• Published 5th Mar 2018
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Midnight's Shadow: Tainted Legacies - Ponibius

Midnight is a rising star among the magi, and an opportunity to follow her ambitions opens up when an archmagus retires. But the conclave to pick the next archmagus reveals a tainted legacy as long-forgotten foes push Midnight to her very limits.

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Chapter 8

Mother and I stared as the archmagus’ tower burned in a terrible moment that seemed to drag on for an eternity. Though ‘twas only a moment that Mother granted us to remain inactive.

“Midnight!” Mother’s voice cracked like a whip, and my head snapped in her direction. She ran over to the fireplace and cast a familiar spell that made the flames within dance strangely. “Strengthen thy fire wards and jump in! Cool the room as soon as you arrive at your destination!”

I hesitated as I tried to catch up with her. “Mother, surely thou dost not intend—”

“Do not delay!” She shoved me towards the fireplace. “I will be right behind thee. Thou hast thine orders, now see to them!” Mother’s voice brooked no argument, so I stepped into the fireplace. There was a lurch as I traveled from one point to another instantaneously.

I emerged into an inferno. All around me the first floor of the Archmagus’ tower burned. The heat was so intense that my flesh would have been charred to the bone if not for my fire protection spell. I immediately went to work pushing away the fire and heat around me, then used my magic to start lowering the temperature. A moment later Mother popped into existence right next to me. The fires I had been pushing back gathered before her, and she hurled them at a nearby window. It burst open and the fire went out and up, the heat dispersing into the nighttime air. In response, I opened the opposite window and started drawing water from the humid air, using it to put out the embers from the flames.

Mother jabbed a hoof towards the stairs where there was the roar of more flames. “Up! We need to find Daylight and the Archmagus!”

The both of us ascended the stairs and worked in conjunction to put out more flames as we sought anypony that might have survived the conflagration. In the back of my mind I worried the tower might collapse on us as its timbers burned. Indeed, that might very well have been the reason Mother acted so quickly; time was against us to find anypony alive, and if the flames were not quickly doused this would become a fool's errand.

Matters became more difficult when we reached the floor of Archmagus Tempus’ lab. The flames were consuming the various potions and magical ingredients stacked along the walls and on the tables, causing small explosions and making the flames burn in a riot of colors. Mother stifled a curse when these flames did not obey her spells. There was so much magic already within them from what they were consuming that it was interfering with her own magic. “Midnight! Freeze this room!”

Blue magic shot from my horn to impact the wall, instantly freezing it over despite the sizzling protests of the flame. It took a great deal of effort, but eventually I had everything covered in a solid layer of ice. Mother didn’t even pause to comment before she raced up the next flight of stairs as though a mare possessed. I had to run to keep up with her and finish off the flames and embers she had beaten into submission. She was pushing to near recklessness as she fought her way up and up, and ‘twas all I could do to keep up.

We reached the floor of Tempus’ office, and ‘twas there that we discovered who we sought: Knight-Magus Daylight was lying on the floor, unconscious. Mother ran to his side and pulled the flames off of him, and then quickly examined him for injuries. Almost surprising, there were none I could see. As was the case with most pyromancers, Daylight had cast his own formidable spells to protect himself from when he used pyromancy, and here that had saved his life—assuming he had no injuries we could not see. But Mother seem satisfied that this was not so after she scanned him with her magic.

Mother did not bother checking the other body lying on the floor. It had been consumed by flame, its flesh blackened and charred. ‘Twould have been all but unrecognizable if not for the familiar cloak it was wearing. Its enchantments had allowed the garment to survive despite the great heat it had been subjected to, and I identified it as the one that Archmagus Tempus had worn when I had last seen him.

Archmagus Tempus Fugit was dead.

The inevitable questions flashed through my mind: Who? Why? How?

My mind had only started to organize the questions when Mother barked out another order. “Take Daylight outside.” There was a crash from further up in the tower that caused her to snap her head up, and the crackle of flames could be heard through the floorboards. “I will deal with the rest of the fires and then attend to thee once I am done. Keep anypony from entering the tower.”

For a moment I was unsure what to do. “But the Archmagus—”

“Is dead,” Mother told me briskly. “Attend to the living first. The dead shall abide until that is done.”

She was right, even if I was loath to leave her alone to battle the flames, and so I lifted Daylight with a telekinesis spell. “I will do as you say.” I headed back down, the stairs groaning in a way that made me imagine them suddenly giving out, resulting in me falling to my doom and both burning and impaling myself upon the red-hot sharpened wood splinters below. But the steps yet held, and soon I was outside with the unconscious Daylight in tow.

Several ponies had already gathered outside the tower, unsure what to do in the face of the crisis. I gently placed Daylight on the ground and addressed the crowd. “Back everypony! The fire has not yet been put out.” They all started asking questions, but I held up a hoof to forestall them and spoke with the same tone of authority Mother had just used on me. “Thy questions will be answered in due course.”

I thought it unwise to publicly announce Tempus’ death, especially when ‘twas under such inauspicious circumstances. Best to let Mother decide when and how to make such an announcement. Pity for me then that several fellow magi started gathering as well, including Magus Gleaming Topaz. The dam finally burst when Lady Protector Shadow arrived with a dozen of her clanponies in tow.

Shadow scowled as her eyes fell upon Daylight. “What is happening here, Midnight?”

“It might be best to let Mother explain,” I answered hesitantly. I could well hear Mother’s condemnations for telling Shadow the dreadful truth before her. “She will be down as soon as she is done dealing with the fire.”

Shadow’s eyes narrowed. “I would hear thine account now.”

There was little I could do without offending Shadow, so I went ahead and told her the truth. “Mother and I were in our quarters when the Archmagus’ tower burst into flames through some unknown means. Mother then used her magic to transport us to the tower and we went about putting out the flames. ‘Twas then we discovered Daylight and Tempus.”

“And the Archmagus?”

“Dead, my lady.” A murmur of shock went through the gathered crowd and ponies started energetically whispering to one another. “At least I believe the corpse we discovered was him. He had been consumed by the flames, making identification difficult without a chance to study the corpse. But it was wearing his cloak, and seemed to be the right height and build.”

Shadow grunted and her features darkened. “These are foul tidings.”

“Then the Archmagus has been murdered?” Magus Topaz stepped out from the crowd to face me. “I saw it when the fire set the tower alight. That was no natural fire, but magic.”

I was not sure why the magus was suddenly imputing herself into the discussion, but I decided to answer her as best I could. “I cannot say for certain that what transpired was deliberate or an accident, though I will agree that the fire was not natural. It set the whole tower alight instantly, and unless the Archmagus was dousing his whole tower in some flammable substance in some fit of madness, I think the explanation is some form of magic.”

Topaz’s eyes narrowed as she looked down at the unconscious Daylight. “Then it seems to me that there are at least three suspects for this murder we should investigate.”

I quickly surmised whom she must be speaking of. “You are jumping to conclusions. Neither I nor Mother had nothing to do with this.”

Shadow glowered at the senior magus. “Mine thine accusations. I have known Midnight since she was a filly, and know her not to be a murderer.”

“We must face the facts as they are, Lady Protector,” Topaz insisted before giving me another question. “Canst thou present any witnesses that can verify thy story, Midnight?”

“Neigh, I cannot.” I couldn’t help but grimace. I was not liking the direction this was going. Was I really under suspicion for the murder of the Archmagus? Such seemed insane, but that was where the questions were leading.

Thankfully I did not have to face this inquiry alone, for Mother had left the tower and approached us. She looked over the gathered group and scowled. “What transpires here?”

Magus Topaz brought herself to her full height as she spoke with an official voice. “I was about to ask the Lady Protector to take you, your daughter, and Knight-Magus Daylight into custody while a murder investigation is conducted.”

Mother bared her teeth in an unpleasant smile. “Thou dost overstep thyself, Gleaming. What is thine evidence? As my daughter no doubt explained, we came here to put out the fire and found Tempus already dead.”

“That is an opportunity to do the murder,” Topaz countered. “For all we know, you snuck into the tower and committed it yourself, possibly setting the fire to destroy the evidence of the foul deed.”

Mother scoffed at this. “Thou thinkest that I would be so stupid to commit a murder in such an obvious manner? If I murdered the Archmagus then I would have done so and then fled the tower, either using the spell that got us into the tower to start with, or snuck out with a simple illusion in order to avoid suspicion. ‘Twould have been utterly foolish of me to linger and put out the fire. Neigh, far better if I and my daughter were far away by the time the fire was put out and the body discovered.”

“She has a point,” Shadow conceded. “Sunbeam has conducted many murder investigations, and would know how to hide her involvement in one. I will need more evidence than mere happenstance before I can arrest the Grand Vizier of Equestria given the circumstances, and both her story and Midnight’s corroborate one another. They shall remain free until more evidence can be gathered.”

I had to wonder if Shadow’s reasoning was based purely on the evidence, or also on the fact she knew the both of us. I could think of a couple explanations for how things turned out that involved us being murderers, even if I knew them to be pure fantasy. Still, it struck me as profoundly unwise to voice those possibilities.

Topaz’s jaw squared at the announcement. “And what of Daylight? By your story, he was found in the tower, neigh? Surely he must be a suspect?”

Mother’s ear twitched. “Thou mustest think him a great fool to set a building on fire that he was still in.”

“‘Tis simple enough to explain,” Topaz pressed on. “If him and Tempus somehow came to blows, then ‘tis only natural that a noted pyromancer like Daylight would unleash great fires. Especially when he is relatively immune to his own flames. And given Tempus would have been no easy opponent to defeat, Daylight might have become desperate and have unleashed all his magic in an attempt to win the battle, resulting in the conflagration we saw. As for why he was found unconscious, mayhaps Tempus landed a final blow that disabled his foe, or he accidentally knocked himself out. The Archmagus might even have unleashed a death curse as Daylight overwhelmed him. The corpse will need to be studied to be sure.”

Mother snorted derisively. “A fine theory, but why would Daylight become so possessed as to assault an archmagus that was supporting his bid to replace him? It does not follow reason.”

Topaz rubbed her chin as she thought. “Unless Tempus was not going to support Daylight at the conclave. Finding out he was losing an essential ally at the conclave could have caused him to lose his temper and attack the Archmagus. Ponies have committed murder for less, after all.”

“Foolishness,” Mother bit back. “Tempus has stated publicly on multiple occasions he was supporting Daylight.”

A grin crept onto Topaz’s lips. “Except I was in discussions with Tempus about just that. He was not so solid of an ally as you thought. He was tired of you bullying him into holding a position he held no love for just so he could be replaced by your personal pick when the time came.”

“Mere hearsay or conjecture,” Mother objected. “I knew him to be a firm ally of mine. What weighs more heavily, the fact he stood with me for a decade and more, or the idea that he had a sudden last second change of heart? Neigh I say, thy theory does not hold up.”

Though I despised to speak in agreement with Mother, I had to add mine own thoughts. “I spoke with Tempus earlier tonight, and he gave me no indications he was changing sides.”

“So you both claim.” Topaz turned her gaze to Shadow. “Either way, I insist that Daylight be seized and interrogated while an investigation is conducted. Also, the Grand Vizier and her daughter should be confined to their quarters for the time being.”

“No such thing shall be done!” Mother snapped, and she stepped up until she was almost muzzle to muzzle with Topaz. “I am under nopony’s authority other than that of Her Highness. I know what thou art attempting, Topaz. Thou wouldst make us appear guilty before all when we have done nothing. Know that thou art dreadfully close to making me demand satisfaction from thee for thy accusations.”

Topaz rolled her eyes. “That would be thy way: to bully and threaten everypony else into submission. Such methods will not work here—there shall be a full and complete investigation into this incident, that I promise.”

Mother’s brow furrowed in a fierce scowl. “Oh, that there shall be. But thou wilt not—”

Shadow abruptly imposed herself between the two mares, pushing them both back with her considerable bulk. “That is enough bickering ‘tween you. ‘Tis clear that some foul deed has taken place here, and that it should be investigated. Considering the nature of the apparent crime, I will be leading the investigation.”

Mother turned her scowl on Shadow. “This is an internal matter ‘tween the magi. One of our members were slain.”

“And thy factions make any investigations thou mightest conduct prone to bias.” Shadow switched her gaze ‘tween both Mother and Topaz. “That is true of both of thee. I am the only neutral party here with the authority to properly look into this. Thus, I take command. Is that understood?”

Topaz inclined her head slightly. “Understood. Though I hope you will keep us informed on your findings?”

Shadow nodded. “As the facts become relevant, yes.”

Mother growled deep in her throat and drew her cloak closer to herself. “Very well. Though I like this not.”

“Thou dost not need enjoy it, merely abide,” Shadow told her. “In the meantime, I am placing Daylight into custody, and—”

“He has done nothing!” Mother interrupted with such anger that I was momentarily taken aback. “Whatever Topaz might think, he is innocent. That I swear!”

If Shadow was intimidated by Mother she did not show it in the least. “The facts are what they are. Daylight must give an account of what happened once he has regained consciousness, and I would interrogate him by myself before speaking with any of thee.”

“Very well then,” Mother grumbled. “If anything, I am sure Daylight’s account will shed much light on all of this.”

“We shall see,” Shadow said. “Also, I will be giving thee and Midnight a guard to watch over thee.”

Mother’s eyes narrowed. “To watch over us, or to keep us prisoner?”

“Thou wilt be allowed to go anywhere in the castle thou desire,” Shadow clarified. “But the facts are that one archmagus might have been assassinated, and I would not have the same done to thee.”

Shadow might have been speaking the truth, but I suspected there was more to it. Likely she also wanted to keep an eye on us and ensure we did not get into trouble. Especially where her investigation was concerned. I knew Mother would not take this matter lying down; Daylight was too important to her plans, and those plans were in serious jeopardy with the death of Archmagus Tempus. Though what exactly she planned to do now I could only guess.

“A guard would only be reasonable,” Mother eventually allowed, though there was clear reluctance in her tone. “One should be placed over the other archmagi as well. If there is a murderer, then likely they remain hidden among us.” Her gaze swept over the gathered ponies around us. A hundred and more potential suspects to go over. A whole city of suspects, even.

Shadow nodded. “Agreed.” She turned to the audience, and her voice boomed as she addressed them. “In the meantime, all of you go back to thy beds. This matter is in hoof.”

There was a general grumble from the gathered ponies, but they did slowly come to disperse, especially once Shadow’s guardponies started encouraging them to move along. Topaz herself didn’t waste any time and trotted away to some other business, no doubt. Mother took the opportunity presented by the lull to address Shadow. “So what dost thou plan now?”

“To do as I said,” Shadow said, “And find out what happened to Tempus. I hope I will have the cooperation of thy magi?”

The anger Mother had shown earlier was now gone, though whether that was because she now had her cholor under control or the anger had been a mere feint I did not know. “Of course, I would suggest getting the services of the other archmagi to aid thee in figuring out what happened. Each of them is more than capable in their own ways.”

“I will do so.” Shadow looked to a squad of her clanponies. “Find the other archmagi and tell them I wish to meet them here as soon as possible. Also find Dame White and tell her the same.” The squad saluted and went off to accomplish their tasks.

Mother watched as they left. “And I trust that whomever thou assignest to guard us will not be too onerous? There is a great deal of work to be done this night, and I do not need somepony getting in my way.”

“Just stay on the castle grounds,” Shadow groused. “Topaz is right in that some ponies will suspect thee of the murder. Thy reputation is of no aid in this.”

Mother scoffed and ran a hoof through her mane. “Then more the fools they will prove to be. In any event, take care of thine arrangements. I need to speak with my daughter.”

Shadow grunted and turned to her clanponies. I did not think she liked being dismissed so, but by now she was probably used to Mother being brisk with her every now and again.

Mother turned to me and cast a privacy spell before she spoke. “Midnight, I am assigning thee to find Tempus’ killer and prove Daylight’s innocence. I will be busy elsewhere.”

I tilted my head. “Me? You do not intend on dealing with this matter personally?” While I had expected to assist Mother in an investigation, going off to do the job by myself was a surprise.

Mother huffed as her eyes narrowed. “I would, but other matters demand mine attention.” She glared in the direction most of the gathered ponies had departed. “Topaz is going to take this opportunity to discredit Daylight and push ahead with the conclave so that she can be declared the winner.”

I blinked at this news. “Surely Tempus’ murder demands we delay the conclave?”

Mother shook her head. “That is what I will argue, but understand that Topaz and her supporters are hungry for power. They have been desperate to get one of their own promoted to archmagus, and now a priceless opportunity has dropped before them. Daylight is now being held by Shadow under suspicious circumstances; he cannot defend his honor against his enemies, and no doubt Topaz is spreading rumors to destroy Daylight’s reputation even as we speak. If I am not quick in getting ahead of her efforts, all I have worked for o’er the last decade will have been for naught.”

I scratched my cheek as I thought the matter over. If it was as dire as Mother believed then we could be in trouble politically. Even if I wondered about her priorities in this matter. Did she care more about the fact that Tempus had been murdered, or how it affected the conclave and her plans? “So she will push for the conclave to proceed? Can she accomplish such a thing and get herself elected archmagus?”

Mother huffed and tossed her mane. “Who can say during a crisis such as this? Ponies often act in a shortsighted and foolish manner when they are scared. They will be disturbed by Topaz’s lie that Daylight is the murderer, or else they will be frightened by an unknown murderer being free within our midsts. Either way it harms our cause.”

“Hence why you wish for me to discover the truth.”

“Indeed, and I need somepony I can trust implicitly to find whoever killed Tempus. And I know thou wilt not give up, whatever the barriers placed before thee.” Mother grinned fiercely. “Thou hast a singular talent for getting to the center of matters during thine investigations.”

I swelled with pride at Mother’s praise. “I will do my best.”

“I do not wish for thy best, I want success,” Mother chided lightly, puncturing some of the pride she had just filled me with. “Bring me whoever is responsible for this. I care not how ‘tis accomplished, but I need results and quickly. If Topaz is elected archmagus we could see our enemies multiply within the magi order. We cannot allow this.” She bared her teeth in a scowl. “That could even threaten thine own attempt to become archmagus someday.”

I tilted my head slightly. “And we want to find the murderer because ‘tis right and we desire justice for Archmagus Tempus, aye?”

Mother groaned and rolled her eyes. “Yes yes, and because of truth and justice and ‘tis our duty to do so.” She flicked her wrist for me to go. “Thou hast thy task, now see to it. I have mine own work to do.”

I inclined my head to her. “Very well Mother. I will do as you ask.” Thus I turned and started mine investigation to determine who slew an archmagus.

Author's Note:

Thanks to my editors Chengar Qordath and Comma-Kazie for all their help, and to my pre-readers Brony Writer, wolfstorm56, Trinary, 621Chopsuey, Rodinga, PoisonClaw, and Swiftest for their hard work editing.