• Published 10th Jun 2018
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Bleach: Heart of a Hero - Blackdrag-rose

Sombra was defeated, but his soul survived and traveled to a new world. He joins Ichigo and his friends as they invade Soul Society in an attempt to save another... while trying to remember his long forgotten past and who he really is.

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Fake Karakura: Battle of the Kings

Sombra stood on one of the remaining fragments of the large crystal that he had used to impale Yammy mere moments ago, a small fragment since it was the size of a small boulder, and surveyed what his friends and allies were up to, making sure that all of them were ready for what they were about to do. True to his word he was giving them some time to rest and recover from the various fights they had been in, allowing both Grimmjow and Ulquiorra to drop out of their Resurreccions and take on their normal forms again, though Ulquiorra had to go back to his palace to get some new clothing, since his Segunda Etapa form shredded most of his attire to pieces. The remaining Arrancar rested as well, though Nel followed after Ulquiorra and asked about her old chambers, where she found that Tier Harribel, the current Tres Espada that preferred to go by Harribel, had kept part of her palace the same way that it had been when Nel was in charge, along with an area that contained the last set of her attire, kept by Harribel as a reminder of who came before her. While that happened Orihime used her Soten Kisshun to mend Ichigo's body and reversed the damage that Ulquiorra had caused to the jacket of his Bankai attire, though she did the same thing to Zangetsu as well, since his attire had mirrored the damage that Ichigo's had taken... though Zangetsu sighed and reverted back to his base state, revealing that he could look like a Hollow version of Ichigo's base Shinigami state, something that still annoyed him as he slipped his large Shikai blade onto his back.

Fortunately it was Grimmjow that had the solution, as he disappeared for a moment and returned baring a set of his own attire, with the open jacket that he preferred to wear, and Zangetsu smiled as he switched into something new, as this allowed him to further separate himself from Ichigo. Ulquiorra returned seconds later, wearing his own attire once more, and Nel flashed into the area behind him, wearing her customized uniform once again, one that Sombra found to be a tight fitting long sleeved shirt with shoulder pads and puffy cuffs. He also noticed that the uniform had a black line starting at Nel's collar and went down the left side of her chest, before heading off to the side, and that there were two thin black sashes around her waist, one of which held her Zanpakuto.

Once they had returned the Arrancar gathered together, likely because they were interested in what they were going to be doing next, though Sombra glanced over to the Shinigami that were standing nearby, as they had remained silent for the most part and had said nothing to him since he beat Yammy. From what he could see Captain Mayuri was pissed about not being able to gain any study material while he was here, anything exciting since Sombra had okayed a few specimens to be gifted to the scientist, ones that Szayelaporro had no trouble letting go of, and the experimental Garganta equipment he had found in the ruined lab had been confiscated by Szayelaporro, ruining his mood. Captain Unohana actually seemed happy about the fact that so many lives had been saved, thanks to Sombra gaining control of the situation that had unfolded before them, while Zaraki, on the other hand, seemed a tab bit annoyed that he wasn't able to fight him at all, as Sombra had politely declined to fight him, in favor of saving his strength for Aizen. Byakuya, however, may have been wearing the same expression he had been wearing since his arrival in this world, but Sombra could tell that the fact that none of them could feel his reiatsu bothered the Captain, as it told him that he was on an entirely different level than what he and the others were on. The remaining Lieutenants and Hanataro were also shocked by what had transpired over the last few moments, but they remained silent and watched what was going on with some interest, as they had no idea what was going to happen next.

Sombra found himself reflecting on the thought of his power once more, as he glanced down at his right arm for a moment and stared at his armored hand, because while he had been assuming that the combined powers of his Bankai and his Resurreccion would have been wonderful he hadn't been expecting this. The release of his full power had pushed him to the level that Grimmjow and the others talked about, the level of the Dios Hueco, and now he stood on a level that only one other individual had stood on before, the previous Hollow that had the honor of ascending to this state, before their demise when they attacked Soul Society. Thanks to this he had no idea just how strong his attacks were and how destructive they could be, despite Yammy giving him a good first glimpse at what he was capable of, and he eventually sighed as he focused his mind for a few moments, first to recreate the elegant mirror from before and let it float near him, as he would need it later, before allowing a silver aura to wrap around him as he sealed both of his Zanpakuto once more, but even then he could tell that his base power had been boosted to a new level, putting him far beyond what he was originally capable of. He guessed that when the chosen Hollow reached this point, and ascended to being the Dios Hueco, their power was pushed to a point that only a few could even dream about, meaning that he would likely need some time training before he fully mastered his new power.

He glanced up after doing that and found that everyone was looking at him, the Arrancar awaiting their orders, his friends waiting to see what he did next, and the Shinigami wondering if he was going to remain on their side or turn against him now that there was no one that could best him, save possibly Yamamoto, before he decided that they were all ready for what he had planned.

"Since it appears that everyone is ready, I'll tell you what we're going to do." Sombra said, finding that all of them were silent, keeping their mouths shut until he finished explaining what the plan was, to which he continued with his brief explanation, "We're going to go to the World of the Living, stop the war between Soul Society and Aizen, save as many of the Arrancar as we can, and then I'm going to deal with Aizen. It's as simple as that."

"Except you're forgetting one small detail," Mayuri commented, causing Sombra to glance at him for a moment, as he was interested in why the Captain felt that he was forgetting something important, or at least important in his eyes since he was shaking his head in annoyance, "Aizen locked the Garganta we used to get here and your scientist won't let me near the device he's made to study the Garganta, so it's impossible for us to leave Hueco Mundo."

"Actually, all Arrancar can make their own Garganta, and I am no exception," Sombra stated, where he glanced at the open area behind him and glared at it, to which Hueco Mundo seemed to understand what he was doing and a large Garganta opened before their eyes, one that possessed a silver outline that didn't belong to how an Arrancar got from this world to the World of the Living, "or, as you no doubt noticed, I can make a King's Garganta. I'm sure that, as we're crossing to the other side, you'll find out why the gateway is called that."

Ichigo raised an eyebrow as he and his friends followed after the group of Arrancar that were following Sombra, as the moment he stopped talking Sombra headed towards the Garganta, but when they arrived his eyes widened as a crystalline walkway started to form in front of Sombra. It was almost like some force was weaving together a path for him to take, so he didn't have to expend his own concentration doing what he had done on their way to Hueco Mundo, and, once they were all inside the passage between worlds, he noticed that an image of Karakura Town appeared off in the distance, showing them that they were heading for their destination. One thing that Ichigo was certain about, besides the fact that no one had any idea what Sombra was capable of anymore, was that the Captains and the Espada that were fighting were going to be surprised when they arrived and took notice of what Sombra was like... and there was no telling how Soul Society was going to react, nor if the three remaining Espada were going to follow Grimmjow and Ulquiorra's lead and join Sombra's side.

Hitsuguya discovered something interesting, and that was after the few seconds that the air had shuddered most of the Arrancar had stopped fighting, as if they were curious about whatever they were feeling, and that gave Matsumoto and Hinamori time to get close to him so they could potentially form a strategy for when the battle started back up. At the same time the three Arrancar that the ladies had been fighting, Cyan Sung-Sun, Franceska Mila Rose, and Emilou Apacci, gathered behind their leader and stared at them, clearly wanting to continue the fight that they had been having until they were interrupted by Hinamori's arrival. Of course none of them could actually resume the battle that had been taking place, as not a few moments later the air shook for a second and Hitsuguya diverted his attention away from his foe, which was dangerous for him to do in this situation, and glanced at the direction the shudder had come from, where he found a crack forming in the air, one that reminded him of the passages the Arrancar used to travel between worlds. This wasn't good news for them, because if Aizen had more Arrancar awaiting his call, than just the ones that he and the others had been fighting the entire time, he had the feeling that they might be doomed, regardless of whether or not this was the 'Dios Hueco' his opponent told him about... and the odd thing was that this Garganta had a silver outline to it, but whatever that meant he had no idea, since he was more worried about their chances of winning this war.

He could tell that he wasn't the only one watching the Garganta, as all of the battles that had been taking place had stopped in their tracks and their combatants were looking over at where it was opening, and soon the passage that the Arrancar used to go between worlds was established. What was interesting was that there seemed to be a decent amount of people coming from the passage, as the first ones to arrive were Orihime and Sora Inoue, Uryu, Chad, and Ichigo, who moved out of the way as the rest of the group came out after them. The second group contained Captains Mayuri, Zaraki, Byakuya, and Unohana, along with Renji, Rukia, Isane, Hanataro, Nemu, and Yachiru, but the interesting part was that both Zaraki and Byakuya were missing their Captain's kaori, no doubt from their battles, and that they moved out of the way for the final group to join them. That was when Hitsuguya felt some sweat rolling down the side of his face, as seven different Arrancar walked through the passage and stood near the opening they had come out of, and one of them looked like Hollow Ichigo Kurosaki that was wearing the same attire that the blue haired Arrancar was wearing, before the group turned around and knelt before the opening. It was in the following moments that a new figure appeared in the passage and Hitsuguya's eyes widened for a second as Sombra stepped out of the Garganta, with an elegant mirror floating in the space behind him, where he came to a stop in front of the group that had stepped out before him and let the passage close as quickly as it had formed.

The strangest thing that he discovered was that he could no longer feel Sombra's reiatsu, something that he noticed the other Shinigami had noticed as well, but right now there was no telling if he had decided to change sides and attack them or if he was on their side and was here to defeat the remaining Espada... though at the same time he had no idea where this 'Dios Hueco' was, because it hadn't walked out of the passage with everyone else.

"So, Grimmjow was right, Sombra was the Dios Hueco all along." Harribel commented, though at the same time she noticed the slight vibrations in the air that allowed her and the other Arrancar to understand what Sombra was, even if they couldn't feel his reiatsu at all, and she noticed her Fraccion nodded their heads in agreement.

"Wait, Sombra was the being you were talking about?" Hitsuguya asked, as that wasn't something he was expecting to hear, despite the sheer power that the Arrancar in question possessed in his Bankai state, and he could tell that both Matsumoto and Hinamori were confused as well.

"Yes, it appears that Sombra has finally ascended to the highest classification that a Hollow can reach," Harribel said, though as she said that she slipped her Zanpakuto into the sheath that rested on her back, as she had the feeling that she wouldn't need it anymore, and heard the sounds of her Fraccion doing the same thing, "The Dios Hueco is also commonly called the Hollow God, a being that all Hollow and Arrancar are destined to serve when the chosen one reaches this point, which is why I said that he could either be your savior or the bringer of your doom, as the power of the Dios Hueco is so powerful that only your Captain-Commander could possibly deal with him... at least that was what happened a thousand years ago, when the last Dios Hueco rose to the height of their power."

It was in that following moment that another Garganta, this one even larger than the one that Sombra had walked through, appeared nearby, though the Espada, who knew what had been coming since Aizen told them his plan ahead of time, thought that it was strange that Wonderweiss and Hooleer, the massive Hollow that had aided Aizen and his allies in their escape from Soul Society, were coming so soon... meaning that he either anticipated the arrival of Sombra's forces, or that Wonderweiss got bored and came to aid them without even bothering to check if it was time to do so.

"Lord Sombra, that's Wonderweiss Margela," Grimmjow stated, causing the other members of Sombra's Espada, those that knew who he was talking about, to nod their heads as well, indicating that he was correct, while at the same time he found it amusing that the others let him speak first and that they agreed with him, especially when he took their past into consideration, "He's the last Arrancar that Aizen made before this assault, the seventy-seventh if my memory is correct, and while he might seem like a child right now he's known to show signs of aggression for no reason."

"So that's the other reiatsu I felt in Hueco Mundo." Sombra commented, though at the same time the Arrancar him stood up and faced the newest arrivals, as it appeared that their journey from Hueco Mundo to the World of the Living set off whatever alarm Wonderweiss was tied to, "Three Espada remain, with four Fraccion standing behind them, and an unknown Arrancar standing off on the side... I wonder if they're as smart as the rest of you are."

"I think the old guy looks like he's about ready to kill someone." Zangetsu said, staring at the old man that was holding onto a rather large axe for a few moments, before shifting his gaze around to the remaining potential enemies that were currently around the area, "If I had to guess which order they were in, I'd say that the chick is the new Tres Espada, simply because we were told that earlier, the old dude has to be the Segunda Espada, and that would leave the tired looking guy as the Primera Espada."

"Based on their reiatsu, I'd say the same thing." Sombra replied, though as he said that he took a step forward and started to walk towards the Espada that were staring at him, as it was time to see just how many enemies they had at the moment, while noticing that the large Garganta remained open, meaning the large Hollow might leave once it's task was completed, before he glanced at the others for a moment, "Just stay here for a moment and watch what's about to unfold, because I'm sure one of these Espada isn't going to like a change in authority."

As Sombra expected the three remaining Espada, who were still bound to Aizen's will, flashed into the area near him and their Fraccion, a little girl for the tired Arrancar and three ladies for who he assumed was Harribel, joined them as well, but they also kept their distance in case he attacked them. Wonderweiss and the Hollow, on the other hand, remained where they were standing, apparently watching what was going on before they made their own move, to which Sombra decided that it was time to get the show on the road as the mirror floated into the area behind him, especially since the Shinigami that had been battling the Arrancar neared them as well.

"As you no doubt know by now, I am Sombra, the Dios Hueco." Sombra said, addressing his fellow Arrancar, as they were the ones that he was interested in, while at the same time noticing that the Shinigami seemed to be wondering what he was doing, "Allow me to make one thing clear to all of you: now that I have ascended to the final classification that a Hollow can reach, one that is unrivaled by those that came before it, I have claimed Hueco Mundo as my domain and have currently freed Gantenbainne Mosqueda, Cirucci Sanderwicci, Szayelaporro Granz, Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck, Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, and Ulquiorra Cifer from Aizen's clutches."

"One cannot 'claim' Hueco Mundo, as it is mine to rule," the elderly Espada stated, sounding annoyed with what Sombra had said, though at the same time his fellow Espada glanced at him like he might have a screw loose or something similar to that, but Sombra remained silent and let him talk, "I am Baraggan Louisenbairn, the Segunda Espada and God-King of Hueco Mundo, which is temporarily on lone to Aizen until his war with the Shinigami is over and Soul Society is his to either rule or destroy. If you make such a bold claim about taking Hueco Mundo as your domain, like you just did, then I shall be forced to show you the price of your arrogance and claim your life."

"While I understand that I could simply use my new power to force you into my rule, it is not my desire to become a tyrant to you and the other Arrancar," Sombra replied, speaking to the remaining two Espada, as they seemed to be the smartest of the trio, while at the same time beckoning to the Arrancar that had joined them, "Let me clarify something: the Arrancar that are standing over there have sided with me because they either knew that I was the true king of Hueco Mundo, or they didn't want to be under Aizen's rule anymore, or they found that it was wise to join me, especially given the power I command. Here, allow me to demonstrate what I mean..."

Sombra beckoned to the mirror for a moment and it floated over to where they were standing, to which the glass surface shimmered for a moment before some darkness seeped out of it, only for Starrk's eyes to widen as Harribel stared at it in shock, as both Loly and Menoly were temporarily withdrawn from the Shadowlands... though all three of the Espada, including their Fraccion and the other Shinigami, noticed that there were shackles on their wrists and ankles, and they looked like they had been tormented by something.

"When I use the full power of my Resurreccion I have the power to manipulate the shadows around me, as well as open a gateway to the Shadowlands," Sombra explained, though at the same time he noticed that both Loly and Menoly realized that they were no longer in the realm he had sent them to, but they were remaining still so he didn't do anything to them, "basically it's a realm of pure terror, one that uses your own fears and nightmares to torment you, and that includes whatever terrors the realm naturally creates on it's own and the monsters that call it home. I sent those two to that realm because they decided to head to where Ulquiorra was keeping Orihime and Sora, where they proceeded to beat them with the intent of killing the two of them, and if it weren't for Grimmjow's timely arrival one of them could have died... and, when Aizen decided to come to this world, they decided to attack Orihime again, so I, upon learning what they did, punished them accordingly. Trust me on this, a good number of those that suffer the fate of seeing what the Shadowlands have to offer tend to think twice about their life choices and change course, while some are fated to remain in that realm until the day they die, and right now both Nnoitra and Yammy are suffering because they stubbornly decided that they'd rather side with Aizen.

Of course there's also a few that have suffered such a fate and I withdrew them to see if they changed their mind on the manner we were talking about, but some are stubborn enough to refuse what's good for them and earn a permanent place in the Shadowlands... which reminds me, I need to see what Loly and Menoly think ab..."

"Please! Don't send us back to... to that place!" Menoly pleaded, though as she and Loly seemed to realize that he might actually send them back to the Shadowlands, if they sided with Aizen over the true king of Hueco Mundo, Harribel noticed that both of them were definitely bothered by what they had seen, "We'll forsake the Usurper known as Aizen Sosuke and do whatever you want! Just don't send us back there!"

As she said that, and Loly actually did the smart thing and followed her friend's lead by repeating her statement with the same frightened voice that Menoly had, Sombra nodded his head and snapped his fingers, to which the shackles came off their wrists and ankles, freeing them from the mirror, to which they rapidly thanked him and moved some distance behind him so they could see what was going to happen next.

"So, you tormented a bunch of whores." Baraggan said, to which both Loly and Menoly went stiff for a moment, as that was a term that was used by certain Espada that thought whoever they were talking about was lower than everyone else, and that meant the Segunda Espada thought they were dirt, where they noticed a frown appear on Sombra's face as Baraggan said that, "Am I supposed to be impressed? I did that when I was the God-King of Hueco Mundo, to teach all female Hollows their place in my world, and your method isn't as impressive as mine are, so that's a mark against you as the next God-King, if I chose to believe your claims."

"You're acting like Szayelaporro did, before I taught him a lesson," Sombra commented, though at the same time he sighed for a moment, as he disliked people that thought poorly about those that were around them, even their allies in some cases, before he glared at Baraggan and focused on what he was going to do next, "What about the two of you? How do you feel about your ally's thoughts on the two Arrancar that are standing behind me, who have chosen to renounce Aizen and join my side?"

"It annoys me, especially when he calls my Fraccion by that term," Harribel replied, to which she knew that Sung-Sun, Mila Rose, and Apacci were nodding their heads in agreement, as none of them liked how Baraggan treated them, as he stubbornly clung to a position that was no longer his, especially considering what they felt earlier, "When you said that you taught Szayelaporro a lesson, what exactly did you mean?"

"He treated Cirucci the same way that Baraggan's treating these two, as he called her a whore and felt that it was his right to kill her." Sombra said, as that was what he determined from the way the Octava Espada had spoken, before he activated his Resurreccion and smashed Szayelaporro into the floor, "To put it in simple terms, I used the power of my Arrancar Zanpakuto and bested him in combat, gave him a taste of the Shadowlands, and then withdrew him to see if he had learned his lesson. As you can see he's aware of his position in the new order of Hueco Mundo and now he no longer refers to female Arrancar as 'whores', rather he respects them as he should have been from the beginning. What about you, Primera Espada?"

"Frankly, I never liked the word to begin with. I always felt that my fellow Arrancar should be respected, regardless of their own personal opinions and beliefs," Starrk stated, to which he rubbed the back of his head for a moment, because the one time he tried to get Baraggan to stop using the word the Segunda threatened to release his Resurreccion and kill all of them, only for Aizen to stop him from doing that, "Anyway, my name is Coyote Starrk, so you don't have to call me the 'Primera Espada' all the time, though I prefer to be called Starrk. Allow me to introduce Lilynette Gingerbuck, more commonly known as my only Fraccion, even though my power is so enormous that I have to seal part of it inside another Arrancar and not inside a Zanpakuto, like the rest of the Arrancar you've met."

"Meaning that, while clearly being a distinct and separate being, she's your other half." Sombra said, as he was seeing what Starrk was talking about, because when he opened his senses for a moment he could tell that both Starrk and Lilynette's reiatsu signatures were nearly identical, save for a few minor differences.

"Aizen said you were quick to figure things out, though it's interesting to see you figure it out on your own." Starrk said, even though he knew that he had given away the secret that he and Lilynette had been keeping, though at the same time he came to a conclusion in regards to the unspoken question, as not a moment later he knelt before the powerful Arrancar and Lilynette followed his lead, "Lord Sombra, the two of us, Coyote Starrk and Lilynette Gingerbuck, forsake the Usurper known as Aizen Sosuke and pledge to serve your new order."

"Likewise I, Tier Harribel, shall forsake the Usurper and join the true king of Hueco Mundo," Harribel added, to which she knelt before Sombra and her Fraccion followed her lead, echoing her words while switching out her name for theirs, revealing that the one wearing the long dress, that had sleeves going past her hands, was Cyan Sung-Sun, the dark skinned Arrancar with a three-sectioned crown and collar around her neck was Franceska Mila Rose, and the tomboyish Arrancar, whose right eye was icy blue colored and her left eye was amber with a red outline around the actual eye, was called Emilou Apacci.

Sombra also learned that the three female Arrancar that followed Harribel were also known as the Tres Bestias, or the Three Beasts, and the reason behind the name was that Sung-Sun had been a large white snake with a gray underbelly when she was a Hollow, Mila Rose had been a lioness, and Apacci had been a deer, one that had some decent antlers and a horn in the middle of her forehead, which was reflected on her mask fragment.

"I accept your pledges and welcome you all into my growing empire," Sombra said, though he was happy that two of the three Espada were this smart, as Baraggan had said nothing except challenges to him in the time that he had been talking to them, and he noticed that the Arrancar that were now joining him seemed happy in their own ways, as they stood up and started walking toward where Loly and Menoly were standing.

"Traitors!" Baraggan stated, as the moment both the Tres Espada, the Primera Espada, and their Fraccion swore to serve Sombra he knew what his first duty was, as the sole remaining Espada that was allied with Aizen, and that was to kill all of them, which was why his axe was at the ready, "All of you are going to pay for this."

"Open your eyes, Baraggan. There's a new king in charge of Hueco Mundo." Harribel replied, though at the same time she stood near Sombra as Starrk did the same thing, while her Fraccion and Lilynette tended to Loly and Menoly, "You know how the tale goes: when the Dios Hueco reaches their full power no Hollow can best them, and that they have the power to forcefully make Hollows and Arrancar join their army. You can either join us, and serve our new Lord, or you can stand against us and hope that he shows mercy on you."

"It's okay. It's clear that he doesn't want to join us." Sombra said, though as he said that he focused on the Segunda Espada once more, who was staring at him like he was everything that was wrong in the world, before moving two of his fingers in the direction of the main group he had arrived with, as there was someone that was eager for battle, "Here's the thing, Baraggan, I'm sure that you're incredibly powerful, for being the Segunda Espada, but since you're the previous ruler of Hueco Mundo I'll have the others stand back and face you myself."

"You? Fight me?" Baraggan inquired, because he was curious as to why Sombra seemed to believe that he was so much stronger than he was, especially given his own unique powers, though at the same time Starrk and Harribel, along with the rest of the traitors, backed away from Sombra.

"That's right." Sombra replied, to which he sighed for a moment as he withdrew Rey, because right now there was no need for him to absolutely destroy his opponent, and readied himself for the battle that was going to take place, "I'll show you, as well as the rest of the Arrancar, who the true king of Hueco Mundo is... and then, once I'm done with you, Aizen and his allies will feel the sting of defeat as well."

Baraggan barely had time to register that his opponent had moved before he found himself flying through the air, where he collided with one of the buildings that were below them, and Sombra lowered his right leg, which he had used to kick his foe, before thinking about what he had felt moments ago. He had felt the speed of his attack slow down as it approached the elderly Arrancar, but at the same time it hadn't been enough to actually stop him from reaching his target, meaning that it was something that he needed to watch out for when he moved to attack his foe again. When Baraggan got back up the two of them engaged each other in the area that was between them, where Sombra noticed that his newest followers flashed over to where the rest of his followers were standing, and they were joined by the Shinigami that they had been fighting, before he dodged the next attack and focused on the battle in front of him. Despite Baraggan's appearance he was fast and his attacks were strong, as he occasionally loosed a brief slash of reiatsu that collided with a building and tore it in half, while at the same time Sombra noticed that whatever power his was using to slow down his attacks didn't work as well as he thought it did, as he kept slipping through the field that Baraggan was generating and that seemed to annoy him. At the same time used both his speed and his power to push Baraggan around, deflecting the axe that was being swung at him and occasionally unleashed a series of slashes that were designed to test his opponent's guard and reflexes, so he could figure out when and where he should strike.

Sombra employed the same tactic that he used against all of the other enemies that he fought since he appeared in the World of the Living, he started out by showing off a little bit of his power to match what his foe was using and studied how his foe fought, so he could figure out his abilities and the weaknesses that his foe possessed. Despite the size of Baraggan's axe, which had two large heads that would hit someone, Sombra dodged them easily and made sure that his foe had a hard time hitting him, especially since he also reached out for him with his hand, something that Sombra also avoided as he continued fighting. The next time Baraggan flashed behind him and tried to touch him, to do whatever his power allowed him to do, Sombra flashed out of the way and returned in front of where his foe was standing, where he grabbed onto Baraggan's head with his left hand and hurled him into the side of a building, one that fell apart the moment the Espada collided with it. Once that happened Sombra glanced at his hand for a moment, which had some steam emitting from his palm, revealing that his power was definitely stronger than it had been before he used both his Bankai and his Resurreccion against Yammy, meaning that Baraggan really didn't stand a chance against his full power... before he focused on the building and kept his eyes and senses open for his foe, as he didn't want to lower his defenses at the wrong moment.

"What's wrong, Baraggan? Don't tell me that's all you've got." Sombra said, because if this was how powerful he was in his base state, and how ineffective his opponents would be if he personally fought them, he was going to have to rethink how many battles he was going to partake in, before he noticed Baraggan pull himself from the building with a slight frown on his face.

"Im... Impossible. He's pushing Baraggan back?!" Soi Fon asked, as she had dared to get close to the fight, which was a building near the battle, so she could see what was happening at the moment, but that did nothing to prepare her for the fact that Sombra was currently pushing Baraggan around and bypassing his defenses, "Omaeda and I couldn't even though him when we were fighting..."

"Well, Sombra is the Dios Hueco, the strongest classification that a Hollow can reach." Grimmjow commented, though as he said that he flashed down onto the roof that the Captain was standing on and watched the fight as well, because now the rest of the Espada could see why he had been so eager to side with Sombra, "The power of the Dios Hueco is on a level that is far beyond what a Vasto Lorde can possess, especially someone like Starrk or Baraggan, and right now I know that Baraggan doesn't stand a chance against Lord Sombra... and it's only a matter of time until he gets serious and shows off more of his true power."

It seemed that Baraggan got a little serious from that point, as he got more aggressive in his attempts to touch Sombra with his hands after increasing his speed, but Sombra still moved out of the way of his outstretched arm and struck at the Espada, knocking him around the area that they were battling in every now and then. When Baraggan tried to attack from behind, to cleave him in half, his attack completely missed as Sombra flashed out of the way, appearing in the air behind the Espada as he swung down at him, where Baraggan raised his axe and blocked the attack, though the force of their attacks colliding caused the air around them to shake in the process. A few moments later Sombra applied a little more pressure and knocked Baraggan's axe backwards, surprising his foe in the process, before he shifted how his blade was facing and cut a diagonal cut, going from his right shoulder to his left hip, into Baraggan's chest. The force of his attack knocked Baraggan back into the side of a nearby building, shattering all the windows that were around him and formed a crater around him, though at the same time Sombra remained where he was standing and stared at his opponent, as he wasn't going to get serious if his opponent didn't show him how strong he really was.

"You insolent brat! I can't believe that you actually managed to pierce my Heirro." Baraggan said, as it was a surprise that his foe had managed to wound him at all, especially since it was unusual for him to see his own blood, but this just confirmed that his foe was a Vasto Lorde, as that was the only rank that could wound him.

"Seriously? That's the best insult you can come up with?" Sombra asked, though at the same time he sighed, as it appeared that he might actually be wasting his time with this battle, before he glared at his opponent as he considered what he wanted to do, as he could end this now or patiently wait for the Espada to show off his full power, "Look, I'm going to be honest with you for a moment, the only way you have a chance, and it's a slim one at that, of besting me is if you release your Resurreccion and face me with your full power."

A few moments later Baraggan flashed up to where Sombra was standing and landed on the top of one of the nearby buildings, where he stared at the foe that he was currently fighting and could tell that Sombra was waiting for him to make the next move, but in that moment he decided that it was time to end the battle and kill all his enemies.

"It's time I ended this charade!" Baraggan stated, to which he moved his axe so that the head was facing the ground, while at the same time he could see that his foe was staring at him with some interest in his eyes, "Feel free to tremble in fear! Rot, Arrogante!"

The moment Baraggan uttered the Release Call the slit-eye on his axe released some red reiatsu for a few seconds, which was followed by it generating numerous jet-black and purple colored flames that consumed his entire body, causing Sombra to raise his eyebrow as he watched what was going on. A few moments later a skull emerged from the flames, with a crack over it's right eye like Baraggan possessed on his actual face, and Sombra was sure that his foe's entire body had been turned into a skeleton, like the flames had burned away his flesh and muscles. As the flames died down and started to disappear Baraggan's body become draped in a purple cloak, with a pitch-black tattered fur collar around his neck area and the fringes of his cloak, which gives him a macabre appearance strongly reminiscent of a lich. Several lengths of golden chain, which were originally worn like a belt around his waist, now dangled out of his sleeves, while the slit-eye from his Zanpakuto was now resting at the center of his chest near his neck, like it was an elegant pendant. The sandals of his uniform become white, pointed-toe boots, while his crown-like mask fragment became a full, extravagantly decorated, bejeweled crown, with a chain running downward on the left side, making him look like a skeleton king of some kind and confirmed that he was the previous ruler of Hueco Mundo.

Once Baraggan's transformation was done, and his full power was unleashed, he took a step forward and let his right foot touch the roof he was standing on, where Sombra watched as the ceiling and the area around his foot rotted away until a hole was left behind, one that he was standing above.

"Most interesting." Sombra commented, as he was actually a little surprised to find that such a power existed, though at this point it appeared that Shinigami, Arrancar, and the Visored had a number of skills that seemed foreign to him, to which he glanced back up at his foe for a moment, "It appears that your power is either over time or the ability to rot anything that you desire."

"You might not be aware of this, but each Espada represents an aspect of death, something that can even influence our own powers and ideology," Baraggan replied, though he had to admit that Sombra's ability to determine what sort of power he possessed, with only seeing it in action one time, was amazing, just like Aizen said it was, "these aspects are solitude, rage, sacrifice, emptiness, despair, destruction, intoxication, madness, greed, and old age. The aspect of death that I hold domain over is that of old age, meaning that everything around me will age, wither, and die, and you shall suffer such a fate for your impudence. Respira."

Sombra stared at the black and purple smoke-like miasma that Baraggan unleashed, as it started to rot and devour the part of the building that he was standing on as it reached for him, but even then Sombra found that his best course of action was to keep his distance, especially since it appeared that anything that got close to Baraggan rotted away as his power took effect on the area around him. He also noticed that his foe seemed to have a set distance for his attack, as it only reached where he had been standing moments ago and the entire circular area between where he had been and where Baraggan was standing had eroded away, leaving a crater behind. It appeared that his only chances of fighting off his foe, in his current state anyway, were to keep his distance and use either the Kido spells that he knew, his Cero, or even some of the magic that he knew, all of which would be effective and might damage his foe, but at the same time he might be better off using his own Resurreccion and ending this quickly, as there was no telling how long Baraggan would focus on him until he decided to attack the others. The interesting part was that Baraggan was following after him now, as if he was trying to catch up and 'punish' him for what he had said earlier, before he decided that it was time to honor his opponent and show off his power to the Shinigami that were watching them.

He came to a stop on a nearby building and faced the Espada that he was fighting, because in the off chance that his foe might try to injure his friends and allies he had moved away from them, before he raised Rey once more and pointed it's tip towards his Hollow hole.

"Baraggan, to honor you for showing me the height of your power, I shall do the same thing," Sombra said, to which Rey started to glow, telling everyone that he was bringing his original powers back to the surface and noticed that a few of them seemed a little scared, though that was only because they suffered in the Shadowlands, before he focused on the Espada in front of him, "Make them tremble, Rey de la Oscuridad."

Much like the last time Sombra released his Arrancar Zanpakuto, and took on his Resurreccion, a pillar of black reiatsu engulfed him for a few moments, though when the pillar was gone he emerged from the smoke with his dark king attire on and had the familiar dark strands of energy emitting from his eyes, something that caused Baraggan to tilt his head for a moment as he stared at him. Sombra seized the opportunity that was presented to him and held his right hand out, to which his scythe materialized from the shadows and he grasped it immediately, before flashing forward and swinging at Baraggan, who swung his own right hand and summoned a sinister looking axe, with two heads like his last one, out of the right sleeve of his cloak, but that didn't matter in the end. Sombra, seeing the attack coming, flashed through the air once more and appeared behind Baraggan, where he swung his scythe towards the ground and a red line appeared on his foe's robes, indicating that he had actually done some damage to his opponent, who was surprised that he had gotten through the area that should have started rotting his body. Baraggan then turned toward where Sombra was standing this time around and swung the axe at his foe, noticing that a faint aura surrounded his body, but he mentally grinned as his axe bite into Sombra's side and caused him to falter for a moment.

His joy was ruined not a few seconds later, as Sombra's body transformed into what a wraith looked like, and it appeared that his foe hadn't actually taken any damage at all, meaning that this was either a fake Sombra, meant to divert his attention, or his opponent was messing around with him.

"You're likely wondering how I'm not hurt and how I managed to hurt you," Sombra said, though at the same time he stared at Baraggan as the Espada took a few steps backwards, allowing the area he had cut into to pull itself back together and make his body whole, "This is my Shadow Form, where I become one with the shadows and take on a form that prevents me from taking any damage, while at the same time I can attack you as I desire. Here's how it is, Baraggan; your power over time allows you to rot away anything that is around you and even kill the enemies that you're fighting at any given moment, if they get caught in your attacks anyway, while my power, on the other hand, is over the element of darkness, allowing me to manipulate the shadows however I desire. I noticed that my Guadana de la Desesperacion, or Scythe of Despair, was immune to your powers over time when I launched my first attack, which is why I stood my ground and took your axe in such a manner while using my Shadow Form, as I wanted to see if my thoughts had been correct, and it appears that they are."

"Your thoughts?" Baraggan inquired, though as he said that he seemed to realize that his chances of winning seemed to have disappeared, because the Shadow Form technique really blew all of his plans out of the water, especially since it seemed like his foe might not have a time limit in that state.

"It would appear that your power over time has no effect on my shadows," Sombra replied, as his scythe had easily slipped through Baraggan's aura and cut into him, if one could actually cut a skeleton, and his Shadow Form prevented him from taking any damage from both his foe's attack and the miasma he used earlier, "You know, it's a shame that your so stubborn about there being someone stronger than you, especially someone that is taking control of Hueco Mundo, otherwise I might have considered sparing your life, but, after seeing that you won't budge an inch towards being a servant, it seems that the proper course of action is to end this."

Baraggan barely had time to move as Sombra swung the scythe again and carved another diagonal red line into his robe, where he found a faint red mist emitting from the cuts and realized that, despite the fact that he was a skeleton, he seemed to be bleeding in a way he never imagined possible. Sombra wasted no time in moving away before the axe came at him again, even though he slipped back into his solid form, and readied himself as he swung the scythe, where a small dark wave rushed through the air and struck Baraggan in the side, which sent him flying into the side of a building, one that rotted away moments later. When the Espada regained himself he went on the offensive once more, using both his axe and his Respira to try and bring Sombra down, though that was when he learned that his foe hadn't been joking around, as the Shadow Form allowed him to bypass his attacks and deal his own while he was in a protective state of sorts, which resulted in Baraggan being pushed around like he was a weakling, much like he had been doing to the Shinigami that he had been fighting earlier. At one point Sombra flashed out of where they were fighting in while Baraggan was thinking about his earlier fight, causing the Espada to look around for his opponent, but that was when Sombra appeared in the air above him and pointed his right pointer finger down at him, while the scythe spun in the air nearby.

Not a few seconds later a powerful Cero Oscuras barreled into Baraggan's body and sent him flying into the ground, where the blast consumed the small block that he had been knocked into and ended up damaging his body, as part of the left side of his skull shattered and disappeared while his pendant was destroyed.

"I will never forgive you for this!" Baraggan stated, to which he forced himself to stand once more and faced his foe, who was just staring at him at this point, where he readied his axe for the next stage of combat, "I AM THE KING OF HUECO MUNDO! I AM A GOD! I AM IMMORTAL!"

"Fool, you aren't immortal at all. Nor are you a god." Sombra said, though as he said that he flashed down into the area in front of Baraggan and swung the scythe at him, allowing the curved edge of the head to pierce the area where his foe's heart would have been, where he noticed more red mist was emitting from the wound, before he pulled the scythe out and let it float nearby as the Espada fell to his knees, "It's a shame that you couldn't admit that you were no longer the king of Hueco Mundo, as it would have been interesting learning about your type of leadership from you, instead of seeing if I could find someone that knows what you did before Aizen showed up. Have you anything to say, before I finish this battle and end your existence?"

Baraggan had no idea what had actually happened, but it felt like the head of the scythe went right into the core of his being and shattered it, broke the one thing that was keeping him alive, and as the red mist started to pour out of his wounds he noticed that both his axe and his body were starting to break apart, indicating that he, the king of Hueco Mundo, was actually going to die.

"I have... just one thing to say." Baraggan admitted, though even as he said that he could feel the bones and his robes falling apart as well, confirming his own thoughts on what his fate was going to be, before he stared at his foe and saw that Sombra felt sorry for him, that he had chosen this path and fate for himself, "I want you, as one king to the next, to kill Aizen Sosuke and take back Hueco Mundo."

"Don't worry, I have special plans for Aizen," Sombra said, where he glanced at the flaming fortress for a moment, which included the strange Arrancar and the large Hollow, and knew that it was time to get the show on the road, before he turned back towards the Espada in front of him, "Farewell, Barrggan Louisenbairn."

Sombra watched as the rest of Baraggan's life essence broke free of his body and evaporated, destroying what was left of the former king of Hueco Mundo, before he flashed up into the air and faced the flaming fortress, which was about the time that the remaining Arrancar said something to the Hollow before flashing through the air as it targeted him of all people. Thanks to his recent power up, as the Dios Hueco, Sombra was able to tell that Wonderweiss seemed to be missing some critical aspects that the other Arrancar had, like all forms of rationality, memory retention, speech, and even intelligence, to which he sighed as he shifted his stance and moved out of the way, before catching the Arrancar's face with his left hand. Instead of cutting him down, like one would think, he focused on his newest powers, those that came with being the Dios Hueco and were ones that he hadn't tested yet, and delved into Wonderweiss' for a moment, where he found the area that he had been thinking about and noticed that the aspects seemed to be sealed off by something, only for him to flip a switch inside the Arrancar's head before he released him. It took a few moments for Wonderweiss to realize that something about him had changed, though he still knelt and spoke to Sombra, like he was pledging himself to the new order, to which Sombra beckoned for him to join the others and turned back towards the flaming fortress once more, just in time to see the large Hollow use his breath to put out the flames... revealing Aizen, Tosen, and Gin for him and the others to see.

A few seconds ticked by before Aizen started to walk forward, followed by both Gin and Tosen, to which Sombra did the same thing and headed towards where the Usurper and his allies were standing, as it was time to bring an end to Aizen's schemes, even if it meant that Sombra had to go through all three of them to do it.

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