• Published 17th Feb 2018
  • 21,302 Views, 315 Comments

A World of Matchsticks - Vedues

There's a reason why Celestia never uses her true power.

  • ...

Everything around her burns

Celestia beat her wings steadily as she scanned the foothills beneath her. It was a rough patch of land that Chrysalis had chosen for their meeting. Sandy dirt covered the ground, broken up by the occasional gnarled tree. She could see one small river, but it was clear that this was a desert, and the beating sun overhead left no doubt. There wasn’t a sign of civilization around for miles. Hundreds of miles, to be precise. The only point of reference was a long chain of mountains going from horizon to horizon.

No wonder Chrysalis had chosen this place to hide.

The Princess of the Sun looked back at the two pegasus guards who had accompanied her. The heat was making them both sweat, but they stoically ignored it and continued to scan the ground below, looking for threats. Celestia slowed to a hover. “Thank you both for accompanying me here. Remain vigilant; Chrysalis has betrayed our trust before.”

The guards both nodded and said, “Yes, princess.”

The trio came down for a landing amid the desert brush. A few small lizards scrambled away from them, but all was calm otherwise.

Her guards did a remarkable job of appearing relaxed and professional, but Celestia could see the slight tension all over their bodies. They were afraid, as any reasonable creature should be when confronting a foe like Chrysalis. The two of them couldn’t possibly defeat her if she chose to attack. It would take unbelievable luck to even annoy her.

Celestia could have brought several legions of guards with her, but she knew numbers wouldn’t make a difference. It would only give Chrysalis more victims to drain. Besides, Chrysalis had sent that letter begging for a chance to surrender and show that she was ready to be reformed. Arriving with an army wouldn’t exactly send the right message.

And so Celestia stood among the dirt and plants, with a mere two guards, tossing the dice yet again that an old foe could become a new friend. “Chrysalis,” she called, “I’ve come as you requested. Allow me to be the first to welcome you as a citizen of Equestria.”

“A mere citizen?” a voice echoed around them, seemingly coming from everywhere and nowhere at once. “Is that really the kind of honor a queen deserves?”

Those weren’t the words of a repentant villain. Celestia wasn’t surprised. “And what kind of honor did you have in mind?” She asked. “I am certain we would be able to grant you what you deserve.” Like a future as a petrified lawn ornament.

There was a flash of light, and Chrysalis appeared in front of the group. Green energy surrounded her like a sickly halo, so powerful that the plants around her began to wither. “A queen deserves respect,” Chrysalis said, her lips pulling back to reveal sharp teeth. “Such as all those of lesser rank bowing in her presence.”

Definitely not the words of a repentant villain. “Respect for a title must be earned or it is meaningless. Wouldn’t you agree?”

Chrysalis smirked. “Then allow me to earn it.” Her eyes began to glow. “Bow.

The word slammed into Celestia and her guards like a physical thing. Both guards buckled under its weight, dropping to the ground. Even Celestia felt her legs tremble slightly.

“I believe I’ll remain standing,” Celestia said as casually as she could. Showing any weakness would be a dangerous mistake. “You seem as though you’re eating well. Was it anyone I would know?” Chrysalis could never pass up the opportunity to brag, and any information about her victims would help when it came time to rescue them.

Chrysalis glared at her for a moment, then her anger evaporated back into that smug expression she’d been wearing before. “A whole town of your precious little ponies about a day’s flight from here.”

Celestia wasn’t familiar with any towns in the area. She made a mental note to seek it out with an army of relief workers as soon as things were finished here.

The queen’s smile turned feral. “Do you know the best way to bring out the love in ponies? Feed off one of them while the others are forced to watch. Their love grows so strong as they watch their friends and family scream in pain.” She licked her lips. “It makes them all the more delicious to consume next.”

The two guards slowly pushed themselves off the ground, glaring daggers at the changeling queen. They were too disciplined to speak up or break formation, but Celestia could see the muscles standing out all over their bodies as pure hatred flashed in their eyes. She knew they’d gladly attack Chrysalis right then, even knowing she would defeat them both.

Celestia extended her wings and touched each of the guards on the shoulder. “Return to the outpost as quickly as you can,” she said. “I will meet you there shortly.”

“But princess,” one of them said, “we can’t-”

“Go,” Celestia said firmly. “I will be fine.”

The guards exchanged unsure looks, but then they bowed.

“As you wish, your highness.”

“Please be careful, princess.”

They took to the sky, flapping hard.

Chrysalis watched the whole display silently, her eyes narrowed in thought. “What are you planning?” she asked at last.

“It’s clear that you have no intention of being reformed,” Celestia said. “That letter was just an attempt to isolate me from my allies. I thought I would cut to the chase.”

“By falling into my trap of your own free will?” Chrysalis asked. “Or did you send your guards away so that you could beg for your life in private?”

Celestia laughed. “Hardly.” She shook her head. “No, I walked into your trap because you finally managed to outmaneuver yourself.”

“And what do you mean by that, oh wise and mighty one?” Chrysalis asked with a frown.

“I mean that you now have precisely two options. One, you can surrender and come peacefully.” Celestia closed her eyes and drank in a tiny bit of the sun’s power, a fraction so small as to be insignificant, but it was still enough to make the plants around her burst into flame. “Or two,” she opened her eyes, “I take you back by force.”

“Oh, come now,” Chrysalis said like she was scolding a foal. “You expect threats to frighten me? I’m far more powerful now than I was when I defeated you in Canterlot.”

“I am aware.” Celestia smiled in a way that was very different from her usual, motherly grin. This expression had more in common with Chrysalis’s feral sneer, but laced with something akin to hunger. “It would be my pleasure to repay you for that.”

“As you wish,” Chrysalis said, widening her stance. “Perhaps your sister will see reason and surrender when I drop your withered husk at her hooves.”

Celestia’s smile grew larger. “Force it is.” She spared a glance at her retreating guards. They were still too close. She would have to hold back a while longer. Her glance served the double purpose of giving Chrysalis a seemingly clear opening for an attack.

Chrysalis didn’t disappoint. She lunged forward, covering the distance between them in a single leap. It would’ve taken Celestia completely by surprise if she hadn’t been watching out of the corner of her eye.

She swept her wings forward and then back, creating a stream of wind as powerful as a hurricane that pushed diagonally back from her in either direction. Chrysalis’s own forward momentum just made things worse for her. She flew past Celestia and smashed into the dirt beyond, sliding face-first through a gnarled tree before she ground to a halt.

Chrysalis pushed herself upright, spitting dirt and wood fragments to the ground below. “You’ll pay for that.”

Celestia kept quiet and brought her wings up again.

The sickly aura around Chrysalis pulled up into her horn. Celestia barely had time to cast a shield before the attack spell hit her. Or rather, the spell hit everything in front of Chrysalis, Celestia included. It was less a beam of destructive energy than a tidal wave of it, shredding and dissolving everything in its path.

Chrysalis hadn’t been kidding when she said that she was even more powerful than when they fought in Canterlot. Celestia’s shield nearly buckled, and she knew only a fraction of the spell’s force was even hitting her. She narrowed her eyes and poured more magic into her shield.

“Have you had enough?” Chrysalis yelled over the roar of her magic. “Surrender now, and I might be satisfied with only kicking your teeth in.”

Celestia didn’t dignify that with a response. She just focused on strengthening her shield.

The wave of magic abruptly cut off, revealing a very smug Chrysalis standing at the end of a wide trench that had been burned into the countryside. “Actually, don’t surrender. It’s more fun this way.” She whipped her head forward and released a thin beam of power.

Celestia’s shield shattered when it hit. There wasn’t even a struggle; the beam simply punched through her defenses like a rock going through glass. The magical feedback hit like a buck to the forehead, snapping her head back as a gasp escaped her lips.

Then she felt pain light up her side. It went from her chest to her flank, like someone had stabbed into her with a knife and ripped it down the entire length of her body.

Something slammed into her, another tidal wave of green energy. She didn’t have time to create a shield before it hurled her backwards, tumbling over and over again through a sea of biting energy until she hit something solid. The air was forced from her lungs at the impact, and the rumble of breaking stone rose over the ongoing hiss of magic.

Through the pain, Celestia reflected that she’d underestimated Chrysalis yet again. This kind of magical strength was leagues above anything the changeling queen had shown in the past. She grit her teeth as the spell continued to pound into her, crushing her ribs even as it tore the hair from her skin.

The magical assault suddenly cut off, and a dark shape blurred toward her, horn lowered.

Celestia ducked at the last possible moment, kicking up with all four legs so that Chrysalis was knocked up into the mountain Celestia had been resting against. Or what was left of it after Chrysalis’s assault. Some part of Celestia’s mind appreciated the irony of Chrysalis making a rock wall only to fly head first into it. A quick teleport brought Celestia to a safe distance. She poured magic into her horn and jabbed it forward.

A radiant beam of power shot from her horn in response, pulverizing rock and smashing Chrysalis farther into the damaged mountain. Celestia held still, brow scrunched in concentration as she poured out even more magic, tearing away at the mountain’s base until the entire front half of it collapsed.

There were no words to describe the sound, if it could even be called a sound. It was more like a force, a solid wall that grabbed hold of Celestia and shook her like a rag doll. Even the ground seemed to dance like water as the overwhelming noise of the collapse filled the area.

But Celestia wasn’t stupid enough to believe that it would finish her opponent off. She spread her wings and prepared another shield spell.

A blast of green came from the mountain of rubble, hurling stones and dirt in all directions. “I’m going to enjoy making you beg for mercy,” Chrysalis said, emerging from the crater she’d just made. Powdery dust covered her, but otherwise, she looked absolutely fine. Not even a scratch marred her chitin. She turned to Celestia and grinned cruelly. “Now then, time to stop playing around.” Her horn lit up once more.

Celestia didn’t know what was coming next, but it was safe to assume that it would be something bad, and the burning pain along her side reminded her not to underestimate Chrysalis’s magic. She jumped to the side as her shield sprang into existence.

It was a good thing she did both, because Chrysalis disappeared in a flash of green magic and reappeared just above where Celestia had been standing a moment earlier. Her hooves slammed into the ground with such force that it threw dozens of stones into the air, leaving them to rain down on the already devastated battlefield.

Another wave of green energy followed less than a second later, this one even stronger than the last. Celestia felt herself sliding backwards as her shield slowly buckled from strain.

Then something crashed into her from above, crushing her overtaxed shield and hitting her in the back so hard that her legs gave out.

“Surprise,” Chrysalis said.

Celestia looked up and saw the changeling queen standing over her, both forelegs resting on Celestia’s shoulders and a smug look on her face. That was all she had time to see, though, because one of Chrysalis’s hooves slammed into the back of her head and knocked her face into the rocky ground beneath them.

Something pulled one of her wings out straight. “I think I’ll start with these,” Chrysalis cooed. There was a wrenching sound, and everything dissolved into agony.

Celestia’s back arched, her vision blurred, and a raw, primal scream tore its way out of her throat.

“One dislocated wing.”

The agony doubled, but she couldn’t scream. There wasn’t any air in her lungs.

“Two dislocated wings.”

Something crunched into her side, knocking her onto her back and jarring both wings. Celestia’s vision swam. She didn’t even have the strength to resist when Chrysalis sat down on her stomach and pinned both of her forelegs with magic.

“Let’s see,” Chrysalis said. “Should break off your horn? Knock out your teeth? Gouge out your eyes? So many options.”

Celestia blinked to clear her sight. Over Chrysalis’s shoulder, she saw two specks in the distance. Her guards. They were finally out of range.

A smile worked its way across her face, in spite of the pain, and she called out to the sun. Heat exploded from her body in response, so intense that the air shimmered and plants all around the area burst into flame. Even her mane and tail changed, becoming pieces of living fire.

“That’s the best you can manage?” Chrysalis asked with a sneer. “Did you forget that changelings are almost immune to heat? A bit of fire is nothing.” She lifted a hoof and brought it crashing down at Celestia’s face.

But it didn’t hurt her. In fact, she barely felt it.

Chrysalis pulled her hoof back with a wince. “I always knew you had a thick skull.”

Celestia couldn’t help it, she laughed. “You really don’t understand, do you?”

“Understand what?” Chrysalis lit up her horn. “That you’re about to die?”

Fire and magic exploded out from all over Celestia’s body, hurling Chrysalis into the air. Celestia rolled over and pushed herself up. She winced a little as her wings popped back into their sockets and the cut along her side stitched itself back together. She flexed her wings experimentally. The pain was gone, and everything seemed to be in working order.

Chrysalis snarled, hovering in the air above, and released another beam of magic.

A shield appeared around Celestia, easily holding the attack at bay. She pulled in more of the sun’s energy, more than she’d let herself taste in centuries. The golden jewelry she wore melted into slag, dripping off her body to mix with the molten rock forming beneath her hooves. Fires burst into existence all over the countryside, pouring black smoke into the air.

Celestia smiled as she felt the magic roaring through her veins. Goosebumps appeared all over her skin in spite of the heat, and her smile became a laugh. She felt so alive! It was like her body had to laugh just to use up some of the overwhelming power that filled her.

Another beam of magic roared down at her. Celestia let the attack wash over her, doing little more than disturbing her fiery mane.

“H-how?” Chrysalis sputtered. “How did you suddenly become this powerful?”

“What you don’t understand,” Celestia said, “is that I have always been this powerful.” She lit up her horn, and a flat shield appeared over Chrysalis, swatting her down like an enormous fly.

The changeling queen splashed down in the partially melted rock around Celestia and kept going, plowing through layer after layer of stone until she disappeared completely.

Celestia reared back and stomped, shooting earth magic into the ground. She ripped her forelegs apart and tore a deep fissure into the earth. Chrysalis lay at the bottom, covered in molten rock. Her body had withstood the heat surprisingly well. Even her mane and tail had survived.

Another teleport brought Celestia down to her level. Her empowered limbs grabbed the changeling queen and slammed her into the stone wall, which was already melting from Celestia’s body heat.

Chrysalis gasped in pain, her eyes filling with fear.

Celestia was past caring. Her lip curled back into a sneer. “I feel like I live in a world made of matchsticks. I can never lose control, never use my true power, even for a moment, or everything around me burns. Everyone around me burns.” She delivered a blow into the underside of Chrysalis’s chin, smashing her up through the wall of the fissure and into the sky beyond.

Celestia pushed off, shattering the stone beneath her as she closed the distance with her foe. “My whole life, I’ve watched monsters like you attack the ponies that trust me with their safety!” She delivered another uppercut, and a sonic boom shook the air as Chrysalis was knocked even higher.

“My whole life, I had to avoid fighting them, because I would cause more destruction than they ever did!” Celestia’s pegasus magic reached out, creating a storm more powerful than any hurricane. The smoke from below was swept up into the black clouds, blending everything into a sea of ash and dust.

Chrysalis was almost invisible against the omnipresent darkness. Almost. Her bluish mane and tail told Celestia exactly where the changeling queen was. She was falling back to the earth.

Celestia didn’t know why her opponent wasn’t flying, and she didn’t care. The hurricane lit up with a display of lightning that few could imagine. Blinding light filled the countryside, and the air shook with deafening thunder.

Chrysalis somehow managed to bring up a shield and protect herself from the worst of the onslaught, but it also distracted her long enough for Celestia to teleport above her. A blast of magic sent Chrysalis careening into and through the nearest mountain, spraying dirt, rocks, and burning plants into the air.

Celestia teleported again, laughing uncontrollably as her foe rolled end over end across the valley before grinding to a halt at her hooves. “I can’t use my power without destroying everything around me for miles, but then,” she laughed harder, “you asked me to meet you where there wasn’t anything around for miles!” She gripped the queen’s mane in her magical aura and pulled her up so they could look each other in the eyes. “Finally, finally, I had the chance to stand up and protect my subjects with my real power.” She drank in more of the sun’s power, so much that even Chrysalis’s chitin began to crack and burn. “Finally, I could stop holding back!”

“P-pl-please,” Chrysalis gasped, trying to shield her face behind a quivering foreleg. Cracks and fractures covered her chitin, seeping rancid smoke that Celestia knew was her evaporated blood.

“… And you couldn’t even make this interesting for me.” Celestia sighed and dropped the changeling queen into the molten earth beneath her. She paused and looked around at the destroyed land that had been her battlefield, if only for a few moments.

The sky was completely dark, a mixture of storm clouds, ash, and the constant flicker of lightning. A dry, scorching wind howled across the land, bringing the stench of fire and the steely taste of electricity. Somehow, the land itself was even worse, a marsh of glowing red lava, broken up by shattered rock and the blackened husks of trees and plants. Small rivers of molten rock flowed into the fissure she’d made. Perhaps it was just the angle, but to Celestia, it looked like a bloody mouth, open in a silent scream.

Last of all, she looked down at Chrysalis. The changeling queen looked dead, or very near to it. Most of her body had already disappeared into a pool of lava, but the chitin across her chest and forelegs was cracked, shattered, or missing entirely. Her mane and tail were burnt beyond recognition. The tip of her horn had been ripped off at some point. Her jaw was obviously broken, and the teeth within all chipped or missing. Three of her legs were bent at unnatural angles, and the tattered remains of her wings fluttered weakly against the lava that she was slowly sinking into. Only her eyes remained untouched, and bits of steam lifted from the corners of them.

Tears. The once-great conqueror was sobbing quietly, too injured to even wail.

It should have felt good to hurt Chrysalis, to make her pay for all the suffering she’d caused, but it didn’t.

Slowly, mournfully, Celestia pushed away the sun’s might. Her heartbeat slowed. The goosebumps on her skin calmed. Even the fire of her mane and tail disappeared, replaced by the gentler shades her ponies knew. She felt … cold, less alive, but more in control.

“I don’t suppose you can understand,” Celestia said, approaching the broken queen, “but I would let myself be defeated a thousand times over to protect my ponies from this.” She waved a wing at the destruction she’d caused.

Chrysalis’s eyes slowly focused on her. The lava spread over the top of her chest as she continued to sink. “H-hel-p,” she choked, weakly lifting her one good foreleg toward Celestia.

“Why?” Celestia ignored the limb, her expression hard. “Countless ponies have begged you for mercy, and yet you showed none. Give me a single good reason to save your life.”

Real fear filled Chrysalis’s eyes. She choked out a sob, then another, and another as her neck sank into the lava inch by inch. But she never offered a reason that her life should be spared. Celestia could see in her eyes that she didn’t have one.

The lava had reached Chrysalis’s jaw. She gave one last burst of energy, barely more than a flop, and then lay still, too weak to do anything other than weep steamy tears as she sank into oblivion.

Celestia stared down at her. It would be so easy to turn and leave now, ending the queen’s threat for good. Or she could blast off Chrysalis’s head, a mercy killing to keep her from having to drown in molten rock. Yes, a mercy killing. Celestia was even sure that she’d be able to look at herself in the mirror afterwards.

Except that she wouldn’t be able to look at her subjects.

Twilight, Raven, Kibitz, and countless others. Even those two guards whose names she didn’t know. None of them would let Chrysalis die like this. They’d be horrified if they knew that anyone was willing to do such a thing.

Celestia slumped in defeat and lit up her horn. Magic surrounded Chrysalis, gently lifting her into the air.

The sound of her crying changed, going from hopeless to relieved, perhaps even grateful.

Celestia walked past her captive without looking at her. “Don’t misunderstand,” she said quietly. “I didn’t save you just now; my subjects did. The same subjects you’ve assaulted time and time again.” She finally turned to Chrysalis, and her expression softened. “That eternal willingness to forgive seems so foolish at times, but without it, they wouldn’t be the ponies I love.” She shook her head. “Perhaps one day it will touch your heart as well.”

Then she took to the air, carrying Chrysalis behind her as she flew toward the guard outpost in the distance.

Comments ( 315 )


Thanks, it was just something bouncing around in my head that I finally got around to writing.

Ah the Superman "I live in a world made of cardboard" speech. Well done.

Yeah, I couldn't help myself.

do not. fuck with. the unchallenged sun.

Yeah, I knew from the title you were going to beeline for the trope, but I didn't think you'd just plain rip off the speech.

Always had a liking for this take on Celestia and her powers. Quiet fitting for the princess of the sun.

Ze1a7in #8 · Feb 17th, 2018 · · 1 ·


The inevitable fanfic.

Apparently not, but I'm glad it made you happy. :twilightsmile:

Can't really argue with that. This fic actually started as me wondering why other people hadn't done it first. Granted, they probably have, but I can't seem to find any.

HOLY SMOKES! :pinkiegasp: This is one of the greatest things I've ever read! It had my attention from the start, but when the action started I was HOOKED. Celestia' s transformation was a great scene. I could easily picture it in my mind while I read it. Same with her decimation of Chryssy afterwards. You have a lot of talent. Thank you for the wonderful story.

Thank you, really. Your comment just made my day.

And this is precisely why Celestia going Nightmare would be far, far more terrifying than Nightmare Moon.

Holy f:yay:ing s:yay:. That was, without a doubt, one of the best full-power Celestia fics I have ever read. Liked, faved, and following. Have a mustache, you earned it. :moustache:

“Why?” Celestia ignored the limb, her expression hard. “Countless ponies have begged you for mercy, and yet you showed none. Give me a single good reason to save your life.”

Wow, that's a side of Celestia I would like to see more often and reminds me of CannedCream's video of "War and Piece"

Whatever did happened to the villains that had to have appeared during her 1000 years alone.

Emtu #17 · Feb 18th, 2018 · · 1 ·

The funny thing is, that probably wasn't even full power.


Dunno why I thought of that XD

Ahhh... the TRUE Celestia is revealed! >=3 or should I say DAYBREAKER!! XD

Zobeid #20 · Feb 18th, 2018 · · 15 ·

It is apparent that a lot of people really like this comic book stuff. I've got to say, though, that this is just about 180° diametric opposite of my headcanon about Celestia and Luna. I've never wanted to see them as some sort of demigods.

This isn't even my final form.

Darkseid VS Superman, MLP Edition. Nuff said.

Maybe they should have fought in outer space...

I have chills

Well done, I've always liked the theory that Celestia is able to be kidnapped and subdued by these various threats due to her own power being strong enough to melt the castle or ignite the atmosphere if she doesn't keep it in check. I'm reminded of a few quotes from another story that hint at this kind of power without showing it outright:

The crown was also chucked unceremoniously into the pile of cushions. Sometimes, she hated the damnable thing. It was tacky, it was gaudy, and in moments of temper, she had a tendency to cause gold to melt. Of course, in moments of severe temper, even the rocks melted, which was why it was so important to be patient and serene.

Little ponies could melt too.

Celestia didn’t want to have to bring back orbital bombardment—the last time she had done it, the maps of the known world had to be rewritten and there was a lot of new coastline that had to be accounted for. Plus, asteroids were so difficult to aim properly. It was more of a crapshoot, really.

Pretty sure this exact same story with the exact same setting (Celestia and Chrysalis meeting, fighting, Celestia doing the "cardboard" speech) has already been done. Several times.

Though this one does seem to be better written and have a more satisfying ending. Thanks for the read!

If we take Celestia's most common 'fan title' of sol invictus (borrowed from the late Roman sun god and patron of soldiers) and treat it as a surname we get this: Celestia Sol Invictus. Translated directly and without heed for grammar etc. to mean Heavenly Sun Invincible or more accurately Heavenly Unconquered Sun.

I'd say she lives up to the name quite well, not only in battle or on the throne but also in spirit. I'd be willing to bet that Celly here was the original bearer of Loyalty given her final decision; staying true to what her subjects would have wanted even when she wants something diametrically opposed to that, even when she believes that doing so might be in their direct interest. This is how a true leader should act.

PS: Princess Celestia ruled, alone, what amounts to the primary political power in the known world for one thousand years, she is the Unconquered Sun. How exactly did Chrysalis foresee this going any other way?

yeah. pretty much it was like 60 at most

I figured other people would've done it as well. I just couldn't find any examples. Still, I'm glad you enjoyed it, even if the premise was less than original.

Thanks for the interesting tidbits about language there. I've always enjoyed stuff like that, and it was cool to see your analysis.

Great reference to the "World of Cardboard" speech, and my second favorite Chryssi beat down. She blows up in number 1 and is regressed to and egg in 3.

They certainly have. I remember reading at least one of these.

That said, it's a pretty thin straw to cling to at this point.

Very good handling of the scene of superman vs darkseid i like it

If you are willing, could you share it?


I've seen it used in other stories, but not as a standalone story.


What story(ies?) are those quotes from?

Celestia actually wielded Magic, Kindness and Generosity. Luna was the bearer of Laughter, Loyalty and Honesty, which when you think of it only makes her fall that much more damning for how she perceived her situation and the perceived betrayal of Celestia's loyalty to her to push her over the edge to break those bonds...

It all makes sense now! :pinkiegasp:

Both are from The Sun Also Surprises by kudzuhaiku. While it is part of a much larger set of stories it's a pretty decent jumping in point and doesn't rely much on earlier entries.

Anyone who has seen "A Royal Problem" knows this is true....well true that she seriously holds back, not so sure about destroying everything like in the fic.

This is absolutely my head-cannon! Looking forward to more.
Keep up the good work. Deus tecum.

This is my jam :pinkiehappy:

Yep, I think you'd like my fic. Void Runner was kind enough to link to it. 8741859

It is always good to see Celestia in top form. Power on a mythological scale, tempered by compassion and control. And given the chance to cut loose. This was a very enjoyable little story, no doubt! Thank you for writing it, I had fun reading it.

Well, oddly enough I agree with almost all of your little rant. I guess I am Quibble Pants, since I sometimes feel like seasons 1 & 2 are the only real MLP, and everything after that is some kind of weird fever dream. Admittedly, sometimes it's been fun, but it just doesn't seem to mesh with what came before, and a lot of the developments that you complained about rubbed me the wrong way too.

However… I'm still not convinced about Celestia and Luna as gods or demigods. I just don't like it. I think they're much more interesting characters as ponies than as deities.

There was one line I started looking for that I didn't see, after saying she could cut loose.

"But you, you can take it, can't you."

Yeah, it struck me as odd that Daybreaker says, in essence, "You know you're powerful enough that you don't need anyone's help," and then Celestia never argued with her. Ever since then, I've wondered if Celestia really has been holding back, and if so, why.

Thanks, I'll go give it a read now.

My other headcannon for Celestia is that she isn't really much more powerful than an elite unicorn like Twilight, but a thousand years of rule has transformed her into something of a deity in the public consciousness. Celestia in this version doesn't do anything to encourage the misconception, but she doesn't go out of her way to disprove it either, since most other countries would think twice about attacking a nation with a (supposed) demigod in charge. In some ways, I actually prefer that headcannon. It makes Celestia into a pony who can't live up to her own reputation as a perfect ruler, but she does her best regardless, because she feels like that's what her subjects deserve.

It was actually there in earlier drafts, but it felt a little out of place, since Chrysalis obviously can't take the sort of abuse that Celestia can dish out.

The more you know!
That actually makes more sense given the sheer display of power (Magic), followed by her mercy (Generosity) due to her desire to make sure to be an exemplar of/for her subjects (Kindness).

You could argue that the last two apply equally in both situations, that she was being generous to her subjects and kind to Chrysalis and it'd still work too.

And yes, that the bearer of loyalty would ultimately betray those closest to her is tragic, but also a reminder that loyalty isn't a one-way street. Luna serves as perhaps the ultimate example of what happens when someone feels that their loyalty has not been adequately repaid and chooses to take what they deserve by force.

PS: The link text is decidedly less SFW than the image

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