• Member Since 7th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen June 1st


just another brony with random story ideas.

Comments ( 5 )

-reach throw the screen and hugs the author- you are NOT alone

Hey, it’s a good thing that you’re still here. I know, life is pretty cruel sometimes, now I know I sound like everyone else, but you gotta stay strong, talk to someone close to that you can trust, do anything that can give you hope.

I don’t think you’re crazy because many other people are going through similar things nowadays. Trust me, It’s better that you are asking for help rather than taking matters into your own hands.

This is 100% your choice, but I suggest you tell your family what you’re going through because they really do care about you more than you’d think. Just please, don’t loose hope, there is ALWAYS a better way to deal with depression, weather that be writing or any hobby that relieves stress. Just know that we’ve all been there before at some point, and it is definitely possible to be happy again.

Do I need to sock you in the teeth! You are a hell of a lot more than you are obviously putting yourself out as! Honestly you are a great author much better and more successful than I! I'm sitting here as a college dropout and waiting on calls back for a job from smiths fucking smiths! And you dare to make yourself look lower? Fuck you! if you want to dissapoint everyone who ever looked to you for anything? BE MY GUEST BUT KNOW THIS YOU WILL GET NO QUARTER IN HELL IF YOU SUICIDE! I SHOULD KNOW I OWN HELL!

Mate you're not worthless and you're not a nut job for what little the word of a stranger is worth I'm sorry that life is so hard on you and I hope things get better for you soon. Just know you're not alone

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