• Published 17th Feb 2018
  • 5,059 Views, 166 Comments

The Fightin' Dragon - Phantom-Dragon

A MLP FIM/Them's Fightin' Herds Crossover. Spike goes on an adventure, in the world of Fœnum.

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The Start of Trouble

It was a nice sunny day in Ponyville. At Twilight's Friendship Castle, Starlight Glimmer was busy dusting the shelves, reorganizing some books, all the while reading a book on advanced magic, simultaneously.

It isn't a surprise, considering how magically gifted she is, for a unicorn. It also doesn't help for the fact that she is Princess Twilight's pupil. Speaking of who, Twilight is off on an important royal business, with Princess Celestia, somewhere beyond Equestria.

Thus, Starlight was left alone, to look after the castle. Well, not entirely alone. She has Spike to keep her company, as well as Twilight's pet owl, Owlowiscious. And of course, there's.....

"The Great and Powerful TRIXIE has arrived!" The unicorn magician declared dramatically, coupled with a flash of fireworks.

Starlight stopped her works entirely, as she rolled her eyes, and chuckled, "Trixie, do you always have to make a grand entrance?" Starlight asked.

"What can I say? I'm Great and Powerful," Trixie replied, with a smirk, before she teleported next to Starlight. "So, my Great and Powerful friend. What incredibly, awesome spells will we be mastering today?"

"I'd love to try out some spells with you, Trixie," Starlight began. "But I'm kinda in the middle of work, right now. I'll work with you, just as soon as I'm done."

"Ooh, then I'll help you!" Trixie beamed. "Isn't that what friends do? Besides, as they say, two horns are better than one!" With that, Trixie quickly went to work, hexing a broom nearby to sprout arms, before it began to carry two buckets. "Besides, as soon as we get this over with, the sooner we can try out some spells!" With that, Trixie's horn lit up, as she began to fire another spell, much to Starlight's horror.

"Trixie! WAIT!!" But too late. With a flash of light, the broom suddenly flew away from the unicorns, at a speed that rivals Rainbow Dash. The broom was flying out of control, as it bumps into every bookshelves in the library, knocking some books off their resting place, and onto the floor. Worse still, the books began to glow in Trixie's aura, as if her magic has spread to them, from the broom.

The books began to flap their bindings, as if they are wings, and they all emitted hissings and chitters from their pages, before they flew around the room, like a flock of bats.

"Starlight! Help!" Trixie grunted, trying her best to undo her mistake.

Quickly skimming through the book she was reading, Starlight found the answer. Concentrating into her magic, Starlight's horn glowed in a shimmering turquoise aura, before she reared up on her hind legs, and stomped her fore hooves down, emitting a bright flash of magic that filled the room.

With that, all the books in the room, including the broom, froze in place, before they dropped down, lifeless.

Just then, the door opened, and Spike walked in, with Thorax, "So you're saying that-What the hay?!" Spike exclaimed, as he and Thorax gawked at the state the library was in.

"Are we in the right room?" Thorax whispered to Spike.

"Who?" Owlowiscious hooted, when he poked his head out from the side.


After things got settled, the room was cleaned up, shelves dusted, and books back in place.

"Phew, that's a relief," Starlight sighed. "Imagine the look on Twilight's face when she gets back and finds her favorite library turned upside down. She'd have my horn!"

"That's crazy talk," Trixie waved off. "Twilight would never take your horn away."

"Yeah, besides, this is her favorite library #2," Spike answered. "Her favorite library #1 is at the Crystal Empire. If you messed that up, you'd be real trouble," In response, Trixie and Starlight both shot him a glare. "You're right, not helping," Spike smiled sheepishly, before he left the room to join Thorax.

"Anyway," Starlight turned back to Trixie, as she levitated some spell books. "What are you interested in today, Trix? The Art of Magic Fencing? Magic Kung-Fu? Magics for Dummies? Or Planter's Guide for Auras?"

"What about that book you were reading?" Trixie asked, pointing to the dark book, with an image of golden alicorn at the front.

"This old thing?" Starlight asked. "It's just an old book I found in the Castle of the Two Sisters. I'm just borrowing it to study the spells it contained."

"Well, let me see!" Trixie said, as she swiped the book away, and started to skim through the pages. "Ooh, these look good! We should try these!"

Starlight, however, had a look of disapproval on her face, "Trixie. You don't know what you're dealing with," Starlight warned. "Those spells could be dangerous, maybe even more powerful than you and me! You don't know what could happen if they go wrong!"

"Then it's a risk I'm willing to take," Trixie said boldly. "For nothing is too difficult for the Great and Powerful TRIXIE!!!!" Trixie hollered. "And her best friend, Starlight Glimmer. Besides, if anything goes wrong, we can fix it together! It's not like we've never done it before."

'Famous last words,' Starlight thought, still having a look of doubt, "Alright,"Starlight muttered, "But I know that I'm going to regret it."

With that, Trixie and Starlight both looked through the pages, before they settled on one, "Ooh! Dimensional Doorway!" Trixie reads. "This looks cool!" (Deja vu: See IDW Legends of Magics #1)

Starlight examined the spell, before she had a horrified look, "Trixie! That's one of the most advanced spells of all time!" She said, fearfully. "Even I can't do it!"

"You can't," Trixie replied, before her horn glowed in a pink aura. "But the Great and Powerful Trixie CAN!!!"

"Trixie! I'm warning you-" Too late. With another burst of magic, a large magical hole was opened before the girls, showing them of a distant land, that's completely foreign to them.

"Whoa," The girls gasped in awe, together.

"You actually did it," Starlight said.

"Obviously," Trixie smirked, smugly. "Was there ever any doubt?" Starlight opened her mouth, "Don't answer that."

Then, the doors opened up, as Spike and Thorax stepped in, "Hey girls, what's up?" Spike asked.

"We just heard a loud noise and came to make sure you're okay," Thorax added.

"Oh, we're okay," Starlight answered. "But check this out!"

"Holy guacamole!" Spike exclaimed, as he went up to the portal. "You did this?" He asked.

"Sure did," Trixie said, proudly. "The Great and Powerful TRIXIE has succeeded in mastering the Dimensional Doorway!"

"Whooooooo," Owlowiscious hooted in awe.

"Yes, that's great and all," Starlight began. "But I think it's time we closed the portal now," Starlight was about to close the portal, only to be stopped by Trixie.

"No, wait!" Trixie said. "Why should we close it now? Just a few more minutes for me to bask in the doorway of my triumph!"

"Bad idea, Trixie," Starlight shook her head in disapproval. "We've got to close it now. Who knows what could come through the portal?"

"Oh, don't be such a worry wart," Trixie frowned.

"Um, actually," Spike spoke up. "Now's a good idea," He pointed to show the portal acting strangely, as it was contorting, in a rather odd way.

"What the hay?" Trixie looked in confusion. "What's it doing?"

"I don't know!" Starlight said. "Quickly! Close it!"

With that, Trixie complied, as her horn began to lit up. But nothing happened, "I can't!" Trixie groaned. "It's too strong! I can't close it!"

Starlight frowned, "See? It's like I told you!!"

"AH!! Girls! Thorax! Help!!" Spike screamed, as he suddenly began to float in mid-air, and proceeded to be sucked in.

"SPIKE!!" Everyone, except Owlowiscious, shouted.

"Hold on, Spike!" Thorax buzzed his wings to action. "I got ya!" With that, Thorax transfigured himself into a giant bug-like creature of himself, and held Spike by the claw. "Hold on!" Thorax grunted.

"I AM!!" Spike shouted.

Then, the book that Starlight was reading flew up in the air, "The book!" Starlight shouted, holding her hoof out, to no avail.

The book flew right into Spike, breaking his grip with Thorax's.

"SPIIIIIIKEEE!!!" Thorax screamed, as he tries to go after his dragon friend, but for some reason, was ejected.

Then, in a flash of light, Spike and the book, disappeared.

Starlight, Trixie, and Thorax stood, eyes widened, in an awkward silence.

"We are so dead," Starlight finally spoke.

"Who who," Owlowiscious hooted.