• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2016
  • offline last seen January 24th


Comments ( 168 )

Has anyone ever told you that you have issues?

8677361 I... think that that is a considerable understatement where this story is concerned.

I'm out.

I dont want to read it.


Just need to look at who the "author" is to know what it's about.

Comment posted by badninja deleted Mar 13th, 2018


This author has a deep hatred of Humanity and South Africa for some reason. Don't expect anything good from them.

Comment posted by Test4Echo deleted Feb 13th, 2018

The Negotiations series was actually pretty good imo. Not much TCB series that show off much of the aftermath and have decent writing. Now, I have nothing against a pony victory in a TCB, this story however is just 1000 words of human hate. I get you want humanity to die off and shit, and that you're using your stories to spread your ideas, but with the like/dislike ratio I think you can see that most disagree with your ideas of the 'barbaric human society' and how Ponies committing genocide against multiple dimensions of Humans and Gryphons is not A-Ok

8677379 Yeah, I noticed that.

ANYONE, who would have one of their characters torture and kill a fog, who hadn't done anything, is more than a bit twisted in my book.

TO the point that I wish that I hadn't read this thing.

Comment posted by Mr Extra deleted Feb 13th, 2018

This is way too ridiculous to take seriously, many lols were had here.

Comment posted by Fan of Violent Ponies deleted Jan 19th, 2018

I'm going to start out by saying that this is the absolute best fic I have ever read on this site. :rainbowlaugh: j/k

Seriously, this starts out more like the middle of a chapter and a good portion of it makes absolutely no sense at all. Also, I have read stories with OP Alicorn OCs but good grief, your earth pony OC is way, way, way overpowered. Hell you may as well just make her one big bundle of anti-matter ready to destroy any matter in her way.....although your anti-matter Honey Bun would likely just destroy the matter without being destroyed herself.

And what the fuck is up with killing a poor seven year old girl with cancer? That is just plain messed up. I've read comments where you claim that we are all responsible for the ills of this world but seriously, a seven year old cancer patient? And what is the deal with the dog? Do you suddenly hate dogs too?

I have some advice, just give Honey Bun a cobalt bomb, have her detonate the damn thing and destroy the atmosphere. Of course she would be completely unharmed by it and have her watch life on earth die off slowly and get some sort of sadistic pleasure out of it. I normally don't like the idea of ponies getting killed in these TCB stories but someone's gotta destroy Honey Bun, whether it be a human or perhaps a pony who sees her as a completely messed up psycho.

How about you use Honey Bun in a positive way and rather than her eradicating humans, how about you have her destroy cancer instead? That way she can still be a serial killer and humans can celebrate....that way everybody is happy!....and you might have a story that isn't downvoted to oblivion while it is still showing up in the new stories on the front page.

Edward Gustavus Lorde cries himself to sleep every night reading this story.

Why does this exist?

You’d think this guy would learn when all of his stories have 90%+ dislikes that maybe he should stop writing

I used to edit a few stories for Evictus. This makes his work look godly in comparison.

Misanthrope is extremely misanthropic, haha. I’m guessing you don’t have any mirrors or only live with the promise that once you kill as many people as possible you’ll off yourself, too.

Never understood that line of thinking. I’ve got one life, and it’s too short for hate.

I have to say even by my perspective you are either one seriously dedicated troll, or very seriously mentally ill individual.

Keep in mind that I consider myself highly misanthropic. I have no problem stating that I hate humanity and would love to see it wiped out (although I prefer global sterilization to genocide). Sound screwed up to people? No doubt, but just stating so things are clear.

So if I of all people think you're either a super-troll or seriously mental ill, well...

I don't want a response to this. I've read the descriptions to your stories and I currently block you over your one note choice of story.
It was bad enough to read your one torture porn of a 1000 word story when you up-ended TCB The other side of the Spectrum. You could at least put some effort into your work.
TRY WRITING SOMETHING WITHOUT HUMANS FOR ONCE IF YOU DON'T LIKE THEM. Give us something that is not a reboot Honey Bun the self righteous hellbound.

I think the moral implications of this story are basically flatly executed. I really don't care about "The OP" nature of one character because it's always led to debates on whether or not a character can achieve something. That, and "Brute Force" conflicts are boring.

Overall? I'm not as offended as I am bored. I know you have this hate for humans or something. But this is like the sixth time a story by you explaining why "humans are bad and why ponies are better 101" is getting pretty stale. You should really just branch out at this point. Because your stories are generating less outrage at this point and more and more of people getting bored of what you have to say.

Comment posted by fanreader999999 deleted Jan 19th, 2018
Comment posted by Patient X deleted Mar 13th, 2018

I don't think humanity is evil, Just too stupid to coexist. So yeah, better if the sun just went supernova.

Comment posted by DoradoTX deleted Jan 19th, 2018

I have some advice for you, stop writing stories that include humans in them. It seems as though all you are doing is making yourself miserable. Now I can understand a misanthrope perhaps writing a one shot where both sides try to co-exist but then the ponies get sick of humanity so they simply drain the portal between the two worlds of its energy, thus destroying it but what you are doing is basically making yourself miserable.....it is either that or you are the best troll in the history of FimFiction.

Now That's What I Call Misanthropic! All the dislikes are well deserved IMO. Blatant misanthropy in your stories is just going to make you more miserable.

I think I have found a fic more hated than Cupcakes...
And that is seriously saying something there

[EDIT:] 2:81 now

Guys... he has one with a rating of 1:115

Comment posted by SomeRandomGuy deleted Mar 10th, 2018

I came for the comments.

Comment posted by Test4Echo deleted Mar 10th, 2018

You too.

The story was a horrible attempt to get a cheap 'humanity, fuck yeah' reaction, worthy of a bunch of newborns.

You should be institutionalized permanently.

When you'll stop being a genocidal slavery supporter, then your word will mean something. Until then you sound a little too hypocritical even by your human standarts.

Don't like it -- don't read it.

I hate dogs as well. Just as much as humans. And if you don't like my stories -- don't read them.

I'm not obliged to give you anything. I'm not your slave, no matter how much you love to advocate slavery.

I don't care what my stories generate. I did justice.

Kindergarten is working, why are you still here?

I don't need your advices.

And who are you to even talk to me? You come in my story's comment section, you write some BS, you insult me and you're expecting me to listen to you? Go back where you belong and never comment on my stories.

Best comment section ahead !

Comment posted by Mr Extra deleted Mar 13th, 2018

And who are you to make me offer excuses, huh? An anon from the web? I don't have to do anything you want me to and I won't. I have to disappoint you, but despite your support of slavery I'm not your slave.

Dude...you have serious problems unless this is a genius troll in that case *claps* BRAVO

You have problems.

Says the guy who writes stories about human genocide and a 7 year old girl WITH CANCER getting killed by a pony

Go back to a kindergarten and stop being an edgy SJW snowflake slavery supporter.

Comment posted by Test4Echo deleted Jan 19th, 2018


I'm sorry for acting mean, I won't do that again.

Alright, fine.


Go back where you belong and never comment on my stories.

Nah, I'm good.

Who hurt you?

And why didn't they finish the job?

I would love to know what the hell it is with you and telling people they support slavery. Why is it you do that, why is it you think your critics and pretty much everyone in general supports slavery? I have a feeling I know what kind of response I will get but I'll wait and see.

On a side note, your stories anger one of our beloved ponies greatly.


they should add a filter that allowed setting the minimum ratio of dislikes per like for a fic so i would never see filth like this ever again.

But you not only saw that, but also commented on it. Logic isn't for you, it seems.

Why should I explain anything to some anons?


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