• Published 22nd Jul 2012
  • 2,578 Views, 149 Comments

Fluttershy's Path to Heaven - Whisper The Saint

A crossover between Mlp:FiM and the christian movie Pilgrim’s Progress: Journey to Heaven.

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2. The Companions

Chapter 2 – The Companions

Fluttershy friends stood frozen for a minute, trying to understand what had just happened. Fluttershy, one of their best friends had just run inside the Everfree forest. Where was the scared, low initiative pony they knew and loved?

The first one to snap out of it was Rainbow Dash. She turned back to her friends and said: “What are you guys doing? We have to chase her!” starting to run towards where Fluttershy had disappeared.

“Rainbow Dash, don’t go without us!” shouted Rarity, who went running after her.

“We need to make a plan first!” followed Twilight.

“And what do you plan to do when you get to her?!” asked Applejack loudly, before continuing: “Bring her by force?!”

Rainbow Dash suddenly turned midway, shouting back: “She needs our help! That is the only thing that matters!”

Without losing another moment, Rainbow Dash returned to her chase, going in a speed that was impossible to follow.

Pinkie Pie prepared to go after the duo, when she noticed that Twilight was still frozen in her place. She looked at her with sad eyes, asking: “Hey, Twilight? What’s wrong? We have to follow Fluttershy!”

“It’s… it’s my entire fault that this happened. Why did I allow her to borrow that book? Now she is inside the forest, searching for something that probably doesn’t exist, in a place full of dangerous creatures and monsters...”, answered Twilight, a tear falling from her eyes.

“Twilight, it’s not yer fault” said Applejack, putting a hoof on the back of her friend. She continued: “You could never expect that to happen.”

“Twilight, we can still catch her! Let’s go after them!”,Pinkie Pie shouted while bouncing in place, trying to get her attention.

Twilight shook her head, trying to recover from the shock. She turned her view to Pinkie Pie, then to Applejack… and then to Evangelist. Looking at him, she began to walk towards the stallion, clearly anger in her eyes.

“YOU! It’s your fault this happened!” shouted Twilight in a menacing tone, continuing: “What things have you put into her head?!”

“She made her choice. In truth I tell you I wouldn't be here if she didn't ask for it”, Evangelist answered in a soft voice.

“You took her from us… you sent her to a place full of monsters and dangers! What were you thinking!?” Twilight kept shouting.

“And in truth I tell you: she is far safer there, with the many monsters and dangers that lurk in the Everfree Forest, than here, living under sin and in ignorance of what is going to happen”, Evangelist answered again, this time raising a bit the tone of his voice.

At this point Twilight anger was getting pretty close to explode. “If anything happen to her… I will never forgive you”, she warned, her words cold like steel.

“Should you ever do anything to me… know that I will forgive you”, Evangelist answered with a smile.

“Wha.. What kind of reply is this?!” Twilight shouted, not finding a way to counter it. Who in the world replied a threat like that? “Ah, forget you! Pinkie, Applejack, let’s go after Fluttershy!”

“Okie dokie loki!" said Pinkie Pie, starting to bounce in place again.

“Right after you, Twilight!”, said Applejack, a determined look on her eyes.

Together, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Twilight Sparkle rushed towards the forest, trying to catch Fluttershy and hopefully take her back to the safety of Ponyville and her friends.

Evangelist stood, only looking as they disappeared from his vision. When the last mares entered into the forest, he knelled into the ground, starting to pray: “My lord… I know that the yellow mare will be safe… but what will happen with her friends? Please… look after them.”

Fluttershy ran the further she could inside the forest, before her need of breathing finally catching up with her. Stopping to rest for a minute, her mind started race again: ‘What have I done? I never thought this was actually inside me. As I too reckless? But… he was right. They would try everything to stop me. Oh, I really hope I didn't cause them too much worry…’.

Fluttershy looked back, checking if she had truly lost her chasers. Not seeing anything, she got up and started to walk through the forest.

‘It’s strange…’ , Fluttershy thought, continuing: ‘It seems that the Everfree Forest isn't so terrifying… not like in all those times I visited her before. In fact, I never noticed how different some of those flowers are… some are even kind of pretty.’.

Fluttershy started to daydream as she went through the path, her thoughts only being interrupted when she stepped on a stick or almost tripped at a branch.

The forest was serene: the only sounds that could be heard were of birds and small animals. For a place that was usually regarded as a dangerous and spooky place, the forest was actually relaxing Fluttershy’s body from her previous chase.

As Fluttershy kept going through the path, suddenly a force pushed her with great strength. Fluttershy rolled on the ground, ending falling on her back. She looked back only to see Rainbow Dash and Rarity standing near her.

“Girls, how did you catch me?” Asked Fluttershy, surprised.

*puff* *puff* I am not called Rainbow Dash for nothing!” said Rainbow Dash, who was catching her breath. Feeling a bit better, she continued: “Anyway, are you nuts Fluttershy? Running away like that?”

*puff* *huff* Yes, darling. You shouldn't try to do such reckless things without telling us!, Rarity continued, also recovering from the chase. She continued: “Because of you, my hooves are muddy and my mane is full of leaves.”

“I am sorry. But you guys didn't believe me before… you would try to stop me.” Fluttershy answered, looking sad.

“Of course we would!” shouted Rainbow Dash, continuing: “Listen Fluttershy, this is foolish! I already talked with Twilight and she told me that this… book of yours is just a tale, a myth! And besides, why are you doing this? What did this story promise you that would make you risk your own life?!”

Fluttershy stopped for a moment, remembering about everything she had read. She then felt a surge of confidence filling her, allowing her to say everything that was in her heart:

“Rainbow Dash, I know it’s hard to believe… but I felt it. I know it’s true. Listen, Silver Light promises us a refuge from the destroying fire. I read about it, the Celestial City... it will be a place where we will receive eternal life, a place where everything will be happiness. There will be treasures that nopony never touched before. And most important... it will be a place with no tears, because its owner will be there to wipe out each one of them”, Fluttershy answered.

“Wait, there is more”, Fluttershy continued: “But while the promised rewards are many, they aren't the true reason I ran away. Listen, when Silver Light died on the cross... he sustained all of the sins of the world. I read the book and I say, there were many passages who made me feel terrible. But I saw that each of them had been provoked by evil. He didn't just die on the cross; he took the burden of all of the sins in the world! He paid the ultimate price just that you and me could have a chance for salvation. And we never asked for it… he died so that those who believe in him could be saved…”

Fluttershy stopped again, a tear falling from her eyes. She touched her heart with one of her wings before continuing: “I want to see him, Rainbow Dash. To sacrifice yourself to save the whole world and everything that will come after you… is there a greater proof of love? Or kindness? He was the son of The Master, he didn't need to do any of this. But he did. This is why I believe in the book and this is why I believe in him.”

“I believe that he exists… and that he is around the world, somewhere waiting for us to find him”, Fluttershy said, tears starting to fall freely. She continued: “I have to find him. This is the only way we can have a chance at salvation.”

Her two friends could only stare blank as the yellow pegasus made her speech. When Fluttershy finished it, she got kind of shocked: she had never talked so much about herself before. And for the first time… she had finally said everything that was in her heart. She looked at her friends, waiting to see if they finally understood why she believed in the book.

Both of Fluttershy friends stood for a few minutes in silence. Rarity was the first one to say something: “Darling, I am so sorry. I now see why this is important for you.”

Then it was Rainbow Dash turn to say: “Yes, this… Silver Light, is it? That seems like a cool name.”

“So... hum... you guys believe in me?”, said Fluttershy, wiping her tears and giving a smile.

“Hum… nope”, answered Rainbow Dash with a sly smile. She continued: “However I won’t stop you anymore. You must do what you must do.”

“Rainbow Dash… I really wish you would believe it”, Fluttershy said sadly. She then remembered of her vision about the destruction that was coming. Suddenly her face was filled with hope as she had an idea. She said: “Don’t worry, Rainbow Dash! When I arrive at the sacred place I will ask the lord to send you a personal invitation.”

“Well… sure, why not!” answered Rainbow Dash, feeling a bit uncomfortable. She turned to Rarity and said: “C’mon Rarity, let’s go.”

“Wait Rainbow…” said Rarity. She smiled before saying: “I will go with Fluttershy.”

“Are you kidding?” Rainbow Dash asked in disbelief.

“Rainbow Dash… if a place like this truly exists, don’t you think it’s worth trying to find it?” asked Rarity, showing her a wink.

Rainbow Dash quickly got close to Rarity, whispering: “Rarity, do you truly believe in what Fluttershy has said?”

“Of course not, darling” she whispered back, continuing: “But haven't you heard that every tale has a little of truth? Perhaps there is something to be found. And besides… somepony has to go to keep an eye on her, doesn't it?”

Rainbow Dash nodded, agreeing with Rarity. She then gave a few steps back, turning to Fluttershy and giving her a wide smile: “Well, okay then! Have fun with your search guys. I am going to get a cloud, take a little nap, you know?”

“Oh bye, Rainbow Dash. We will see you later!” Rarity said, making a hoof signal to her.

“Rainbow Dash, are you sure you don’t want to come with…” before Fluttershy could finish talking, Rainbow Dash started flying, quick leaving in a rainbow colored flash. Fluttershy could only stare as her friend left the area.

“Don’t mind her, darling” Rarity said, putting a hoof on her back. She smiled to her, before continuing: “Now Fluttershy, tell me more about what we can find in this refuge… especially the treasures.”

Fluttershy eyes got wider, truly believing that Rarity was wishing to learn more. She began to talk about everything that she had read, while Rarity was only nodding with her head.

Together the duo went deeper into the Everfree Forest. Little did they know that their first test of faith was at hand…

Author's Note:

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."
Matthew 5:8