• Published 23rd Jan 2018
  • 4,093 Views, 19 Comments

Trixie and Luna Go to The Pound - Skijarama

After making a lewd remark, Trixie is blasted into the human world by Starlight Glimmer alongside Princess Luna. And now the two are fillies. It must be saturday.

  • ...

Trixie and Luna Go To The Pound

“Oh, Boy. We’re doing this shite again.”


“And this is why I should never send you shit.”


“Weren’t you the one to start the idiocyverse, though? This is your fault.”


“I created it, you devolved it.”


“I think the word is ‘evolved’ my friend. There is an unneeded ‘de’ in there.”


It was a day of celebration, Queen Chrysalis had been defeated once more and all of her captives had been freed. The Queen’s subjects had undergone something of a design shift, to some but not all of their dismay. This was all thanks to not the usual group of walking apocalypse magnets, but a far more… varied substitute.

Discord. The now King Thorax. (The great and powerful) Trixie Lulamoon. Starlight ‘destroy the timeline’ Glimmer.

Two of said individuals, Trixie and Starlight, had temporarily excused themselves from the proceedings of their ‘medal of honor’ and ‘Starlight’s graduation day’ party, just taking a moment to enjoy a more mellow atmosphere in the halls of Twilight’s castle. They’d had enough excitement recently.

“It’s kind of overwhelming,” Starlight commented, poking her pink heart of courage hanging around her neck on a golden chain with a very slight frown. “Getting a medal of honor and graduating on the same day.”

“Well, to be fair, I don’t think it’s enough. Where are the fireworks?” Trixie added bluntly while lifting up her own medal. “Honestly, it’s like they forgot that I helped you.”

Starlight found a small smirk forming on her face. “Getting caught, eh?”

Trixie frowned. “Hey! I distracted that changeling long enough for you and Thorax to get a move on! Plus, Thorax and I, the great and powerful Trixie, managed to create a diversion before that to let us get farther into the hive!” she shot defensively.

Starlight giggled. “Trix, have you ever heard of teasing?” she asked while wrapping a foreleg over the other mare’s shoulders.

“Teasing? Of course! I, the Great and Powerful Trixie,happen to be the supreme goddess of teasing!”

Starlight looked… unconvinced. “Right.”

As the two mares continued to bicker like schoolyard foals (or a married couple; whichever you prefer), they were highly unaware of another’s nearby presence. That presence was none other than the Princess of the Night, Princess Luna, who like the argumentative pair wished to temporarily be away from the hyper crowds within the castle.

Princess Luna had taken but one step into the hallway before spotting (more hearing really) the pair of unicorns. She heard Trixie’s proclamation, allowing the Maiden of Dreams a small titter of amusement. She backed into the doorway, intent on letting them finish their debate before passing on.

“Trixie shall prove it!” Trixie proclaimed, striking what was presumably meant to be a powerful pose. “And when Trixie does, then shall be no more doubt. And all will bow before the might of Trixie!”

“Prove it how?” Starlight pressed, her smile unwavering.

Trixie’s eyes lidded just a little. “Well, lead me to a bedroom~” she cooed softly.

Starlight’s smile wavered.”Uh…” her eyes briefly flicked past Trixie’s sultry expression when she caught a flicker of blue and sparkle in the corner of her eye. A spike of panic filled Starlight when, standing in a doorway with a knowing look, was Princess Luna. Staring right at them. “TRIXIE!”

“What?” Trixie asked ‘innocently.’ “Do you not have confidence in Trixie’s… ability?

“Trixie, shut up!” Starlight demanded, now blushing like a tomato. “Seriously, stop!”

“But I don’t want to.”

Starlight’s eye was twitching furiously as she saw the Lunar Princess shoot the two a rather bemused expression, not yet realising she had been spotted.

“Seriously…. STOP!”

“Then you concede my victory!” Trixie proclaimed, before getting the bright idea to add: “Perhaps we should go to the bedroom anyway for celebration, hm?”

“THAT’S IT!” Starlight shouted in extreme embarrassment, rather brashly lashing out with her magic in some ill-fated and highly uncontrolled attempt to have the blue mare shut the hell up.

Only for her to unleash an overpowered wave of concussive magic that launched into Trixie and sent the startled, and yet unrepentant, mare screaming away down the hall.

And directly into the startled form of Princess Luna.

Starlight’s brain only began to have the dawning sensation of horror as to what she had done just as Trixie slammed into the Princess. They didn’t stop there, however, rather continuing down the next hall and through the wall.

A cloud of dust and shattered crystal was thrown into the air, Starlight staring in in complete shock at her latest blunder.

“Oh dear,” she said simply. “Welp, if I wasn’t going to be executed for time travel…”

She shook her head violently, while adding in a self deriding facehoof.

“Shut it, Starlight!” she scolded herself. “Twilight said that Luna has a humorous side, maybe she’ll find the humour in the situation… Heh, yes. Definitely…”

She stayed still a few moments longer, staring at the hole in the wall expectantly. But if she was expecting the Princess of the Night’s bellowing laughter, she was sorely disappointed.

“Oh no…” Starlight whimpered, beginning to trot towards the devastation. “Oh dear. Oh my. Twilight’s going to send me to magic kindergarten for sure…”

She finally made it to the rather impressively sized hole, and stepped over the sharp jagged crystals all around its edges. The hole led, much to Starlight’s increased horror, into a completely trashed library.

“Scratch that, she’s sending me into the sun.”

But despite her impeding lavender coloured doom, there was one thing that trumped even that on Starlight’s ‘oh shit’ metre. As she scanned the room, she could see toppled bookcases and even a few torn books everywhere. But there was absolutely no sign of Princess Luna or the teasing and seductive Trixie anywhere…

Only a heavily burnt mirror with a bunch of machinery attached to it.

“WHY IS THIS SO COLORFUL?!” Trixie demanded in a loud and frightened squeak as she and Luna fell in a very disorienting spiral through perhaps the most kaleidoscopic world either of them had ever seen. “WHAT DID STARLIGHT HIT ME WITH?!”

Luna opted to remain quiet for a moment, just… processing. And wondering why she felt like she felt an unnervingly familiar sensation.

She was getting smaller.

Both mare’s trains of thought were interrupted when they suddenly felt gravite go sideways. The kaleidoscope of colors vanished to be replaced by a blue sky and, as they toppled down, green grass and white concrete.

For a moment, the two lay still, allowing their sudden vertigo to wear off. It was Trixie who sat up first, not quite understanding patience in a situation like that. She looked around queasily and blinked her eyes.

Her very tiny eyes.

“What the?” she asked, her voice much higher pitched than she was frankly used to. “WHAT?” as she gazed upon her hooves, she realized that her legs were much shorter than they should have been. “WHY AM I SMALL?!”

Luna glanced over, already knowing the answer. “You’re a filly,” she said dryly before sitting up herself. She dusted herself off, rather irked by the fact that her mane was no longer full of galaxies and was hanging limply. “And, apparently, I am as well.”

“WHAT?!” Trixie echoed her earlier statement. “HOW?! WHY?! WHY WOULD STARLIGHT MAKE BOTH OF US TINY! ...Where did you even come from?”

Luna sighed. “I was watching you two bicker. I had been planning on waiting for you to pass on by, but then Glimmer had her little panic attack. And now…” she glanced up and cringed at the sight of a tall and imposing building with the letters ‘CHS’ over the door. “...We’re here.”

Trixie looked around, her mind gradually going blank. “Uh… whatheh… whaois…” she tried to formulate words, but all that came out was confused and slurred mumbling.

All because of the eerily familiar, and yet extremely different, wall eyed… person that stared across the way at them with a mix of curiosity and glee.

Trixie had to do a double take. “What. Is. That!?”

“I believe that’s a ‘human’ Twilight likes to talk about,” Luna recalled. “Do try to calm yourself, Lulamoon. According to Twilight, all we have to do is return through the statue behind us and we shall be home.”

Luna then hummed, putting a small hoof to her chin in thought. “Though I thought we were supposed to blend in better, perhaps Glimmer’s freak out caused something to go wrong… But alas, we should-”

Trixie was gone.

Luna blinked at the spot where her boastful ‘companion’ had just been, before moving her eyes forwards and seeing the blue filly trotting rather dumbly towards an oustretched muffin in the human’s hand.

“I don’t even know why I bother,” Luna moaned, trotting hastily after the other pony.

“There’s a good doggy!” the human cooed as Trixie took the muffin and nibbled on it adorably. “You must be so hungry! I can’t leave you here like this, somebody must know who your owners are!”

“Owners…?” Luna muttered distastefully. “I am a Princess, not a slave.”

“Oh! You’re like the Spike dogs!” the human noted cheerfully. “They’re like twins, do you know them!”

Trixie finished munching on the muffin, before looking up at the human curiously. “Huh, she looks familiar to Trixie. What was the name of the mailmare? Muffin? Ditzy? Bright Eyes?”

“My name is Derpy,” Derpy informed them. “Silly doggies!”

“Right, that was it,” Trixie deadpanned. “You delivered my mail to Pinkie Pie!”

Derpy blinked. “I did? Oh, I don’t remember that but I’m sorry anyway. I didn’t know dogs even had mail!”

“We’re not dogs!” Luna snapped, before giving Trixie the stink eye. “And you, Lulamoon! Come back now! If you have a complaint with this person at least wait until we’re seeing the right one!

Trixie huffed. “Trixie will make do with what she has! Besides, Trixie demands that whatever her name is provides more muffins!”

Derpy squeed happily. “Yay! I always have time for dogs and muffins!”

“Not dogs…” Luna muttered under her breath in exasperation.

Derpy reached out and scooped both the ‘dogs’ into her arms, turning back towards the school and heading inside.

Internally, Derpy was also debating on what should be done. Fluttershy was in classes at that moment, so there went her first choice. It was then she decided that she had to give the puppies over the the professionals who could find their owners.

She had to call the pound.

“TWILIGHT! I KILLED LUNA AND TRIXIE!” Starlight screamed in a hysterical panic while throwing open the doors to the central room. All of the music inside suddenly stopped and all of the guests turned their eyes to her. Including Discord, Thorax, Princess Celestia… and Twilight.

And then Discord just laughed.

“Well, good luck with that!” he announced, before popping away amidst a bright flash, most certainly to watch all that would unfold from his idiocyverse boxset.

“Starlight…” Twilight began slowly, an eye twitching. “Meet me in the throne room…”

As they left the throne room, and nervous murmerings spread throughout, Princess Celestia simply returned to her cake. Normally she would be concerned as to her little sister’s wellbeing, but Discord’s reaction really said it all…

Besides, it was Saturday.








Starlight cried as she led Twilight to the scene of the double murder.

Once they reached the room with the mirror, Twilight spotted that much of the machinery was broken. sparks were flying out of just about everything and weird sparkly mist that was almost certainly lethal to inhale was leaking out of one of the devices. She noted the destroyed books and filed that away for later. Starlight would pay for the death of innocent books, but they could wait…

For now.

Studying the scene a bit more, Twilight looked to Starlight with a relieved expression crossing her face. “Okay, good news first. You didn’t kill Luna or Trixie.”

“Oh, thank goodness.” Starlight sighed in relief, collapsing to the ground.

“Bad news is that you trapped them in a parallel world.”

“Oh, fuck me…” Starlight groaned, covering her face with her hooves.

Twilight nodded. “Oh, your life is gonna be fucked up for sure. Consider your graduation certificate revoked until further notice.”

Starlight made sad horse noises, curling up into the fetal position.

“In the meantime, I need to work on getting those two back. You:” she pointing a hoof at Starlight. “Go to your room and think about what you’ve done.”

“But-” Starlight looked up, wanting to help.

“Nah, ah ah! None of the backtalk. Room. Now.” Twilight snapped before looking back to the mirror portal. Now that she had sent the most powerful unicorn in Equestria to bed without her supper, work could begin. “Ah jeez this is gonna be hard to fix…” she plucked the old journal from its place atop the portal, disengaging the power for now. Sparks stopped flying and mist stopped pouring out. (Twilight took note that the lilac unicorn had probably inhaled some while curled up on the floor. Problems for later.)

Flipping the book open, she conjured a quill and some ink and wrote a hasty message in it’s pages.

Hey, Sunset.

My student, Starlight, just punted Princess Luna and Trixie Lulamoon from my end to your end. The portal is broken but I can fix it. I don’t know if they came through as humans or not; looks like the portal took some pretty nasty damage, so who knows what all could have gone wrong?

Just keep an eye out. If you find two Trixies or another vice principal Luna, figure out which one is from Equestria and keep them safe until I can fix the portal.

You’ll be able to tell easily enough. Look for the Luna giving Trixie a deservedly hard time. Seriously, she’s loud when she’s angry.

Your friend,

Princess Twilight Sparkle

Sunset Shimmer had just been walking out of math class when a heavy object in her backpack began to glow and buzz like a mobile phone. She and her friends from CHS had piled on out of the classroom and the bacon haired pony in human form extracted the book from her bag and looked at the latest message.”


“What’s the problem?” Rainbow Dash asked, leaning against the lockers in the hall. “Some big monster coming through for us to punt back over? Please say yes!”



“Sorry Dash,” Sunset apologised, before showing them all the message. “Apparently their Luna and Trixie accidentally got sent through. We’d better find them.”

“Well, they shouldn’t be too hard to find,” Applejack noted. “We’d best start at the portal.”

“Where else would we start, AJ?” Rainbow said with a roll of her eyes.

“In the party store!” Pinkie Pie proclaimed, shooting out from one of the lockers. “It’s where I’d wanna go!”

“Well, you’re counterpart isn’t the one who came through, darling,” Rarity pointed out. “I’m sure a Princess has far more refined tastes!”

“Um, have you met me?” Twilight Sparkle (the non-princess one) asked sheepishly. “I mean her… the not me one.”

“Fluttershy!” a new and overly oblivious voice shouted from down the hall, bolting straight for the most timid of the teenagers. “Oh boy, have I got news for you!”

“Oh, hi Derpy,” Fluttershy gently greeted, shifting some of her hair to the side. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing!” Derpy replied with a shit-eating grin. “I found these two dogs alone and fed them a muffin!”

“Aww, that’s sweet,” Fluttershy cooed.

“And then I sent them to the pound.

Suddenly, Fluttershy’s eye twitched. “You… what?”

“I sent them to the pound!”

The twitch increased. “Are… you fucking kidding me!?”

All eyes turned towards the usually timid girl in surprise, though Derpy seemed unphased.

“Nope! They just got picked up!”

“Why didn’t you send them to my animal shelter!” she shouted in uncharacteristic rage.

Derpy paused, and then tapped her foot in intense thought. “Huh… I didn’t think about that.”

Fluttershy looked ready for a meltdown.

“Okaaaay,” Rainbow interrupted, moving Fluttershy to one side before she gifted Derpy a trip to A&E. “Something to figure out later, right now we need to find some people. See ya Derps!”

With Rainbow Dash keeping the enraged Fluttershy close, the group of friends began to walk away in the direction of the main entrance.

“Okay, bye!” Derpy shouted after them. “If you go to the pound, tell those talking dogs I said hi!”

The group all stopped, turning back towards her questioningly.

“What was that?” Sunset asked as sweetly as she could.

“I AM GONNA MURDER HER, I SWEAR!” Fluttershy seethed while Rainbow practically dragged her, kicking and screaming, out of CHS. More than a few students looked on in bemusement and horror before opting to swiftly vacate the immediate area. You know, for safety reasons.

“Fluttershy, calm your tits!” Rainbow grunted with effort against her struggling yellow friend.


Sunset followed them out, a hand on her head. “Oh boy… this just got more complicated.” she grimaced before shifting her gaze over to Twilight.

“I take it Fluttershy doesn’t like this, uh, other pound?” the slightly alarmed bookworm in question asked while adjusting her glasses.

“Kinda,” Applejack said quietly while leaning over. “They’re fine and all, but Fluttershy doesn’t like that they have the animals and not her. Plus the other pound… sometimes puts down the animals that never get adopted”

“MURDERERS!” Fluttershy called like a banshee.

“...Right…” Twilight said slowly, a little off-put by this new bit of information. “Well… uh, we need to get them, don’t we?”

“Well, they need to go home and neither of them really know this place, so yeah.” Sunset agreed before frowning and rubbing her chin. “How do we go about that, though…?”

“We could just walk in and say ‘hey! These are mine! Sorry, they got out of the yard! I’ll pay the fine and sign paperwork and stuff!’ Safe, easy, and legal!” Pinkie suggested. “Plus it’d give us an excuse to host a big party before they go home! The ‘pets returned to their owners’ party!”

“We’re not their owners, Pinkie.” Rainbow pointed out with a raised eyebrow.

Pinkie slid over, her eyes narrowing. “It would be for the illusion, little dashie. I want a party.”

Rainbow shrunk away a bit. “...Okay.”

“NO!” Fluttershy suddenly cut in, shaking herself out of Rainbow’s grip now that she was a bit distracted. “We are not playing nice with them!”

Rarity shrunk away as well. “Fluttershy, dear, are you quite sure we need to get aggressive about this?” she asked nervously.

Fluttershy turned to Twilight. “You!”


“I need you to find schematics of their building. Schedules, employee rosters, all that. We need a wireless headset setup for ease of communication. Also, we need night vision goggles.”


Fluttershy turned to Rarity. “You!”


“I need a- was that french?”

Rarity nodded.

“...Okay. I need two pitch-black body suits. One for me, one for Sunset Shimmer.” Fluttershy continued.

“What? Why me?!” Sunset asked with her hands on her chest, flabbergasted.

“You came from Equestria, you know what we’re looking for. Plus, you come from Equestria, this is your responsibility as much as it is mine,” Fluttershy explained before cracking her knuckles. “Nobody puts innocent, fuzzy little animals in a shelter besides mine in this town. Nobody.

Rainbow whistled. “...I like this side of Fluttershy.”

The plan was set, and the equipment gathered. It was night time, their audience being the stars, very worried stars at that. A van sat on the street corner nearby to the pound, having been procured rather quickly by Pinkie Pie before being decked out in sci-fi level spy gadgets by Twilight. The inside was like something out of Jason Borne, only far more purple.

Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer were likewise dressed in their black suits that covered their entire bodies, green night vision goggles strapped to their heads.

“You two look like Splinter Cell agents,” Rainbow commented with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh, I’ve played those games!” Twilight chimed in with a small, geeky smile. “I love the stealth and tech. So much thought goes into making sure you do it right and-”

“Focus.” Fluttershy said sternly, poking Twilight in the glasses.

Sunset looked her own pair of goggles over with a frown. “Where’s the switch for this thing… ah, here it is.”

“Don’t turn it on-” Twilight began, then cringed when Sunset turned her goggles on.

Sunset toppled to the ground with a yelp as the bright lights of the computer and inside of the van assaulted her vision.

“In here…” Twilight finished sadly.

Quickly switching it off, Sunset shot Twilight and apologetic look.

“So, what’s the quickest way ya’ll are gonna get yourselves killed?” Applejack deadpanned, shifting her hat to cover her eyes.

“Oh, have a little faith AJ,” Rainbow protested. “They got this!”

“It does seem a little overkill,” Pinkie Pie agreed.

“If PINKIE PIE thinks it’s overkill, then there’s something horribly wrong,” Applejack said in vindication.

“We. Will. Not. PLAY NICE WITH THEM!” Fluttershy shouted.

The friends all shared concerned glances.

“So… she needs therapy after this, right?” Twilight remarked sheepishly.

“Something for later,” Sunset said, albeit reluctantly. “If we’re actually doing this, we gotta do it soon. Eventually somebody’s going to notice that they aren’t dogs.”

“And then we bring on Will Smith and his Men in Black,” Rainbow Dash commented in a deadpan. “Doubt those guys in the pound have been blackmailed by the principal into staying quiet.”

“It’s not blackmail,” Sunset defended. “She just said that if anybody reported it that they would be thrown into the nearest asylum. Which they probably would, since unicorns are just fairytales.”

“Says the unicorn.”

Sunset just rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Let’s get this over with.”

So, with Twilight and the others staying at the van, Sunset Shimmer and Fluttershy began to move off towards the pound itself. They avoided the front entrance like the plague, instead moving around the side to the chain link fence.

On the side of the building Sunset spotted a camera slowly sweeping around. Nothing fancy, but still. Sunset ducked back and put a finger to a button Twilight had carefully finagled into her ear earlier. “Twilight, we’ve got security cameras. I doubt you can do anything from your end, but if you can, can you shut them off or something?”

There was the staticy sound of keys being pressed before Twilight’s voice cut through Sunset’s head like a knife. “Done. You’re good to go.”

Sunset blinked, looking at the downed cameras in confusion. “How did you do that?”

“That? Oh that was easy,” Twilight replied. “Hacking into the pentagon, now that was a worthy challenge!”

Sunset filed that information under the ever increasing ‘problems for later’ folder, and pressed onwards.

“Okay, there should be a door on the backside of the building once your over the fence. I don’t think it’s locked, or if it it’s not complicated.” Twilight’s voice said.

“If it is locked, how do we get passed?” Sunset asked with a furrowed brow.

Then the fence suddenly had a hole torn into it as a Fluttershy shaped ballistic missile barged on through.

“Sorry I asked.”

From there it was relatively smooth sailing, given that most staff would have gone home for the night. They snuck steadily over to the side entrance, finding it thankfully unlocked and opening it up wide.

Only for several people to suddenly bolt out in the opposite direction, screaming their heads off as they fled into the night. Following them out was a voice both loud, and yet completely adorable.


“We don’t get paid enough for ghosts!” one of the staff cried, running through the hole in the fence Fluttershy had made.

“I’m just a volunteer!” another chimed in, climbing over the fence in a panic.

For a second, the two ladies stood in absolute silence. “What was that?” Fluttershy asked curiously.

“I… think that was Princess Luna,” Sunset said before peaking in. It seemed that Luna had had a bit of fun with the staff in her angry revenge. There were things just floating around, a chair was spinning sideways in the air, any and all art was on its head, and there was a thick blue mist filling the building. “Looks like she had some fun.”

That blue mist then began to lessen and form together in one spot, before dissipating entirely to reveal an extremely pissed off looking filly.

“Hmph. Some people have no decorum,” Luna complained. “Truly, they got what they deserved!”

“So… CUTE!” Fluttershy squeed, briefly reverting to her normal buttery self as she scooped up Luna into an overly enthusiastic embrace.

“Oh no… not another one!” Luna protested. “I refuse! I am the night!”

“Yes. Yes you are.” Sunset smirked slightly, crossing her arms.

“Can Trixie come out yet?” an unusually timid sounding voice asked sheepishly, a blue filly crawling around the corner on her belly. “The night scares Trixie.”

“As it should,” Luna growled, though coming from a small filly it only made Fluttershy squee all the more. “And put me down!”

Seeing Luna’s discomfort, Fluttershy sadly compiled and placed the small alicorn into the floor. She made to hug Trixie instead, though a comment of: “If you hug Trixie, I will turn you into a potted plant!” stopped that motion.

Sunset snorted. “If you’re anything like our Trixie, you couldn’t even come close to actually doing that.”

“There is no other Trixie! There is only one so great and powerful as I!”

“Right,” Sunset deadpanned, picking up the protesting filly and all but throwing her over the chain link fence. “Well, mission accomplished.”

“Apparently so,” Luna replied, beginning to walk out under her own power. “I have heard much of you, Sunset Shimmer. But just because my sister holds you in high regard-”

“She does?”

“-doesn’t mean that I won’t smite you if you breathe a word of this to anypony!” Luna continued in a childish huff, pouting heavily as she exited.

“So… cute…” Fluttershy said once again.

Sunset smirk. “Very. Come on, let’s get out of here.”

“Uh, okay. One moment, go on ahead.”

Sunset eyed Fluttershy suspiciously, but didn’t wish to argue with her friend who recently tore open a fence by running at it. So with that in mind, she exited through the hole and directed the two fillies to the inconspicuous white van on the street corner. She the followed them as they happily cantered in it’s direction.

And then a loud crash and the barking of untold numbers of dogs filled the ears of all those within a hundred miles, accompanied by a blaring alarm. As Sunset turned, all the animals contained within the pound began to scamper out of the building at high speeds. And as they ran, a manically laughing Fluttershy exited with them, proclaiming her victory and contempt for the recently fled staff of the pound.

“...Okay, therapy it is,” Sunset decided.

Princess Twilight Sparkle was pacing back and forth with more than a single hair out of place. The day’s events kept playing over and over, starting with the ceremony and her subsequent talk with her former teacher, all the way to Starlight’s latest magical bullshitery. And everytime she replayed those events, she became that little bit more unhinged.

And then the repaired portal flared, catching Twilight’s attention. As she observed, the forms of Princess Luna and a heavily frazzled Trixie Lulamoon bundled on through.

While Luna landed quite gracefully, Trixie landed in a heap.

“We’re back…” Trixie meekly announced, looking worse for ware. “Now excuse me as I depart for Starlight’s bedroom, we need to have a talk…”

As Trixie departed the room, Luna looked on in amusement. “Talk, or fulfill an earlier obligation?” she mused to herself.

“Huh?” Twilight asked in confusion.

“It matters not,” Luna replied. “Apologies for our delayed return, it’s been a… difficult day.”

“Yeah, Sunset gave me the heads up,” Twilight replied, pointing up at the diary atop the portal. “I mean… You got sent to the pound! THE POUND!”

“Yes, Twilight, I am aware,” Luna deadpanned. “And then I haunted it. And we shall never speak of this again, understood?”

Twilight nodded quickly, wilting under Luna’s balefire glare.

“Good,” Luna concluded, before leaving without another word.

Twilight just stared at the exit for a moment, before letting out a long sigh. She then gave another look around the library, or at least what was left of it. She still had plenty of punishments in mind for the perpetrator, but for now she would be content in getting it all rebuilt to its former glory…

“Twilight!?” Trixie’s voice echoed throughout the castle, alarm clear in her voice. “Starlight is a filly!”

Twilight blinked, suddenly remembering back to when Starlight was in the fetal position on the floor. She must have inhaled the magical mist from the portal.


“Well, that was an adventure.”


“Indeed. And no self fucking was involved, for which I am eternally grateful.”


“For anyone confused by that, go look up Switcheroo. It’s a fun read. Trust me.”


“Run while you still can!”


Comments ( 19 )

:yay: tries to run through the portal to pony equestria so I can hug and cuddle all the ponies and tell them how cute they are.

is holding Fluttershy back as long as I can...................Please for the Love of Faust make a sequel, I don't know how LONG I can hold Fluttershy back.

Sadly, her efforts send not only Trixie to the next dimension, but also Princess Luna.

No sequels, sadly. At least, not right now. XD


Well, that was just the right amount of stupidity I was hoping for. Another job well done, and I look forward to whatever's next in the Idiocyverse.

I'm not sure if I should laugh or concern at Fluttershy's insane behavior...

After reading this story:

*Little child voice* Mommy, Fluttershy is scaring me.:twilightoops:

I could've done without the authorial commentary, but all told, this was an abusrd delight. Thank you for it.

View 1000 I have become

And then a loud crash and the barking of untold numbers of dogs filled the ears of all those within a hundred miles, accompanied by a blaring alarm. As Sunset turned, all the animals contained within the pound began to scamper out of the building at high speeds. And as they ran, a manically laughing Fluttershy exited with them, proclaiming her victory and contempt for the recently fled staff of the pound.

Favorited just for that passage alone there!

Starlight’s latest magical bullshitery

Best line right there, and it was a high bar.

Oops, late to the party. :rainbowderp: Still rofl... :rainbowlaugh:

Cute. BTW, "A&E" probably isn't a reference that would make sense to most American readers.

Derpy squeed happily. “Yay! I always have time for dogs and muffins!”

Were they chocolate muffins? You know, because dogs and chocolate...


“My name is Derpy,” Derpy informed them. “Silly doggies!”

Wait, I thought you just said it was a person.

Someday...I'd like to see a crossover with the Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension. Don't know why this made me think that, though. :trixieshiftright:

The insane abound
Stormy in a straight jacket
Urinating beer

“I created it, you devolved it.”


“I think the word is ‘evolved’ my friend. There is an unneeded ‘de’ in there.”


Ah yes, my favorite word, volved

There was definitely some volving going on when we wrote this thing.

*sips liquefied story*

Could use just a tad more volution

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