• Published 4th Feb 2018
  • 348 Views, 2 Comments

Linchpin Cycle: The Final Pillar - Gpizano

The lands of Equestria grow darker every day, as the despot's forces grow and press the resistance, the fate of the kingdom rests in a group of mare's hooves.

  • ...

Chapter 1

There was an unnatural silence in the air. The warm summer night should have been inviting for all manner of nocturnal creatures to fill White Woods with the sound of activity and calls. But the nights weren't safe for either pony or animal now, aside from insects such as the glimmering fireflies that were out, only the very brave or the very foolish would wander the woods at night.

And yet the sky was perfectly clear, allowing for an unobstructed view of the full moon with it's marks that made the shape of a mare. When foals asked about the mare in the moon, they were told that it was an image of the great goddess Luna, who watched over all ponies as they slept and made sure they had good dreams.

Too bad she could not help with a live nightmare...

A sound could soon be heard echoing through the woods, panting, fearful whimpers, eager growls, it was the sound of the hunt.

A pegasus mare skid along the ground as she made a sharp turn around a tree, three wolves in hot pursuit! But these were no ordinary wolves. No, if they were she could reason with them, talk to them, convince them to leave her alone. These wolves were bigger than average, meaner and more ferocious, with a dark look in their eyes. Something was wrong with the land. It was why so many of her friends were gone, having headed west. Fluttershy wished she had gone with them!

The yellow pegasus let out a frightened cry when she felt one of the wolf's jaws snap so close to her flank! She poured all remaining energy she had into her legs, willing herself to move to move faster, wishing she wasn't so scared that her wings were practically glued to her sides! If she could just lose them, if she could just get back home! Unfortunately it seemed her luck wouldn't improve just yet as suddenly from the side, one of the wolves suddenly barreled into her side, knocking her off balance and sending her rolling into a tree! The wind was knocked out of her, and her lungs that had already been desperately trying to take in air had to work double time as she felt her head swim. Her vision was spotty for the moment but she could hear the wolves approaching, surrounding her, ready to strike. Out of instinct Fluttershy placed her forehooves over her head in a feeble attempt to defend herself from the impending strike!

Only for it to not come. Instead she heard the sound of a blunt impact before a sharp crack and a pained, screeching howl. She peeked beyond her hooves to see another pony now standing between her and the wolves. The mystery pony giving a snort before rushing head on to the second wolf that lunged at her, managing to get low so she could headbutt it in the chest and send it flying back. That was when the third wolf made it's move, Fluttershy opened her mouth but fear paralyzed her from making a sound to warn the other pony of the attack! It's slam made full contact and sent the two rolling, the pony swearing loudly before she landed on top and slammed her right forehoof down on the wolf's head with such force that it cracked like an egg. Fluttershy felt her stomach churn and she closed her eyes before she got too good a look at the gruesome sight.

The mare's ears flicked as she heard the other two wolves retreat, the sound of the other pony coming closer made her start to curl up into a ball until she heard the other speak "Ya' okay? They didn't getcha' did they?" Fluttershy opened an eye just a smidge before opening them fully to get a better look. Her savior was a mare and an earth pony, it was hard to hazard a guess at the colors of her mane and coat with what little moonlight filtered through the trees, but they were definitely light colors. What really stood out was the leather armor the mare wore along with the strange hat on her head. And the blood coming from the underside of her belly...

The mare offered a gentle smile after awhile, keeping a respectable distance as she asked again "You okay?"

"Y-You're bleeding..." Fluttershy pointed out, slowly rising to her feet and taking a step closer, squinting so she could better see the slash marks.

"Yeah, Ah am." the mare pointed out simply before giving a light shake of her head "Ya' shouldn't be out in the woods at night. Ain't safe."

"You are though. And you got hurt helping me..."

"Ah did. S'fine though, Ah jes' gotta' settle down somewhere fer the night and-"

"Let me help you." said Fluttershy, the timid mare taking another step forward "... I have a home not far from here. I can help you with those cuts."

"Ah really gotta' get goin-"

"Please." said Fluttershy, actually sounding quite adamant, giving a quiet, pleading look to her rescuer. The other shuffled for a moment, seeming unsure before finally giving a nod. Fluttershy would turn and lead the way, looking back every so often as they went deeper into the forest. After a decent trot, they made it to a cave and the hero mare hesitated for a moment. "It's fine. It's just me and Angel." assured the pegasus, entering without fear with the earth pony following seconds later. The cave sloped down for a bit, a gentle green glow growing as they reached the back and the source revealed to be mushrooms growing along the cave walls.

The area was filled with plenty of necessary comforts, such as a blanket spread over a bedding of leaves and what not. A small area looked like it had been used for small fires, there were twigs and even clay woven into baskets that held various things, there was even a small white rabbit that appeared to be eying the new mare suspiciously before looking over to Fluttershy. "It's fine." she assured the rabbit, motioning for the other pony to take a seat while she went to the various baskets and started collecting some things.

"Nice place." she heard the other mare say, Fluttershy's only response being to look over and mumble a thank you before turning back. Now next to the other, Fluttershy motioned for the mare to lay on her side, her rescuer complying after a moment's hesitation. The pegasus was quiet as she looked over the bleeding scratches. They were deep but nothing that she couldn't handle, all it took was crushing up the right mixture of plants, spreading it on the wounds and then pressing a cleaned leaf to it like a bandage.

The mare let out a small hiss that made Fluttershy recoil slightly "Sorry!" she whispered out.

"Don't worry 'bout it." she assured, smiling and waving it off as she sat up. "Just a l'il sting, Ah'll live." A small silence settled between them, both seeming unsure of what to say or do next until a thought came up. "What's yer name?"

"F-Flutter... shy..."

"Fluttershy, huh?" After receiving a nod to confirm, the mare smiled "Ah'm Applejack, nice ta' meet ya'." With that, the mare stood up and stretched for a moment "Anyways, Ah'll leave ya' be n' find a place ta' camp fer the night."

"A-Alone? Outside...?" asked Fluttershy, standing up as well as she shot the other mare a concerned look.

"Ah'm sure Ah can find a safe 'nough place." assured Applejack, giving a light shrug of her shoulders.

"W-Well... why not here?" offered the pegasus, scuffing the ground with a hoof and casting her gaze to the ground. "You did help me with the wolves earlier, you were even hurt for the trouble... the least I could do is offer a safe place to sleep for the night." She bit her lower lip while watching Applejack mull it over and she released a breath when the other gave a nod.

"Alright, if'n Ah'm not imposin' or nothin'."

"Oh no! Not at all." assured Fluttershy, giving a shake of her head before fidgeting and motioning towards her sleeping area. "If you like, you could take my bed..."

"Shoot, I wouldn't take yer bed Fluttershy. Ah'll be fine." said Applejack, looking around before choosing what looked to be a comfy space of cave floor and settling down upon it. Fluttershy would simply relent and turn towards her own bed, curling up on top of the blanket as Angel hopped over and lied down next to her. The cave itself was quite warm and it would be easy enough to start dozing off...

"... what're ya' doin' livin' in a cave anyway?" Fluttershy cracked an eye open to look over at Applejack, seeing the mare resting her head on her forelegs and looking at her. "Ah mean, these woods are pretty close to the Shadow Pony's territory. Why didn't ya' head off west like other ponies?" Her inquisitive gaze softened as she saw the pegasus squirm slightly. "Sorry, Ah guess Ah shouldn't pry."

"... I... I should have gone west." Fluttershy admitted, voice soft as she turned her gaze to some spot on the wall behind Applejack. "Harry, my friend who used to live in this cave, he'd gone west awhile ago."

"Ya' had a friend just livin' in this cave before you?"

"Oh yes, he was a bear."

"Ah see..."

"Mm-hm. Anyways, many of the animals in this forest have fled. I think they could feel that the lands were changing. But I stayed behind."


".... I'm waiting."



"For what?" asked Applejack, met only with silence as Fluttershy rolled over and turned away. The earth pony stared at the other for awhile before slowly closing her eyes.

"... why are you here?" Applejack's eyes opened and focused on the back of the pegasus. "If most ponies have gone west, then why are you here in this forest?"

"... Ah'm lookin' fer someone."

"Are they lost?"

"Ah hope so." the mare was quiet for a time, a far off look in her eyes "Ah was told they got separated 'round that Bogg near Everfree Forest."


"The group he was with. They ne'er went back ta' search fer him. So Ah..." There was a pause and Applejack looked away from Fluttershy "Ah jes' gotta' see if'n Ah can find him."

"Is that... is that in the Shadow Pony's territory?" asked Fluttershy in a hushed tone.

"Yeah." Applejack glanced over and saw that Fluttershy had turned back over, much to the annoyance of Angel who was trying to sleep. Seeing the worried look on the other's face, Applejack gave her a gentle smile "Don't look so worried. Ah know how ta' run if'n things get bad. In fact, how 'bout when Ah'm done with mah searchin', you n' me can head west together when Ah come back? Okay?" She seemed satisfied when Fluttershy gave a small nod and closed her eyes "Night Fluttershy."

"Goodnight." However, as Fluttershy closed her eyes, she found sleep would not come easy to her. It wasn't because of the light snoring from her guest, it was actually quite comforting. It reminded her of when Harry was still around. It was more all the thoughts buzzing around in her head that would not allow her to rest just yet. Being rescued, talking with Applejack, the unnatural quiet of the forest, the fact that Applejack would leave tomorrow and she would have to wait.

And wait... and wait... and wait.

Fluttershy wasn't sure when she had fallen asleep, but when she woke up Applejack was gone and Angel was cooking a root over a small fire. The pegasus sprang to her hooves and asked Angel when Applejack had left, the bunny in turn miming that it hadn't been that long which made Fluttershy sprint out of the cave and into the early morning light. She wouldn't have to hurry for long before she caught up, Applejack's trotting coming to a half when she heard the ruckus behind her. "Fluttershy?" she asked, looking surprised to see the timid mare busting through the brush and panting. "What're ya' doin'?"

Once she caught her breath, Fluttershy raised her head but paused once she got a better look at Applejack. Blonde mane and tail, orange coat, freckles. Then her mind snapped back to why she chased after the other and asked "Yo-Y-You... you'll come back... right?"

Gaze softening, Applejack moved closer to Fluttershy and placed a foreleg around her in a quick hug "Sure as rain sugarcube. Ah'll be back to come get ya'." Stepping back, the blonde gave her one last smile before turning around to continue her trek "Ya' head back to yer place now, ya' here? Ya' gotta' keep yerself safe 'til Ah come back." Fluttershy stayed still, watching Applejack slowly disappear into the forest before looking up to the treetop, frowning as she could see the blue sky above with bits of white clouds. She looked back in the direction Applejack had gone before turning and slowly making her way back to the cave.

Once inside, she took a seat and stared ahead of her, knowing now that all there was to do was wait...

Her attention was caught by Angel as the bunny hopped over and presented the cooked root to her, which she picked up in her forehooves and slowly started to chew on. Just her and Angel, waiting in the silent forest...

At the edge of the forest was a grand field, with a river to the right, mountains to the left, and ahead would be Applejack's destination. Despite having to deal with ferocious wolves in the forest, it had provided cover and stepping out into the open was starting to make the earth pony nervous. Applejack closed her eyes and took a deep breath before stepping forward. One hoof in front of the other, easy as bucking trees.

"Applejack!" Her eyes snapped open and she stopped dead, her whole face the perfect definition of shock when she turned and saw Fluttershy galloping after her, Angel bunny on her back and two baskets connected by her blanket slung over her back like some home made saddle bags.

"Fluttershy, what're you doin'?"

"I'm coming with you-"

Applejack immediately cut her off "No way, no how! Ah'm goin' into some dangerous territory! If somethin' happens then yer gonna be in real danger!" Seeing Fluttershy lower her head and start to tremble, the blonde immediately felt bad. She reached out with a hoof to touch the pegasus's shoulder but stopped when the other mare spoke up.

"I don't want to wait anymore..." when Fluttershy raised her head and Applejack was struck by how sad those teal eyes looked. "I don't want to be alone anymore. I want... I want to be sure we'll both go west. Together."

Frowning softly, Applejack looked away for a moment, pawing the ground in thought before looking back at the timid mare. "And if'n Ah told ya' to go back to yer home?"

"I'd..." Fluttershy seemed to shrink at this, it was her turn to avert her gaze before looking back "I'd still... I'd still follow you." Then she winced when Applejack's frown deepened. Yet despite the blonde's apparent displeasure, Fluttershy stood her ground and waited for the earth pony to speak.

"... If'n yer serious. Then here's the rules." said Applejack, the serious tone in her voice making Fluttershy pay especially close attention. "If there's trouble, you run. Ya' don't stick 'round to try n' help me or nothin'. Ya' get yerself and Angel to safety. If somethin' happens to me, you get yourself back here to this forest n' then ya' head west. Ya' got it?" Once she got a vigorous nod from the pegasus, Applejack sighed before turning and starting to trot off.

She didn't like this, not one bit. Fluttershy didn't strike her as having any kind of fight in her and honestly she hoped that the mare would just turn around. A glance back and she saw Fluttershy trailing after her, causing the earth pony to shake her head and turn her gaze forward.

Applejack had a bad feeling about this...

Author's Note:

Woo! Chapter one done! The first step on a hopefully epic adventure! Stay tuned for chapter 2 kids!