• Member Since 28th Feb, 2018
  • offline last seen 20 hours ago


For some people, small, beautiful events are what life is all about!


Part of the Wibblyverse Continuity.
Side-story of Doctor Whooves: Friendship is Wibbly Series 1
Previous Story: Ruler of Everything
Next Story: Played on Strings

Discord's daughter has returned after a millennium's absence, and her parent couldn't be more thrilled to have her back. At least, they think they are. Meanwhile, the arrival of not one but two ancient deities in Ponyville is raising some questions for Twilight and her friends, and Celestia seems none too eager for a happy reunion.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 23 )

Perhaps if we called them the Crusaders of Harmony?

"Deus vult! Deus vult! Deus vult! Deus vult!"
:trollestia: "She most emphatically does not."

“Towel?” she asked calmly.
“Um, Trixie does not see any,” the unicorn said.

Most unhoopy.

Tree Hugger smiled back vaguely. “Aw, yeah, thanks, man. My fiancé styles it for me.”

Hmm... Treebreeze? I've seen the ship proposed in the past, and I'm sure Tree would love to have Fluttershy as a sister-in-law.

And this was just the opening moments. Eagerly looking forward to seeing the madness unfold.

Well, seems it's time to take a small break from all of space and time, and to do dive a little deeper into this universe's deities. I'm all for it, personally. I'd ask if Ponyville can handle Screwball, but based on what this iteration has been through, I'm fairly sure the answer is yes. Question is, can Twilight handle Screwball?

Five hundred years ago, I returned to this plane of existence and had a somewhat torrid affair with a rock farmer over spring break

Ah. That explains that. :pinkiehappy:

Sweetie Belle with secondary laughter powers... I've seen genre-savvy iterations of her. Let's hope this one won't need to be disabused of any notions of protagonist invulnerability. Though after Nightmare Valeyard, I doubt she'll have any issues there.

A new draconequus? And a new alicorn? In the same day?

Always two, there are...

I do love how Fluttershy gets along better with ascended beings the more awkwardly eldritch they are. After all, she gets along best with minds that aren't like ponies', whether that means they're more or less complex.

One nice thing about the MiskU art program, you'll never run out of the color out of space.

This could be going better, yes, but it could definitely be going worse. And Mentiad represents one heck of a friendship emergency for Twilight. MoondancerMoondancer right there. I do wonder if she can resist meddling.

More people need to make use of Plato being a wrestler. Especially since "Plato" is actually his wrestling nickname. Lovely stuff.

and every hat is a copy of the one perfect hat.

Oh, don't let Rarity hear about that. Either she'll go into a fit dismantling that proposition or devote years to actually making the perfect hat. And she will, too.

Lots of life’s little annoyances just... aren’t there. Like pollen allergies, or splinters.

Ah, but what about the perfect Allergy, or the perfect Splinter? Just because ponies don't like them doesn't mean they don't have Forms. Of course, this invites questions about the perfect Flaw, and I don't want to evict Mentiad by accidentally disproving his home. Or by any other method, for that matter.

Mentiad considered this gravely. “I think he eventually went into show biz — something about shadow puppets?”


I do wonder about Twilight's personal demiplane. And Sunset's for that matter. Heck, even Celestia invites intriguing questions there, though I imagine hers would need SPF Yes to visit safely.

Looking forward to meeting Lucy, whoever she may be. I suspect this may involve a sky with diamonds. And uncomfortable parent-child discussions. I don't envy any plasticine porters in earshot...


Ah, but what about the perfect Allergy, or the perfect Splinter? Just because ponies don't like them doesn't mean they don't have Forms.

They do, but if my completely amateur understanding of Plato is anywhere close to the truth, there's just one of each of them and they can be safely stored away in a back closet and forgotten about.

I do wonder about Twilight's personal demiplane. And Sunset's for that matter. Heck, even Celestia invites intriguing questions there, though I imagine hers would need SPF Yes to visit safely.

We'll be visiting Twilight's and Sunset's later on, but Celestia's domain is worthy of some note. I see it as a very bright and vibrant jungle, overflowing with alien plants and creatures and still stranger forms of life, all of it as neat and orderly as a prize garden. The whole place is run across with crystalline spires that refract the light into prismatic and dazzling displays. And, as you say, you're going to want to apply some very strong sunscreen before paying it a visit.

Oh man, I seemed to miss this updating. Shame on me.

Interesting take on Screwball here. I guess after you spend enough time around Discord, the absurd starts to become mundane. Not sure I'd choose to go to college anywhere near the Great Old Ones, though. But to each their own, I suppose.

So... Ponyville General was there centuries before the town itself? :rainbowhuh:

“Your fourth-wall addiction is getting out of hoof and you know it.”

I don't mind. Though with Pinkie Pie, they may be able to form a support group.

Why couldn’t you have been something normal, like a hippie, or a creepy janitor?

I prefer the Discords that are eccentric physicists, but I'm biased in that regard.

Sweet, but a tad... y’know. Her idea of Romance involves windswept moors and ghosts.

I'm not sure what I like better, this take on Octavia or this take on Vinyl.

I’m, you know, the personification of raw creative force and everything, but…Yog-Sothoth. That was impressive.

:pinkiehappy: "No, silly! Yog-Sothoth's the mailmare!"
:derpytongue2: "Somepony order a congery of silvery spheres?"
(Again, personal bias.)

And poor Mrs. Cake. She didn't know it was going to be one of those days.

Screwball's settling in nicely... more or less. Even Ponyville needs a bit to adjust to another draconequus. And Discord needs to adjust in the other direction... assuming they don't try to bring things back to the way they were. Nostalgia's especially nasty in a being of eternal chaos.

“But that’s a tale for another day,” Discord said quickly. They glanced over to the wall on their left. “Specifically, sometime in season two,” they hissed. "Hint, hint!"

Wow, subtle. Though, considering, well, time travel, “sometime in season two” could be anywhen from the beginning of the pre-universe to the end of the post-universe. (Or, factoring in the Faction’s involvement, times that never happened, paradoxical loops, and Who Knows what else.)

They both agreed that red delicious apples were disgusting and a terrible misnomer.

As should anyone with a working brain and tongue.

“Magic is just another word for science we haven’t learned about yet,” he said, quite primly.

I imagine there's an entire college up in Canterlot that would vehemently disagree, to say nothing of Twilight. Magic is a subdiscipline of science. It's also friendship, but that's neither here nor there, unless we're counting sociology.

Really, Twilight? The overenthusiastic nerd and the laconic art student are a threat to Equestria? How, exactly?

"I'm an overenthusiastic nerd, and we both know what my human analogue is capable of."
"And if we see pony Abacus Cinch berating Prince Mentiad, I'll start worrying."

Poor Celestia. She never asked for this.

Big Macintosh exited the kitchen.

Macintosh is truly the wisest character on the entire show.

It was so kind of her to take this trouble, no matter what the chill running up and down his spine tried to tell him.

More of those strange intuitions. I'm sure it's nothing.

Eagerly looking forward to more.

Applejack smacked her forehead. “That ain’t no reason to--” She paused and huffed. “Kin you do that fancy-pants flash teleport?”

“I suppose so. I’ve never really worked out how it’s meant to work. The mechanism seems utterly unscientific.”

“Ah expect that’s prob’ly because it’s magic,” Applejack said drily.

You know, you'd think that's something Twilight would end up stressing over at some point. She doesn't strike me as one to cast spells without knowing the mechanics behind them. Unless it's like that one fic where teleporting just makes a clone and dumps the original into a pocket dimension, but that's kinda dumb anyway.

Be it as friends, foes, or anything else, they would become part of her collective!

Ah, the trials of the expanding mind. Even gods come with instincts and impulsive drives, some more insistent than others. I do appreciate the air of menace. Reminiscent of "Google Announces Plan to Destroy All Information It Can't Index."

There also appeared to be a loose rope tied to the lamppost outside which was, if not actually chaotic, a little unusual.

Oh dear. A lost dog is never good.

Twilight blinked. “You came out of their head?” she asked, looking a little green.

How Athenian. Though Discord isn't much of a Zeus. The arrogance, sure, but not much else.

“Treehugger, you’re a marvel!”
“Yeah, I get called that a lot.”
“A marvel?”
“No, dude. Treehugger.”

Quality dialogue right here.

She mulled over that. “Well, like Aunt Candy Apple always says, ‘a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down’.”

:facehoof: For the love of every god in Ponyville, Applejack. You've baked. You know how finicky chemistry can be. I suppose combination mindset of older sister and substitute mother can be very hard to leave.

In any case, we've got two knowledge deities in tizzies, Fluttershy in Wonderland and goodness knows what else on the horizon. This will definitely get worse before it gets better. And I have no doubt I'll enjoy every moment.


Even gods come with instincts and impulsive drives, some more insistent than others.

Especially gods.

I do appreciate the air of menace. Reminiscent of "Google Announces Plan to Destroy All Information It Can't Index."

Fortunately, Twilight hasn't reached Borg levels of collectivism yet.


Though Discord isn't much of a Zeus. The arrogance, sure, but not much else.

Oh, I don't know...

  • White Beards
  • Arrogance, as stated
  • Self-titled kings (Of chaos and of Olympus, respectively)
  • Lack of self-control (Zeus can't keep it in his pants, and Discord is prepared to snap at a moment's notice)
  • Lack of self-control leading to way worse problems down the road for people that aren't them
  • Enormously bastardous

Although, to be fair, most of those things also apply to quite a few other Greek deities. Poseidon might be a better fit, and that's not even getting into Eris.

and goodness knows what else on the horizon

Well, I can promise a sunrise, at the very least... :trollestia:

Fluttershy really didn't think this through, huh?

A tall, white figure was coming up the path, taking slow, measured steps. Her mane seemed much warmer than usual, blues and greens melting into violet and yellow. The pink stripes seemed to glow cherry-red.

Oh. Oh dear.

Celestia and the historical literacy of her subjects never have had the best relationship with one another. Appropriate that the return of the gods of knowledge comes with such revelations. This will lead to some truly massive ripples. Tsunamis, really.

At that moment, one of the walls exploded. Everypony screamed and shielded their eyes from the plaster. Silhouetted in the dust was a tall figure with a frizzy mane and a wild glint in his eyes. “Remarkable questions!” he said, beaming.

I don't remember this episode of Bill Nye the Science Guy...

But to really get to grips with a subject, you have to get up close and personal. Take chances! Make mistakes! And get messy.

Oh dear. Wrong 90's edutainment series.

I do love a good Beatles reference. Though it looks like we're leaving the happy fun-time portion of the story and heading into heavier drama territory. Pantheons always have the worst family arguments, if only because of the collateral damage. Let's see how this pans out.

Why do I keep missing this updating...

Mentiad gave a huge grin. His horn flashed, and suddenly everypony but Scare Crow was sitting in a massive yellow cart. “It’s time for a field trip!” he crowed.

No wait stop Mentiad you aren't a teacher what would the board think the parents are gonna kill Cheerilee for this


No wait stop Mentiad you aren't a teacher

He has a degree!
...It's from eleven centuries ago, but he has it.

I can't complain too much about correcting grocers' signs. It's going full Frizzle that concerns me. (And there's a joke in there somewhere about her being the best Time Lord on PBS.)

“I shouldn’t have come back,” he said simply.

Oh boy. We're going to need Twilight for this one. Unfortunately, Twilight may need a Twilight right now. Which leads to questions about Sunset's whereabouts. Always two there are...

“Dude,” Treehugger said, her face pale. “What the fuck.”

You know it's bad when you've managed to harsh Treehugger's mellow.

Oh. Right. Sunset's with Celestia, who is the last pony Mentiad needs to see right now. Of course this is happening in Ponyville. Where else?

:rainbowlaugh: Tree no-selling the intimidation attempt and delivering straight facts is amazing. She really is a good friend for Discord. Both operate on wavelengths out of sync with conventional society, but also ones that provide novel insights for the other.

Their eyes all went pure, blind white as their minds hurtled back, back through the ages.

Well, at least Sunset is used to that kind of thing, if in smaller doses.

Next time, some much-needed answers... and a possible Discordant interruption at the worst possible time. We'll see what happens.


Well, at least Sunset is used to that kind of thing, if in smaller doses.

...Would you believe I hadn't thought of that? Honestly I was thinking more about Twilight's potion-induced magical mystery tour that time with the Plunder Vines. Is this what the kids call 'cinematic parallels'?

Always two there are...

... foreshadowing.

Tree no-selling the intimidation attempt and delivering straight facts is amazing. She really is a good friend for Discord. Both operate on wavelengths out of sync with conventional society, but also ones that provide novel insights for the other.

I love that so much, it's a great way of phrasing it.

It feels a bit too neat for Celestia to let go of a millennium-old grudge so easily... but when it's the literal Goddess of Friendship providing the argument, I can understand it. In any case, with this dispute resolved, Twilight and Sunset both have a lot to unpack and a home to refurbish. And Celestia may need to prepare some more apologies. I can only hope the rest of the pantheon will be as willing to listen.

Ahhh how do I keep missing these

Screwball narrowed her eyes at the princess, who now looked very uncomfortable indeed. "We'll see about that. Later. For now... CONTACT!”

Ah, good old Contact. If it's good enough for Time Lords, it's good enough for gods.

Well, that certainly was an interesting loredump/impromptu therapy session. Worldbuilding away!

Screwball breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank Nyarlathotep."

Nobody should ever thank Nyarlathotep for anything, bad Screwball.

Nyarlathotep Did Nothing Wrong

There's a certain fittingness to using that specific joke format, considering the specific iteration of the Crawling Chaos that always comes to my mind first.

Mentiad looked thoughtful. “Geometry, huh? It’s been awhile since I paid a visit to my friend Albert Square…”

First, assume a spherical alicorn...

Fluttershy looked at her cards and passed over the three of cups. “Have you, um, got any…” she scanned her deck, which consisted of the King of Hearts, Pikachu, the Hierophant, Skip a Turn, and Get Out of Jail Free. “Any major arcana?” she tried.

What, no Moxen? :derpytongue2:

... Oh! That was the last chapter. Heck of a time to have a hiatus, but it's not like that was under your control. In any case, lovely expansion of the universe, to say nothing of phase one of the pantheon's reunion. Thank you for it. Here's looking forward to the next installment.

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