• Published 7th Mar 2018
  • 1,026 Views, 21 Comments

Fairlight - Memories of a Perfect Sky - Bluespectre

A complete rewriting of the first book in the Fairlight saga. This, and the others in the Fairlight series, is a prequel to When the snow melts.

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Chapter Six - Possessions



I had to get out of here. This damnable place was starting to pull me back and forth like a foal’s yo-yo. Every single time I let myself nod off, even for a second, memories of the some of the worst times in my life replayed themselves with perfect clarity. It was like I was living them all over again, and in graphic detail. Gods above, I couldn’t take much more of this! My ‘saving grace’, the small crystal pendant, was shining brighter than ever before, but the hills it seemed to be pointing me towards looked just as far away as they had since day one. The best part of all of this was that they were on the other side of the lake and there was no way to cross in a straight line so far as I could see. Well, other than swimming of course, and there wasn’t a chance I was going to even contemplate doing that, especially not with those tentacle-y round blob things about. I shuddered at the intrusive memory of the slimy white tentacle creature’s touch, not to mention the feeling of them actually worming their way though my body absorbing my very essence. Right then, that was it! I was definitely going to find a way out of here! Unfortunately, exactly ‘how’ I was going to achieve my escape was the real issue I needed to resolve.

Shadow snorted at me, facing toward the hills in the distance. “Beyond.

“I know love,” I replied solemnly, “but I’ve no idea how to get there. I don’t have wings like you.”

She bobbed her head and preened her wings before nuzzling my neck. She was an affectionate little creature, and I’d found myself quite taken with her. Not that there was anything actually ‘little’ about her of course, it just sounded... right, somehow. I might even go as far as to say ‘endearing’. That said I wasn’t into all this, ‘bonding’ and ‘mate’ thing though, especially as the conniving little thestral had bamboozled me into it in the first place. But as a companion, she fit the bill perfectly.

We followed the shore line for hours before a sudden thought occurred to me. I turned to Shadow, “Do you know a way to cross this lake?”

She cocked her head to one side, “Cross?” she asked.

“Yes,” I nodded. “A bridge, a boat, or something could take us to… um, ‘beyond’.” Starswirl must have found a way to cross and he was a unicorn like me, or at least I think he was. Wasn’t he? Bloody hell, falling asleep in classes had really helped, hadn’t it! Not that it really mattered anyway. Unfortunately for me, the difference in our magical capabilities would be like comparing a sneeze to a hurricane. Perhaps crossing a sea for a wizard was as simple as blowing your nose.

Shadow frowned at me in thought. “No. Fairlight… fly?

“I can’t love, I’m not a thestral. No wings, see?” I pointed to my smooth flank. Wait a minute… “Oh my goddesses!” I cried out, “Where’s my…” I scrabbled frantically with my hooves, rolling over to check the other side. Bloody hell, it had been there that long that I’d stopped noticing it. I’d been here for so long too that… When had it… “It’s gone!” I ran in circles, huffing and snorting, losing myself in my distress. Suddenly Shadow slammed me to the ground and I ended up sprawled in a heap, gasping up at her, “I’m a... I’m a bloody ‘blank flank’! Shit, shit, SHIT! What’s this bucking place going to throw at me next? Are my frigging ears going to drop off or something? Luna buck me bucking sideways!”

I ranted for a good while before shadow finally grew bored of my foalish tantrums and simply walked away leaving me to it. Eventually with the initial shocker over with and my moping falling on deaf ears, I clambered to my hooves and headed out after her, keeping a good distance out of embarrassment. She wouldn’t understand in any case. I mean, how could I explain cutie marks and blank-flanks to a thestral? I’d been teased mercilessly at school, especially with being the last in our

class to get mine. When it appeared, I had been over the moon! A spyglass! I thought it was pretty cool but the other foals thought otherwise, joking that I’d only gotten that one because I’d been looking for a talent for so long my cutie marked special talent WAS looking for one. My head hurt just thinking about it. I wasn’t the brightest foal in the class for sure, but I was a hard worker, and eventually I’d risen to the rank of Captain in the Watch. Bloody foals. It always amazed me why adults always wanted to the create the little monsters. My reverie ended when I unceremoniously bumped head first into Shadow’s rump. She didn’t even flinch, so pre-occupied as she was staring out across the water. I followed her gaze but couldn’t see anything at all other than inky blackness.

“What it is, Shadow?” I asked her quietly.

“Father,” she replied flatly.

Sure enough, a few seconds later a rumbling cry echoed across the water and Far Sight, my new ‘father in law’ apparently, dived down from the sky swooping right over our heads and causing a spray of water to hit us in the down draft. He pulled up steeply, flaring his massive wings to arrest his descent and twisted round until he was hovering there facing us. His wings beat rhythmically while he landed vertically, all four legs bending slightly to absorb the impact. I must say, it was all very impressive. But then, that was probably the intention, wasn’t it? I glanced at Shadow, heartened that she was stood straight and proud, unabashed, her red eyes glowing with a fierce fiery glow. Quite alluring if you liked them thin and terrifying. Oh, and the teeth, don’t forget the teeth!

“Looks like dad’s back,” I observed drily.

Shadow’s sisters landed behind their father. Well behind him I noticed. His red eyes glowed like suns in the darkness of the Withers and he raised his head back like a snake ready to strike before snapping it forward, jaws wide. A screaming roar hit me with the force of a hurricane, but to my surprise and relief, Shadow’s wing snapped out and covered me from the worst of it. I’d have to thank her later. Her intervention however, did not impress her father, and he snapped at her with his sharp teeth. It was nowhere near to actually connecting of course, but enough of a display to impress on her the level of his anger. I blinked in surprise as his daughter snapped right back at him. Oh crap, Shadow, you’re not helping here! I thought to myself. I was going to have to do something to get us out of this situation before things spiralled out of control. I nudged Shadow behind me protectively and faced Far Sight, making sure to keep well out of range of those bloody great teeth. In response, Ember trotted forward to stand by her father’s side. She clicked and cawed at Shadow who replied in kind. Gods, how I wished these thestrals came with subtitles...

My Father, Lord Far Sight of the Beyond, commands you to return his daughter, Fairlight, Pony of Equestria.” Ember’s voice reverberated around my skull. The heavy intonation was a lot different to the way she’d spoken to me when we’d first met, and gave the impression she was reciting it from heart. This was all beginning to sound terribly formal.

I cleared my throat. “No,” I replied calmly.

Ember spoke in that ear splitting language to her father once more before turning back to me. “My father demands that you return his daughter. The bonding is annulled.

I turned to Shadow who looked intently into my eyes, “What do you want to do, love? This is your home, not mine. We’ve had a good time of it you and I. I won’t stop you if you want to go back with your family.” She looked at me for a long time, her eyebrows crinkling slightly. And there from the corner of her eye a tiny yellow droplet appeared, a flame that trickled down her cheek to drop onto the ground with quiet hiss. Oh, well done Fairlight, I silently thought to myself angrily. You’ve managed to make a girl from another species cry now. What a bloody hero…

No.” Shadow’s response slammed into my head with the subtlety of a brick.

Speak!” called Ember.

I lifted my head a made sure they could all here me. “She said, ‘No’.”

What?!” Ember blurted. “She cannot refuse! Her father is the Lord of the Beyond!

I stood tall and looked at Far Sight as I replied to Ember’s words, “Regardless of that, she has given you her reply. I don’t know about your world, madam, but in mine, ‘No’ means ‘No’.”

Shadow’s father pushed Ember aside and screamed a blast of hot air at me. My eyes burned from the fumes and I could feel the rage inside me screaming in kind, desperate for release. I knew without doubt that I could destroy this creature without breaking a sweat. I could freeze the flesh from his bones and rip him limb from bloodied limb. How dare he challenge me! HOW DARE HE! My anger swirled up and threatened to overwhelm my self control with its power as I felt myself fall into a fighting stance, my throat vibrating with a rising guttural sound. If he wanted a fight, I’d make him rue the day he was- My vision was suddenly filled with… Shadows rump?! Her midnight black tail swished back and forth angrily as she stood right in front of my muzzle, looking up at her father. Rearing on two legs she slammed her forelegs down into the sand. Goddesses, I could see the glare from her red eyes from here!

Shadow took a deep breath and screamed a wild animal cry that lifted the sand in a ripple which made even her father step back. “MINE!”

Far Sight roared back at her but there was something in his body language that had changed ever so subtly. Was that a quiver of uncertainty I saw? It could have been my imagination of course but-

MINE!” Shadow screamed again, much louder this time and with such force my brain felt like it was about to pour out of my ears. She stomped a hoof, baring her teeth to emphasise her determination. Even from this angle, I could see her chest heaving with unbridled anger. Shadow was breathing hard, but she still stood her ground magnificently against impossible odds. If her father attacked us, neither she nor I would stand much of a chance against him, especially unarmed as we were. The mountain of equine muscle, testosterone and teeth was nearly twice the size of his daughters and sported teeth like swords. Time seemed to grind to a silent halt while Far Sight simply stood there, unmoving. Beside him, Ember and her other two sisters nickered nervously as Shadow quietly waited, steam curling up from her nostrils.

The seconds dragged on until Ember stepped forward, breaking the stalemate. She spoke at length with her father before walking over to us, her head held notably low, “Father says that he will hear from you, Equestrian.

What? Luna’s wisdom, what was I going to say to this creature?! I knew nothing of their people, their customs, or even their language. All I could do was stand there like a dumb mute watching Shadow’s father loom over me as I approach him. I sure wished I’d taken that course on negotiations offered by the Watch now. Why the hell hadn’t I gone on it? Ah… Yes… I remember now. It was Peanut Brittle’s retirement do and I’d had too much to drink, so I’d called in sick. I hoped to the good goddesses I wasn’t going to regret this…

I bowed respectfully. “Lord Far Sight,” I began. “I am not native to your lands nor the Wither World, this is true. However, I am honoured to be travelling with your daughter on my journey and thankful for your concern for her safety. I am no warrior, but I pledge to you with all my heart and soul, that I will defend her with my life. I will not allow harm to befall her so long as I draw breath.”

Far Sight looked on. I noted that Ember had stopped translating for some reason too. Damn it, here goes…

“Great Lord Far Sight of the Beyond, you honour me with your presence and I offer you my greatest respects.” I bowed once more. “I humbly request that my mate and I be allowed to travel your lands to the Beyond so that we may complete our journey.”

The huge thestral opened his jaws and steam rolled out from between his battery of teeth. I should have guessed what was coming next too. A deep thunderous voice rumbled through my brain, making my whole body shiver and had my knees quaking. I breathed in deeply to calm my racing heart and held my ground at the mental onslaught.

You flatter me, Equestrian,” he began. “You show me respect and have shown respect for my daughter’s wishes. However I tell you now, truly, I do not like... ‘ponies’.” Well that explained a lot! I suppose I should have been flattered myself that he hadn’t decided to use those teeth on my tender parts. Far Sight continued, “You and your kind do not belong here. Equestrians are weak creatures and unsuited to survival in such a land. Although, Ember tells me that you saved Shadow from a river demon. Does she speak truly?” I nodded in reply. Far Sight snorted, a small wisp of smoke curling up from his nostrils as he leaned towards me. “Against my wishes, Shadow has pledged herself to you. You have eaten together of the Cetean Egg, yes?” Again I nodded. “And what will you do when you reach the Beyond, Equestrian?” Far Sight’s question boomed at me.

“My gracious Lord Far Sight, It is my intent to return to the world of mortals,” I replied.

He considered me for a moment and shook his mane, looking intently at Shadow. Somehow he radiated the feeling of sadness, and loss. I think Shadow sensed it too, her head sagged slightly, the earlier pride ebbing away with her father’s words.

The huge male turned his attention back to me. “What of my daughter, Equestrian?” he asked. “Will you abandon her when you have attained your goal?

I looked at Shadow, unsure of how to answer his question. Despite her bony appearance, which would send most ponies heading for the hills in terror, there was something about her, something intriguing that I couldn’t quite put my hoof on. She noticed me watching and gazed back at me with those fascinating burning red eyes. Shadow, like her father, radiated nobility. She possessed a strength inside her that I hadn’t really thought about until now, but there it was as clear as day - a proud spirit, unbroken and true. She reminded me of… I closed my eyes and took deep breath. “My Lord, your daughter is a proud thestral, of that I know. She has a strength of heart and courage that will weather any storm. If the goddess wills it, if it can be done, I would take her to the mortal world with me. Your daughter will make the choice herself when the times comes. She has her own will, and her own destiny. No pony, No thestral, can command the daughter of Far Sight. My mate commands her own life.”

Silence fell between us. Gods, you could have heard the proverbial pin drop! Maybe instead of helping matters I’d overstepped some invisible cultural boundary here and had actually made things worse; with these mysterious and enigmatic beings I simply had no idea. All I could do now was wait and see. Meanwhile, Far sight continued to stare at me in absolute silence which was I can attest was a damned sight worse than his shouting. Turning full circle, he snapped his wings out full stretch before rearing up on his hind legs. I held my breath, unsure as to what would happen next. What did happen was the last thing I expected - the thestral Lord began to laugh. His chest heaved as his booming laughter shook the sky, the sound making the very sand leap around us and send ripples out across the lake. He laughed until he was hoarse, his daughters and I standing there dumbfounded.

It seems I have found a son at last!” he cried out, stomping his hooves in the sand. His daughter’s however, seemed somewhat less than impressed.

“My Lord honours me,” I bowed to the thestral.

Yes! Yes, I do Equestrian. Fairlight… yes?” he rumbled happily. I nodded. Far Sight settled his wings and sat down on his haunches. “Now, Fairlight of Equestria, I will hear your tale. In full.” The thestral’s daughters and I formed a circle, reminiscent of camping in the hills around Ponyville. I had a feeling this was going to be a long night…


I yawned, stretching my hooves out with a weary sigh. The big male thestral had pulled every grain of memory he could from me, examined it, and then went back in for more. I wondered if he were a friendlier version of the memory eating river monster. At least with that I had been able to fight it off. Far Sight on the other hoof, was utterly merciless.

Nearby, Ember and her sisters were curled up next to each other sound asleep. Apparently my story telling was as riveting as ever! I’d need to brush up on that when I put Sparrow to bed at night in future. Meadow would be… I closed my eyes and clicked my tongue. Not now, damn it. I gave myself a mental shake and refocussed on Far Sight who was nodding sagely to himself, thinking his great thestral thoughts. A quick preen of those huge wings and a snort made my ears prick up.

Fairlight of Equestria,” Far Sight began. “Whether my daughter has chosen well or not remains to be seen. However, your character pleases me. I am confident that you will protect her with your life, should there be need. It is the thestral way. And now, it is also your way.” He stretched out in the sand, adjusting his legs, “I am however, disturbed by this ‘power’ you used to defeat the river demon. How came you by such a destructive force?

I answered as honestly as I could. “Truthfully, I have no idea. It just seemed to appear after I arrived in the Withers. Whatever it is, I can’t enter the Eternal Herd until I've rid myself of it.”

And you still want to enter this… ‘Eternal Herd’?” Far Sight asked.

“I…” Did I? I wanted with all my heart to be with Meadow and my daughter, so why in Equestria was I trying to get back to the mortal world? To take revenge on the ponies who murdered me, my wife and unborn foal? And if I managed it, what then? Who could saying I wouldn’t still be carrying this taint and be forced to live out my days in Equestria only to end up back here again when I died ‘properly’? Shouldn’t I be trying to purge myself of this… this thing inside me instead? And what about Shadow? She was bonded to me now, and as much as I wanted it to be otherwise, I… I wasn’t sure about my feelings on the subject any more. If somepony had asked me earlier if I saw the thestral mare as nothing more than an otherworldly travelling companion, I would have answered yes, but now… I looked across at the black coated creature with the fiery eyes who was busy cleaning her coat with light nibbles from those wickedly sharp teeth. She noticed my gaze and looked up at me silently. Shadow had stayed awake throughout my recollection and drank in every word. The red hot glow of her eyes warmed my soul in this cold land. And my heart

“I don’t know,” was all I could manage. Pathetic, Fairlight… Bloody pathetic.

Far sight looked from me to his daughter and then back to me, nodding slowly. “You will know when the time comes. Do not be in such a rush to join them, my Equestrian friend. Your time will come, as it does to us all. In time.

“Lord Far Sight?” I asked. He waved a hoof for me to continue. “Do you remember anything about a pony called Starswirl the Bearded?” I described his appearance and the thestral turned his head to stare out across the water, apparently in thought.

Yes. I remember him.” Far Sight said quietly. “He was an Equestrian, like you. A traveller of worlds, and a pony of great magical power. He was a friend to my father.

He knew him?! Goddesses, how old was this guy? “Do you know how he crossed the lake?” I asked. “Is there some way Shadow and I can cross it safely?”

Far Sight bit at his foreleg for a moment before answering me. “I do not know how he crossed the great lake, Equestrian. You though, will fly.

Oh bollocks, not again! I had a horrible feeling this was coming. I hung my head in dismay; even the memory of vertigo made my stomach turn somersaults. But if this was the only way, or at least the quickest, it had to be done. We’d come too far to turn back now. Well, to Tartarus with it, let’s do this! I stood, shaking the sand from my coat, mane, and tail. “Very well, Lord Far Sight, I thank you for your wisdom.”

And so you should, Equestrian,” he laughed as he too rose to his hooves. His daughters, woken by his movement, similarly stood up and shook off the sand.

I walked over to Shadow and she nuzzled me softly. Smiling at her I noticed some sand caught in one of the folds on her wing and blew it free. She gave a little shudder and a cute little chirrup escaped her lips. “Are you ready, love?” I asked, helping her to her hooves.

Yes,” the dark coated mare said, pushing into me, “Love.” Oh, Celestia! My heart leaped into my throat just as I heard a deafening neigh from behind me and tentatively turned to find myself muzzle to muzzle with Far Sight. “Wha-!” I started back but he moved forward with me.

You are my daughters mate, Fairlight. It is only to be expected. However…” The thestral stallion’s eyes flared a blinding crimson, “…there are young mares here. Please, keep your displays for when you are… alone.

I felt my cheeks burning and covered my face with a foreleg. Peeking out I could see Shadow’s sisters giving us side long glances and giggling in that odd clicking, squawking way of their kind. Shadow looked away, a reddish hue on her cheeks. Damn, blast and buggeration! This was all I needed right now and even worse, I was starting to feel hot inside too - really hot. I had to keep my focus on something else, but what? Yes! That was it - flying! Oh… bollocks…..

For one gut wrenching moment I had the alarming thought that I’d have to ride on Far Sight’s back. That mountain of muscle was probably more than capable of carrying me without breaking a sweat, but instead, the job fell to his daughters. One of them returned later that day with a bundle of ropes. Or what looked like ropes anyway. Long, white, horribly slimy, and decidedly gooey, they were exactly the kind of thing I wanted as far away from me as equinely possible. Oh goddesses, it was one of those water dwelling things wasn’t it?! Is that why they’d flown off earlier? To get these? I closed my eyes when they passed the ‘ropes’ under me, trying to think of anything other than how they felt against my fur as each sister took a mouthful of the vile things. Amazingly, they never batted an eyelid. Firmly grasping the ends, they flew into the air in a beating mass of wings with their payload, me, suspended underneath like a hunting trophy. The feeling of the ropes against my coat and nethers was indescribable, not to mention the sliding, slipping sensation I had as we lifted off the ground. I closed my eyes and tried to think of something, anything, else to take my mind of it all. But whichever way you looked at it, this was going to be one long trip.

To my amazement and boundless relief, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the combination of the cool breeze from the thestrals wings along the rhythmic bobbing of my makeshift sling, was actually quite therapeutic. I even ventured so far as to open my eyes to look down, barely opening them to begin with I’ll admit, but soon I was able to take in the sheer expanse of the black lake below me. The peculiar half-light in the Withers gave an ethereal beauty to the scenery around us and I couldn’t help but marvel at the co-ordination of the sisters. Ahead of us off I could see Far Sight, slowly circling us. “Recon,” I thought aloud. A muffled chirrup caught my attention and I saw Shadow looking back at me, eyes aglow. I waggled my eyebrows at her cheekily, settled back, and looked around at the still water. We weren’t as high as I’d expected, and it was apparent the thestrals were struggling a little with their unusual payload. I silently thanked them and smiled, trying to let my body relax. Watching the water below, the ripples on the surface kept catching the light making them sparkle. I followed them out… Funny, they almost seemed to be following us. It must have a reaction to the downdraught from the thestrals wings of course, only… only these ripples were growing larger. Growing… and speeding up.

“Far Sight!” I shouted, “There’s something in the water! Shadow!”

Sensing danger, the thestrals strained to gain height with Far Sight diving down and banking around us. I stared down but the ripples had simply vanished. Oh, thank Luna! Looks like it was just my overactive imagination playing tricks on me, but it was better to be safe than sorry. I’m not sure the others would agree of course, but even so Far Sight continued to circle us regardless, constantly urging his daughters to climb. The strain was almost palpable. If only there was something I could do to help them: something, anything, no matter how insignificant. But I was helpless, hanging there suspended beneath these incredible creatures. I looked ahead to see that the light appeared to be... ‘different’ in some fashion I couldn’t quite fathom. I tried to make my eyes focus, straining to make it out, and then... there it was. There was no doubt about it, it was land! Sweet, sweet land! I felt a huge relief wash through me just as the water exploded upwards in a whirling fountain of water, spikes, and glistening teeth.

In the blink of an eye, one of the thestrals was gone, vanishing inside a maelstrom of bone crunching, muscle rending death. Warm sticky blood sprayed over me, mixing with the chill of the black water. The beast slammed back into the lake below, the strangled cry of fear and pain echoing in my ears heralding the sudden and horrifying end of one of Shadow’s sisters. Screeching and clicking, they flew for all they were worth. Despite my shock I hung on with my hooves and forelegs as best I could, though it was clear we couldn’t last much longer with only the three of them carrying my weight. I glanced down to see the water getting nearer with every exhausted wing beat. I knew then, with horrible certainty, I was dragging them down to their deaths.

Far Sight cried out for the loss of his daughter, his unbridled rage, hate and loss howling out across the unforgiving water. But the suffering of a father meant nothing to the denizen of the lake. The monstrous creature broached the surface again, flicking the dismembered remains of its victim high into the air before what was left of her disappeared down its foul maw. As the beast slipped back beneath the waves, I caught a glimpse of a translucent white eye, heartless, uncaring, and… hungry. It would be back, and soon. But now I was starting to lose my grip.

Shadow looked down at me. “Near Beyond.

The look on her face was one I will never forget. Fear, anger and determination all warred with one another on those dark features. And one more - fatigue. I looked at her two sisters and felt my heart sink. They were all reaching the end of their endurance. I offered a prayer to Luna and hung on for dear life. I prayed we’d have enough time, that we’d be able to make it to the shore line at least, but Fate had already made her decision. The monstrous lake creature burst up again, arrowing straight for one of the thestrals - Ember. She hadn’t seen it. I heaved on the ropes connecting me to her, causing the mare to lurch to one side with a squawk of surprise as the white serpent howled past. Far Sight almost barrelled into us, raking the thing with a burst of fire from his mouth. My mouth by comparison, hung open in surprise. I’d seen steam rising from their nostrils and even their mouths, but fire? Aw hell, why not. Shadow had used lightning, so why should this be so unusual? Nothing surprised me here now.

We were dangerously low to the water now and the thestrals were all but spent. It wasn’t far to the shore but at our rate of decent, there wasn’t a hope in hell we were going to make it. Far Sight must have realised it too. He pulled along side, encouraging his daughters and made a grab for the dangling rope. I saw the danger before they did, the white haze below the waters surface was rapidly approaching from behind, waves beginning to spread out, closing the distance. With horrible certainty I knew that any moment now, one of us would be taken. I recalled a pony saying once, ‘Your words will come back to haunt you.’ I remembered mine clearly, ‘I pledge to you with all my heart and soul, that I will defend her with my life. I will not allow harm to befall her so long as I draw breath.’

I smiled up at Shadow, her tired eyes going wide in realisation. “Forgive me love,” I mouthed, and let go of the rope.

The water was as frigid as it could be without being actual ice and it took my breath away. The impact with the surface was bone shaking to say the least, but thankfully, as I hadn’t fallen that far I was only under for a few seconds before broaching the surface spluttering and coughing. Unfortunately the first thing I saw when I could finally pull myself together, were the serpent’s dead eyes several feet away above the water line. Those terrible lifeless orbs had locked onto their next meal – Me. I spat out a gout of water, desperately clawing for the small ball of anger within me, but in my panic for breath in the freezing lake I couldn’t find any focus. I wasn’t the best swimmer in Equestria to begin with, but try doing it in near freezing water at the point of drowning and it’s amazing how fast you can improve. For all the effort I was putting in however, by the looks of things I was only going to die tired when the beast reached me. A moment later it dived, then almost instantly shot upwards once more and angled itself just so - right on target for a tasty meal of Fairlight. Well, I’d stared death in the face before, and this time was no different - it just had more teeth.

“You don’t scare me you great toothy turd!” I shouted, waving my forelegs at it. “I hope you bloody well choke!”

The serpent hissed out a damp shrieking noise as it dove down on me. So, this was how it all ended was it? Death number two coming up. For Luna’s sake, give me a break… Part of me thought about closing my eyes, but why should I? I don’t think it would make much difference and hiding right now wasn’t really a viable option any more. Paddling, or rather ‘flailing’, in the freezing water I’d reckoned without the fire making abilities of Far Sight. My vision was abruptly filled with light as a jet of his concentrated flames hit the serpent right in its open maw. There followed the most horrific sound of crackling flesh and the smell of burnt rubber as the thing writhed, plunging beneath the surface once more. I blinked the water away from my eyes and looked up to see two of the thestral sisters gaining height. Good, at least they’d be safe. But wait… why only two? Where was-? To my horror I caught sight of a third sweeping downwards until she was hovering just above me, a rope held in her mouth.

Fairlight!” Shadow thought at me.

What was the stupid mare doing?! “For the goddess’s sake Shadow, get out of here!” I yelled at her. “Get your sisters and fly! Leave me and go!”

NO!” The thought hammered into my head with all the subtlety of a flying brick.

In frustration I gripped the rope and Shadow pulled for all she was worth. But even as I kicked with all my might towards the far shore, it was immediately apparent that this wasn’t going to work. But… I closed my eyes and concentrated; this slight pause in the nightmare may buy me some time to find that ball of power within me. I could still sense it there, just out of reach - a slippery bar of soap in the bathtub of my being. Ember’s warning cry caught my attention as Shadow heaved again on the rope. In helpless horror I watched as snapping teeth and spiked fins burst from the water beside me, ripping a thick chunk of flesh from her side. Shadow’s blood fell on my upturned face like warm rain. With a heart rending scream, the stricken thestral fell from the sky and down into the inky waters of the lake. I struck out for the floundering mare, grabbing her around the neck to keep her afloat. She was terrified, blood gushing from her wound and mixing with the water around us.

Shadow coughed, wincing in pain and shock as she looked into my eyes with a far away look, “F… Fairlight?

There was no mistaking the weakness in her voice. I was losing her. Goddesses, it was happening again. Again! I felt a dark pit open in my heart and I stared into it, jumped into it, willing myself into its depths. A voice, my own but not one I knew, echoed through my entire being. By

all that is good in this world, to all that is evil, the powers of the day and the night, the light and the dark, give me the strength to throw down my enemy and save this mare. I prayed to whatever gods would listen. To anything that would heed my call. I offered them my life, my very soul.

They answered…

The small hard ball of ice cold anger had never left; I’d just misplaced it. It welcomed me, filled me, burned my veins and froze my soul. A cascade of power flooded through my body from muzzle to tail. The pain was extraordinary, and I howled in a bliss of agony and ecstasy as wings as white as snow burst from my back, my coat turning from its normal dark grey to the same brilliant white as my newly grown wings. My mind was a tempest of emotions and animal instinct now that drowned out all else, leaving the drab watchstallion as little more than a faint memory. And perhaps, not even that. Several feet away, its attention drawn away from its more accessible meals, the creature leapt up at Far Sight only to be met with another blast of scorching fire. I took the distraction to grab Shadow and, with a strong beat of wings, began to pull her free from the sucking black liquid. But it wasn’t enough. Not nearly enough. I breathed deeply, drawing in the smells and sounds of battle, mixing them with the burning ice in my heart. It demanded its release and I obeyed, letting it have the full rein it so desperately craved. Blue-white fog plumed from my maw, passing over dagger-like teeth and down onto the water’s surface, freezing it instantly. The ice spread out at an incredible rate, hungrily devouring the black water as it broiled along in every direction. My hooves dug into the ice and I hauled Shadow out of the lake, gently lowering the panting thestral onto its ethereal solidity. I let out a cry of anger and magic combined, the fog coalescing into a wall surrounding Shadow’s body, protecting her. I watched as it froze solid, the blue-white shimmering cocoon sparkling like a billion silver stars. It pleased me. But now… Now I was hungry, and my hunger demanded to be sated. I turned my eyes towards my meal and smiled, howling a warning out across the water. It was time for vengeance.

It was time… to feed.

The serpent saw me screaming towards it and instinctively dove to avoid my attack. My horn glowed with a deep blue light and an incandescent beam of purest energy lanced down into the water, instantly boiling wherever it passed. Clouds of scalding vapour rose into the air and I banked steeply to make another pass as the thing thrashed to the surface, letting out a hideously loud cry. With a flap of my wings I passed over the serpent again and again, the intense beam bringing the ink black lake to a bubbling heat which the creature desperately tried to escape from. I laughed aloud at its hopeless struggles to get away, my horn blasting the water into scalding death, corralling it into the oncoming white fog. The collision was delectable. I felt as much as saw the serpent trying to pull itself onto the ice to escape the boiling water, then realising too late… it was trapped. The fog surrounded the creature, slowing it movements, turning its innards to solid ice.

Satisfied, I alighted upon the frozen mass, slowly advancing on the vile thing with my head held high and my wings spread wide - a display of power and dominance over my fallen foe. I had mastered it and it understood. I could see it in those pitiless eyes - the realisation that its end had come. Staring at the ruin before me a fierce need for sustenance welled up from deep inside, and I growled low and hungrily at the serpent. Its eyes followed me as I circled it, thick white mist dripping from between my teeth. I inhaled. A warm sensation filled me - sweet and fulfilling. I closed my eyes and breathed in again. It was warmer this time, full of energy, and full of life. It was… delicious. A taste I had never known before, but so… so wonderful! How had I never experienced this before?! I breathed in again and again until I was finally sated. Shaking my mane as the ecstasy subsided, I opened my eyes and stared at the now lifeless husk of the lake serpent before me. Its lifeless eyes now dead, in the truest sense of the word.

A distant part of me was horrified at the sight, at what I had done to another living creature. The other revelled in the destruction of what I had wrought. This damnable beast had wounded my mate, and killed one of her sisters. It had dared to attacked me. Me! It deserved death, and I was happy to oblige. I paused, a memory of a glowing pair of red eyes… “My… mate…

An impact on the ice behind me signalled Far Sight’s arrival. “Equestrian?” He stared at me in a combination of horror and fascination, but quickly shook such insignificant thoughts aside. “Where is my daughter?!”

Follow!” I cried, launching into the air. Skimming over the ice until I reached the wall I’d created to protect her took mere moments. Ember and her sister were already there with Shadow, clicking and whinnying in agitation at her desperate condition. I gently reached out and gathered her up in my forelegs, and with a blast of air from my wings, propelled us toward the shore of the Beyond.


Shadow’s wounds were severe. Broken bone and torn sinew, muscle… so much blood. Her sisters stood over her, their tears dripping burning red droplets onto her injuries. I had been surprised at first, and alarmed too, but Far Sight had stopped me from interfering.

You are not familiar with our ways, Equestrian,” he explained in his heavy tones. “My daughters tears can heal wounds, as well as revive the sick and the weak. You must wait. Be strong and believe in her.

It was easier said than done. I was confused, angry and afraid. I didn’t want to lose Shadow. I couldn’t. Not now… My world had been ripped apart and flung back together, but in what shape and form I neither understood nor particularly cared. An alien power resided inside me now, one that could take my mind and body as its own, turning me into… something else. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. What was I? What had I become? Was I really any different to the monster in the lake? They needed to eat, as did all living creatures. What gave me the right to stand in judgement over what was right and wrong? And the feeling that came with it! So much power. So much strength and magic that I felt utterly enraptured, like a colt finding love for the very first time. Only more intense. So much more! I looked back over my body at the grey fur and the distinct lack of wings. Had I really done all that? I ran my tongue over my teeth; nope, still the same as always. It was like a dream, one where I had been a dragon, or an alicorn, or some alien mix of only gods knew what. Whatever it was I was grateful for it for saving Shadow, even if it did scare the life out of me. I could still taste the lake monster’s… what? Soul? No. No, I couldn’t have done that. Could I? I let out a sigh and covered my face with my forelegs. I couldn’t wait for the nightmares this was going to bring me… I could hear hooves crunching across the sand and opened my eyes. It was Ember. She trotted over to her father and spoke to him quietly. There was a sad resignation in that odd whistling and clicking language that made my heart skip a beat.

The large male gave her a brief nuzzle then walked slowly over to me, his head down. “Equestrian. Fairlight... My daughter says that she and her sister have done all they can. There is a poison in Shadow’s body, something in the serpents bite which is preventing her wounds from healing. My son, your mate, Shadow, is near death.” He nudged me with his nose towards the prone figure. “Be with her now, Fairlight, she will want you by her side when her end comes.

In a shocked daze, I rose to my hooves. I walked slowly over to my precious companion, my only true friend in this empty cursed land. She was the one who had risked everything to rescue me from my own stupid attempt at heroics, and now, she was dying. The little thestral who had bonded herself to a stallion from another world, was losing her fight for life. I should have done more to protect her. I should have been so much more than the useless unicorn I had become. Perhaps if I had, I may have been able to do more than merely watch helplessly as the light faded from her eyes. I knelt before her and cradled her head in my forelegs as I had done once before with another beloved mare I had lost. It felt like it was so long ago now, yet here I was again, losing a mare that I… that I…

Fairlight?” She opened her eyes and nuzzled me weakly.

“Shadow,” I began. “I…” I didn’t what to say. Gods help me, I just didn’t know...


“I’m here,” I whispered.

I squeezed my eyes shut and kissed her on the muzzle. Oh goddesses, why? Why was this happening again? Hopelessness, pain, and untold grief surged up through my soul and I cried out, howling and screaming my fury into that endless damned sky, that unending panorama of hopelessness that trapped me – us - in this living hell. I held her, feeling my tears begin to fall like rain onto the dry sand. I heard a little gasp from one of the thestrals nearby but I paid it no heed. I rocked my Shadow, my precious friend, as snow silently fell around us, covering her in a soft white shroud for her passing. I choked back the pain but the tears kept falling, transforming into tiny crystals as they dropped onto Shadow’s mouth and vanished into nothing. With each one she twitched slightly, a tiny movement but one which gave me pause. I looked back at her terrible wound and saw little wisps of steam rising from it, saw the bone fusing back together, re-growing, muscle knitting to muscle. Slowly, ever so slowly, something was happening. Something... miraculous. My goddesses, I wonder… I groped inside for the feeling of power, that well of primal fulfilment I had experienced earlier. It was there, waiting for me. Carefully, I teased some of it free and channelled it though me. It was a strange feeling, and one that came with an unexpected tinge of reluctance. This had been my prize, my reward for defeating my enemy, and now I would give it away? What foolishness was this?! Forcefully I pushed the thought away, drawing on the power, allowing a tiny trickle of sparkling silver magic to drip from my maw to hers. At first… nothing. But then… movement. Shadow’s tongue slowly slipped out over her teeth and licked at the silvery liquid. Briefly, her eyes flickered. It wasn’t enough. She needed more.

Lifting her head I placed my mouth over hers and let down the walls, giving of myself fully and filling her with the silvery light. Slowly, her eyes opened and I felt her tongue push into my mouth, brushing against mine, exploring, tasting, hungering. The steam rising from her wounds increased ten-fold and I saw from the corner of my eye the last of her hide stitching itself seamlessly back together. Shadow’s chest rose and fell as her breathing steadied, her strength quickly returning. I relaxed my grip, but as I did her forelegs grabbed me in a bony embrace and she pushed her mouth onto mine, letting out a light rumbling noise from her throat. The sensation was alarmingly intense, and deliciously exotic. Heat and a sweet spicy taste flooded into my mouth, her moist tongue wrapping itself around mine. I could feel Shadow’s heart pounding in her chest as she pushed into me. Suddenly, a loud shrieking and clicking behind us made us jump apart. Shadow looked away abashed, hiding her face with her hooves. Nearby, Ember and her sister pranced around each other, looking on like school foals who’d stumbled across something they shouldn’t have. Far Sight however, was not impressed.

I have asked you before, Equestrian, to keep your hooves off my daughter when my family can see you!” He shouted at me so loudly I had to cover my ears with my hooves. Unfortunately, since thestrals had a direct line into your brain it didn’t help in the slightest. “Perhaps there is something wrong with your hearing?” he bellowed even louder. Gods, there was now!

“No, sir,” I managed as nothing more than a squeak.

Far Sight leaned towards me, his nostril flaring like gigantic air intakes. “WHAT? SPEAK CLEARLY!” I didn’t think it possible for his voice to get any louder, but goddesses, was I wrong.

“NO, SIR!” I flung back at him as loudly as I could.

I nearly yelped in surprise when the huge creature lumbered forward and scooped me up into a hug with those long bony forelegs of his. A moment later I was released and he placed a hoof on my shoulder. “Thank you,” he whispered.

I was taken aback, unsure as to what to say. Plopping back on my haunches I stared into space while Far Sight headed back to his daughters. Whatever had happened here today, it didn’t matter - Shadow was alive and safe. My heart was still racing when a pair of slender, if rather knobbly forelegs passed around my neck as a warm muzzle slid up to mine from behind. A sultry red eye, an inch from my own, peered into my soul while her voice entered my heart.


And who was I to argue?

We camped together for several days near the foothills of what the thestrals had called the ‘Beyond’. At least now I knew where they’d disappeared to shortly after I’d first met them. The encampment looked like they’d set it up as a staging area for their search to find Shadow. Packs, bags, and a surprising array of weaponry, sat around with bedding rolls and packaged food. If not for the strange landscape and alien appearance of the thestrals, this could have been any camp fire in Equestria. Well, if you discounted the battle axes and swords of course. To my shame my earlier assumption that they were a ‘primitive’ race was a sore reminder of just how ignorant and arrogant the uninformed could be. Now, thank the goddesses, my eyes had been opened. Equestria wasn’t quite what you might call a homogeneous society, but it was bordering on it. After all, there were numerous races living amongst us, it was just that we didn’t mix very often. I suppose there’d always been that sense of ‘them and us’, even if we never openly talked about it. For example, griffins ate meat, and ponies didn’t. Sure, they had their own vendors and even restaurants in the major towns and cities, but they were… different. Most races kept to their own kind, and as much as some of them were ‘hybrid’ races such as hippogriffs and such like, there was still that invisible barrier which most liked kept right were it was. Personally, I wasn’t that bothered. Criminals came in all shapes, colours, genders and species. If they broke the law, they were dealt with, and that was that. Whether they had fur or feathers was immaterial. Thestrals on the other hoof struck me as different on a whole new level. I think it was partly because, at a distance, they actually looked like ponies. Taller, thinner, and with wings of course, but they were quite clearly equine. Up close though, with all those teeth, the burning fires for eyes and the bones and… Well, you get the idea.

Far Sight had explained to me that the area Shadow and I were seeking was still some ways to the north. How he knew which way was north was a complete mystery to me; this place looked the same whichever direction I turned. There was no sun, no moon, and no way to gauge the passage of time even. The big fellow had tried to explain it to me, but most of what he’d said was wrapped up in some sort of inscrutable logic that I suspected only another thestral could have a hope of comprehending. And so I merely smiled and thanked him for his explanation, feeling that little bit dumber than I felt comfortable with. That evening, my clicking and shrieking pony-esq hosts gathered in a circle, inviting me to join them. The mood felt sombre, and carried all the weight of a family in mourning that until then had felt oddly absent. Perhaps it’s true when they say that there is a time for everything under the heavens.

Ember trotted over to me and nudged my rump with her nose, “Come, Fairlight of Equestria, we are ready now.” Without further explanation she walked back to the others and resumed her place.

Shadow nudged me into a roughly equidistant position to the others before taking her own place and settled down on her haunches. I followed her example and waited, but for what, I had no idea. Whatever it was though, it appeared that for better or worse I had been accepted by these enigmatic creatures as one of their number, and in return I was determined to show my respect for them, and try my best to play my part in whatever was to come.

Fairlight. My son.

I looked into Far Sight’s eyes and listened to his words in silence.

This day we mourn my lost daughter, Wind Sheer. You did not know her as we know her. Wind Sheer was a child of my tribe and a friend to you, as she was a sister to your mate.” I listened carefully as he continued, “This day, you are of our family. This day you are a thestral of the Beyond: proud and true, strong and fearless. This day I ask you to join us as we mourn the passing of our daughter and see her soul to the next world by remembering her life in this. Will you join with us, brother?

“I will,” I said, keeping eye contact with him. He nodded as silence fell upon the five of us.

The great thestral closed his eyes and a low humming began to emanate from his throat, rising like a deep tide, powerful and strong. It rolled out across the foothills that seemed to echo its call. Next, Ember lifted her head and let out a long call of her own, one tinged with sorrow and mournful in its sonorous tone. Short Stride, the smaller of the thestral sisters, added a thrumming cry to the other two. The sound pulsed high and low, conjuring up a sense of life, death, and the cycle of all living creatures that exist beneath the gaze of the goddess. Finally, Shadow herself raised her voice to join those of her family. High and pure, flowing with joy and happiness, her simple elegant note mingled with the others producing a chorus like no other. I marvelled at the richness of the sound. There was nothing like this in the whole of Equestria. I felt like I was being lifted up; higher than the tallest mountain, rising up to the heavens beyond the clouds. Tears filled my eyes and I wept with heartfelt sadness for our lost sister. With these thestrals, with my family, I mourned the passing of my father’s daughter. And yet… And yet I laughed at the exuberance of her youth, marvelling in her enjoyment of life. Memories not my own flashed through my mind: Far Sight playing with Wind Sheer as a tiny foal, an older thestral mare carrying her on her back as she taught her to fly, Shadow rolling with her in the white grass of her home land, dancing and frolicking between tall trees of rainbow crystal. The scenes brought sights, sounds, and smells I never believed possible. Impossible emotions crashed through me and I felt a surge of warmth spreading from my muzzle to my tail. Today I was the son of the Lord of the Beyond, and the mate to his daughter. This day, I was a thestral of the Wither World. I would honour Shadow’s family and remember her sister. I threw back my head and cried out the lament of my soul into the whirling song of the thestrals.

Around us, soft white snow began to fall…


Far Sight yawned expansively, giving a long purring rumble of pleasure as Ember rubbed his shoulders. “You should have Shadow do this for you Fairlight,” he groaned happily. “it loosens the muscles and feels simply excellent!

I smiled at Far Sight, glancing over my shoulder at Shadow who was talking with Short Stride. “I can but ask her, My Lord,” I lamented.

The thestral stallion laughed out loud, making Ember click her tongue in annoyance as she readjusted her fore hooves on his joints. It was very difficult to tell thestrals apart for the most part, or more accurately I should say, ‘had been’. At first they’d all looked the same to me; all bone, leathery wings, teeth and… well, ‘bones’ I suppose. The pointy ears and fiery red eyes varied a lot as did the size, teeth, and so forth. But soon the little differences began to add up, and before I knew it I was able to tell them apart at a glance. Far Sight for example was huge, with massive teeth, long pointy ears like a dragon’s horns and looked like he could tear a pony apart in seconds. His hide, almost black with battle scars here and there marked out as thin darker lines. By comparison, Short Stride was smallest of the thestrals, with a sleek blue-black coat and short pointed ears. Her eyes were quite large compared with the others, her teeth short all neatly aligned. Ember was slightly larger than Short Stride, and the eldest of the sisters which surprised me. At first I’d thought Shadow was the eldest, but apparently not. Ember shared the same blue-black coat as Short Stride, with neatly pointed ears. Her deep reddy-orange eyes had a distinct yellow tinge to them that made them look like the coals of a hot fire on a winter’s evening. Her teeth were a little longer than Short Stride’s, with a long pair of incisors protruding noticeably over her bottom lip. Finally of course, was Shadow. Height wise she was roughly somewhere in the middle between her sisters, but with an inky black coat like her father’s. One of her most striking features, to my mind anyway, was the slight sheen to her fur that made her body look almost silken as it caught the light. Her ears were pointed like the others of course - not curved, but straight back in line with her head. Her teeth were short and sharp like Short Strides, though with the addition of several longer ones on either side at the back which were visible mostly when she yawned. Her mane and tail were the colour of midnight - a blue so dark it bordered on black. Her eyes shone bright red and lively, vibrant with life, and reminded me of the campfires we’d had in the mountains when I went hiking as a colt. They truly were a most remarkable race. And oh, how I would have loved to have seen the reaction in the watch-house if Far Sight walked in one day! Ah, the watch-house. So many memories there. One day, soon, I would return. What reception I would receive however was a concern for another time. Here and now my concerns felt like nothing more than a distant memory.

All the thestrals turned as one, looking to the hills with an expectant air about them. My senses straining in the gloomy light, I picked out movement coming our way. It was another thestral. This one was a dark purple colour, slender and with short horns - a female. She landed by Far Sight and bowed low, clicking a message to him in thestral before she turned and flew off back the way she came. Far Sight approached me with a concerned look on his face. “Can you fly?” he asked simply. I looked back at my bare and decidedly wingless flanks. It was still a difficult concept to grasp, despite having found the ability to ‘change’ a lot less traumatic that it had been at first. But in all honesty it had just kind of… ‘happened’. Exercising any actual control over it was whole different ball game, and I was definitely on the opposing team. What I did know was that my power, or whatever the hell it actually was, responded predominantly to strong emotions: need, anger, pain, fear, and so forth. I’d also discovered I could sort of ‘trick’ it into releasing to the point where, like now, I could let the energy flow through me in a trickle rather than an all encompassing torrent. More or less, anyway. It was not an altogether uncomfortable experience, but it was also far from pleasant. The wings breaking out from my hide hurt briefly, but the intendant wash of exhilaration dulled it almost immediately to little more than a memory. The worst part of all of this though was keeping my ‘self’ in charge. Always below the thin veneer of my altered consciousness was this roiling tempest of uncontrollable rage, pain, and only Celestia knew what else, quietly waiting for me to release its chains. It was terrifying, but simultaneously extraordinarily thrilling. What the thestrals made of my transformation, they were keeping to themselves. My new ‘father’ had expressed some anxiety about it initially, but after having his daughter rescued with its help, his concerns had been firmly put to rest. I gave my dragon like wings an experimental flap and nodded to him.

Shadow moved up and rubbed her head along my neck despite Far Sight’s clicks and whistles of irritation. I gave him what I hoped was an apologetic shrug, and he gave a rumbling chuckle in his throat before launching into the sky with Ember and Short Stride. It was certainly a nice change to have in-laws who actually liked you, especially when the alternative was probably being eaten by them. I smiled; not so easy with the sharp teeth that came with the wings, but Shadow didn’t seem to mind. A quick glance at my mate and we took flight together, timing our wing beats with one another as we closed the distance with the rest of the family. Goddess above, I still couldn’t believe I was doing this! It’s hard to explain, but it was like having another pair of legs ‘on top’ of my body, and ones that felt like they’d been there all my life too. Considering flying was something I normally hated, I’d taken to this like the proverbial duck to water. There was none of the usual problems I’d experienced growing up either. Equestria is absolutely vast, and there was a huge market there for business savvy pegasi to exploit. And they did. With an abundance of long or short haul flights available for the pony who didn’t have wings, holidaying with the family when I was a colt were a time of dread for me. Vertigo, motion sickness, call it what you will, but whatever it was would have my stomach churning and my head spinning virtually the moment we left the ground. And yet flying now felt like the most normal thing in the world to me, which was in itself something I didn’t particularly want to think about too much save it break the spell and I end up plummetting to a sticky end. Perhaps the real difference between this and having somepony else do the flying was that here I was in control, instead of being I was completely at the mercy of anothers skill, the condition of the sky carriage, and of course, gravity.

We flew in silence, enjoying each others company simply by being there. Shadow smiled at me, watching me keep pace with her as we soared through the cool air. Nopony in our party spoke I noticed, but why would they want to? Up here, high above the world with air beneath your wings, the sense of freedom was overwhelming. Was this what pegasi experienced all the time? I closed my eyes and felt a shiver run through my body. Whatever this ‘taint’ was, it didn’t seem so bad. It had certainly saved my bacon on at least one occasion, and Shadow’s too for that matter. Perhaps I should be grateful, even if it meant finding my way to Meadow was going to be more complicated than I’d hoped. Yeah… Complicated. I’d got that right...

Several hours passed, by my reckoning. Black sand and black hills rolled by in a seemingly endless panorama of black. And then something happened. I could see, ever so faintly, a thin line of light on the horizon. It was like a split in the world, a crack in the curtain letting in the morning sunlight. I couldn’t believe it at first and looked away, but… it was still there! I felt a sudden an urge to speed up towards it, to revel in its light giving warmth. Dear goddesses in their heaven, light at last! Despite my racing heart and increasing excitement, I forced myself to keep pace with the thestrals. They knew this land. They were the masters of it and I was still, I suppose, really only a guest here of sorts. That being the case I would need to follow their customs and laws carefully until I left upon the next step of my journey - a journey I would make with my thestral mate, Shadow. A rush of warmth and calm rippled through my chest making me shiver. I hoped we could land soon, the cold up here and the wind from the down draught of our wings was having a decidedly odd effect on me.

We flew on. The white line gradually began to transform into something that had my eyes furiously trying to adjust. They were hills, white hills, with white plains and… trees? Oh, sweet Luna, they were trees! Crystal trees! The light I had seen was not from some hidden sun, but from the very earth itself, shining like the surface of the moon. The otherwordly light reflected on the hooves of the thestrals as we banked, following the course of a wide black river. My heart was in my mouth. After what felt like a lifetime of darkness, it was as if I were seeing light for the very first time. It was a mystical and imposing sight beyond compare, and was breathtakingly beautiful. We dipped low behind a high series of hills, their sides filled with the light giving crystal forests, every colour of the rainbow sparkling through their branches as we flew by. It was all I could do to concentrate on keeping formation while my sight was constantly being pulled away by the ethereal wonder of the Beyond. Fortunately, I wasn’t on my own either. Excitement was growing amongst the thestrals too, showing in their increased speed and they way they had begun hooting to one another like a flock of bizarre alien geese. Far Sight shrieked out a blasting trumpeting call followed by a gout of flame, the heat of which washed over me despite the distance between us. Mentally I reminded myself to keep in the thestral lord’s good books. So long as aren’t ‘cook’ books, I thought to myself with a smirk. Beside me, Shadow called to her sisters and they hooted back to her in reply.

Home!” she happily called to me.

Completely out of nowhere I suddenly felt a sinking feeling in my chest. Damn it, what the hell was wrong with me?! A quick mane shake dispelled any dark thoughts that my imagination was conjuring up. This was her home after all. She’d been born here, raised here, and she belonged here. So what was this peculiar sense of resentment I was experiencing? It didn’t make any sense! And yet… I took a breath and sighed as I began to realise what that feeling was niggling at the edges of my heart. It was one I hadn’t felt in a long time, too...


I let out a deep neigh, hoping it would stop such thoughts in their tracks. Shadow peered at me askance, but whether she picked up on my concerns or not, she didn’t let on and I sure as hell wasn’t going to tell her either. The last thing she needed was to have a petulant and huffy stallion presented to her people! On the subject of which, I began to notice large domes of crystal neatly arranged on the plain below us, looking for all the world like upturned birds nests. We skimmed low enough to notice their inhabitants rushing out to look at us passing overhead. Hoots and shrieks filled the air as Far Sight gave another trumpeting blast of sound and fire, announcing his return home. It was all quite dramatic, and had pulled in the sort of crowd any village fête would be proud of. Well, perhaps that wasn’t the best analogy, but it was all I could manage in the circumstances. We looped a circuit around the thestral village and came in for a landing on the white… grass? I nearly squealed in excitement. It brushed against my hooves and legs exactly the same as the green variety in Equestria, but was as white as the first snows of winter. Without thinking I leaned down and was just about to give it a careful taste when Shadow nudged me with her shoulder, clicking in admonishment. Sorry, dear! Unfortunately my good humour vanished in an instant as a hoard of the skeletal creatures surged up to surround us in a dark tide, standing out in stark contrast to the crystal trees and brilliant white grass. I guessed their colouring was more for camouflage in the black sand of the Withers rather than the Beyond. Says the guy from the land of multi-coloured ponies, I thought to myself sarcastically. It was certainly true that equestrians were more likely to blend into a foal’s birthday party than here, and it was probably just as well I was a nice neutral grey. I think what was really worrying though was that I was beginning to see walking nightmares as normal. Worse still, I had the distinct feeling I was beginning to lose my heart to one of them. Oh Fairlight, you silly colt…

The hubbub was deafening. The villagers kept a respectful distance from Far Sight’s party, but still created a solid wall of pushing, heaving teeth and glowing eyes that once upon a time would have had me wondering where I could find the nearest change of pants. I wish I’d had a camera though, it would have been one hell of a talking point in the watch canteen. Gradually a hushing sound spread out from the far side of the crowd near a rise which lead to the largest of the crystalline domes. The creatures nearest to it pushed and jostled each other out of the way as they moved back, forming a living corridor towards the structure. Nopony, or rather, no thestral, moved. I didn’t have to wait long to find out what we were waiting for either as a group of large thestrals carrying spears trotted out to take station along the edges of the newly created passage. Far Sight nickered and moved forward, head held high as he walked. He was indeed the very picture of nobility. Ember and Short Stride followed a respectful distance behind him. Next, came Shadow and myself. I glanced at one of the guards as I walked past him. The hulking beast’s eyes bored into mine, those white hot orbs glinting off his… armour? My Goddesses, it was! These thestrals had fashioned armour from what looked like the same crystal as the trees. It had been painted black, but the edges had been left raw, displaying that unmistakable rainbow of colour. Strapping of a familiar white leathery material cinched the overlapping plates together. Whatever they were made of though, the effect was impressive. I didn’t notice many weapons among them other than the spears, but that said I expect when you can incinerate your enemies, a sword just does quite cut it any more. Quite literally.

Each time we passed a pair of the guards they fell in silently behind us, the creaking of the harness and armour more than a little disconcerting to say the least. I didn’t like being cornered, and I didn’t like this situation one little bit. It was like being lead to the executioners block, just without the shackles. None of this seemed to bother Shadow however. She was most likely used to this, being royalty of sorts. Aiming high, Fairlight? I thought insincerely. A repetitive whisper was coming from the crowd I noticed. Thestral was a hard language to fathom, and one I doubted very much I had the anatomy to be able to replicate, however certain things could be discerned by listening closely to the pitch, tone, screams and shrieks. What I picked up on held a note which, if I had to put my hoof on my heart, sounded like… confusion maybe? Anger? The tone was similar to Far Sight’s when he’d first met me – derisive, and distinctly threatening. I hadn’t put much thought into it until now as at the time he’d still only been one stallion, regardless of how big he was. Now this… this really worried me. Fortunately I didn’t have to worry for long as silence fell like a curtain at the theatre, and we came to a halt, waiting for the next performance.

From the large crystal dome atop the rise, a magnificent deep green thestral female emerged. Easily as large as Far Sight, if not more so, and with long straight horns either side of her head, she looked like an impossible mix of dragon and pony. Her teeth glistened in the light from the crystal trees lining the rise and I noticed long fangs either side of her mouth, just like another thestral I knew. I swallowed the lump in my throat; I was about to meet the rest of the in-laws. The assembled thestrals, including the guards, went to one knee. Bloody awkward when you’re not used to it I can tell you, but still, I did my best to copy them. One of the guards behind me huffed a jet of steam at my back, jabbing me for good measure with an armoured hoof before I realised he wanted me to bow even lower. Hoots, screams and clicks echoed around the assembled thestrals until a pair of emerald green forelegs appeared before me.

Stand,” the regal voice commanded me. “I would look upon this… ‘creature.’

I didn’t know what to think. I’d been referring to thestrals as ‘creatures’ myself, but here as I was being referred to in the same manner. I hadn’t meant anything derogatory by it, but now it was being used to describe me, I didn’t like it at all. With little choice in the matter, I raised my head and looked straight ahead. The tall green crea- ‘thestral’, put a forehoof under my chin and tilted my head this way and that, eyeing me with her glowing eyes. Rather than red, hers burned a brilliant white. I felt my heart leap into my throat for the umpteenth time that day, and with good reason. She spoke rapidly to the guards who immediately barged forward, grabbing my forelegs roughly. I didn’t struggle, I’d most likely impale myself on their spiked armour if I did. A few feet away from me, Far Sight clicked and squawked at the female whom I guessed was his mate, making it quite clear from his gesturing that he protested the rough treatment of his guest. I hoped so anyway, I could have been the next one for the pot for all I knew of their customs. Fancy an Equestrian tonight dear? Fairlight a-la-mode - a delicious accompaniment to any thestral banquet. Shadow suddenly rushed forward, pointing at the guard and shrieking her protests at, I would guess, her mother. For her trouble the green female knocked Shadow flying with a vicious kick. In horror I saw a small spray of blood from her mouth as the blow connected, the young thestral landing in a crumpled heap. Anger gripped me. I shoved my guards aside and tried to get to Shadow’s aid but the armoured thugs were on me before I’d made even a quarter of the distance.

“Get the buck off me you bastards!” I snarled, feeling the fury building inside me.

A thestral in a white flowing gown hurried to Shadow’s side, lifting her to her hooves and passing her a clear bottle of red liquid. Thank goodness somepony here had half a heart. The green mare glowered down at me with her pitiless white eyes and I began to feel the chain loosen within me as the magic began to simmer, waiting eagerly for release. In answer the guards slammed my head to the ground and I could feel a blade of some sort pushing into my flesh. It was all too much. My anger began to boil out of control, and unbidden, a trickle of it began to run through me. I let out a low growl, the ground vibrating beneath me as I looked up at the guard’s shocked face.

I said, get the buck off me!” I snarled. The blade however, never left my neck. This would be a test now between how fast I could throw the guard off me and how quick his reflexes would be to slit my throat open. I readied a rush of the power to overcome my enemy, grab Shadow, and get the hell out there.

NO! Fairlight, please! NO!” Shadow’s voice pounding into my mind was like being doused with cold water.

My anger blinked out in an instant, my breathing returning to normal. I glowered into the guard’s eyes. He was visibly shaken, but still kept his composure well enough to steady the blade on my throat. Pandemonium erupted around me and I was hauled to my hooves, surrounded by guards armed with wickedly sharp crystal battleaxes. I hadn’t spotted these characters earlier. Unlike the others who were probably more ceremonial, the armour these wore looked used, battle scarred, but still constructed from the same materials as their flashier brethren.

Fairlight, I ask that you go with the guards for now. I must speak with my Wife about this matter,” Far Sight asked, his tone sounding serious.

“I have a choice?” I replied a touch more flippantly than I intended.

No.” Far Sight stated with absolute finality. The Lord of the Beyond turned away to walk up to the crystal hall as I was dragged off to my no doubt luxurious guest accommodation.