• Published 22nd Mar 2018
  • 16,961 Views, 331 Comments

Terms of Forgiveness - Fylifa

With the memory stone crisis behind her, it's time for Sunset to deal with an even bigger challenge: Princess Celestia wanting to visit her...on Earth

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“Oh wow! You kissed her?” Twilight asked.

Sunset looked up from the terrarium. She and Twilight often kept each other company in Sunset’s apartment while doing their respective hobbies. Twilight had evidently stopped working on her selfie drone to start reading the friendship journal that Sunset left on the table.

“Umm, okay this is going to sound bad but who do you mean by ‘her’ specifically?”

Twilight looked up from the journal and pushed her glasses up with a finger. “I’m talking about the other me.” She waved the white friendship journal with the golden fringe empathically. “Don’t tell me you have tons of girlfriends throughout the multiverse now.”

Sunset finished arranging the phoenix feathers in the terrarium. Fluttershy had been taking care of Ray during Sunset’s otherworldly visits. Hopefully, the souvenir from Equestria would make up for her absence or at least keep the little guy warm.

After giving the gecko a pet with a finger, she walked over to the couch where Twilight was laying back. Sunset deftly hopped over the back and landed next to Twilight. “Would you be jealous if I did?” She attempted to lean in, but Twilight fended her off with socked feet.

Thinking on the question paused Twilight’s footsie game, and she answered pragmatically. “No. Because of all the worlds you could choose to spend your time in, you spend it here. With me.”

Sunset grinned, reminded why she loved this adorkable thing. “That’s some pretty romantic logic you got there.”

Twilight smiled and played with a strand of hair. “So… was she better?”

“Hard to say. I thought she was you. She popped out of nowhere right after you went up your driveway. She wanted to fetch the princess back.”

Twilight pouted. “That’s a shame. Twins make for great comparative studies. Maybe you could have her visit again.”

Sunset stared at Twilight and slowly worked through that suggestion. “You want her back to… set up a kissing experiment between the three of us? Am I hearing you right?”

Twilight quickly started flipping back through the journal. “Oh hey! Speaking of experiments when do you think Miss Shim— err... Princess Celestia will be free? Will she still teach me magic?”

Sunset squinted briefly at this sudden change of topic but smiled. “Yeah, I think so.” She gestured at the white journal. “You can ask her yourself. That book works like the one I have with the other Twilight.”

“Oh umm,” Twilight looked about for something to write with.

Sunset grinned at her. “Hey, check this out.” She put both hands out in front of her and began wiggling her fingers.

“Sunny, what are yo—”

“Just give it time!”

Across the room at her computer desk one of Sunset’s pens lifted up on a bubble of ruby magic laced with gold. Sunset pulled her hands back, “Ah ha! Err…?” The pen flew towards them then over Sunset’s head and was on its way out the window when it was caught in a purple glow.

“Wow, great effort! You don’t have to wiggle your fingers, though.” Twilight said as the pen floated back. “Maybe I should give you some lessons.”

Sunset stuck her tongue out at her.

Twilight plucked the pen out of the air and began writing her question. She paused after a few sentences. “Oh oops, is she still your mom? I’ve been writing as if she were. Do I need to be more formal?”

Sunset considered and shrugged. “Things between us are a lot better, but to be honest, I don’t even know wh—”

A sudden golden flash surprised them both. Twilight yelped as she fumbled with the journal, staring at the golden scroll that had materialized in the open pages. “W-Was it suppose to do that?” Twilight asked shakily.

“I didn’t know that it could! She must have put some extra tricks in this thing,” Sunset mused as she lifted the scroll and weighed it in her fingers. She broke the wax horse-shoe shaped seal and began reading.

Twilight sat up and put the journal back on the coffee table when she saw Sunset nearly fall out of the couch. “Are you alright?”

“She actually did it…” Sunset murmured.

“She did what? Who? What’s going on?”

Sunset stared blankly at Twilight before she gave her head a vigorous shake. “Sorry… I… hmm. Hey Twilight, how much have I told you about why I came here, to Earth, in the first place?”

“Nothing actually. You don’t talk about your past often.”

Sunset winced at that.

“But it’s okay, I know you have history. Going all the way back to ponyland.”

Sunset sighed. Wasn’t that the truth? “The portal on the other side of the pedestal is a mirror.”

“A... magic mirror?” Twilight’s eyes widened behind her glasses. “Do you say, ‘Mirror mirror on the wall’ to it?”

“Oh boy not this again. One, it’s a mirror on a stand. Two, you don’t say anything to it… but it does show you things. When I was younger, it showed me as a princess. I thought that if I used it, it would set me on a path to that future.”

Twilight frowned. “But you ended up at a high school instead…?”

“Yeah, I didn’t think it worked right either. Funny, that.” Sunset handed Twilight the golden scroll.

Twilight’s mouth silently moved as she read before turning into an ‘o’ of surprise. “Sunny! T-This means you… you will be…!”

Sunset laughed. “Hey, it’s ‘Princess Sunny’ to you. I guess you’ll be seeing my mom pretty soon after all. We have a coronation to get to.”

Author's Note:

Thank you everyone for reading through to the end! All the comments and encouragement along the way makes writing all worthwhile. I hope I paid back in kind with an entertaining story.

Comments ( 107 )

this story was great and i hope it gets a sequel as i think there are still things left to do in this universe

This was wonderful.

Sunset finished arranging the phoenix feathers in the aquarium.

That'd be a terrarium. Not enough aqua to qualify as an aquarium.

Thanks! I fixed :)

this was a delightful read. im just sad its over.

Over so soon?

Aww, Celestia adopted her! All hail Princess Shimmer!

I just wish Larson would work his magic one more time. :rainbowwild:

Yeah, there were several scenes where I winced or laughed, thinking about moments with my own kids (now grown).

Favorited. And elegantly done. :twilightsmile:

That was an excellent story.

Add me to the voices asking for a continuation/sequel.


Please tell me there's a sequel in the works! I need MOAR!!! *rabid bughorse noises*

This is such a great story! I loved the interactions between Sunset and Celestia, along with the Twilights. And Sunset's finally a princess (at least here)!
I also hope for a sequel. It's just too good to end it here!

All hail Princess Sunbutt II.

Any chance of a Sequel?

oh net they have a legit reason to go to horse land... we gonna get some science?

Well that was a nice read long live Princess Sunset! Wonder how Luna reacted to the news of another niece any Very nice work.


This was a very well written, sweet, engaging story. I expected it to be a lot longer however, not to mention that tease of a cliffhanger. But honestly if that amounts to my greatest complaint, than life is good indeed.

I'm assuming adoption papers.

Fantastic! I'll update those right away. It sounds much more suitable!

Wait, what? Complete? But- but this story just got started!

Thats it? I need more. "Please sir can i have some more?"

That was very... quick?

I wasn't expecting an epic story or anything like that, but theres so much and its over so fast that it almost feels like the latter half was written with a "oh shit wrap it up WRAP IT UP!"-mindset

8849558 I second this! sequel NOW!

Heh I am reminded of a quote.

Perfection is achieved,not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away

Not me being a literary snob. I've just played lots of Civ 4 and heard Nimoy say that quote a bazillion times.

The goal of the story for me was to give our Sunbutts a bit more of a emotional coming together. When I set out to write this fic. It really was a focus on Sunset and Celestia's and to wash out all the baggage they've both built up. Is there more to write? Absolutely! But after such a emotional swing, it would be hard to write a lot of fluff when the main point of the story is done with.

Neither did I want to drag out the forgiveness part and turn it into a soap opera where two people can't talk to each other and work out something. Especially when one of the people has mind reading powers

8847775 8847795 8847823 8847973 8848042 8848064 8848127 8849479 8849558 8850128

Now with all of that said, everyone's a sweetheart and eager to read more with all the calls for a sequel. Really, you guys make me tear up with joy with how willing you are to read more from me! It wasn't that long ago when I couldn't get more than two of my friends to even look at a chapter and now I got you all wanting more. It's really encouraging! Truly! :heart:

I think there is plenty more to explore, too. There is that spring break gig for instance Rainbow invited Celestia to, and Sunset has to juggle pony princess life and human life now. Plus that mirror did show Sunset with wings to go with the crown, hmmm hmmm. It's just lax about timeframes.

I'll revisit them again to be sure. Though it might not be the absolute next story I put out. I tend to write co-currently and have some fics half done. Hopefully they can all be as well received and be as fun to read while I set up the next Sun(s) adventures :twilightsmile:

Hey, in my opinion you deserve the praise, how you are able to play Celestia as the mare *ahem* woman make your story seem more reasonable especially with the jibs being dished out and, i think everyone will agree with me, the internal struggles, and confusion, not to mention worries presented seemed spot on. Though I do wonder how she'd interact with 'aunt luna' now. :rainbowlaugh:
All an all I could see this as a path cannon could very well take and that feeling is what makes me hooked to the story. keep it up!:pinkiehappy:

This may not have made me cry, but this definitely tugged at my heartstrings:pinkiesad2: (now I finally know what that actually feels like on it's own...) I was not expecting things to get this heavy so sharply but I love it!:pinkiesmile:

congratulations on this fantastic story! I adored a lot as you did Celestia and Sunset interact in this story. I confess that these kind of stories (where Princess / Principal Celestia and Sunset interact as mother daughter) I've always liked, then you put the Sci-Set and here I could only bow because, along with PieNata, is my favorite pairing in absolute. I hope to see a sequel to this story in the future because I loved it so much. I congratulate you again.

It takes talent to make me feel so many things in just small few short chapters. Great story, and I do hope to see more.

Now that is how to end a story. I definitely enjoyed the experience and like others have already said, I would like for there to be a sequel. But, you don't have to do so if you feel that this covers what you wanted to convey.

A wonderfully touching conclusion. Thank you for an excellent entry in the "Pony in EqG world" subgenre.

Sunset laughed. “Hey, it’s ‘Princess Sunny’ to you. I guess you’ll be seeing my mom pretty soon after all. We have a coronation to get to.”


So... There’s going to be sequel, right? I meen, there doesn’t need to be, but damn if it wouldn’t be entertaining to watch this Sci-twi see the ponyland, and then there’s a whole bunch of possible drama of a royal adoption. Would she be an alicorn? There was that bit with the energy wing on the roof, but the franchise will never lets that be a thing. Personally, my head canon on the matter is that Sunny is capable of ascending, but is required to die to complete the process, much like Twilight did at the end of season 3.

I still remember that scene from the show. Twilight all happy that she's solved Starswirl's spell. All her friends gathering around with the elements on and they go through a sequence of rainbow-beaming her. Only for it to cut to a star shaped scorch mark on the ground and all of the making worried noises with Fluttershy screaming "What happened?!"

What also gets me is that it's daytime when that happens but it's night time when Twilight returns from astral land. So... did her friends like think for several hours that they murdered Twilight by incidental harmony accident? :raritycry:

It's been a while since a story made me sob like this, and I mean that in the best possible way. Your characters feel so perfectly crafted I'm going to have to keep reminding myself this isn't canon. And throughout the whole thing were parts so funny I had to read them aloud to my girlfriend. Thank you so much for writing this and sharing it with us.

This fic was heartwarming, emotional, and most importantly, fun. Thank you for writing this, it was fantastic.

Funny seeing you here.

It was a good read. Thanks for putting it out.

This was very enjoyable and emotional, thank you for it.

Just when I think I'm never going to find another good story from an author I haven't heard of I see this. It was excellent.

Wow! I must say that reading this story that talks about the lovely link between Celestia and Sunset as mother-daughter...It was so~~~ Cute and beautiful :twilightsmile: :twilightsmile: :twilightsmile:
I congratulate and aplaude you Fylifa. I liked it very much :twilightsmile: :pinkiehappy:

I definitly enjoyed reading this story and will add my vote for sequel requests :D But you right about endings. Main idea of story is first priority.

So... In this story sunset dates both Twilights? .-.

No? She mixed up them and accidentaly kissed Princess because didn't know she come through portal.


Thanks, I was like "wut? And the Sci-Set? DX!"

Didn't even realise I read the last chapter till it was too late. I literally screamed out when I noticed no "next" button.

Beautiful and loved it!


That was really beautiful. I've long wanted to see a story like this, but I never found one that really nailed the feeling of the characters until now. This handled Celestia and Sunset's reconciliation better than Forgotten Friendship itself did. It sold a mother-daughter relationship between them better than any other story I've seen save for maybe Moment in the Sun. It's the only story I've read, period, which convincingly portrayed Celestia exploring the human world. And it had so many fun little things happening on the side, like the comedy, the shipping, the little bits of world-building, and the secondary canon references. I added to this to my read later for a reason, but I had no idea it was going to be this good going in. Thank you for writing this.

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