• Published 25th May 2019
  • 1,485 Views, 37 Comments

Tidally Locked - cleverpun

A long time ago, two sisters split the planet in half: one side night, and the other day. Now Rarity must do something no one thought possible: deliver a message from the Corona Empire to the Nightscape.

  • ...

Three: Different as Night and Day

Rarity had been on countless diplomatic trips. She had learned to pack light the first time she had to take two connecting trains to a port, take a boat to a meeting, and then go back home the next day.

But what does one take to a place they had never been before? An electric torch had been the first thing, and the small toiletries and amenities after that. Now she had lost her usual confidence in packing. Perhaps she should have consulted with Rainbow Dash more.

“So you’re really going to the Nightscape?”

“For the hundredth time, yes.”

“I heard they eat bugs over there.”

“Well, apparently they drink fungus.” Rarity picked up her sleep mask, then thought better of it.

“Are you going to eat bugs and drink fungus?”

“Well, I suppose I will have to eat and drink whatever the local cuisine is, so perhaps.”

Sweetie Belle wrinkled her nose. “Why would anyone ever want to go there? It sounds horrible.”

“Well, you’ve never been there, so how would you know?”

Rarity focused on her bags. Sweetie Belle almost certainly had taken the opportunity to roll her eyes in that infuriating way she did, and Rarity did not want even a glimpse of it.

“How are you even going to see where you’re going?”

“Well, the moonlight should take care of that.”

Rarity folded up her blanket, pushed it into her saddlebag. The flap of cloth almost covered up Sweetie’s sigh.

“I know you have to go there because of your job, but it seems like a gross waste of time.”

“The residents of the Nightscape are ponies just like us, Sweetie.”

“Obviously not, since they eat bugs and fungus.” Sweetie Belle said. “Plus, I heard all of them have fangs and glowing eyes, like a bat.”

“I mean, they want the same sorts of things we do. To spend time with friends, to watch the sun—er, moon rise. To eat good food, whatever it may be.”

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes, and retracted her head. “Maybe those night ponies think the same thing about us, how gross our coats look and how weird our eyes are.”

“That’s enough.” Rarity finally looked up from her bags. Sweetie Belle sat on the bed, nonchalantly flipping through a magazine. “This is just like when the school called me in because you were bullying other students. Being different doesn’t make one inferior. Our differences give us opportunities to learn from each other.”

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes, even more infuriatingly now that she knew Rarity could see it. “Whatever. Did you ever think that maybe ponies don’t like things that are different? DT and Silver are my best friends because we all like the same stuff, not because we’re all different.”

“But the three of you aren’t identical.”

“Yea, but we’re not that different. It’s not like we’re a bat pony and a normal pony hangin’ out. Didn’t you ever hear that old cliché? Different as night and day. Gee, it’s almost like they got that from somewhere.”

“Be that as it may—”

“And it’s not like you even hang out with anypony who is that different from you either.” Sweetie Belle idly flipped another page. “I mean, who’re your main friends? Your coworkers? You hang out with Ms. Cheerilee a lot, and she’s a teacher for a private school. You hang out with nobility and go to fancy parties.”

“Now see here, young lady!”

“Look, it’s not like I’m not happy for you. Being the first semi-official diplomat to the Nightscape? You’re basically in the history books now. And you’re gonna be, like, super famous and important, if nothing goes wrong. And I know that you’ve gotta keep up appearances and everything, make it look like you’re doing this to be charitable and help everyone, instead of just advancing your career.”

Sweetie Belle finally looked up from her magazine. “But I know you better than that. And if you wanna keep up appearances, fine, but just don’t treat me like some kind of foal. I know how the world works.”

Rarity took a deep breath. She brought to mind her diplomatic training. Sweetie Belle was just in her rebellious teenage years, and she was trying to needle and provoke. All the parenting books Rarity had read said as much.

“That deep breath means you know I’m right.” Sweetie turned back to her magazine.

Rarity pursed her lips. Sometimes she regretted teaching Sweetie Belle all the various ins and outs she knew of body language, negotiation, deception, and counter-deception. Those parenting books had not prepared her for this.

“Sweetie, I know you’re at a delicate age. So it is important for you to understand how important this is.”

“So you don’t deny it.”

Rarity felt a burning temptation to kick Sweetie Belle out of her room, but that would only prove the little monster’s point.

“Sometimes, Sweetie Belle, I regret teaching you all my tricks of the trade.”

“Subject change.” Sweetie Belle flicked another page. She only had the magazine as a prop, a way to needle Rarity more by appearing aloof. Rarity knew this, of course, yet the prop still did its job.

Rarity sighed. “Perhaps you are right. Perhaps I am partially motivated by what this will do to my career. But perhaps I am also partially motivated by the good it will do for our society. Sometimes ponies can have multiple motivations for things.”

Sweetie looked up from her magazine. “Do you really think Queen Luna will accept that letter gracefully? Or even nicely? Or at all?”

“If she does not, then that is her right.”

Sweetie tossed the magazine onto the bed. “Ohhh! I get it now. Why didn’t you just tell me that in the first place?”

“Pardon me?”

“You’re hoping Luna will kick you out, that way you get all the credit without having anything change.” Sweetie nodded. “Pretty sneaky, sis.”

“Don’t be preposterous, Sweetie! I would never root against the plans of my country or its ruler.”

“Of course you wouldn’t.” Sweetie hopped off the bed. “Well, have fun in the Nightscape, I guess. Be sure to hug lots of bats while you’re there.”

Rarity turned back to her suitcase. Finally, I can finish packing in peace. Surely Sweetie Belle had been trying to needle her, nothing more. The accusation and implication had been intended to incense her, not to reflect the truth. Surely.

Rarity returned to her packing.