• Member Since 7th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Friday

Caddy Finz

We're screwed and life will never get better...but in the meantime, get your free pony garbage over here!

Comments ( 75 )

The terrifying thing is...this can really and has happen, because someone in a hurry.

That's why I started writing this as sort of a PSA. Sorry it took so long for me to reply by the way :twilightsheepish:

Alright, if you're gonna take back a like you gave before, at the very least give a reason!

Tough crowd...if someone would just speak up and tell me what's wrong with it, maybe I could fix it. That requires communication on your end, everyone.


I've had comments deleted because authors didn't like me calling out their mistakes, so I'd assume the culture here is blind praise and silent criticism. *shrug*

Stifling criticism? Blind praise? On MY stories? Aw helllllll no! :rainbowlaugh: I'd rather people tell me how a story can be improved that to just slap a dislike on it and call it a day :twilightangry2: How can I expect to improve as a writer if nobody sets any bars for me? If you scroll through comment sections on my other work, I think you'll find plenty of untouched comments with constructive criticism. :pinkiehappy: I welcome that shit with open hooves :heart:

Just a little tidbit. My mother actually used to be a school bus driver since I started high school (current graduate) and I SHIT YOU NOT this was a common occurrence. So much that our dispatch had all the buses filled with traffic violation papers and front facing cameras to help identify those who break our traffic stops.

Just some info. Chucking this into my read later cause still debating if I want to read it plus I'm busy lately

Oh, I hope you DO read and enjoy it! :rainbowkiss: See, I actually started writing this as a PSA of sorts, the idea just hit me when I saw some dick blow right past a school bus! I know it's really hard to get people to like something but I hope you'll give it a chance! If you do, thanks in advance, if you don't, thanks for commenting regardless :heart:

What's sad is that I actually saw CLASSMATES blowing the traffic stops

So did that pegasus come to her senses and realize that telling somepony to kill themself is practically murder of an indirect kind? Or is this somepony else? We shall see. These stories have a way of serving as both a PSA about safety and a cautionary tale about holding grudges at the same time.

I plan on both the former AND the latter to be a lesson in this story. I hope you enjoy it and keep reading as I think you'll be pleasantly surprised later on! Oh, and the pegasus telling her to kill herself the first time was actually said directly to her and the second time, it was echoing through Creampuff's mind. It was just pushing her towards the idea that much further. The voice behind her is somepony else who she never expected to see. Read on after my next installment and you'll find out. Now I need to go to bed and sleep off this vodka before I come back and keep editing and adding stuff to my comments again.

I don't usually read this kind of story and honestly I don't know why I tried it, other than perhaps to hate it.
But I don't. I like it. I like it quite a lot.
It's well written and I appreciate the deep emotion that lives in it.
I look forward to reading the future chapters. Keep up the good work!

I'm absolutely thrilled that I could exceed your expectations! :raritystarry: You went in thinking that it wouldn't be good and by the sound of it, came away pleasantly surprised? Thank you for telling me that, my friend, I genuinely appreciate it! :rainbowkiss: :heart:

But the dislikes gotta stop pouring in sooner or later. I guess it's a love it or hate it kinda story. I wish people had the courage to tell me what's wrong with it. Not like I'm gonna reach through your monitor and smack you or anything.

I expect most of the dislikers haven't even tried it. They probably looked at the tags and the description and just decided to hate it without giving it a chance, probably thinking it's just some edge drama about a jerk getting punished.

That's not the case, though. The protagonist is actually a good pony who made a very bad, stupid decision with terrible consequences. There is not a single ounce of maliciousness in her heart, and in fact she is the very picture of heart-wrenching wretchedness and regret.

The same cannot be said for the other ponies of this quaintly evil little Stephen King town. They are at first understandably outraged, but this rapidly becomes a force of collective unforgiving maliciousness that reaches outright terrifying proportions. The things they do and say to her are so incredibly vile and wicked that one cannot help but sympathize with the deepening plight of the persecuted girl and her family. She's become a victim too, a pathetic outcast chased to the edge by the increasing viciousness of her own former community.

If you can read this and not feel pity for her, I imagine you may have something in common with the monsters in her town.

I am very interested to see what happens next.

Okay...... Now I'm actually interested.

Granted I want to burn that prision down and kill every fucking guard in there. What they did was HIGHLY ILLEGAL!!

Ah, so I was able to invoke such emotion and passion from you through my writing? Glad to hear that, feel free to leave a like if you haven't already :rainbowkiss:

Dude. This story has a connection to me. I spent my middle and high school years helping with bus drivers and to see how one incident can have a downward spiral is what infuriates me. Yes she ran the kid over but it technically is her friends fault as well. If they didn't pester her to hurry up then she wouldn't of ran over that kid. Or forever be scarred by it including by a corrupt prision system. Not to meantion to be harassed by local police and the kicked out of business where they could recieve revenue. And ponies telling her to kill herself?! News flash you townfolk dumbasses!: if she did you all would be held accountable cause her family could sue everyone for harassment and assisting a suicide. Not to mention her friends should take partial blame for the kids death cause they made her get to them faster.

Also I might be asking to much but could I be a part of this story? My OC could have a garage where Creampuff can work at and he might hace some footage from his mother's bus route where at least half the town did similar traffic stop violations as Creampuff did, actually with sime almost hitting foals.

Just saying it wouldn't be fair for a town to hate her if half of them did the exact same thing with almost the same results.

If you have this thing already planned out then I won't beg. But it would help your PSA more if half the town has their own mistakes....

Also to Speedy (my OC) his mother is a retired bus driver so when Creampuffs case came on the news she wasn't supirsed. Hell she told Speedy "I figured something like this would happened eventually."

You have some very insightful input and as always, I appreciate it very much. :heart: Though I hate to let others down, I already have the remainder of the story planned out. Sorry about that :applecry: Regardless though, I'm always open to suggestions and constructive criticism.

The speed limit on the road was forty miles per hour and if I could just speed up a tad to forty-two or so then I can get past just before the stop sign sticks out. By that point, the driver will have his eyes on the foal just about to get off, I could skate by without them even noticing me. It's the perfect plan! Okay, steady now. Left turn signal to change lanes, there we go. Okay, still yellow. No other traffic in the oncoming lane. Yes! It's open! Oh, no, the bus just came to a complete stop! I can still make it though! I can still...oh, shit, my friends are pulling out of the parking lot right in front of me! But if I can just get over there in time, I can flag them down!

Are you NUTS?!?!?!

What? The lights are flashing red now! Wait, hold on now, not all is lost. Like I said, the driver would be looking to the curb where the door is. Hell, it hasn't even opened yet! I can still do this and not even put a little foal in danger! Oh, Celestia have mercy on me for doing this but at the speed I'm going, I couldn't even stop if I tried. I'm almost there! I'm almost in the clear! Just a few more yards to go and I can get to my friends and...

No no, bad idea:twilightoops:!

" STOOOOOOOOP!!! " The driver of the bus screamed at the top of his lungs as he frantically waved a hoof out his window, his other firmly pressed down on the horn.



What have I done?

Lime...what did you just do:applecry:?!?!

"Mr. wheels, is Clutzy okay!?" A little filly who had stepped off the bus called over, a few other concerned fillies and colts standing close behind.

Oh no...:applecry:.

"Oh, Celestia, kids, don't look!" The bus driver, apparently named Wheels screamed, trying to keep innocent foals from seeing their friend in such a state as tears flowed down his face. "J-just get...get back on the bus! You don't wanna see this!"

You seriously do not:pinkiesick:.

"I was...driving and...I saw the bus but it hadn't stopped yet and...I thought I could pass it before-"

You should always let the bus stop and let the kids cross before you even think about passing:ajsleepy:.

"N-no!! I know that this is my fault!! I feel horrible!!"

Can't say I blame her...:fluttershysad:.

I couldn't bear to make eye contact with any of these ponies, they all know what I just did. A sudden commotion in the form of a frustrated medical worker pounding his hoof against the side of an ambulance shifted my attention back to the scene that I just caused. This doesn't look good. Not in the slightest. They had the colt placed on a stretcher and everypony had suddenly started removing their hats. It was when one of the medics slowly and gently placed a blanket over the colt, covering his entire body that my heart sank to a new low I've never experienced before.


This just can't be happening. The only reason they would cover his whole body would be if he had died. I could never live with myself if I'd killed somepony. No, he can't be dead! He's got to get through this! I'm not a murderer, that's not who I am!...right?

No...it's not...but that doesn't make what happened any less true:raritycry:!!!

" We're coming right now! "

Oh boy, this is so not good:fluttershbad:!

"G-guilty to each ch-charge, your honour." I stuttered as I struggled to stifle tears.

I could hear my parents quietly sobbing behind me as the crowd started murmuring, I could even hear various comments from several of them. Some of them took me aback and most I would expect.

"I'm going to plead guilty!" I said, cutting the lawyer off.


"Really? She's owning up to it?" Said a mare in the crowd.

"I thought for sure she'd try to weasel her way out of this." Said a stallion.

"I was hoping she'd plead not guilty so they'd fry her worthless ass." Said another mare.


The courtroom was entirely silent save for the ticking of the clock upon the wall. At this point, more than an hour had passed since we all last saw the judge and we were all getting antsy. I just wanted to know if I could die a somewhat happy and fulfilled pony when my own time comes. At long last, our wait was over as the judge appeared again and once more, everypony arose and sat back down. Her mane appeared somewhat disheveled and her eyes red and sort of puffy, like she had been crying. How could it be? She's the toughest judge in the Northeast of Equestria.

Wow, she must be one extraordinary mare if she can do that:ajsmug:.

"Your request is..." She began again. "...reasonable. It, um...it's...moving actually. It just...it made me look at you in a bit of a different way. You're not like a lot of the countless other mooks I've put away, you're actually quite brave. I've seen so many ponies cry fake tears and feign remorse but you...you really are aching over this, not simply because you're being punished but because you truly have deep regret for your actions. I felt morally obligated to take another look and reconsider your sentence, Miss Lime. At seven O'clock tonight, I will have officers escort you to a florist where they will then bring you to Faustin Max Funeral Home..."

Thank you Ironclad:twilightsmile:.

"I...I *hic* I'm s-so *sniff* so sorry!" Were the only words I could force from my mouth. "I'm so *hic* sor-sorry, little guy! I'm so sorry f-for what I *sniff* did to y-you!"

Poor Creampuff...:fluttercry:.

Now that was one scary dream...:twilightoops:. Things will only get worse form here:ajsleepy:.

"No! Please don't!" A sad sounding, weedy little voice said from behind me. "I never wanted this to happen! Please don't jump!"

Wait...is that...:rainbowderp:? It can't be...:pinkiesad2:.

After finishing this chapter, I now view this story as being in the same large room of unrelentingly gut-punching sadness as the movie Requiem For A Dream... and that’s saying a lot, because that movies’s depressing as hell.

Does that mean you didn't like it? :applecry: Because *sniff* if you don't...then I understand :fluttercry: :raritywink:

Actually, I did like it... a lot. Sure wasn’t cheerful, but some opposite-like part of me finds a rather morbid enjoyment from reading sad stories.

I'm glad you're enjoying it. The next chapter may or may not give you a break from the constant depressing stuff. Now if only that like/dislike bar would go in my favor...

"Good. Now, I get that you feel pretty shitty about what happened. That's all well and good but I don't feel right about somepony killing themselves in my name."

"I don't understand." I whimpered. "I'm the reason you're dead. Why are do being so kind to me?"

"We established that it was an accident, was it not?"


"And yes, that probably doesn't make you feel a whole lot better about it, I get it. But you should know one thing."

"W-what? What's that?"

"I don't hate you."

"But why!? You were so young! You had your entire life ahead of you and I just came and plowed you over with my car!"

"I just don't. Hate isn't something I like to let consume me so I just don't hate others. But you know, I think we should talk about why we're actually here right now."

Five stars to Clutzy for not holding anything against Creampuff:twilightsmile:.

"Look, little buddy..." I began. "Okay, I promise I won't try to kill myself."

"Nuh-uh, I'm not buying it. I wish I would've known you can see me before, because then I would have come to you sooner. You need my help and I'm going to give it to you."

You need it Cream, you really, really do:pinkiesad2:.

"Ohohohoho, jackpot!" Clutzy beamed as he held up his prize. "You, my dear have a fine taste in feminine sleepwear!"

"You little perv!" I snapped as I at the same time tried to stifle laughter and a blush. "Get out of there!"

"Make me!"

Like a typical young colt, he then proceeded to stick his tongue out at me as he taunted me by putting another one of my panties over his head.

Nice to see these two already bonding:ajsmug::rainbowlaugh:!

"Weren't you like ten or something?" I asked, immensely confused. "That's the way I'd expect a thirteen year old to act."

"Hahaha! I was an early bloomer!" Clutzy said with a laugh. "All my buddies in school were still stuck in that whole 'oooh, fillies have cooties' crap and I'm like 'hell yeah, more fillies for me'!"

That would make sense...not all kids or ponies bloom at 13:applejackunsure:.

I couldn't help but snicker at how this crazy kid was acting and what he was saying. I will admit, I'm grateful that ghosts can't bleed because if he were actual flesh, he'd get a bloody nose and make a mess in my room. Though he's borderline creepy with how he's sniffing my panties the way he is, I gotta give him that, he was the first pony other than my parents to make me laugh since everything happened.

Laughter is the best medicine after all, and that's what Creampuff needs:pinkiehappy:.

"Oh, they're doing okay now. I don't think you'd have to worry as much as you'd think. They don't hate you either but they just aren't ready. If you wanna talk to them, wait for them to come to you."

That's probably the more smarter and wiser thing to do:fluttershysad:.

"Aw hell, you talked me into it."

Let's just hope that it doesn't go to as nearly as much shit as it did last time:ajbemused:.

can't wait for the next chapter! really love this story so far. keep up the good work! :pinkiehappy:

I starting to like this fic. I hope some of the dislike read this again so they can give it a chans. Hope you continue this fic.

Thanks, I hope so too. No one traumatizes ponies like Gaston :rainbowlaugh:

Just dropping you a comment to say don't let the up/down vote bar get you down. There are a lot of people on this site that will just look at the tags on a story and immediately down vote.

I find your handling of the subject manner to be respectful and the protagonist to be believable. The idea of a little ghost boy that raids panty drawers did me a giggle.

Keep up the good work. I'll keep on reading. :twilightsmile:

I gave rhis a like and a favorite to give you motivation to write more.

Thanks a lot, friend! :heart: I plan to continue this story, along with others that I'm working on and plan on starting in the future. I just need to take a break and clear my mind while I search for wild game animals to blow away with my new 20 gage :flutterrage: Once hunting season is over, I'll be right back in the saddle :rainbowlaugh: It won't be super long until I unveil some other works in progress that I think you guys will like :raritywink:

I'd take it either hunting season was extended past December or house buying is difficult?

The latter, my friend. I'm so sorry I haven't been active, I know you and so many others are looking forward to reading more into my stories. I should be moved in and have my internet set up at my new home within a couple of weeks. When things finally calm down and the dust settles, I should be able to get some writing done.

It's fine man. Take your time to get everything settled

Yay. A update. On 4th of July no less.

"Aw, I used to love all kinds of food and I can't eat." Clutzy replied with drooping ears. "My family and friends can't see or hear me so that kinda sucks...I had a girlfriend I really liked...umm, I just discovered this cool thing I liked doing."

"What's that?"

"Oh. Uhh, never mind that."

"Oookay, I'll just take your word for it."

I'm starting to get very suspicious of this little cool thing Clutzy likes doing:ajsmug:.

"Just leave it as it is, trust me. So, things must have gotten pretty bad for you to wanna jump off a building. Talk to me. What happened after they put you away?"

To think about my time in jail was the last thing I ever wanted to do again but I owed it to him to at least tell him what he wanted to know. My ears drooped and my lips began to quiver as the horrible memories came pouring back. It's not his fault, he had no idea what went down when I was behind bars, though judging by the look on his face, he could tell that I was having a rough time with it.

That was Tartarus:pinkiesick:. No, more like it was Hell:pinkiesick:.

"Y-you don't have to talk abou-" Clutzy began before I cut in.

"It's fine, I..." I began. "...I got reminded every single day why I was there. Guards and other inmates kicked my ass just about every day. I got thrown into solitary if I so much as farted wrong."

"Pfft, eheheh...I-I mean, that's horrible! I wasn't laughing at you, I swear!"

"Heheh, that's what I get for talking about farts with a ten year old."

"Hahahaha! Stop it, I can't help it, just the word!"

"Oh, you like the word fart, you little fartknocker?"


Okay, I have to admit, that was pretty funny:rainbowlaugh:.

I was an only foal so I never had a little brother or sister but I've always liked making youngsters laugh. It's so easy to do, just find a word or sound or whatever makes them tick and you're set. I often thought about the day I'd have my own and bring Mom and Dad a grandfoal but...well, I often wonder. I mean, who'd wanna have foals with a mare who killed one? Ahh, I digress, there's just something about making a kid laugh. It feels good...warm, I could even say.

"Heh, okay, stop it, you're gonna make me lose my shit here." Clutzy said as he tried to bring his laughter to a halt. "I wanted you to come out today so we could think of a way for you to talk to somepony without them treating you like garbage."

"Well, easier said than done, I think." I replied with a shrug as Clutzy and I trotted past a house. "Everypony knows about what happened and not one of them can see or hear y-"

"Excuse me, young lady!" An older mare on the porch of the nearby house called over as she trotted towards me.


With great anticipation, Clutzy and I waited for this mare to speak again and the look on her face didn't indicate any anger or malice of any kind, she looked more concerned than anything. Finally she stopped right in front of me and took a quick glance over to the left and another to the right before looking me right in the eye. I nervously waited for what she had to say next until finally, she spoke again.

"Um, Creampuff, right?" The mare who I recognized as the village clerk asked me.

"Yes?" I asked, before taking a nervous gulp.

"Who, uh...who were you just talking to?"

"Oh! Uh, I was just...going over a mental checklist of things I need to do today."

Oh crap, no ponies are going to think she's going insane:twilightoops:!!!

I was never any good at coming up with a quick lie on the spot but this time, I got lucky. There were only so many times I could use certain excuses and nopony was guaranteed to even believe any of them. Once I can end this conversation, implying that I actually want to, Clutzy and I will need to discuss something regarding everypony in town seeing me talk to somepony who they can't see. Still though, it looked like this mare might actually be somewhat nice to me.

"So...look, we're all neighbors here." The mare said with a sigh after looking around again. "The accident you were in last year isn't exactly a secret around here."

I began to look down at the ground and fidget with my hooves as it was now and would always be a sore subject.

"Surely, it was just as hard on you as anypony else, right?" The mare continued. "I just thought that somepony should...well, let you know that...if you ever need somepony to talk to, I'm always around."

...well, that...went a lot better than I thought:rainbowderp:.

I truly didn't know what to say. To keep myself from breaking down into a sobbing mess was one of the more difficult things I've had to do. For the first time since I was released from prison, somepony came up to me and showed me not only a half hearted shred of faux kindness but a genuine kind deed. I just stood there completely dumbfounded and judging by the look on this mare's face, she seemed to understand why, as the lashing out I had received from so many others in the community was no secret. I couldn't just stand there and gawk, I had express my gratitude to her somehow.

"I...I..." Were the only words, if you want to call them that, of which I could force from my quivering lips.

I'm kind of at a loss for words too:applejackunsure:. Still I'm glad there's at least one kind pony here:twilightsmile:.

"We're all members of this community and we should stick together." The mare said, placing a hoof on my shoulder. "You just go on and keep your chin up, okay?"

"Thank you!" I beamed, unable to stifle the tears streaming down my face. "Thank you so much!"

With a nod and a genuine smile, the mare sent me on my way feeling better than I had in a very long time. As I trotted away down the sidewalk with an equally ecstatic Clutzy floating by my side however, I couldn't help but overhear a new conversation starting up behind us.


"I can't believe you'd associate with the likes of her." Another local mare said to the village clerk, the former's brow furrowed.

"That poor girl has been through enough." The older mare whom was the first member of the community to show me kindness. "Cut her some slack, I just saw her talking to herself like she had somepony right next to her. If ponies keep treating her like garbage, they'll drive her right into the nuthouse."

"I...I had no idea."

And, inevitably, there is a debate on whether not holding Creampuffs unintentional crime against her is right or wrong:ajsleepy:.

I didn't turn around to face them and I pretended that I didn't hear what they were saying but nevertheless, Clutzy and I needed to discuss something once we were in the clear and nopony was around. As I trotted on, I could tell that he knew exactly what the issue was and I'm sure he would agree. Finally, we were in a spot where there wasn't a single pony in sight and just for good measure, I pulled a small notepad that I carry with me and looked down at it as I held it upon my hoof. My idea was to pretend to be reading off a list in case somepony were to see me standing there talking to myself and I assume that he was going along with my idea, the little ghost colt floated down to my eye level.

"I think I speak for the both of us..." I began quietly, Clutzy listening intently. "...that we should probably be more careful. The last thing I need is for ponies to think I'm going nuts and talking to somepony who isn't there."

"You tried to kill yourself last night." Clutzy said flatly with a bemused expression. "You do have some issues, and you know it...buuut, I do agree that we should at least make sure nopony is around or pretend that you're reading something like that before we have a conversation."

Clutzy has a point you know:applejackunsure:. You really should see a therapist:fluttershysad:.

"I guess I can't argue with that. Anypony who tries to jump off a building definitely has problems."

"Which is why I'm here. Now come on, let's head into town and enjoy the sunshine."

You really need it:pinkiesad2:.

We did just that. We didn't have anything else we had to do, so we headed to the busier side of town where obviously more ponies would be and much to my worry, a higher chance of being harassed. With my eyes forward, I trotted onwards, I just wanted to see what I've been missing in my town and hopefully find another pony who is willing to talk to me. As I trotted towards the village park, I remembered that the local fire department was still holding a barbeque and raising money for a new fire truck. I still have some bits that I had saved in my room since last year, this would be a perfect chance to give something back to the community.

"Hey, Clutzy?" I asked after a brief glance around to make sure the coast was clear.

"Hm?" He asked, stopping in front of me and floating at eye level.

"So, I was thinking I'd just go over and make a donation to the TFD and see if I can't mingle with the crowd a bit. But I'm a bit nervous. Can I count on you to be by my side?"

"You bet!"


"Awesome! You know, it feels kinda weird going from having tried to commit suicide just last night to all of a sudden having some sort of hope. If more ponies will talk to me, I think I could get my life back on track."

"Uh, Creampuff?"

"You know, there are some bigger things that I've been wanting to do but never felt motivated enou-"

"Ah, ah, ah, abort! Abort!"


With his eyes wide and his teeth clenched, Clutzy pointed a hoof behind me and when I turned around to see what he was trying to show me, sure enough, we were about to have a problem. I blushed after turning to face a small crowd of about ten ponies that started gathering behind me, their expressions a mix between curiosity and concern. With my muzzle scrunched up and my ears folding back out of embarrassment, I recognized a few of the faces from before. The worst part was that some of the ponies I recognized were high profile names that had a lot of influence in this town.


Standing in the front of the group closest to me was the police chief that arrested me last year though he was not in uniform and appeared to be off duty. Standing right next to him was an older stallion with a well trimmed gray beard, none other than the Mayor of the town. Behind them were some more ponies I knew from passing and even the mare who told me I should kill myself was among them biting her lower lip as her eyes nervously darted about. If word gets around that I keep getting spotted talking to myself, life is about to get a lot more difficult.

Now that we all were aware of each other's presence, Mayor Max and Chief Blue Streak stepped aside from the rest of the group to whisper amongst themselves. The two town officials occasionally glanced back at me in between exchanges and out of instinct, I slowly began to back away as if trying to avoid the inevitable. I'm not gonna lie, to say it was awkward was a grave understatement. Finally, the two authority figures stepped forward towards me, the looks on their faces, nothing like what I've seen before. It was like a combination of concern with a little guilt mixed in, I'm not sure.

It looks like their conscience is finally starting to get to them:ajbemused:.

"Creampuff, it's been quite a while." The Mayor said, his tone soft and quite friendly. "Are you...adjusting to being back home alright?"

"I, uh...it's been a little rough at first, but I think I'm coming along." I lied through my teeth, my stupid grin a dead giveaway.

"We were just wondering..." The police chief began. "...because we thought we heard you say something about...suicide? Did we hear you right?"

"W-what!? No, of course not! I was just mentioning how...uh, when the county fair goes on, I wanna ride down the super slide!"

Yeah...super slide:twilightblush:.

The Mayor then turned his head towards the group of concerned townsponies and glared daggers at the guilty looking mare who made the suggestion to me as she backed herself up, her ears folded back and sweat running down her brow. Everypony else in the group was looking at her as well, with expressions of disapproval and disappointment. A couple of the other ponies among them were some of those who shouted at me the other day as well, every one of them with drooping ears and glossy eyes.

"Well, what we're trying to say is..." The police chief spoke up. "...some of us are just a bit...concerned, if you get what I mean. See, a couple of my officers told me that you were trotting around last night, talking to somepony who...wasn't there."

"I told them I was singing!" I snapped before immediately letting out a gasp and covering my mouth. I would never have dreamed of snapping at anypony in town like that, let alone the chief of police. Nevertheless, he seemed more slightly hurt than upset with me for it. Though he was off duty, he was still the sole protector of this town.

"We're just making sure you're going to be okay."

She's really not:ajsleepy:.

"I'm fine. I-I mean, I really appreciate the concern from all of you but it's not necessary, really."

"We uh, we like to think we're a pretty tight knit community." A stallion within the group spoke up. "If you ever need anypony to talk to, just say the word, okay?"

I highly doubt she'd want to do that with ponies who originally threw hatred towards her but...it's her choice:ajsleepy:.

As thrilled as I was to hear all these ponies trying to help me, I was incredibly uncomfortable with being caught talking to "myself" again and I just wanted to be anywhere but here. I started backing away a little more quickly and it appeared that everypony was taking the hint. I felt terrible for trying to get away from them now that some ponies were finally being kind to me but I was internally panicking. I just wish that they didn't think that there was something wrong with me. No, scratch that. They don't think, they know.

"Thank you all for your concern, everypony." I said sheepishly, still sweating like crazy. "I'll keep that in mind. So um...see you later!"

Oh Celestia, why did I do that? One of the rare occasions somepony is kind to me, and I trot away like that. I might as well have told them to go fuck themselves. Clutzy and I would need to wait until we were trapped in a box or something if we wanted to talk without ponies seeing me. At this point though, the damage is done and at least a dozen ponies have their eyes on me and probably will be keeping them on me from now on. Not only that but word gets around fast in a small town like this so I really have a bad feeling about this.

Keep on guard Cream:rainbowderp:.

"Yes, we've been angry with her but I honestly can't believe you'd say something so wicked!" They Mayor said behind me as he scolded who I assume was the mare who told me to off myself. "How would you all feel if she actually went and did it!?"

Worse than you already are:ajsleepy:.

"Maybe you should actually tell somepony about these problems you've been having." Clutzy suggested as he floated next to me. "I worry that there's only so much I can do to keep you safe from yourself."

"But I don't wanna die anymore..." I mumbled under my breath through my teeth as to avoid more ponies seeing me go insane.

"Okay, well, I'm still not going anywhere until I know for a fact that you'll be alright."

Thank you Clutzy:pinkiesad2:.

"Your parents are really nice." Clutzy complimented as he flipped through the pages of one of my comic books.

"They're my whole world, little buddy." I replied with a content sigh. "I don't even wanna think of where I'd be without them."

"Mine too. Heh, I'll never forget that time they tried to have "the talk" with me. Turned out, I knew more than they did. Oh mane, the look on their faces!"

"You are one weird little dude, you know that? I don't have to worry about you when I'm sleeping, do I?"

Probably not...unless he goes into your drawer again:rainbowlaugh:!!!

"Hey now, I may be a perv but I'm no sleazeball...wait, what time is it?"

"Uh, quarter to ten now."

"Oh shit! I'm gonna be late!"

Without warning, Clutzy bolted over to my closed window and dashed out without having to open it. I sprang over to see him disappear off in the distance over some of the neighbors' houses. I was confused. What kind of schedule would a ghost need to follow? As far as I know, I'm the only one he can talk to, so he's not likely late for a meeting with somepony else. What could it be?


The only thing I could do now was wait for him to come back so in the meantime, I'm just gonna go get myself a glass of water. I was about to learn more on just how careful I need to be when talking to my new friend however when I opened my door to find my parents with their ears perked up and placed against my door until I opened it. Busted.

"Mom! Dad!" I gasped, not expecting them to be listening in on my what they would perceive to be a one sided conversation. I can't even play dumb, they'll just see right through it. "What um...what's up?"

"Sweetie...who were you just talking to in there?" My Dad asked.

"Huh? You were probably just hearing my tv."

"Baby, we know our own daughter's voice." My Mom countered, knowing that I was lying. "Are you feeling alright?"

She's really not:pinkiesad2:.

"What? Of course I am, guys! I'm doing just fine and I think things can only get better from here!"

They're not buying it and they look genuinely worried. I never had a habit of talking to myself as a foal and now to see me as a grown mare who has been through a lot of shit now talking to somepony who isn't there, I can't blame them for being alarmed. I also can't lie to anypony worth shit let alone to my parents, so I'm pretty much screwed right now.

"Creampuff, you're scaring us." My Dad said, nearly to the verge of tears.

"Talk to us. What's going on?" My mom asked, not faring much better.

"Guys, I..." I began. "You won't believe me. I can't tell you. You just have to trust me."

"What do you mean you can't tell us?" Mom asked. "Sweetie, we're your parents, you can tell us anything!"

Maybe not this...:ajsleepy:. And that's kind of the problem, sometimes young children telling parents about their problems doesnt always go well...they say they won't judge, but when they hear it, the exact opposite happens:ajsleepy:.

"You'll think I'm crazy!"

"Try us." Dad challenged.

They're not budging. I really wish Clutzy was here right now and that they could actually see him. Shit. I have no choice but to put my trust in them and just tell them. They won't let it go until I do. Okay, I'm just gonna go for broke and do it. Best case scenario, they believe me and everything's all hunky dory. Worst case, they think I'm crazy and...well, send me to have my head checked out or something. Here it goes.

"Mom? Dad?" I begin as my parents look me square in the eye with anticipation. "I uh...met somepony I never thought I'd see."

"Okay?" Dad said.

"And I've sort of...made friends with him."

"Go on." Mom said.

"Okay so...Clutzy...that kid I ran over last year..."

"One of his relatives?" Dad asked.

"Clutzy himself. He's been following me around for the past couple days and...he's trying to make me feel better about the whole thing."

"Uhh, I'm not following."

I am cringing so hard right now:fluttershyouch:.

"I can see him and nopony else can. His...spirit. We met the other night and I noticed him. I'm the only one he can talk to so he's trying to help me. I know, it sounds crazy and that's why I didn't want to tell you."

As expected, they looked at me like I had cockatrices crawling out of my nostrils. Oh no, I shouldn't have told them! I have to back track somehow and fix this! Think, Creampuff, think! Oh Celestia in Canterlot, what am I gonna do!?

"It was a dream!" I blurted out. "I mean, that didn't actually happen! Of course I don't think it did!"

After much pretending I had a proper grasp on reality, I think I was able to convince my parents that I was fine...for now. It was getting late, so we all retired to bed for the night...well, my parents did anyway. I just stayed up in my room watching some tv while I waited for Clutzy to come back. Princess Celestia was on tv doing a press conference. And to think I almost got to meet her last year. But I digress. When the hell is Clutzy coming back? He and I need to figure some stuff out.

Well things are looking up slightly...but I know things are gonna get worse:twilightoops:.

Yup, this story's back! I decided to take my Mom's advice and focus on one story at a time as to avoid burning myself out and having a stroke. At this point, I have a much better idea of the direction I want to take it. Enjoy. :heart:

So uhh...feel free to leave a like as to hopefully offset the onslaught of dislikes that keep pouring in. :fluttercry: I like to think I don't suck THAT hard. :pinkiesad2: I bet it'd turn right around if I made it a clopfic...not that I'm going to.

Screw it, I'll keep making it specially for those who DO like it. I'll drink to that. :pinkiecrazy:


I found this story by accident, and I'm glad I clicked on the link. This story does have too many dislikes for the type of story it is, but I think that makes it stand out more. Having struggled with mental illness I've taken to liking this story not for the content within, but for the struggle of the main character. I like it, it has good composition and I'm looking forward to the next parts.

Maybe Creampuff will get the itch to welcome the possibility of finding mr. right once her other issues start to get worked out. She clearly didn’t mind when that group of stallions were sort of looking at her on the beach and though it wasn’t written in the text she was blushing on the inside. :rainbowwild:

Now then as to this mystery follower Clutzy has sensed lurking nearby...

Please have her talk about her time in prison. Maybe have Celestia or at least a representative show up later as evidence for the investigation into those guards.

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