• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 32,716 Views, 1,971 Comments

The Secret Life of Rarity - BronyWriter

Rarity has a deep dark secret that she cannot control but must hide from the world.

  • ...

Diamond Dogs

The evening began to settle over Ponyville as Rarity placed the last jewel on Sapphire Shores' costume and took a step back to admire her work. It glistened in the light, commanding the attention of anypony who would be in the room at the moment. This was her best work yet, and she knew that Sapphire Shores would absolutely love it. At least, she hoped that Sapphire Shores would love it.

Just as she was about to give the outfit a final once-over to see if every gem was perfectly in place, she heard somepony knock on her door. Frowning, Rarity placed her glasses on the table and went to answer it. To her surprise, there were two police officers on the other side.

"Oh..." Rarity shifted her gaze between the two officers. "Good evening, gentlecolts. How can I assist you?"

The cops tipped their hats to Rarity. "Sorry to bother you, Ms. Rarity," said the one on the left, "but we're investigating the disappearance of a local pony."

Rarity gasped and put a hoof over her mouth. "That's... that's positively dreadful! Who was it?"

"Her name was Scarlet Tomato," replied the other cop. "She was last seen entering her home a few weeks ago, but no trace has been seen of her since then."

Rarity flattened her ears and shook her head. "That's horrible! Do you have any leads?"

The cop on the right sighed. "Not yet. That's why we're asking the locals."

"We were told that she had..." The other guard scratched the back of his neck hesitantly, "less than pure business practices. It's possible that somepony hurt her."

Rarity widened her eyes and gasped again. "H-hurt her? Oh officers, I know that she had enemies, but I doubt that anypony would stoop so low as physical violence. Ponyville especially has nopony around that seems capable of that kind of thing."

"Yeah, speaking of enemies..." The first cop levitated a notepad out of his front pocket. "We were told that she argued with you about something. Business prices, am I right?"

Rarity took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "I'm afraid she did. She greatly overcharged my friend Fluttershy, and I reprimanded her for it." Rarity's eyes snapped open. "But I would never dare to hurt her for that! I am an Element of Harmony and a lady, you know."

The second cop gave Rarity a small smile. "I know, Ms. Rarity, and we wouldn't ask otherwise. We just want to follow up on anything that might help us find her."

The first cop nodded and put his notepad back in his pocket. "I'm sure we will, though. Most ponies that disappear are found in the first week."

Rarity smiled warmly at the two. "Well then I'm sure she will be fine. She probably just..." Rarity shrugged. "Well, I'm not sure where she could be, but I'm certain you two fine gentlecolts will have her back safe and sound."

The two cops smiled and tipped their hats again. "Thank you for the encouragement, Ms. Rarity."

"If you have any leads, don't hesitate to tell us."

Rarity gave a small curtsy. "Of of course, officers. If you need my help, do not hesitate to ask."

The two police officers nodded, and after a round of farewells, the two walked away. Rarity closed the door behind them and a wide smile crossed her face. "Yes, I do wonder where Scarlet Tomato could have possibly gone off to." Rarity giggled and skipped over to complete her dress.

Before she could, the door behind her opened and Twilight walked in, smiling that happy smile that Rarity liked so much. "Ah, good evening Twilight. How are you?"

"Oh I'm doing just fine, Rarity." Twilight entered the boutique and her gaze landed on the jewel encrusted costume that Rarity had just completed. "I see that you've finished Sapphire Shores' outfit!" Twilight grinned and leaned in to examine the clothing.. The sparkly gems reflected in her eyes. "It looks absolutely beautiful."

"Why thank you, darling," said Rarity. She used her magic to place her sewing kit in its proper place. "Now, what can I do for you?"

"Well..." Twilight blushed, and glanced down at her saddle bag. "I just..."

Rarity raised her eyebrow and frowned. "Are you alright, darling?"

"Yeah, I was just here because... because of the Diamond Dog incident last week."

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "Oh really?"

"Yeah. Basically what I was wondering was if you could give me an account of what happened down there... if you want. See, ponies don't exactly know a lot about Diamond Dogs, and I think your experience down there would give a lot of amazing data about them!"

"Oh! Yes of course, darling. I'd be happy to help." Rarity led Twilight towards the kitchen and sat her down at the table. "Oh, before we begin, here is the book on memory spells that I borrowed from you." Rarity levitated the book from the counter and placed it on the table next to Twilight.

"Oh, thank you Rarity. I was wondering where that had gone to." Twilight reached into her saddlebag and took out a quill, ink, and notebook. "Now then, let's begin."

Over the next half hour or so, Rarity described in detail the events of her ponynapping at the paws of the Diamond Dogs. She described their behavior, how they seemed to view ponies as lesser creatures, and how they seemed to have a sort of unorganized hierarchy with a kind of military state, or at least the clan that Rarity had encountered did.

"Okay, Rarity, I think that's good for today." Twilight's grin widened as she scanned the notebook. "Oh, this is just wonderful! I haven't been able to find a lot of this in my books."

"Just out of curiosity, what do you ponies know about Diamond Dogs?" asked Rarity.

"Well first off, they live in a far off land somewhere beyond the great desert. It's a rite of passage for a Diamond Dog to cross the desert to make it to one of the outposts in Equestria. Only the males are allowed to make the journey, and they must come back after seven years with as many jewels as they can find or they are banished and disgraced forever. The Diamond Dogs who ponynapped you were just one of the outposts around Equestria."

"I see." Rarity glanced in the general direction of her basement. "Now how large are these outposts in general would you say?"

"From what I can gather, there can only be a maximum of twenty Diamond Dogs per outpost. It's easier to split the gems that they find that way," said Twilight as she closed her book.

Twenty, thought Rarity. That means that there are only eighteen left in the outpost taking away the two I killed while they had me in their ghastly clutches. So, fifteen soldiers and the three leaders. Shouldn't be a problem, provided the weapon that I have chosen is sufficient for the task.

"Rarity?" said Twilight. "Equestria to Rarity, are you in there?"

Oh that's right, Twilight is still here, isn't she? Rarity shook her head and gave her friend a smile. "I do apologize, Twilight. I guess I kind of fazed out of there for a minute."

Twilight shrugged. "It's fine. Were you thinking about anything in particular?"

Rarity waved her hoof. "Oh, I was just thinking for a brief moment about my time down there."

"Makes sense, I'm sure it was a traumatic experience on some level for you. Actually..." Twilight opened her book once more. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about today. Basically what I was wondering was if you could give me an account of what happened down there... if you want. See, ponies don't exactly know a lot about Diamond Dogs and I think your experience down there would give a lot of amazing data about them!"

Rarity raised an eyebrow and cocked her head. "Why darling, whatever have we been doing for the last half hour if not that?"

Now it was Twilight's turn to raise an eyebrow and cock her head. "Half an hour? I just got here, Rarity."

Rarity narrowed her eyes and frowned at her friend. Something was wrong, she was definitely beginning to suspect that. "No, Twilight, we have been discussing the Diamond Dog incident for the past half hour. See, it's all in your notebook!"

Twilight looked down at her notebook and scanned the notes that she had written down. "Huh... that's funny. I don't remember writing any of this." Twilight gently ran her hoof down the page. "But it is my hoofwriting, so I guess I did."

Rarity gently placed a hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "Maybe you had better go home and take a nap, Twilight."

"Yeah... I think I had better do that too." Twilight shook her head as if she was clearing it. She stood up from the table and put her saddlebags on her back. "Well, thank you for your help, Rarity. I'm sure whatever information you gave me will be invaluable to my research."

Twilight walked out the door of Rarity's home. "Take care, Twilight."

Twilight looked back and smiled at her friend. "You too!"

The second the door was closed behind Twilight, Rarity ran towards the memory spell book in her kitchen, recalling that there was a small section she had not read.

* * * *

When one is dealing with a memory erasing spell, one must have the utmost care and caution as well as a great deal of skill in the arts of magic. If this spell is improperly cast, it will at first have the illusion of success, but after a short time, the memory of the recipient will slowly begin to deteriorate. It will be simple at first, maybe the subject will misplace an item or forgetting a memory that just occurred.

However, as time goes on, the memory of the recipient will fade until they can scarcely remember who they are. The spell eats away at all of their memories until they have none remaining in their brain. For adults, the process takes place over several months while with foals it can be up to several weeks. The process is much faster with children as they have fewer memories to lose. Once all memories have been erased, the recipient can then begin to store memories once more, but all past memories can never return.

Rarity looked up from the book in horror. Twilight's spell was obviously miscast, but maybe she had gotten it right with Sweetie Belle. She desperately hoped so. She turned back to the book, hoping to Celestia that there was a reversing spell.

There is a simple way to reverse an improperly cast forget spell: one must merely cast a simple memory spell on the recipient of the forget spell and all of the memories will be returned and no further deterioration will occur. It must be cast before all memories are gone or else the damage is irreversible.

Rarity closed the book and gave a sigh of relief. All it would take to fix Twilight was a memory spell. Easy as pie, as Pinkie Pie would say.

Rarity began to walk out the door before stopping dead in her tracks. If she cast the memory spell on Twilight, then Twilight would remember that she was a serial killer!

Rarity's eye twitched. On one hoof, if Twilight's memory was not restored, then her identity would be completely gone. All knowledge of magic, all memories of her friends, her family, of Princess Celestia and the Elements of Harmony, gone. On the other hoof, if she fixed Twilight, she would not only remember that her friend a serial killer, but that Sweetie Belle had committed a murder as well. Despite a nagging voice in the back of her mind telling her to do the right thing, Rarity wondered if Twilight's very identity was worth her life and the life of her sister. Despite her deepest wishes, she knew there was no clear-cut answer.

Rarity also realized that if she didn't fix Twilight, Princess Celestia would get involved very quickly once the mental state of her favorite student was deteriorating, and she would fix Twilight personally, which would in turn reveal Rarity's true self to Celestia directly.

Rarity groaned and glanced back out the window just in time to see a familiar grey pegasus approach her door. Rarity walked over to her door just in time to hear Derpy knock.

Opening the door, she saw that Derpy was holding a note in her mouth. Rarity used her magic to take it from her. "Hiya there, Rarity! There's a package for you at the post office! It just came in a few hours ago."

Rarity grinned and glanced down at the note. She had been waiting for this one for a while. "Why thank you, Derpy. I will be on my way shortly to collect that." Rarity grabbed a few bits and placed them in Derpy's bag. The mailmare gave her a wide smile of thanks before flying off again.

Rarity went back inside. The post office closed in twenty minutes, so Rarity had to be quick. She grabbed her saddle bag and placed a pair of hunting knives inside - another import from Griffonia - before heading out to the post office.

She arrived at the post office mere minutes before it closed and walked in. The new mare behind the desk who greeted her, a light brown unicorn, seemed far friendlier than that nasty Janice did. At any rate, Rarity doubted that she would put her hooves up on her wall. "Good evening," said Rarity in a friendly tone. "I'm here to pick up a package."

"Alright," said the smiling unicorn. "Can I see your delivery slip?" Rarity nodded and took the slip out of her saddlebags. She placed the slip on the counter and the unicorn scanned it for a brief moment. "Ah, you're order two-four-six-oh-one. I'll be right back with that."

As the mare disappeared into the back room, Rarity began to tap her hoof in excitement and barely held back a giggle. This one was another import, one that had taken her a long time and a lot of favors to find. It would all be worth it to see the final looks on the faces of the Diamond Dogs when they saw what she had in store for them. It wasn't like she could bring eighteen dogs down to her basement.

The mare came back after a few moments carrying with a long, brown package with her magic. "That should be the one," said Rarity.

The mare nodded and gave the package to Rarity. "That'll be eighty-five bits. Just sign here." Rarity pulled out a bag of money and gave it to the mare before signing her name on the proffered clipboard.

"Very well, that should be all for today. Thank you, darling."

"Don't mention it," said the mare. "Have a good evening."

"And you as well," Rarity replied. She walked out of the post office and began the journey towards the tunnels. She knew that what she had to do must be done now. The memory problems with Twilight, and possibly Sweetie Belle, would have to wait for now. She had some Diamond Dogs to deal with.

She stepped into an alleyway, then opened the package she’d just received. It wasn’t much, but it was enough. She then opened her saddlebag and took out several more items, mixing them together and creating a dark blue liquid, which Rarity poured into a small vial. Step one complete.

The first part of her plan set, she went to the outskirts of town where she had run into the Diamond Dogs the last time, and began searching for a hole into their lair. A few minutes was all it took for her to come across a deep hole in the ground, doubtlessly leading her to her targets. She shuddered for a moment as she remembered the feeling of their filthy claws on her beautiful coat as they dragged her into the dirt. She pushed the memory aside and jumped into the hole.

The hole, thankfully, did not lead directly to the ground, but instead curved, creating a slide which Rarity rode down into the lair. The journey lasted only a few seconds, and soon Rarity was dusting herself off and making sure her mane was not out of place. She lifted up the package once more with her magic and went down the nearest tunnel.

Despite the fact that she had not come down here willingly last time and had been carried to the main lair, she still remembered which tunnels led to the main hall. Rarity grinned as she imagined how much she would relish the moment when the last Diamond Dog lay at her hooves, begging for mercy. She giggled at the thought and began skipping towards her destination.

Thankfully for Rarity, she stopped skipping just in time to see a sleeping Diamond Dog guard leaning against his spear and snoring. Rarity grinned at this easy warm-up kill, and tip-hooved up to him. She slowly took a knife out of her saddlebag as she did. The poor fool never knew what hit him as Rarity drew the hunting knife against his throat. The dog woke up and clutched at the bleeding gash. His twitches soon became weaker, and he collapsed onto the ground and lay still.

Being careful to not step in the blood, Rarity continued towards the main room. It was not long before she reached her destination.

Looking inside the hall, she found the remaining fourteen guards sitting at a table. Some were playing cards, some were flicking knives into the air, and some were just talking. One dog stood at the far side of the room, stirring a large pot of what Rarity assumed passed for food among them. This would be easy.

Rarity opened her saddlebag and took out the single vial of blue liquid; more than enough for her purposes here. She tilted the vial and caught the liquid in her magic, creating a ball of it. With that settled, she looked back up and saw the legs on one of the benches wasn’t perfectly set. Perfect. She split her magic and grabbed the bench leg, quickly pulling it as hard as possible with her split magic. The leg cracked and gave way, causing the dogs on the bench to collapse in a heap on the ground.

“What was that?!” one of the dogs roared, standing up and brushing himself off.

“Maybe you should skip the soup tonight,” another dog said with a nasty grin before poking his comrade in the stomach. Either that or do some more digging.”

The rest of the dogs laughed, including the one doing the cooking. Now was her chance. She floated the ball of liquid into the pot right underneath the muzzle of the cook. She held her breath. If he noticed, the whole plan would be ruined. They’d wonder what exactly splashed into the soup and wouldn’t eat it.

The dog shook his head and went back to stirring the pot. Rarity let out a quiet sigh of relief. Now all she had to do was sit back and wait.

“Alright ladies, soup’s on,” the cook grumbled. He motioned to the dog who he had been mocking. “Even you. Why not?”

The dogs all muttered and lined up, each taking a ladle of soup and sitting back at their seats, eagerly digging in.

The dogs slurped the soup as if they hadn’t eaten in weeks. Rarity doubted that it was anything that would be enjoyed in even the most basic fast food restaurant in town, but it must have served the dogs’ purposes well enough.

“Hey, any more?” one of the dogs asked, looking back the cook, who waved his claw.

“Not until breakfast. Pot’s empty. Shut up and get to work.”

Rarity lightly chuckled to herself, but the time had come. Stretching out slightly, she then walked into the main room just as the dogs were standing up to continue their work. It was the one with the red jacket who spotted her first. His eyes widened. “You!”

Rarity shrugged and motioned to herself. “Me.”

The rest of the dogs grabbed their weapons and instantly surrounded her, pointing their spears as though she were Nightmare Moon herself. Rarity chuckled and shook her head, but a small voice in the back of her mind reminded her that if he plan hadn’t worked, she would be in real trouble.

“You were foolish to come back here!” the one in red who seemed to be the leader snarled. “You will never escape! Your pony magic will find us many gems!” He looked to the other dogs and motioned to Rarity. “Get a leash and collar and find something to gag her with! I don’t want more complaining!”

Rarity sighed and shook her head. “As much as I appreciate the offer of employment and housing, I’m afraid that I have other things to attend to today, so I’d prefer it if we...” a nasty grin crossed her face. “Sped things along.”

“No, no, you’ll go nowhere! Pony will never be found now!” the leader snarled. Before Rarity could respond, a metal collar was snapped around her neck. She gave a little squeak of surprise as the leash was pulled back, throwing her off of her hooves.

Rarity glared at the dog as the rest of them started laughing. “Really now, was that necessary?” Another dog approached her with a cloth and was about to tie it around Rarity’s mouth before she glanced over at another dog. “Before we get to all of that.” she pointed to the smallest dog, who was standing on one of the benches to get a better look at everything. “Your nose is bleeding.”

The dogs all stopped laughing and looked at their smallest member. He brought his paw up to his nose and cried out in alarm when he pulled his paw back and saw blood. The leader dog scoffed and rolled his eyes.

“Whatever. Creatures get nosebleeds. Pony will get nosebleeds if I have to hit her because she’s not being quiet.”

Right as the cloth was being tied over Rarity’s mouth, the small dog began violently coughing, spraying small specks of blood as he collapsed onto the table. He began convulsing violently as he started sweating blood.

“What is wrong?!” the leader cried as the other dogs began backing away. “Stop this!” He bared his teeth as he heard Rarity chuckle behind him. He grabbed her leash and pulled her over to the table, pushing her into it and tearing the cloth away. “Stop it! Fix this!”

Rarity stood up, brushed some dirt off of her coat and hopped onto the table with a small murmur of “so uncivilized. You ever think about asking nicely?” She grabbed the twitching dog in her magic, shook him for a moment, then clicked her tongue and set him down.

“Nothing to be done.” She shrugged. “Oh well.”

“Pony will fix him this instant or pony will suffer!” the leader roared, taking a knife out of his jacket.

“Well!” Rarity grimaced and shook her head. “I’ve examined him as much as I can. Even if I wanted to help him, and I don’t, I couldn’t. You see, this poor creature has ingested a concoction highlighted by the use of some extract from the Death’s Head Moth.” Rarity lightly pushed the dog off of the table. Blood was drizzling out of his mouth, eyes, and even sweat.

“Now, the thing about that particular poison is that it attacks blood vessels. It starts out slow, hence his simple nosebleed, then advances rather quickly, as you can see. Not sure what will kill him first. It might be straight blood loss, but it might be something else nasty like a cerebral hemorrhage. Who’s to say? Not contagious, as far as I know.”

The dogs all looked at each other in fear, while the leader’s jaw flopped up and down like a fish. Rarity grinned and lightly tapped him on the forehead.

“Now, I know that you had no way of knowing this, but you just ever so happened to ponynap Equestria’s most prolific serial killer.” Rarity tapped him on the head again. “Oopsie. Now, I wouldn’t be a very good serial killer if I just let you get away with it. No, there had to be some form of punishment. It’s all quite standard, I would imagine.” She glanced up at the group of dogs and pointed to one of them. “By the way, your nose is bleeding.”

The dog screeched in fright and stumbled back knocking him and another dog with a nosebleed back. The leader slowly backed away, his paws shaking. “Let’s be reasonable, pony. W-we can work something out!”

Rarity scoffed. “Such as? Even if there was a cure for the horribly painful death you’re all about to suffer, and again, there isn’t...” Rarity hopped off of the table, the skull of the now dead small dog cracking under her hooves. “Collars and leashes and gags and slavery and Celestia knows what else...” Rarity chuckled and shook her head. “You were hardly going to treat me well. Oh, don’t think I wasn’t going to make your lives miserable even if you weren’t in the position you find yourselves in. You would never have broken me, even if things had worked out the way that you wanted to. Even if you eventually killed me as I have no doubt you’d do, you’d wish you never laid eyes upon me!”

The cave was filled with a symphony of gurgling, bloody coughs as the dogs collapsed onto the floor blood pooling on the ground below them. Every now and then one of them would scream and twitch up before siezuring for a few moments, then lying still.

Before Rarity could relish her work more, she felt a sharp cut slice her side. She screeched and jumped back to see the largest dog holding a flint spear, the tip dripping with her blood. Rarity’s eyes widened, then narrowed just as quickly as she slid one of the hunting knives out of her saddlebag. The large dog tried to get into a fighting position, but collapsed onto the ground as blood poured from his eyes. Rarity bolted over to him and began plunging the knife into his face.

“How! Dare! You! Do! That! To! Me!” she cried with every stab. “Why! Won’t! You! Just! DIE!”

She growled and pushed herself off of the dog, whose face had become a mangled, unrecognizable mess. She looked down to her side and hissed in pain. It wasn’t too deep, but she’d have a hard time explaining why she had a wound like that.

She closed the wound with her magic. She’d deal with it later. Now she could resume her entertainment.

Turning back, most of the dogs were already on the floor in bloody messes. A few kept trying to crawl away from her, as if getting away meant some possible hope of making it out of this. The lead dog just collapsed with his back to the wall, each breath labored as blood trickled from his eyes and mouth. Rarity grunted and noticed a dog with a key ring. She lit her horn and pulled it off of the dog’s belt, floating it over to her and unlocking her collar after a few tries. She looked back to the dog who had the keys. He was still breathing. She expanded the collar with her magic and walked over to him.

“You know, you might consider yourself lucky.” She snapped the collar around his neck, then began crushing it. The dog weakly pulled at the collar, but his arm flopped down. His mouth flopped up and down, trying to draw in one last breath that would never come. “Suffocation of this manner might be a far quicker way to go. Curse my shred of mercy. I don’t usually have any.” The dog continued flopping, weakly trying to get to the collar that was crushing his windpipe.

Eventually the pained cries and coughs died down as the diamond dogs who had ponynapped her breathed their last, agonizing breaths. Rarity grinned and walked through her masterpiece, pushing dogs in her path to see if any would move. None of them did.

“I suppose it’s time to...” Rarity’s words faded as she looked up and saw that the leader had managed to crawl away. She grunted and rolled her eyes. A waste of time. She followed the trail of blood and within moments found her prey. Rarity calmly walked up to him and put her saddlebag on the ground. "Well, today has certainly been exciting hasn't it? I assume you didn’t eat all of your food. Didn’t your mother ever tell you that it’s impolite to leave the table before you’ve finished your dinner?"

The dog's eyes widened with fear. "If you just let me go I'll..." A glare from Rarity cut his words short. She floated her knife over to him and gently ran the flat of the blade over the dog’s neck.

"Are you familiar with the Lunar War that happened in Equestria oh so many years ago?" The dog quickly nodded as he tried to push the knife away. "Well, I'm going to do this thing that they used to do in the Lunar War called 'Head on a Stick'. Basically, in the beginning of the war, the forces of Nightmare Moon would sometimes capture a ranking officer in Celestia's forces and they wondered, 'how can we stop them from getting away? We don't want to do any damage that will weaken them which will mean that they'll be less likely to give us the information we want'. So, the forces of Nightmare Moon created this thing called 'Head on a Stick'." Rarity paused for a moment to really soak in the Diamond Dog's fear before leaning in and whispering in the dog's ear. "Because once your spinal cord is severed, that's really all you are."

Rarity gave the dog a smug grin before slamming the knife directly into his spine. The dog howled in pain as Rarity threw her whole body weight into the handle of the knife, sliding it in a few more inches. The dog whimpered and began hyperventilating as Rarity pulled the knife out.

She reached down to one of the dog's legs with her knife and made a deep cut, severing the femoral artery. She cut it deep enough to sever the artery, but not so deep that the dog would bleed out in seconds. She wanted the dog to see its life slowly slipping away, to comprehend the horror that nopony could save him now.

Rarity cleaned off the knife and placed it back into her saddlebag. She walked away from her victim before turning back for a second. "You take care now," she said in an overly sweet voice.

* * * *

Rarity exited the Diamond Dog cave and took a deep breath of fresh air. The dog’s den had been rather musty. She had managed to stop the bleeding from her wound easily enough, and was looking forward to fully treating the wound then having a nice long bath when she got home. She was absolutely filthy.

As she exited the cave and approached Ponyville proper, she relished in the fact that the streets were empty at this time of night. It made sneaking around much easier.

Rarity's beloved boutique came into view and she gave it a loving smile before crossing onto the street that would lead her straight home.

As Rarity crossed the street she heard a loud screeching noise and a 'look out' from her left side. She turned her head in that direction and was horrified to see a cart barreling straight towards her. She didn't even have time to react before it collided with her, sending her flying backwards. Pain shot through every inch of her body as she collided with the ground, and she almost believed that she was on fire.

With a great deal of effort, she looked up at the now toppled cart that was now only a few hooves away from her. Somepony, whom she could only presume was the owner, was wildly looking between the cart and Rarity, almost as if he wasn't sure what to do. Before Rarity could reach out to him, to plead with him to get her to a hospital, he bolted in the opposite direction. She would find him later. For now, she needed to hide her weapons before somepony came and found them. If she was found with weapons like that, then ponies would begin asking a lot of questions.

With the last ounce of her strength, she used her magic to take the hunting knives and stash them in a large bush that was nearby. It wasn't the perfect hiding spot, but it would do for now.

Content that her knives were safe, she slipped into unconsciousness.

Author's Note:

yes, I didn't like the original Kill Bill version, so I wrote a new version. You can find it here.
