• Published 11th Mar 2018
  • 1,019 Views, 29 Comments

Some of Us... - The Pony of Lost Legend

Arceus Mort is a young colt, and by the orders of his mother and father...is always guarded by a tall guard named White Fire..At first he hates the treatment but then, he find he just may like it more than he thought...

  • ...

Chapter II

"So that was fun," White Fire says to break the silence on their walk home. Arceus nods.

"Y-Yeah," He replies. White chuckles.

"You aren't still upset about me calling you cute, right?" he asked, his eye brow raised. Arceus blushes slightly and shakes his head.

"Of course not, I'm called cute all the time," Arceus says stubbornly with a stomp of his hoof. White just keeps walking with a grin on his face.

"What, by your mother??" He asks teasingly. Arceus lets out a huff.

"M-Maybe! What's wrong with that hu?!" He asks, raising his voice. White rolls his eyes and shoves a hoof to Arceus's muzzle.

"Damn stop being so much like your father, It's scaring me," He says softly. "And two, I never said that anything was wrong with that, I was only asking. So take a chill pill, I'm not letting go until you do." Arceus tries to free himself, but White had been trained like a soldier...he wasn't going anywhere... Arceus soon gives up and relaxes. "Good, see, was that so hard?" White asks as he let's him go and they start to walk again.

"How do you think I'm anything like my father, I'm nothing like him," Arceus asks. White gives a soft chuckle.

"Well....It's just the kind of sense you give off really," he replies. Arceus tilts his head.

"A sense?" He asks. White nods.

"Uh hu," he says.

"But what do you m-," Arceus begins to ask before White cuts him off.

"We're here, I just have to come in so that your parents know I was with you the whole time," He says. Arceus sighs.

"Fine," he replies before walking up the stairs and into the house, White Fire following behind. Hailstorm greets them with a small smile.

"Hello boys, did you have fun?" she asks. White chuckles.

"We sure did Mrs. Mort, he's a hoofful, but I think I can handle him," he says with a sly glance to Arceus. Hailstorm smiles.

"Don't I know it, well Ombre's in off at the castle, you should go meet him so you can get some rest," she says. White Fire dips his head.

"Alright," he says with a sigh and as he walks past Arceus he whispers in his ear. "Night cutie~" Then he leaves. Arceus blushes and huffs. Hailstorm raises an eyebrow.

"What did he say?" she asks. Arceus blinks and thinks quickly of a cover up.

"He just said Goodnight and that he'd see me tomorrow," he lied. Hailstorm shrugs.

"Alright, get up to bed, I want you up early tomorrow morning," she says. He nods.

"Okay mom...," he says and trots up the stairs quickly before slipping into his room and shutting the door. Resting his back on the door he slides onto the floor. "One day and you already act like you've know me forever, White Fire...," Arceus mumbles to himself.

"What was that?" a voice asks from the window of his room. Arceus jumps and starts to scream before a hoof is thrown over his mouth. "Shhh, it's only me Mr. Jumpy," the voice says softly as the pony drops their hoof. Arceus whips around.

"White?? What the hell are you doing here?" Arceus asks in a harsh whisper. White chuckles softly.

"Relax, i'm not here to kill you or anything," he teases. Arceus snorts.

"I know that genius, now answer my question, what are you doing here? You just left!" He asks.

"Well if you must know, I was never suppose to leave," White replies.

"Why not? My dad didn't tell you to stay here 24/7!" Arceus says. White laughs.

"You sure about that, short stack?" White asks. Arceus blinks.

"He did...didn't he...?" he asks. White nods.

"Yeah, yeah he did, I'm just suppose to sit outside your window honestly, but hey, that's boring as hell," White replies. Arceus slaps his hoof to his face.

"I cannot believe this....," he groans. White laughs again.

"I can," he says.

"Fine, fine, but does my mother know about this?" Arceus asks. White shakes his head.


"Figures..." Arceus mutters.

"Why do you say that mm?" White asks. Arceus shrugs.

"That's not important...," he replies. White shrugs and sits down on the end of Arceus's bed.

"You want me to leave you alone?" he asks softly. Arceus shakes his head.

"No no, it's okay," Arceus replies and sits next to him. White looks to him.

"Did you want to talk about it..?" He asks. Arceus shakes his head.

"No no, I'm good..," he replies. White sighs and looks to his hooves.

"I'm going to give you some advice Arceus," He says, looking back to Arceus. "I know when something bothers somepony, It's a gift of mine, And you....well...something is deffently wrong. I'm not saying it has to be me. But you should talk with somepony about it..." White says as he gets up and walks to the window. "If you don't, you'll take the path that I did, and trust me, you don't want that. Goodnight Arceus." Then he slips easily out the window. Arceus looks to the window with a sigh.

"Maybe..." he mutters. Trotting to the window he looks out. "White get your ass in here, you need sleep just as much as anypony." White chuckles.

"Don't worry about me, i'm fine," he replies. Arceus shakes his head.

"I said, get. your. ass. in. here," he growls. White laughs softly and steps back in the room.

"Fine, fine, just calm down," he says. Arceus huffs.

"Just make yourself fucking comfortable and go to sleep before I change my damn mind!" he says in a harsh whisper.

"Yes sire," White says sarcastically before laying on a beanbag in the room. Arceus shrugs and yawns before crawling in bed.

"Night, dork," he says. White chuckles tiredly.

"Night, cutie," he replies. Arceus just shakes his head and turns off the light.

Arceus rubs his eyes and sits up to the sound of his mother's screams. As he yawns and looks back up he then remembers White Fire and jolts up all the way, only to find him missing from the place where he slept. Hailstorm swung open the door, almost swinging it off it's hinges, making the worry or thoughts of the white pegasus guard scatter.

"I told you I wanted you up early!! Do you realize what time it is!?!" Hailstorm growls sharply. Arceus could feel his hooves tremble a little at the sight of his angry mother.

"I...uh....I'm sorry?" He says. Hailstorm huffs.

"Mr. Fire has been waiting over three hours downstairs!" she yells. Arceus blinks,Did Ireallysleep that long?

"Sorry mom!," Arceus calls and jumps out of bed before rushing down the stairs, Hailstorm on his heels. White Fire sat in the living room, his back straight and in attention as he wore a playful smirk as his eyes fall on Arceus. Hailstorm huffs and walks in behind Arceus.

"I finally got him up," She says. "Sorry it took so long Mr. Fire," Hailstorm adds. Arceus rolls his eyes as White Fire stands up and chuckles.

"Don't worry about it Mrs. Mort, i'll make sure to keep him awake," White says, his smirk playing back onto his face. Arceus shudders, something about that colts smirk made him uneasy, and no doubt...White had planned this out.

"Fuck my life...," Arceus mutters under his breath. Hailstorm hits him over the head with her hoof.

"Say it again I dare you!" She growls. Arceus shakes.

"N-No thank you," Arceus says before quickly stepping outside before his mother could catch him. White Fire chuckles and steps out after him and shuts the door after saying a goodbye to Hailstorm. Stepping down onto the sidewalk with Arceus, White Fire stretches, cracking his back with a deep sigh of relief. Arceus chuckles.

"Holy Hell, stiff much?" He asks with a raised eyebrow. White Fire smirks slyly.

"You try and sit in attention for three hours and having your boss staring you dead in the eyes for two of those hours," White huffs. "Then you'll see how goodyoufeel!" Arceus laughs.

"It was you're fault for keeping me up all night!" He teases. White Fire snorts.

"HA! Nah, your just a fucking sleeping princess!"

"Excuse me?" The deep voice of none other than Arceus's father stops White Fire in his tracts.

"O-Ombre. S-Sir. I-I uh um," White Fire struggles to get the words from his throat. Ombre taps his hoof with a raised eyebrow. Arceus blinks in surprise.

"Dad? How come your even out here? You're suppose to be working," He asks.

"I was given the day off," Ombre says, not taking his glare from the young guard. White Fire shifts uneasily.

"Dad, go home," Arceus huffs. "He's 19 and a noob, give the dude a break." Ombre frowns.

"Fine. But you ever speak to me like that again and I swear," He growls before walking off. White Fire sighs in relief.

"Thank Peaches...Thank you Arceus, I swear he was going to take my head off," White says. Arceus chuckles softly.

"No problem man," He says. As they continue to walk, White looks back to Arceus.

"How did you do it?" He asks. Arceus raises an eyebrow.

"Do what?"

"Go against your father like that." Arceus chuckles again.

"Oh, he's not so scary when you live with him," Arceus replies. White Fire sighs and looks into the sky.

"I see."

"You've never stood up against your dad before?" Arceus asks, sitting down on a nearby bench. White Fire joins him and his lip trembles slightly.

"I...don't have a father to stand up against," He says softly. Arceus winces.

"O-Oh, I'm s-sorry I didnt--" Arceus begins, White stops him by setting his armored hoof to Arceus's muzzle.

"Shh, you didn't know..." He says with a soft smile. Arceus blinks as he almost loses himself in White's calm eyes. He didn't even realize that he took his hoof away until he heard White chuckle at his agape mouth.

"You...I-I...um," Arceus fumbled over his words for a few moments. White smiles in amusement.

"You really are a cute one, you know that?" He asks with a soft chuckle. Arceus blushes and rubs the back of his neck with a hoof. "I have an idea..." White says with a smile before getting up. "Follow me." Arceus gets up and follows after him, his head cocked to the side in curiosity.

Soon, White stops a the shore of a lake, not far from the bench.

"You know how to swim?" White asks, his eyebrow raised and a smile lighting his face. Arceus nods.

"Yeah, yeah, of course I do," He says. White chuckles and nods.

"Good, good," He says, slipping out of his hoof armor. Arceus blinks.

"A-Are you..."

"What? You really think I want to swim in this heavy ass armor? Yeah, no thanks," White says with another chuckle as he slips from the rest of his armor. Arceus stood there for a moment, admiring his body structure. White snaps his thoughts as he walks to him. "Well? Do you want to or no?" He whispers. Arceus blushes lightly.

"Y-Yeah, sorry, I got distracted," He says with a nervous chuckle. White laughs.

"Last one in is sent to the moon!" He hollers and runs off the doc into the water. Arceus stops for a second, smiling to himself before laughing and jumping into the water after him.