• Published 18th Jan 2018
  • 4,760 Views, 21 Comments

What's left behind - Spacesword16

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She sat with her head in her hands. She felt sick and she wasn't sure if it was the nerves or another side effect from the rainbow blast. She half wished that it was the blast and not the fact that the human counterpart of her Equestrian mentor was currently sitting across from her, explaining how things could go but she didn’t–couldn’t–pay attention to what was being said.

Why does she care? No, she doesn’t care. I’m just a charity case like before...Like when Princess Celestia overheard what had happened in the market and intervened. No one cares about me and why should they? I’m a monster.

She thought, memories of the power flowing through her as pain engulfed her body. She could still feel bone and muscle elongating and shifting, her spine practically splitting and puncturing through the skin to form the base of those wings. She remembered how her whole body seemed engulfed in flame as the transformation took place.

I should just go back to Equestria. Going to prison or being exiled would be better than being around people who are forced to be friendly with you and others who either hate or pity you!

She could feel her thoughts whirling out of control, the familiar sadness that she had replaced with anger boiling to the surface. Nothing about her life before had been fair, she had never had anything and when she had hoped to have at least a family she had been basically replaced.

“Sunset Shimmer?”

She suddenly became aware of a hand on her shoulder, Causing her to nearly jump in surprise.

“Are you okay Sunset?”

Looking up at the Principal, seeing nothing but concern in the woman’s gaze she couldn’t hold back the emotions any longer and for what seemed like the thousandth time that week, began to sob out apologies.

“Oh Jeez.”

Luna muttered from where she was standing by the door, too low for anyone to hear. One part of her wanted to quietly slip from the room, unsure of how to handle a completely distraught teenager while the other part knew how she must be feeling.

I almost wish she was still the smart mouthed brat that enrolled here, at least a shouting match with a teenaged drama queen I know how to deal with.

She thought, choosing to let Celestia deal with this.

“Sunset. What happened is in the past. You can’t change it but you can make sure you aren’t doomed to repeat it.”

She noticed how subconsciously Sunset seemed to lean into the touch and if the teen would have accepted it, she would have suggested that she had moved in with them. But Luna knew that would have blown up in her face so she kept quiet until Sunset was calmer.

“Miss Shimmer. I think I have an proposition for you. You want independence but you also need a legal guardian and a home so….I have a place you can stay, it's dusty and kinďa small but it works and it's not far from the school or the home Celestia and I share.”

Celestia looked at Luna when she spoke, obviously in disbelief at what her sister was saying. She had expected Luna to disagree with offering to let Sunset move in with them but she hasn't expected her to go as far as to offer her an apartment.

Luna knew that Celestia was about to argue with her before she added

“And before either of you say anything. We all know that Sunset wont take charity and that apartment is just going to waste since I bought the damned thing on a whim. This way she'll not have to worry about rent.”

With that Luna left the room.

“Well that is one option.”

“Have ya’ll seen Shimmer? Ah have English class with her but she didn’t show today.”

Applejack Asked as she slammed her locker shut, muttering under her breath about the school needing new lockers.

“Uh no. Maybe she went home early or something. She didn't take a pretty bad fall today in gym class.” Rainbow dash retorted before sighing and adding

“I'll go see if she checked out early. Wait for me by the statue out front!”

Sunset was sitting outside the office, head buried in her hands. She could hear the whispers from passersby thought she tried to ignore them.

“What happened? You get caught skipping or something?”

Looking up she relaxed when she saw it was only rainbow dash.

“No. I kind of need to go home. I am just waiting on a ride.”

Sunset responded, it was at least half the truth. She was waiting on a ride, even if that ride was Celestia who was currently arguing with someone on the phone about documents and paperwork.

“Is it about what happened with Trixie and that other girl today in gym? The purple haired one who shoved you into the lockers in the changing room?”

Rainbow dash stated, hands stuffed into her pockets as she moved to sit beside of her, pretending not to notice the scowl on Sunsets face.

“Can you be any louder Rainbow? If they think I snitched on them I am dead! Besides it's not that bad.”

Sunset retorted, not even noticing Luna standing within hearing distance.

“You were bleeding yet you say it wasn't that bad. Who did you say did this again Rainbow dash?”

If there was one time Sunset wished she could use magic again, it was in that moment as she slid herself lower in the seat.

My life is officially over. Not only will people see me as that….that raging she-demon but also as a tattletale. Why couldn't that rainbow have just put me out of my misery?

She wasn't even paying attention to the conversation around her when she suddenly became aware that Luna was talking to her.

“I’ll handle the perpetrators. Sunset, why don't you go explain what happened to your friends. Knowing Celestia she's going to be locked in this argument for a while.”

Sighing Sunset managed to stand without wincing. The magic had partly healed the wounds when it had hit her but after being shoved earlier that day, the scabs had basically ripped apart leaving them just as fresh as when the wings had broken through the skin.

“I think I have an extra shirt in my locker that would fit you. You can't be afraid to ask for help, you know?”

Rainbow Dash was saying as she followed Sunset, who was walking a bit in front of her, obviously miffed at her for telling the vice principal what had happened.

“I don't have the money to replace a shirt if it gets ruined. Thanks anyway.”

Sunset practically bit out, her tone sounding very similar to the one that they had heard years prior, though Rainbow just rolled her eyes.

“Dude, I have more shirts and besides if something does happen to it it's just cloth. Besides I know that bloody clothes stick to wounds and make it even more painful. I had a accident with soccer cleats one year during camp and lets say I learned that the hard way!”

Sunset opened her mouth to argue but quickly shut it again, knowing it was no use to argue with the stubborn tomboy.

“I am not in the mood to argue. Today has been….well…..shitty. I just wanna go home and go to bed.”