, perhaps, if everything is resolved smoothly, that I may be able to reside here with my husband for a time, while I continue my search."

The voices in the mirror went silent, their questions answered, for now.

"Now I have another inquiry for you all," Roseate said.

Turning to the side, Roseate brandished three hefty tomes.

"These volumes contain information on a few forbidden schools of magic." Roseate smiled. "However, I don't think I have the time to study them all, and I'm just not sure which one to start with."

Carefully, Roseate lifted up the books, showing the covers to the mirror. One book was black with a symbol resembling a unicorn skull on the front. The second book was crimson with patterns resembling flames along the edges of the cover. The last book was a deep blue with the icon of the Mare in the Moon in the center.

"We have a book for; Necromancy, Tartarian Magic, and Nightmare Magic," Roseate said, "Please feel free to offer your insight on which of these schools of magic I should study."

Having finished her answering their questions, Roseate covered the mirror again with a blanket.

"So where do I sleep?" Gu'olghathmmphriesan asked flatly.

Rubbing her chin, Roseate contemplated where her familiar might rest.

"I may have a room for you," Roseate replied, "it is still a work in progress but I am sure that you will not mind."

The familiar followed as Roseate left the Mirror Room and stepped out into the hallway toward one of the empty rooms on the upper floor that only recently had been given a special purpose.

Inside the room there were a few stuffed animals, including Mister Smelly Bottoms. In addition to her stuffed rabbit, there was a wolf, a llama, a parasprite, and an elephant; all of which appeared nice and snuggly compared to the worn bunny doll.

While Roseate searched for something for her familiar to sleep on, Gu'olghathmmphriesan looking around the room, his nose twitched as he evaluated it.

"It's kind of small," he grumbled.

"Well, beggars can't be choosers," Roseate retorted as she pulled a fluffy, white pillow out of the closet, which she then positioned near the back of the room, almost like a little throne.

Gu'olghathmmphriesan sniffed the pillow. "I suppose this will work."

Stepping onto the pillow, the cat walked in a circle before lying down.

"Well, good night." Roseate bade as she prepared to leave the toy room.

"Thank you, by the way," Gu'olghathmmphriesan said before his eyes closed.

Feeling tired and a little worn out, Roseate retired to her bedroom. After taking off her glasses and articles of clothing Roseate lay belly-first on the bed. A small tendril rubbed one of her shoulders.

'Are you okay?' Arsthotua asked.

Roseate sighed. "It's been a long day."

'Tell me about it.'

The tentacle continued to rub her tenderly.

"Well, aside from communicating through the Scryial and summoning a familiar," Roseate shifted to her side to see three eyes looking down at her, "today was my second day of work. I had to grade some homework. I learned that apparently the previous teacher just... disappeared. And then some stallion bumped into me."

'He touched you?'

"Yeah," Roseate sniffed, "it was completely by accident but still..."

'Are you okay?'

"No," Roseate whimpered, before plopping her face into a pillow, "and I've been queasy since then."

'I am very sorry,' Arsthotua said as two more tendrils began to caress her. 'Is there anything I can do for you?'

"I don't know," Roseate moaned, "I'm too tired to think."

'Then why don't you sleep and rest? Tomorrow will be a new day, and I am more than willing to guard and watch over you until then.'

As he said this, Roseate's eyelids grew heavy. With eyes closed shut and feeling spent, Roseate drifted off to sleep.

Author's Note:

In addition to giving Gu'olg... The familiar a name you now have the option to pick, which school of forbidden magic, Roseate should study:

  1. Necromancy (5)
  2. Tartarian Magic (1)
  3. Nightmare Magic (6)

OC List:
Below is a list of OCs that were borrowed from their respective owners.