• Member Since 29th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


I am the Knackerman. Most of my writing deals with horror, suspense, and tragedy. And yes, there will be gore.


Comments ( 115 )

Not sure. Ask me again in a year.

Huzzah! The saga continues :yay:

One of my favorit storys continues :twilightsmile:

Well it's back.. and I shall begin reading. I do have one question... What is that thing in the middle pony's hoof?

"Why, for Nightmare Night of course, my dear Rarity," answered Discord, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world before he popped a piece of candy corn casually into his mouth, scooped up off the pile on the floor.


I think I know what's going on. So far Candy has hypnotized the entire town and somehow got to Discord which is sad because he was also my ace in the hole against this, considering how Candy tried to destroy Discord's statue in an effort to keep him away in "The Last Something Sweet to Bite" (Not sure if that actually worked, probably did since Discord didn't appear). I'll talk about Twilight when she comes back into the story.

Rarity and AJ, if I were you, I would leave Ponyville, go to Canterlot and get the princesses involved and tell them about Starlight mind control spells.

Where the heck is Spike!?!?

“Well shoot... What have we got left ta lose?”

... Just make sure you leave an extremely detailed note, stating everything that has happened. Who the Candy Mare is and so on and make sure you put at the beginning and the end of the note in big red words "THIS REALLY HAPPENED!?"

Twilight mentions he’s out running errands. While his fate is unclear, it’s probably safe to assume he was an early off screen casualty of the cult given how they had infiltrated the town.

I think that would only invite more skepticism.

Wow, very nice. I expected that from Candy Mare. This is a new Candy Mare, as nice as all of those accomplishments Starlight told her, she didn't care. She was starving and before her was a feast!

I feel weird about this. I'm glad she's back, but I also hate that our current TV series Equestria has been destroyed.

Will there be more, or is this the end?

P.S. I REALLY hope those unicorns get that sun up quickly!

Their laughter never faded.

Their smiles never wavered.

Their eyes never blinked.

Something I've noticed when Candy Mare attacks powerful targets. She has to use more magic in order to take them over.

In "Something Sweet to Bite" Twilight was the last one to transform into a candy goul even though she ate the cursed candy with the rest of the ponies. As a matter of fact, Twilight didn't even transform when Pinkie was. She even had time to watch Pinkie transform before her eyes. It even appeared that the transformation was taking a little longer for Twilight as she was able to described the sensation of the Candy Curse affecting her body, but sped up the curse when Candy Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie gorged on Twilight's body.

Then there was Luna who had the will to fight against Candy Curse, but it was a moot point since all Candy Mare had to do was constantly infect her with her candy core, the purest form of the curse via her own candy body. This led Luna being drained of her strength (magic) and be subjected to mind control.

As for Celestia, well she was mentally weakened with the constant nightmares Luna sent her via Candy Mare and her raising and lowing the sun and moon everyday for a whole year, so when she came to stop Candy Mare, she lost before the battle began.

Last is Discord in this story. Not only did Candyshy latch on to Discord and invaded his body by seeping into his skin, she also gave him some curse candy, getting twice the curse and I bet kissing him threw him off as well, thus ending his candification.

If Candy didn't have the Candy Gouls attack Twilight in the first story and just let the curse work its magic, would it have transformed her completely, or would Twilight have time to find some way to at least keep it from taking all the way over?

Same for Discord, would Discord's snap be enough to remove the curse before it had a complete effect on him?

One of Candy Mare's weaknesses has always been magic. Aside from her intense hatred of Lemon Drop and Luna, it's part of the reason why she hates unicorns and alicorns. While magic can't exactly stop the Candy Curse, as Starswirl the Bearded can attest, it has been shown that a strong enough caster can slow it down.

Discord, being pure chaos magic, was essentially the biggest threat to the Candy Mare, which is why she obliterated his statue in her own timeline. If it wasn't for the Candy Cult's clever use of Fluttershy, he probably could have outright nullified his own candification, or at least transferred his chaos magic to someone else who could.

As for Twilight, her fate was inevitable as soon as she ate a single piece of the cursed candy. Her conversion wasn't slower because of her power but simply because she did not eat that much.

If you do I have an idea how about make the original candy mare the true one and the latest one only something that hijacked one of her bodies and as a twist make her to just reason that an equestria part of the candyverse is an equestria saved from the terrors that created her in the fist place and other possible dangers of the multiverse as of why the statues look like nightmare moon and how was she defeated the first time you can always say that it was a version of nightmare moon, to be read clone of Luna that looks like NM, that created her in the fist place while masquerading as lemon drop her motives? again saving the universe.

Nice great to get more candymare stories from you!

Also, Poor starlight

she didn't even get to past the first chapter :c

It has begun!..

Read all your candy mare stories and i got to say, ive enjoyed them all. Had a really great time reading them. Though if there is one thing i felt a little ""meh"" about was how powerful the candy mare got at the end it was getting a bit repetitive seeing her come back from everything that was suppose to keep her down for good. ""Though i'm assuming this was a sort of reference to Jason's immortality."" That being said I think i know a way that would actually destroy the eldritch candy mare for good. If anyone is interested in hearing my proposal.

There are actually plenty of ways that the Candy Mare could be defeated, including how this story ends. But it really wouldn’t be much of a slasher style horror story if she was ‘put down for good’. Not just Jason, but Freddy, Chucky, Leatherface, and he’ll even Dracula and Frankenstein’s monster... what’s cool about them is even if they are defeated in one story or another there’s always a way for them to come back and haunt your nightmares in another time or another place. They aren’t immortal so much as they are deathless, and yeah, that is certainly a quality I want the Candy Mare to have, even if it’s not as ‘exciting’ for some readers. There are other places the story can have suspense than ‘Will Candy Mare die once and for all?’

Besides, as long as her fans are thinking about her, making fan art and writing fan fiction about her, Candy Mare will never die for good.

True,as long as fans think about them these characters can never truly die. We all have our own version of these characters in our minds. We create and destroy worlds, give life, shape and voice to characters ect. Guess that does make us all God here....... Anyway i am curious about something. (Just going to hide this since it sort of spoilers) Was what happened in the epilogue a way to ""depower"" the Character? Bring her back down to earth so that her victims might have a chance realistically? I know the character at the end is not exactly the same being as the one we followed during the story. But I assume it may be the primary one we may follow later on.

It’s a response to a few things actually: One is that there have been a lot of fans that have approached me with hopes that the Candy Mare could be redeemed. Since the first story dealt with her origin it made her a more sympathetic character. She may have done some truly heinous things and her hatred of the living may not have been justified, but it did seem more reasonable for the character to be that way after her torturous demise. As the story has gone on, the Candy Mare has literally become less and less connected to that origin, changing hosts and visiting atrocities on places and people who have nothing to do with her all to satisfy her endless hunger for revenge and flesh. She is completely irredeemable, and once more, she wouldn’t even want redemption if it was offered to her.

So bringing in an alternate ‘Pumpkin Patch’ character gives me a chance to tell a story with a version of the Candy Mare who could be redeemed, who doesn’t necessarily want to make an army of candy ghouls and reap the cosmos. It goes back to the version of Candy Mare who appeared in Home Sweet Home, who mostly just wanted to be left alone and only occasionally indulged her monstrous appetites. A story with that character was what this story was originally going to be, contrasting what the Candy Mare has become with what she used to be, but ultimately it just didn’t work. Introducing her in the end is about giving me the option to explore that story in the future, in another way. It’s not about making her less powerful so much as adding some unpredictability into how the character might act and react to certain situations.

Likewise, sealing the Candy Mare we know and love in Limbo isn’t about removing her from the board for the foreseeable future. It is also about giving me options. In this case, the option to explain a way for her to possibly end up in the Gen 5 universe without having to do a full reboot of the character. The idea is that in Gen 5 there might be a character who discovers limbo and tries to explore its nature, inadvertently unleashing the Candy Mare in the process, not unlike how the Pony of Shadows was accidentally freed. She’d still be at full power, but cut off from her armies, allies, and the worlds she has already conquered. In that state it might be fun to watch her sow chaos in a new environment that is familiar yet strangely different.

Eventually I may have the Candy Mare get de-powered as she has accumulated a lot of skills that she doesn’t actually use that much anymore, but the decision to end Curse of the Candy Cult the way I did was purely about opening new possibilities going forward.

To be honest, I genuinely thought the incarnation or iteration of the Candy Mare spawned from Pumpkin Patch would be innocent and technically like the semi-possessed Equestrian Fluttershy.
As soon as she said "Hungry," and began clapping her hooves in that crazed, maniacal manner, though...

Who here felt slightly bad for this story's main Candy Mare when she was banished?
I mean, I know she technically is not alive and a conglomerate of evil, but that despair and desperation when she was fighting the pull makes you feel for her!

Also, the interaction between her, Applejack, and Rarity is indeed both cute and disturbing at the same time.

In my little head canon, the Candy Mare is a force of nature. Essentially, she’ll always come back in some way or form. She may be killed, but her spirit lingers on, or her entire essence may be destroyed, only for another version of her to come back.

So our collective dreams of her return have now come to fruition... this is gonna be...

d e l i c i o u s...

I was going to ask you about this. I wasn't sure if you were going to bring in a new story or not. I thought it was just going to be left up in the air to let the readers decide what will happen next. I'm glad to know that you're going to do more and I can't wait to see what you come up with.

I don't know why, but it's something about your Candy stories that stick with me months after I've read it and moved on and it just makes me think, even throwing myself into the story as in if I was to help Candy and her goals and then it came to this.

If I was to help Candy Mare like Starlight has, would she be able to follow my demands?

1. She can't kill me. No matter what. I mean if we get stuck in a 5 layer barrier and we were stuck for months, under NO circumstances will she eat, torture or harm me and I separated the torture and harm me part because she can do those illusions which would be a sign of torture as well. She would eat herself before she even thinks of eating me. This also includes turning me into one of those candy gouls.

2. Her candy ghouls will not attack me. In fact they would fear the idea of even attempting it because Candy would be furious if they did it. SO as a thought. I don't care if I decide to walk outside and just lay down in the dirt, her Candy gouls will not attack me.

3. If I'm ever in danger, she will put everything on halt and save me. I don't care if she's moments away from slicing and dicing Celestia and Luna, she will abandon that if I'm in danger.

4. If I ask to be "candied" she will always (even if I don't ask) give me temporary candification like how she gave Sunset that temporary Candy Curse power in "Something Sweet Bites Back".

Also I'd like to see Candy adjust to being around a creature who is still alive, and basically different than all of her subordinates. One who could at any moment turn their back on her, but out of pure loyalty and friendship, does not. There is no fear between this creature and Candy, but there is respect and no manipulation. They even argue with each other and to the shock of the other candy gouls, Candy Mare doesn't eat them. Heck, there are a few occasions where they share a short laugh.

Nice reference to Cupcakes and The Rainbow Factory.

Was that an Evil Dead reference? Clever!

What I'll never understand is why, so long ago, only her orginator's specific suffering resulted in a eventually multiversal terror.

Is this just a thing where every universe where something that can happen will happen in another, meaning that there can be a universe where she emerges so powerful, uniquely, as we see in this series?

I've toyed with the idea of there being other Candy Mare's out there, some that are just as bad and others who are worse. Some that are, truthfully, quiet close to being good. But 'our' Candy Mare is something of a confluence of different eventualities that resulted in a perfect storm of 'we're screwed'. Mainly because she originates from a reality that's in the horror genre.

That's...a good explanation, actually. Being a horror genre charecter and, subsequently, it's main villian granted her unique power. I'll take it.

Really is like a uniquely powerful supernatural slasher movie villian.

I remember last year making a comment about how the Candy Mare was something of a force of nature. Honestly, this story kinda confirmed that for me. She’s something that will always come back, that while she can lose..she doesn’t truly lose? There will always be something to take her place.

I freaking love Trick R Treat

I am curious what would happen if an abomination meets with an other one. LIke the candy mare meet with the boogie-mare, and they like:

> Candymare starts doing her things
> Boogiemare: Hey, I called this world! Quit touching my stuff!
> Candymare: Yeah, yeah, tell it to my bubblegum ball ass.
And they begin to fight like Godzilla and kingkong.

So you're saying there might be a *good* candy mare out there?

Well there almost certainly is. Or at least one that is good at seeming good. Given what went into making the Candy Mare who she is, even the good version would be more in line with Fantomah, Mystery Woman of the Jungle.

Well maybe one of the alternate Candy Mares doesn't want anyone to suffer as she did, so instead she uses her power to (somehow) help people. Like reformed Discord. I mean, wouldn't it be cool to see a good Candy Mare vs OG Candy Mare kind of deal?
By the way, I thought of an easy way to get rid of her (possibly) for good. Go back in time kill Lemon Drop.


I mean, wouldn't it be cool to see a good Candy Mare vs OG Candy Mare kind of deal?

Mirror fights always struck me as kind of a waste of time. Either they are equally matched and thus cancel each other out so they end up having to avoid one another, or one gets an outside advantage over the other and that's why they win. Not my idea of a good time.

By the way, I thought of an easy way to get rid of her (possibly) for good. Go back in time kill Lemon Drop.

You aren't the first and won't be the last to think of that, but you'd have to do that in every reality where the Candy Mare came into being for it to be remotely successful. Even then, I'm not sure it would work, depending on forces like fate/causality. Also I'm just bloody minded enough that if someone tried to do that it would make things worse, not better, if I were writing the story.

Well I suppose that makes sense. But I still don't see how it could possibly make things worse.

Oh, where there is a will there is a way.



WELP shouldve saw that one coming

OK, here's a fun question for you: which character from all of fiction could beat the candy mare with ease (or otherwise)?
Not sure if you've heard of him, but I think Gaunter O'Dimm from the Witcher 3 could.
By the way, by "beat" I mean completely destroy every trace of her and her curse from existance so she never returns.


OK, here's a fun question for you: which character from all of fiction could beat the candy mare with ease

That doesn't sound like a fun question to me actually. Power level arguments and speculation do not interest me.

As I said previously, so long as I am writing the story, there is no such character, entity, or force that could end the Candy Mare permanently.

Only I have that power and it's not one I'm interested in exercising.

Awesome! more candymare content! :rainbowkiss:

it starteth again :pinkiecrazy:

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