• Member Since 27th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen 43 minutes ago


• she/her | stupid/bitch | drippy • https://discord.gg/rtDmTBAENz


Storm (noun)
a violent disturbance of the atmosphere...rain, thunder, lightning, snow

=== [1] ===
A hateful serpent lying in wait.
An alicorn underneath the churning waves.
A cowardly king who saw the face of death.
An ancient wizard past his prime.
Two fillies lost in a world, responsibility thrust onto them.
A drakoness with the world taken from her.

An ancient force as old as Life seeks to enact his vengeance on the world, empowered by the tensions building in the land, people at odds with one another and each kingdom on edge. A young drakoness is the victim of his bloody crusade, fueling her on a single-minded path to vengeance.

She must fight against an omnipotent foe with impossible odds stacked against her, while not losing herself as a person in her journey. She is Tempest - and this is her story.

=== [2] ===

Power that the world had not seen in an eternity tore the lands apart.

In the distance, the dragons began to roar.

In the distance, bells began to ring.

And deep below stirred the Queen of Storms.

Chapters (26)
Comments ( 110 )

The name change is a bad idea because Tempest Shadow is a canonical character and people are likely to assume your story is about her, not about an OC named Tempest. "Storm of the Century" really didn't fit, so I can see why you changed it, but "For Tempest Was Her Name" is worse because of the likelihood of people assuming it's about Tempest Shadow.


Good point, I’ll change it to something more fitting. Also holy shit, the reason I decided to take up writing again commented on my story. Great work on all your stories, I love all of them.

edit: Changed it to Queen of Storms, based off the original name as a placeholder until I can come up with a better one

The new one's a good name. I'd be surprised if it didn't attract some attention.


Thank you, and I hope it does.

I like the magical system with the glyphs. You might be going into a little too much detail about what glyph sequences mean what, but some degree of detail is a good thing, here.

If the affinity of the unicorn she fought had to be opposite hers to get that reaction, and so he was Earth, Order, Darkness -- did she just fight Sombra?


I definitely got carried away with this chapter moreso than others. It's pretty fun to write but it'll definitely start detracting from the story if I keep up at this rate imo. Thanks for the comment, I'll definitely cut back on it a bit.

That is Sombra's exact affinity, but that unicorn himself isn't Sombra. As it currently stands, Sombra would more or less wipe the floor with Tempest.


anyone reading this
the story is still alive! just a bit on life support

Comment posted by Via deleted May 25th, 2021

I must say that it the name queen-of-storms got me to read it.
It is very enjoyable to read.


The praise is appreciated.
It's good to know that the name is eye catching.
You might be pleased to know that a next chapter is in the works; likely to be four thousand words at the minimum, currently at three.

I think this is the most badass Starswirl I have ever seen.

Nice ill be waiting for it.

Game over.
insert coin to play again?

So, damm, coool!!

that was a super cool fight seen and then its just over like that sad.


Thank you very much. The praise warms me!

A good thing the next chapter is already in the works. The story isn't quite over yet.

Awesome! I wish i had the mindset to be able to write out chapters in good time frame like you do


If I'm being honest, it's really just flitting moments of passion. Looking at the release date of the chapters shows that I'm really anything but consistent with my time frame. "Celestial" and "Flare" were released within days of each other - but "Fractured" came nearly a year after Olympian.

This story, I love it. Have a follow and a thumbs up!


Thank you very much! The appreciation warms me in a way I can't express.

True, but it shows that you got the drive to go back at it. I, lack that drive


The next chapter is on its way sooner rather than later. It's undergoing its editing process, as well as the addition of one scene I've been waiting for since the start of this story.

Now this is the part I was waiting for.

Such an awesome chapter! Celestia and Luna taking thwir roles as rulers, meeting 2 very special characters, and the joining of many to bring life back to am even more special character! Haha, semi-spoiler free comment!

I cant wait to see what happens next.


You’ll find out sooner rather than later!

Next is the big fight.
This going to be good.

Ooooh, Discord's in yeouble now~

It’s that time again for a huge fight. This cliff hanger!

This chapter gives me chills

Ooooh, is that ending teasing her return? Dammit it's like a teaser at the end of a movie

I see two chapters in one day. I become happy. :)


I see three comments in one day. I become happy.

Like an after-credits scene. Just in the first third of the movie.

Thank you.

All it needs is a "to be continued..." And then another chapter than just says "... Soon"

you mean there is going to be MORE! Yes!


I’m not quite as cruel to have a chapter dedicated to it. I hope a comment should suffice.

To be continued.

Indeed! As I write this, the next chapter is 3000 or so words. Ill probably start uploading on Monday, once I have a little bit of a backlog. Maybe sooner. Maybe later. But there’s still a story to tell.

XD don't think of it as cruel but as...teasing xD


How's this for teasing?
The next three chapters are already finished.

I cant wait to read them

Man, I've really enjoyed this story. Thank you for all your effort. My favorite type of MLP stories are always involving the history of the immortal sisters.

That, wha, wai you tease me like this xD

The Queen of Storms planted her claws into the ground, and let out a blood-curdling roar - the roar of a draconic. "DISCORD!" She howled. A few miles away, a draconequus flailed out of his seat and dropped his molten iced tea. "Tempest!?" He shrieked.

I love how discord metaphorically poops himself xDD love these moments and you make it ever so satisfying


Thank you very much. The praise is greatly appreciated - and I'm inclined to agree. I've always enjoyed Pre-Discordian times.

If you'd be so kind - and this goes to anyone who reads this, is there any particular part of the story you especially enjoy? Be it a theme, a line, a scene, or really anything at all. For curiosity's sake.

Before I read this, I must know: Is the Queen of Storms related to the Storm King?

i liked the character Tempest the most


She is not! But there is a potential that they may meet.

I thought you were going to go down the route of it being history that has been moved into myth i stead of covered up. This turn of events is a surprise but not an unpleasant one. I look forwards to seeing where you take this


accidentally unpublished this chapter. whoops

So, apparently I'm reading this the day before it's published,:applejackconfused: but that isn't important.
I discovered this story today. I read through the whole thing in one sitting. I have only one thing to say: Amazing. Truly, this is an amazing story, one I enjoyed completely. I have only ever read one other story on this site that gave me the same emotional ride, Never Broken by Torgaddon, and I don't know which I prefer. That's as high praise as I can possibly give.

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