• Published 2nd Mar 2018
  • 7,596 Views, 973 Comments

Queen Rarity - Damaged

School was meant to be the start of Rarity's adult life, the springboard, so why—now that she's graduated and in the workforce—does it feel vaguely like she is being drained?

  • ...

Chapter 7

I woke to chewing. Something delicious was in my mouth, something chocolate. There was something odd about waking up with your day already in progress. I was fully dressed, my face was made up, my hair was done, and I was sitting in a little coffee shop while NotABug ate a chocolate muffin with a cup of tea warming her free hand.

The moment was so perfect and peaceful that I didn't say a thing. NotABug lifted the cup up to our lips and sipped a calming chamomile tea. If I could have moved my toes, I would have curled them at the wonderful taste.

—Good morning, Rarity. You were still asleep when I woke, so I thought we'd take breakfast somewhere nice.—

I mentally sighed. My last sentiment from the previous evening held true today.

—You are a marvel, NotABug. It almost seems a shame to have to go to work.—

—Then don't. You still need to get fabric for Maud and Rainbow Dash's dresses, and start work on them. You have three more days: today to get the fabric and make the dresses, tomorrow to do a private fitting for Maud, and then another next week to meet with Fleur again.—

It actually made sense. The time was barely 8:30 A.M. and I knew Suri wouldn't be anywhere near work yet. I felt around and brought up the internal mobile's email app.

To: Suri, HRinbox
Bcc: Coco

Suri Polomare.

Sorry, but the sick friend needs more tending to, so I can't come in again today and, from what their doctor said, tomorrow either.


The plan was a good one. Suri would have a copy in her inbox, HR would see it and enter the details on the computer in Suri's stead, and if Suri somehow stopped HR from doing that and claimed I hadn't sent anything, Coco would have a copy. I sent the email.

—Okay, darling, you have planned things out so well, where to instead of work?— I asked.

—To the mall, of course. Buying fabric for their dresses. I was thinking of a new shirt, too. Something that would go well with my hair and that cerulean stripe.—

—That sounds perfect. Why don't you keep handling things for a bit? I'm still waking up.—

NotABug didn't seem in a hurry to finish her muffin or the tea, something I was on board with. I took up my research of alternative styles and started making a shopping list of extra things to buy. Going for a nonconformist looks was all well and good, but it had to start somewhere.

It was nearly 11 A.M. by the time my phone rang: Suri Polomare's office number was the originator. I answered.

"Hello, Suri. I'm sorry, I can't spend long on the phone, my friend is in need of some help," I said, synthesizing my voice quite well now.

"You're refusing to work out your contract. You'll hear from our law—"

"Suri, I sent you a request for further personal leave via email. HR should have already processed it—I sent a copy to them," I said, cutting off her tirade.

I could hear frantic movement and realized Suri was probably turning her computer screen on for the first time in months. It took a few more seconds of frantic clicking sounds before I heard teeth grind.

"Of course, Rarity," Suri said, voice sounding positively pleasant. (Something was up.) "But just so you know, that leaves you with just one more day of personal leave."

"Yeah. I know."

I hung up before she could reply. Hearing Suri Polomare happy was more terrifying than hearing her furious.

—That was Suri. She didn't read her email. She sounded happy that I only have one day of leave left. That's a little worrying,— I sent.

—Anything that makes Suri happy seems to be a bad thing for us. So we need to make sure she is as unhappy as possible.—

NotABug's logic was profound and perfect, but I was a little unsure where she was going with it. While she sipped at the last of her tea, I saved all my lists and cleared things up a little. Just like my sewing room, I would not allow my digital workplace to become cluttered.

Once NotABug popped the last piece of muffin her in her mouth, I knew it was time to get the day in order. She stood up, paid for her breakfast, and walked out to my car.

—I have some ideas for more outfits to go with our new look. You have the formal, business look well in hand, but I was thinking of something more wild and out-there,— I sent.

Attaching the images I had been compiling, I showed NotABug the styles.

—A horn won't look out of place at all. Just another part of the style,— I sent.

NotABug didn't touch the starter, the gear shifter, or the accelerator. The car backed up after she checked her blind spots, and she drove off smoothly. I didn't want to distract her from driving—especially since I hadn't seen her do it before—and instead made a list of what groceries the house needed.

By the time NotABug had pulled up in the parking lot of the mall, I had all the pictures I needed fabric of copied from our internal mobile to the hand-held phone. No sooner did NotABug turn the car off, however, than I felt her nudge at me.

I let her slide back while I pushed out and forward. The sensations of my body matched once again with my ability to control it.

"Was something the matter, darling?" I asked.

—Your friends were okay, but I don't want to be in control of your body with a lot of strangers around.—

Her reply intrigued me.

"Don't like the crowd?"

—No. It's their unpredictability. With cars and coffee shops there is expected behavior. There are rules for how to interact. Complete strangers doing completely strange things confuse me, and I spend too much time trying to interpret their motives.—

Her answer was a lot different than what I’d expected. I grabbed my handbag from the car, took a moment to appreciate the work NotABug had done to paint my horn again—fine embellishments with nail polish—and set about heading to the front doors of the mall.

—See! That woman approaching. Is she going to move left or right? If we were on a road I know she would move left, or I could predict her swerving. This is intolerable!— NotABug sent.

I couldn't help a little giggle, which drew an odd look from the woman in question. Reaching to NotABug's memories, I found the words I needed.

—You need to build a predictive map of behavior, calculate a lot of probabilities, and then plan for every outcome. Or you could take charge of the situation,— I sent. —Watch this.—

NotABug had dressed a little less formal today, but I could have been in my underthings and still commanded respect and awe. Looking ahead as if I were on a fashion runway, I began walking without a care for anyone around me.

People shifted, several actively needing to walk around me, while I kept a straight line toward the fabric shop.

—They all moved because they saw you. You made it impossible for anyone to ignore you, and they all got out of the way. Can I try on the way out?— NotABug asked.

The rest of the shopping was pleasant enough. We spent nearly an hour browsing fabric, selecting the right bolts, and then getting enough food to last us the week. The final detour before we could go home was the makeup counter.

I tried to look nonchalant as I gathered five bottles of nail polish remover, and at least three bottles of each winter tone I liked the look of. My usual look called for simply a clear coat of lacquer or a bright purple, but with my heavy investment in winter colors I needed something cooler.

My decision made, I simply took an extra of each shade I had already selected for my horn, and paid for them with NotABug's card—at her insistence, of course.

When we got home, however, something utterly strange happened. To save time, I had lifted some groceries with my magic while carrying yet more.

—Stop!— NotABug sent.

I froze in place.

"What's the matter?"

Only after asking did I see the problem. Brilliant blue light wrapped around the bags—my magic was flaring much brighter than usual. I let go of my magic and examined them.

"I wonder what caused that?"

—Maybe I could try.—

NotABug's green glow wrapped the bags, but hers was a lot worse. Flashing a sickly green that illuminated the inside of the car (despite it being broad daylight), I could see a reflection of my horn. The whole length of my horn pulsed with NotABug's magic.


The torrent of green light stopped, and I felt an odd tug within me. It wasn't NotABug trying to swap places, but a sense of growth I had no utterly no way of actually describing.

"I think we'll just do this the normal way," I said while grabbing the first two bags.

I was on the third trip when NotABug prodded. I slid back and let her take over. I wondered, briefly, how it would be for someone to have a less-than-friendly entity in their head. Would there be a battle each time? Would each wait until the other passes out to take over?

"Maybe we should send a text to Twilight. She seems interested in magic, and—" NotABug said.

—No!— I sent, interrupting NotABug. —Err. I mean let's wait a little while. Two of us in here was bound to cause our magics to act strange. Let's leave it for now and sleep on it tonight.—

"What's wrong with just checking?" NotABug asked.

She was on the second-to-last set of bags by the time she asked. It wasn't tiring work, just repetitive, and I appreciated her helping.

—One time, in college, I was putting on my makeup for a night out with the girls and Twilight came around to my dormitory to pick me up. Needless to say she was let in, and found me using magic to put on my makeup,— I sent. —We almost didn't make it to the club. Twilight had a million and one questions, and then wanted to run some tests. Needless to say I would rather not involve her unless something really is the matter.—


—She wanted to attach little pads to my head so she could measure something while I did magic. I was willing to let her until she reached for a shaver. Apparently she needed to shave patches for the dastardly things to go on.—

NotABug's hands—thankfully empty—shot to her head and touched her hair reassuringly (it was reassuring to me, too). She fetched the last load, locked the car, and closed the front door behind her.

"So if she asks to examine me, the answer is no? I like my hair!"

—I do too, darling.—

Maud's dress would be getting top priority, then Rainbow Dash's, and finally the extra outfits for us. I gently poked NotABug, and she slid aside to let me take over.

"Thank you, NotABug," I said.

I finished putting away the groceries and carried the bolts of fabric to my sewing room. Some music was in order, and the moment I pressed play on my CD player, my muse took hold.

The first dress was finished—ready for pinning and final fit that is—by 2 P.M., and was about to start on Rainbow Dash's dress when my belly murmured. I gasped in shock and stood up. The moment my focus was broken, hunger pangs filled me.

A salad was the best option I could come up with, and there was plenty of fresh greens to make one after our shopping. I added the dressing and started to toss the salad when the front doorbell rang.

—That could be the things I ordered!— NotABug sent.


Leaving the salad behind, I made my way to the front door. A delivery man had two large boxes on the ground accompanied by two smaller ones. He looked up from a small phone-like device.

"Uh. Rarity?" he asked and thrust his little phone thing at me when I nodded. "Just mark here."

I signed for the boxes and watched the man stalk away. Looking down, I let out a breath slowly.

"Just a few little things, I take it?" I asked.

—Just a few. I know the laptop is handy, but we need something more substantial. So I ordered some things.—

"Well. I'll just get these things inside and then we are having lunch. I think you'll agree that food is more important than…" I said, my eyes scanning the boxes.

The odd thing was I recognized the two smaller boxes as a fiber interface and a wireless router. The other two—larger—boxes seemed to have many parts inside. With nothing else for it I hauled the boxes inside and closed the door again.

I retreated from my technologically overpopulated living room to the kitchen and started eating the salad I'd prepared. Planning to eat slowly and savor my lunch, I settled in to eat.

—How long will it take you to get all those things put together?— I asked.

—A few hours. Once they are assembled and the basic software is loaded, I can start working on them remotely.—

—Then you can do that first. Maud's outfit is ready for tomorrow, and I can work on Rainbow's while you go about setting things up wirelessly. I don't suppose you know what day this internet connection will be done?—

—They said by tomorrow evening,— NotABug sent. —Maybe late today!—

I prodded NotABug, and she quickly slid in front. The speed of eating increased as a result.

—I think I might try to rest a little. That way I can spend a little longer working tonight,— I sent.

It was not to be. The problem with trying to sleep while someone was using your body to assemble computer hardware was—at least for those of us with hints of technological memories—you couldn't stop going over all the uses for the things.

What NotABug had ordered was a block of computer nearly twenty inches tall and deep and about eight inches wide. She slid, what I could distinctly remember (thanks to NotABug) were called blades, into the large housing.

She took the whole assembly into my hat room and found a quiet corner for it to live. That corner was quiet only until she had the machine plugged in.

"There! All done!"

—Why do we need that?— I asked.

I refrained from listing the specifications of the machine. It was to my laptop what my laptop is to my mobile phone.

"It gives us somewhere to store data, enough processing to do some of my kind of work, and it's cute."

She leaned down and petted the blue-and-gray box. She quickly got the machine working with the wireless equipment she had purchased, and I felt her nudge me forward again.

—I'll be working on this for the rest of the day,— NotABug sent.

"Alright, darling. Have fun."

The rest of my afternoon and evening was spent on my art. Rainbow Dash's dress was ready for fitting just before it was time to stop for dinner. One meal later and I started working on my own new outfits.

By the time I went to bed, I hadn't heard a peep out of NotABug.

"It happened again, Rarity."

NotABug's voice cut through my tiredness. I yawned without physically being able to and tried to clear my head.

—What happened again?— I asked.

"I think we should contact Twilight. Look in the mirror."

Of course I didn't have to actually look, as NotABug was already looking. I just had to focus my share of my brain to the task of recognizing the shapes and figures as me. And that is where things failed: it wasn't exactly me in the mirror.

The easiest thing to spot was my horn had grown larger. It now looked nearly as large as my head and half-again long. The spire was imposing and still bore the jagged shape that I had come to expect of it.

My eyes were still that new shape and color: slit and green.

My hair was now half-and-half cerulean and violet. There was so much of the silken hair that it almost seemed like I was wearing a wig. It was lighter than my regular hair but hung a lot straighter.

The biggest thing that tipped me off that something really odd was going on, however, was my skin. My facial features now resided on pitch-black flesh. It was ebony to my previous ivory. If I'd been in control of my body, I might have screamed or fainted.

NotABug lifted a hand up to the side of my head and brushed some of the soft, silk hair aside. My ears weren't where they were supposed to be, but were higher up on my head and, while not exactly like my ponied-up ones in shape, were closer to that than human.

—I'm looking a bit more like you, when you were still just reaching through my phone,— I sent, and then passed out.

The second time I woke up I was wrapped in a comforter on the couch, there was a half-empty tub of chocolate ice-cream in one hand and a parfait spoon in the other. On the coffee table was a large mug of tea, and while I slowly regained my senses, another spoon full of decadent, delightful, and delicious… I'm not up to alliteration.

—Can I see again?— I asked.

A little gasp came from NotABug's mouth. I realized something quite profound then: the ice-cream, tea, and comforter weren't entirely for my benefit. My inability to hug NotABug continued to annoy.

—Are you okay? Should you call Rainbow Dash?— I asked further.

"N-No. We need to deal with this on our own. Well, together. I can't believe this is happening. I didn't want to cause you to—to turn into a monster!"

—That's why I don't blame you, NotABug.—

I suddenly didn't care about the situation and its effects on me. That I was turning into something would still cause moments of pause but I didn't want it to hurt our relationship. I had to do something I loathed, but like an adult I would do it because it needed to be done.


I hated myself just a little, but it was the only way I could send NotABug a hug—short of texting Rainbow Dash.

10:43 A.M.

—Hi Maud. Just checking, what time were you coming over for a fitting?— I sent to Maud.

"How do you do that, Rarity? How do you just do what others need? You took me in and helped me, without a second thought. You sit here now looking—looking completely different to your normal, beautiful self, and you send me a hug and ask Maud when you can finish her dress?"

—You never intended to do this. I made the choice to let you in. I don't know if you can search my memories like I can yours. Would I still open myself if given the option, knowing this would happen? Yes. Despite how much I adore fashion and, probably a little narcissistically, myself, I would do it again. Windigo was killing you.—

NotABug's eyelids trembled for a moment, and I knew what was coming. Tears started to gather, and NotABug choked back a sob.

—Rainbow, NotABug needs someone to hug her, and I can't. If you aren't working, please help,— I sent to Rainbow Dash

Jerking, NotABug hugged herself with her arms. It was obvious she had seen my messages, she had even commented on my one to Maud.

—OMW,— Rainbow Dash sent.

—We both need a hug, I think. So if you don't mind I'll just hang around in the back when Rainbow Dash gets here.—

A tiny whimper came from NotABug's mouth. I prodded at her, pushed and poked too. I'm sure she just didn't notice, because when I pushed a little more she let me push forward. The first thing I did was squeeze my eyes closed. The second was to push some of the ice-cream into my mouth—I knew she could taste it, after all.

"Your life means more to me than my looks, darling. Why, you've positively bloomed while you've been in my head. Before Windigo attacked did you ever cry like this? Did you ever feel this down?" I asked, once I'd swallowed the ice-cream.


"You need to take the bad with the good. Living is all about the journey from what you were to what you are. Besides, just like I said, winter colors are in."

—I can be there any time after 2,— Maud sent.

—Wonderful, dear. Could you make it 4 P.M.?— I asked.


—Five hours? Why five hours?— NotABug asked.

"Because, darling, Rainbow Dash will be here soon, and you are going to learn how to fit a dress on her."

I could almost taste her curiosity. Of course, when NotABug was that curious she would research. The background buzz of information rushing through my head no longer felt strange.

—You're going to show me how to do that?—

"No. I'm going to explain to you what to do, so you can fit Rainbow Dash into the most beautiful dress I have ever made her."

Silence. Time crawled by.

10:58 A.M.

10:59 A.M.

11:00 A.M.

I wished I could just turn it off, or look away, but such was just not possible.


—I love you!—

"I love you too, dear."

No sooner was the last word out of my mouth than the sound of screeching tires and a car that had likely just gained several speeding tickets met my ears. I knew it met my ears because they twitched and turned to face the door.

I could hear Rainbow Dash's feet stomp to a halt at the door, and I reached out with my magic to open it for her. Diamonds of force were my normal thing, as it was the magic I had learned to perfect and make wonderful use of. Instead of blue diamonds, I got a green glob.

It wasn't my magic, it was NotABug's. However, when I tried to direct the power to the door, on a whim, the green glow moved. Jumping to my feet and casting off the comforter, I raced up to the door and snuffed that magic out.

My magic changing was a problem for later.

I unlocked the door and opened it. NotABug started to poke at me, and I was a moment away from giving her control when Rainbow Dash's arms curled around me and her lips found mine. I stiffened a little, but then NotABug took over and I felt her arms relax and wrap around Rainbow Dash for the comfort both of us needed.

"Whoa. Wait a minute. What's going on? N-NotABug?" Rainbow Dash asked as she leaned back a little.

Something in NotABug's face must have dissolved all of Rainbow Dash's worry about our appearance, because she quickly pulled tight again and squeezed.

For all her silly arguments about me "changing teams," Rainbow Dash could have almost convinced me with a hug like she was giving now. Her arms were strong, firm, and knew just the right way to use both.

Soft kisses landed on NotABug's cheeks. Softer sounds came from NotABug as a result of Rainbow Dash kissing her tears away.

"Come on. I can see you've got the ice-cream out. Tell me what happened. I mean, I figured the horn and eyes was some kind of fashion statement, but even I'm not stupid enough to think Rarity would do this just as a statement," Rainbow Dash said.

"Sh-She didn't. It's all my fault. This is, kinda, what I looked like before she saved me. I did this to her!" NotABug said.

Rainbow Dash, bless her heart, raised an eyebrow at the self-accusation. Her mouth curved into a half smile that I knew to my core was the key trait Princess Twilight had associated her with: Loyalty.

"You didn't text me that message, did you?" Rainbow Dash asked, and when NotABug shook her head, Rainbow continued. "So she's more concerned that you're okay than she is annoyed with you. Trust me, I know what it looks like when Rarity is annoyed at you. So out with it."

"She let me into her head. She said she would do it again even—even if she knew this would happen!"


"How can she possibly be that—"

Rainbow Dash silenced NotABug with a much more directed kiss. That she was kissing me, by proxy, was a lot less disturbing than I knew it should have been. The kiss worked quite well, and even when Rainbow Dash pulled back, NotABug kept quiet.

"How can Rarity, proclaimed champion of generosity by a magical princess from another world, possibly be so generous and sharing with even her own body? Gee. Golly. I wonder how that would work," Rainbow Dash said.

The heavy helping of sarcasm caused NotABug to break from her silence.

"Princess? When did…?" NotABug said. "Oh. Princess Twilight."

It was complete confirmation that NotABug could delve into my memories. I assumed, like when I peeked at hers, it took effort and a reminder to jog things along.

"Yeah, Princess Twilight. I wonder how she's doing, anyway? Never mind that. The point is, this is what Rarity is. She's amazing, she cares for everyone," Rainbow Dash said.

"Not Suri Polomare."

Of course not Suri Polomare. Well, unless she was being attacked by a monster and was actually in trouble. Even then, I might need to think about it.

"Who's that? Doesn't she work at Polomare?"

"Suri is Rarity's boss. She's the owner's daughter and is trying to make Rarity's life a living hell for the next two weeks."

"Two weeks? Like quitting-two-weeks?" Rainbow Dash asked, and then her smile spread at NotABug's confirming nod. "Awesome! So just get her to ditch the two weeks and—"

"She can't. Suri said she'll get the company lawyers onto her if she breaks her work contract, and part of quitting without notice is that Rarity couldn't open a business. She's burning up all her personal leave—using you being sick as an excuse—but that still leaves her with over a week."

Rainbow Dash leaned a little, pulling NotABug past the door and swinging it closed. She pointed to the couch.

"Well, we need to talk about how we can get Rarity—and you—out of this. If there's anyone who's good at dodging work, it's me!" Rainbow Dash said.

—Don't forget the dress, darling,— I sent.

"Oh! We can't stop here. Rarity has—" NotABug said.

Rainbow Dash interrupted, and given the set up line I couldn't blame her.

"It's not bat country," Rainbow Dash said. "What has Rarity done?"

—May I?— I asked.

"Oh, sure. Sorry, Rarity."

NotABug nudged me as she spoke. I flowed into control aware of Rainbow Dash's arm around my hip. It was a conscious effort on my part not to displace it and had nothing to do with it not feeling terrible.

"I made you a dress to say I'm sorry and thank you," I said.

The mechanics of Rainbow Dash's brain trying to process what had just happened was obvious in her expression of confusion. Then the light came on.

"Oh! You two swapped?" Rainbow Dash asked, and quickly pulled her arm back from me. "S-Sorry, Rarity."

I considered my angle of attack. Planning out my assault, I began.

"You were trying to show me that work was grinding me down. I realize that now. You have also shown nothing but kindness and respect to NotABug. Also to me, I realize. You've been persistent, and I've barely given you the time of day—romantically speaking. So: I'm sorry, Rainbow Dash. I made you a dress to wear for your date on the weekend, and we just need a little time to adjust the fit."

"A dress?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"A very nice dress. But the problem is I don't have time to fit it, so…"

I gently nudged NotABug. The changeover was as smooth as ever, and I felt myself lose complete control of my body. In any normal situation, losing control of yourself to someone else would be bad, but NotABug had proven herself to be competent in her handling of, well, me. I trusted her.

"… So I am going to do your fitting instead," NotABug said.

The look on Rainbow Dash's face was priceless. Confusion was the main order, it seemed, and NotABug proved that a kiss could cure almost anything.

NotABug pulled back from the kiss, let out a little giggle, and led Rainbow Dash to my work room. Rainbow Dash was almost in a daze, and I was surprised at how quickly and easily she was divested of her outer clothing by NotABug. If I had to guess, Rainbow Dash was living a private fantasy. Curious.

"Now let me help you put this on. It will be loose, but that's alright for now," NotABug said, passing Rainbow Dash the unfinished dress.

The dress was light and flowing—just how I'd envisioned—and did everything within its power to bring the focus to Rainbow Dash's face and hair. It was an arrow; it was a map that had just one destination. All eyes might appreciate the dress, but it was the girl wearing it that was the star.

—Pin her hair up first. She might want to wear it down but bully her. More kisses will help.—

"I think your hair needs to be up for this," NotABug said with a little giggle. "Hold still."

"What?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Rainbow Dash was just about to turn her head when NotABug approached her from behind with a bamboo stick. Muscle memory was consistent between us, and the moment NotABug took hold of Rainbow Dash's hair, her hands moved on their own—twirling the length around itself once, twice, then up and through so that a small cascade of rainbow color left the bun NotABug created. The bamboo was worked through it, and before Rainbow Dash could have put together a proper protest, it was done.

"Just this," NotABug said, then kissed the side of Rainbow Dash's neck.

—I looked it up online. Don't tell her,— NotABug sent.

—Your secret's safe with me, darling. Next task is to fit the dress to her. I guessed at her size and over-measured everything. You will need to work on each seam and squeeze it in until it fits her properly, then pin it in place,— I sent.

NotABug's eyes roamed over Rainbow Dash, trying to keep away from her face but failing just often enough that Rainbow blushed. I could practically hear her thoughts making a mental catalog of the seams.

—Let me know when you've got that done, darling.—

—You're leaving us alone?— NotABug asked.

—Of course. I have a date with some research. Ways to make Suri not smile.—

Giggling out loud, NotABug nodded.

—Have fun,— NotABug sent.

—You too.—

Work was, for the most part, something I had never actually liked. Sure I was designing outfits, but I wasn't designing outfits I liked. It had never commanded more than a fraction of my muse. But, now that my task was to run counter to everything usual and make Suri Polomare frown, I had true inspiration.

I reached out to the server NotABug had installed. Unlike the computers of the internet it welcomed me. Everything was labeled, everything worked faster than I could think… It was perfect.

A simple connection to that server—to the specific set of systems titled Rarity—and I began my search.

The moment I began to look up web pages, I realized that NotABug must have had someone hook up our new internet connection. My mobile phone was fast, but this was lightning.

Images poured in around me. I could enter data directly into the search of the browser and it would throw thousands of results through. I was on a sea of muse; my ideas flowed out into the world and came back as waves of inspiration. Each cycle I would refine or expand my searches, and each cycle more amazing things came to me.

Noticing a little note just past the browser, I reached out for it.

Rarity, familiarize yourself with the data going in and out. Access it here.

I started another search, splitting my attention between the browser and that data connection. A single query went out first, then more, then a whole bunch more. I was drowning in data. There were words and symbols flying by, as well as big chunks of data.

Try as I might, the big chunks of data seemed impossible to understand—until they weren't. They were backwards. The data was similar to the car's camera feeds, but started from the wrong corner. Once I figured that out, I was getting quite the show. Information flooded into my head and it felt amazing.

I pushed my own request at the data port, and another rush of information came back to me. More notes were scattered around, including one that showed me how to save data directly to storage. One step closer to the waves of data, I was sending requests almost faster than I was getting replies.

Cataloging and sorting tens of thousands of images was merely a few seconds’ work. I was completely spellbound by the raw ability of the world to provide so much to inspire me that I almost missed NotABug's prod.

—Rarity. I don't know what to do next. Sorry to bother you.—

—Thank you for all the instructions, darling. This has been wonderful.—

As we conversed, I pushed out of that wonderful little (I take back everything bad I had said and thought about it) computer and back to looking through NotABug's eyes. With the dress pinned in, Rainbow Dash looked amazing.

—It needs to be a little tighter around her waist. The zip at the back comes past that, so it can afford to be a little firm. Otherwise, it's perfect,— I sent.

She prodded me further, and we switched places; NotABug stepped back into my head, and I stepped forward into control.

"Darling, hold still a moment more. NotABug has done amazingly for her first time, but you have a slimmer waist, I think," I said.

"Rarity?" Rainbow Dash asked.

She seemed to be getting better with telling us apart, at least. As much as I loved it when NotABug and her kissed, I wasn't keen on being the target of the attention myself.

"Of course. Now, hold still."

It only took a few more minutes. Rainbow Dash, following my command, held completely still for me. The seam went in another eighth at its tightest.

"Rainbow Dash?" I asked. "How is your work going?"

"Half the parents have said they're going to pull their kids out unless I stop coaching. The club doesn't want to, but I know they're going to drop me. It's all so stupid!"

Inserting the last pin to ensure the seam remained perfect, I reached up to the zip on Rainbow Dash's back.

"You worked in a sporting goods store for a while there, didn't you?" I asked.

"Back when we were at high school, yeah. It was actually pretty fun, but it wasn't what I really want to do. I want to run, jump, leap, kick… I want to compete!" Rainbow Dash said. "But right now I'll be lucky to pay my rent next month."

My mind clicked onto a solution to two problems. At least, it might be a solution to two problems. I started easing the dress down Rainbow Dash's body.

"What if you got a job in a retail store again?"

gasp,— NotABug sent.

—We needed someone to help. She looks good in a dress, and we can provide her with those.—

"It'd depend where," Rainbow Dash said, showing no hint she suspected my plan. "I've heard some nightmare stories about bosses that—"

“I’m offering you a job, Rainbow Dash,” I said, interrupting her rant before it could start.

Silence reigned. I worked the dress down low enough for Rainbow Dash to step out of it.

"I won't be able to run a store on my own, no matter how many of us are up here," I said, tapping my head, "there is still only so much one body can do."

"Whoa! Hold on. You're offering me a job?" Rainbow Dash asked, then started again when I nodded to her. "At a fashion store?"

"Oh. You're absolutely right. Maybe I could ask Suri Polomare if she would like to work for me?"

I managed to put levels of sarcasm into my voice that would have made Sunset applaud. I gave Rainbow Dash the drollest look I possessed and let out a sigh.

"Uh. So…?"

"So. I am offering you a job, Rainbow Dash. You just told me your old job is over, and you don't know if you'll make rent."

"Yeah…" Rainbow Dash said, sounding non-committal.

"Look. If you're worried this is some kind of handout, or that NotABug put me up to it, relax. I told you I would work out a solution to your employment problem, and while this is far from a final solution, it will keep you from having to move in with your latest girlfriend just for a roof over your head.

"And don't for a second believe that I won't make you actually work. If I'm paying you, I expect you to do what you're told."

Rainbow Dash, I knew, wasn't nearly as stubborn as Applejack would be. I wouldn't have been able to talk Applejack into working in a fashion shop. She would have exploded had I even mentioned it. Rainbow Dash was more flexible. She let out a deep sigh and then, halfway through opening her mouth to accept the job, she stopped.

"My 'latest girlfriend'?" she asked.

"As much as I like you, and NotABug loves you, I am not giving up my hat room."

"What about this room?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I mean, you're going to have a work room at the store, right?"

A deep sigh later and I managed to look at Rainbow Dash again.

"There are no spare rooms here," I said.

"But I know you have a big bed…"

Rainbow Dash's eyes waggled predictably.

"Alright!" she said, before I managed to kick her out of my home in her underwear. "I'll do it."

—This is going to be awesome!— NotABug sent.

—No. It will be work. I'm not saying it won't be pleasant having a friend to work with, but at work we are professional. Also, I may have found a way to make Suri very upset.—

I nudged NotABug, poked her gently toward the fore. She moved swiftly to take control again. There was something relaxing about letting her worry about things like moving and speaking. I settled myself and reached for the computer.

—Yes, darling, I'm going to make the most amazing designs for her. Of course, every one will require all their machines to retool for, but it will be brilliant!— I sent.

NotABug's green presence met me within the computer and looked over the images. She was so beautiful in this, her natural world. There was no sense of mass or volume, but the green light she gave off sparkled like emeralds caught in the sun.

—You're going to make them actually creative pieces that are useless to them?— she asked.

I touched lightly at the storage system and pulled up some more examples. NotABug flickered her light over them and seemed to pulse lightly—I realized she was laughing.

—Did you know you're green too, now?— NotABug asked.

I froze. Being a massless, volumeless bubble of light made it difficult to look at yourself without making an effort to do so—which I did. She was right; I was green now too. I took a moment to reflect on myself, examining the same green sparkles that made NotABug beautiful.

—I hadn't, but I don't think it matters. The point is, I'm going to be doing nothing Suri wants, and if she throws the designs back at me, I'll take them home and use them myself.—

Data, beautiful specs of white light, flowed in and out of NotABug.

—Don't do that. If she can prove you worked on anything for her, then used it yourself, she could take you to court,— NotABug sent.

The revelation surprised me, but at the same time it rang true. If I were in control of a human body, it would have given the most dramatic sigh ever. As it was I reached out to NotABug and gently touched her.

She was warm, as data was cool. She felt very different to anything else I had contacted in this way.

—That tickles. What are you doing?— she asked.

—Trying to hug you, dear. If it weren't for you, I would have made so many mistakes.—

Suddenly, green light wrapped around me. Warmth flowed in and out of me, and I had a very intimate knowledge of all the data NotABug was currently processing. Image data (from her eyes), further senses, bodily sensations of a more internal nature, as well as data connections into the computer and out into the internet.

In return, I know she felt more of me than either of us had shared before. The hug was, without a doubt, the most intimate and warm moment of my entire life—and hadn't involved my body at all.

I remained silent, just holding her, until it felt like the moment was passing. I let go as NotABug let go and we drifted apart.

—Well. At least we can still hug. Thank you, NotABug,— I sent.

—We both needed that, didn't we?— she asked.


My mind wheeled back onto what NotABug had sent before, and it combined with the earlier magic event. If my magic was green and my representation in the computer was green, was I more like NotABug now?

—When you came into me, magic used pieces of me to make you whole. I think it did the same for me,— I sent.

It made sense, it ticked all the boxes, and it just felt right.

—That fits. Except for one thing.—

I waited expectantly for NotABug to continue.

She sent an image of my body (hers at the moment) as it was now, then another of what my memory could recall of her own shape. Her body had been compact with big blue eyes and a little horn, tiny wings, and fins for her crest and tail. My body had a horn nearly twice the size of my head; slit, green eyes; and cerulean hair.

—Point taken. But I still think that fits. You were younger, then. You hadn't had any experience in the real world. You might have grown into whatever it is we are turning into,— I sent.

—Someone's at the front door.—

NotABug nudged me, and I felt myself not just gaining control of my body, but also becoming aware of it at the same time. For a few moments there was confusion and panic, as I was still deep in the computer and in my body. Something in my brain told me that "in the computer" was not grammatically correct—it was probably my 8th grade English teacher, Mrs. Harshwhinny—but I was, quite literally, in the computer.

I moved an arm, then my leg, then I pushed some data around in the computer (it was definitely the right feel). "Disconcerting" was the nicest way to describe how it felt.

"You going to answer that—uh—Rarity?" Rainbow Dash asked.

I turned my head (my physical one) and looked at Rainbow Dash. She was dressed, sitting on the couch. I was on the couch beside her, it seemed, and at that moment, she was pulling her arm back from my shoulder.

4:03 P.M.

"It is me, darling. Thank you, but I can get it."

Pushing up from where I was seated, I inadvertently gave Rainbow Dash a little show while I walked to the door. Not being completely stupid, I peeked through the peephole and saw a very relaxed and utterly bored-looking woman standing outside.

Unlocking and opening the door, I smiled widely. Maud Pie's expression didn't change—she barely even blinked.

"Maud, your timing is perfect. Come on in."

"Who are you?" Maud Pie asked.

It was a minor strike thanks to my acceptance of the changes, but it still stung a little.

"I'm having a bit of a magic-moment. It's me, dear, Rarity," I said.

One blue-violet eyelid crept up along with the eyebrow above it. Maud Pie was subtle with everything about her life, even her skepticism. She had every right to be unsure, too. I stepped aside and gestured within.

"Hi Maud," Rainbow Dash said.

"Hello Rainbow. Is that really Rarity?" Maud Pie asked.

"Yeah, and NotABug. Kinda a package deal now. No clue what's with the new look, though. I figured it was something to do with magic. Maybe we should call Twilight in?" Rainbow Dash asked.

One of my hands flew up to my head instinctively and pressed down upon my hair. My eyes narrowed.

"I value my hair, thank you very much. You weren't there last time she wanted to do a test," I said. "She has special little shaving things for her experiments."

Maud seemed appeased enough to walk inside. I got the door closed behind her and breathed a sigh of relief.

"I remember Twilight trying to understand how Fluttershy talks to animals. After the third squirrel, Fluttershy told Twilight to leave—forcefully," Maud said. "And then we had to knit them all little hats."

"Crazy as this all seems I'm not going to run to Twilight and tell her for one good reason," Rainbow Dash said, "you're still you."

—That's why I like her so much!— NotABug sent.

I had to admit that my heart gave a few extra thuds at the compliment and trust. It was good to know I was still me, despite how I looked. Considering how long Rainbow Dash had known me, and how much she had chased me, I trusted her to recognize if I were acting odd.

"Besides, NotABug said she was already talking to Twilight," Rainbow Dash said.

My blood ran cold for a second, but then I remembered that I had literally told NotABug to do so.

—She's really busy. She does like to talk, though, and helped me understand some things,— NotABug sent.

"NotABug says Twilight has been extremely busy. I guess she is in her final year, after all. Which means one thing," I said. "Tests."

Even Maud pulled the corner of her mouth up just a fraction. Rainbow Dash, however, barked a laugh at the thought of Twilight facing the biggest tests of her student life.

"Well, fun as it is to chat, I gotta go. My roommates were going to have a meeting or something, and I should probably go. It was about finding someone to replace me," Rainbow Dash said.

Vaulting from the couch to her feet, Rainbow Dash almost made it out the door. I pushed at NotABug, quickly, and felt her shove into control.

—Kiss her,— I sent.

NotABug didn't need to be told twice. As Rainbow Dash passed her, heading for the door, NotABug leaned out and brushed her lips, and lip-gloss, along Rainbow Dash's cheek.

"Don't forget our date," NotABug said.

"Pfft! As if I'd forget that!"

The slightly pink line along Rainbow Dash's cheek was perfect. NotABug pushed me back into control just as the door closed.

Having completely forgotten that I was still linked into the computer, I was surprised when I felt a hug—the digital hug again, of course, and it made me all warm and happy just to experience. With my attention moved more toward the computer, I almost forgot to keep standing (not something I expected to say except for nights spent drinking with friends).

—Thank you, again,— NotABug sent.

—You two are so cute together.—

Then I got an idea. My awkwardness in dealing with two complex tasks at once needed to be dealt with, or so I thought. If I were to make full use of the gifts NotABug was giving me, I had to be able to actually use them.

—NotABug, could I ask you to keep me doing things here? I've been having trouble focusing on my body and here at the same time. Practice would help.—

I started laughing, at least internally. What NotABug did wasn't triggering my body's need to laugh, but it was very tingly in the digital world.

—WAIT!— I sent. When she stopped, I continued, —Wait. Not quite that much. Just something to keep me remembering I'm here, too.—

—Like this, then?— NotABug asked.

A gentle prod, not ticklish, reminded me that I existed here. I nodded, then tried to remember that I couldn't nod in the computer.

—That's perfect, darling. Thank you.—

Hardly a moment had passed outside the computer. There was a repeating trend I was noticing that the more powerful a computer system, the less time passed while within it. I managed to think about that for nearly a quarter of a second.

Time was creeping by. With my attention frequently returning to NotABug's poking, I struggled to keep myself anchored in the real world, too.

"Where was I? Oh yes, fitting. Right this way, please," I said, gesturing to the hallway.

The fitting was only remarkable because of how many times I pricked my finger with a pin. Each poke from NotABug divided my attention between digital and real worlds. Pinning and testing the seams of the dress were natural to me—my hands were used to the motions and my mind knew how much tension was enough. To keep the other side of me focused I tried to do a few searches for things.

For her part, Maud Pie was calm and rock steady. She held still when I asked her, and moved how I demonstrated. The clock in my head, ever present and counting every minute of my life, told me it was almost time for dinner.

5:47 P.M.

"That should be enough. I'll have this done by tomorrow," I said.

Of course, she needed it for tomorrow night, so it was a no-brainer. Not that I cared about being tired at work tomorrow. Coffee cures many sins of the previous night. I stood up from where I was crouching and started to free Maud Pie from the dress.

"Thank you, Rarity."

"Perfectly fine, darling. This is what I do, after all. Make sure to get yourself a skin-tone strapless bra and g-string, and I can assure you that Fluttershy will not look away all night."

My boasting put a half-smile on Maud's face—reminding her of Fluttershy always did that. She carefully stepped out of the dress once I had the zip open and the fabric relaxed.

"I'm sorry I doubted you. Earlier, that is, when you let me inside. Your hair looks nice," Maud said.

Her tone was flat, but I knew Maud Pie's modus operandi in social situations not involving either rocks or Fluttershy. What Maud Pie said was Maud Pie's truth. I reached for the dress she had been wearing when she arrived and left her to put it on.

"How much will this cost?" Maud asked.

The question surprised me. Not for a second had I thought of price, and I immediately decided that until I had the business going I couldn't charge—and especially not a friend.

"Darling! This was a pleasure to make for you. I won't take a dime for it."

Maud held my eyes for a moment, staring at me impassively. In that little battle of wills I learned just how powerful my new abilities were. I froze my expression and did a quick search online for local eateries that home-delivered.

"I'm glad you're okay, Rarity," Maud said. "But I'm going to pay you for the fabric."

"It cost me around twenty dollars for everything needed. You really don't have—" I said.

I had the twenty in my hand before I managed to finish speaking. Maud, fully clothed, started walking for the door.

"Thank you, Rarity."

—You should say goodbye and show her out,— NotABug sent.

The message jolted me from a stupor. I had leaned too far into the search I'd been doing, as well as calculating profits and costs for dresses. I shook my head to clear it and pulled back from the computer.

Following Maud to my living room, I caught up just as she reached the door.

"You didn't have to, but thank you. I promise I'll have it done for you by tomorrow."

"Thanks. Goodbye, Rarity."

"Goodbye, Maud."

She left, pulling the door closed behind her. I reached back toward the computer and found the number of a Chinese food delivery and dialed it. My order was short, and surprisingly, I could focus enough while making it to walk back to my sewing room.

Maud's dress was draped carefully on my desk. I pulled the chair back, gingerly, with my green magic. I only had to barely touch the chair to lift it. The change in the power of my magic was startling.

"Must be the horn getting so big."

I finished Maud's dress in only another two hours—not counting the time I spent eating.

"NotABug?" I asked. When she gently touched my digital self, I continued, "I think I might have an early night. Would you like to take things from here?"

Her answer was a nudge. It was all I needed to feel, and let go without hesitation.

—Thank you, darling. I'm going to have a lot of fun tomorrow,— I sent.

I barely caught NotABug's giggle before my mental state slowed and I slipped into the embrace of sleep.

Author's Note:

Rarity/NotABug: "If you really wanted to could you use the net to render Suri persona-non-Grata, and or blow the whistle on Polomare fashions?"

"While seeing Suri Polomare forced to ask me if I'd 'like fries with that' would be awfully satisfactory, I doubt it could happen to any large extent. Her father owns Polomare Fashion, so it's not like we can get her fired," Rarity said.

—I think they meant getting all her bank accounts closed, delete her social security number, that kind of thing.—

"Oh! Well that would be illegal."

—And really hard. I can hack a lot of badly secured things, or things with known bugs, but banks have really good security, and social security databases even more. Not to mention both potentially having paper records. The chances of me being caught doing it are pretty good, too, and I don't think we want that kind of attention.—

Rarity gave a little nod of approval.

"As for shutting down Polomare Fashion, do you have any idea how big these corporations are? For every blog or tweet I could make, they would have a dozen people to spin things back their way. I'll defeat Polomare, and everything it stands for, in my own way: fashion!"

So I do this "Ask X" thing. X can be any pony within the story. You can ask them anything and they will definitely, hopefully reply. Keep the questions appropriate to the age-rating of the stories, and they will answer the best question in the author notes of the next chapter. The more votes a comment has the more likely I will get it to the right pony to answer. Try to keep it to one question per post! They will pick one question per chapter.

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Awesome ponies who are already helping to keep me in keyboards and rum:
Canary in the Coal Mine

And special thanks to the following, for careful eyes and friendly words:
Cross Lament

Editing provided by the wonderful Lab. (Huge thanks again. Your efforts makes me look competent! :derpytongue2:)