• Member Since 22nd Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen Jan 2nd, 2020


A broke(n) artist and writer.


What happens when the stress of being Celestia's student finally catches up with Twilight?

Story concept by Moon_Dew

Popular Stories sidebar on 2/17/18 and 2/18/18.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 47 )

Uh Oh, I wonder what Sunset will say to Celestia when she doesn't hear from Twilight after awhile, I mean with the portal open now she can easily go back and forth when she wants to so he could easily come out of the portal into Twilight's castle to find out Twilight is locked up then, this could turn out really bad for Celestia then.

And then, Twilight's parents decide that she can't be Celestia's student anymore, go to Luna and ask her to take in Twilight xD as obviously her sister can't do it.

8740632 Maybe. Who knows? :trollestia:


I have to think this is pre-Equestria Girls, otherwise the title Princess would trmp Local Hero

8740775 It's a good possibility.

8740996 This will probably be a stand alone story once it's completed.

This didn't take long to get featured, didn't it?

8741131 It actually surprised me that it hit the popular stories list with the low view count. (I'm not complaining about it though)

"Are you just going to sit there on your fat posterior or do you plan on giving us an answer at some point?"

Oh my god....:rainbowlaugh:


Good so far, (though I doubt Twi's mother would use such language :trollestia:) any ETA on the updates?

8743275 No ETA on updates at the moment. I have the newest SciTwi Shimmer story as the next release. But I'll try getting something as soon as possible. :raritywink:




Gonna track that then... BTW. please don't forget about that:

EMy Little Voyager
Something metal lands in Equestria while the bearers of the Elements of Harmony simultaneously begin to vanish.
pabrony · 11k words  ·  58  4 · 2.1k views

We are still waiting for new chapter :duck:

8743318 Don't worry. I haven't forgotten. I hit a bad patch in my depression and the only thing that came out was the Dark Sunset trilogy. I'm about 1,100 words into the next (and possibly the final) chapter of My Little Voyager.



Good to hear - gonna be waiting in anticipation.

And hope you are out of that depression already :twilightsmile:

8743371 Unfortunately, clinical depression never ends. It just has high points and low points.

Oh, that's awesome!:pinkiehappy: I meant more. :twilightsheepish:

My sympathies. At least with chemical depression you know you are in for a constant state.

8818214 Thanks for understanding.

I know this is tagged as "Drama" and "Sad", but I actually got a kick out of Velvet trying to cuss out the leader of Equestria. XD She's got balls, and I love it.

8826558 It's called angry parent syndrome.

I mean, it's been established that she's the adrenaline junky of the family. So it makes sense for her to take such a tone with even Celestia when it comes to her daughter. XP

I can't wait to see the next chapter soon. I came to read this as soon as I heard that you were almost done with it.

8827168 Just a head's up then, the next chapter is a flashback.

Yep. Confimed Twilight is mentally broken. Here at least. Age should not be an excuse. She's too smart. I say something else.

8834672 Stay tuned for her condition to be revealed in a future chapter.

Paranoid schizophrenia? Or is she actually being visited by Discord or something?

Hm...could this be foreshadowing to some of her future adventures? Maybe the voices are a shadow of chaos? Perhaps a particularly bad waking dream?

:pinkiecrazy: hak, mabe she jes crzy? :pinkiecrazy:

I got 2 theory's about what is happening here.

Theory 1: Twilight is seeing things in the future that are going to happen but then due to this she doesn't know who the Mane 5 members are since she doesn't know who they are.

Theory 2: (This one I think is the one I agree more to) Now for this theory I would say that Twilight of her younger self and her older self have both switched bodies, that means the soul from the young filly Twilight has ended up in the future somehow in the older Twilight's body while older Twilight has gone back in time to her past self's body.

Hm...it seemed at first that Twilight was just mentally unstable. Now it's as if she's seeing a version of her future. And yes, I mean version rather than vision. That is because:

This definitely isn't premonition. Her reactions to the sudden shifts get their own reaction from the ponies she doesn't recognize. If this was a simple vision, she'd have no agency over her actions within the scenarios she saw. It'd be like watching a movie from your own point of view.
And I highly doubt this is a "past/future self soul swap". Filly Twilight didn't ask "where am I, where's Nightmare moon". She didn't act like Adult Twilight. She instead kept seeing this variation of her future.

I have no clue what's going on. At first I thought this was alternate timeline merging, but then I figured that would be too complicated to pull off without having this written months in advance. I'll just wait and see, because I'm really curious as to this sudden tonal shift.

Huh. Looks like the elements or her own magic has truely screwed Twilight over.

8857298 The Elements haven't been discovered by Twilight yet, nor has she met the rest of the Mane 6 in person yet.

I assumed that since some form of time displacement/travel is involved that literally any point in her life might be the proactive/retroactive cause. Also while Glimmer would make sense due to the nature of the spells she cast I assumed that since she hadn’t been hinted at she likely had nothing to do with it. Raw magical power such as Twilight’s surge during the initial rainboom or gaining the elements after their long dormancy would be harder to notice any kind of foreshadowing. Apologies if I am putting to much thought into this, it’s just what popped into my head when I was reading.

So is Twilight seeing alternate futures? Perhaps a future Twilight is attempting a spell to tell herself of past mistakes and this is the life destroying results?

8978151 I plan on revealing Twilight's condition in the next chapter.

Shimshim! She got the crap beat outta her by a filly half her size and age, but Shimshim!

The plot thickens, and the mysteries deepen. I can't wait for the next chapter when we finally get to learn about Twilight's condition. Though, part of me wonders how long this flashback is going to go on for. Is the flashback the entire story, or will the flashback end later when we get close enough to the events that started this fic?

8979482 The next chapter will more than likely return to Princess Celestia vs. Twilight's parents with one last flashback after that to show what Twilight did to get put away in the psych ward for the final time.

I had a feeling that would be soon, but I didn't think that soon.

8979977 I've been leading readers on for almost four months and just as many chapters. So I figure its a good enough time as any. But it won't be in the Sunday Sneak Peek anytime soon.

OH yeah. No, that needs to be given its proper due so it can make sense. I'd do the exact same thing if I were in your shoes. Hold onto it, make sure it's as good as it can be, then release it.

And here I thought Pinkie Pie was the schizoid one...:pinkiecrazy:

Well. This was worth the wait!

Yeah! The chapter said everything for me! It was short, but it was worth it! I can't wait to see more!

Glad to see this story's still alive.

Yeah, the SciTwi Shimmer Chronicles kinda took priority for the first half of the year due to the timing of a condition one of the characters had.

They are friends, I’m sure they can share.

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