• Member Since 24th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Tuesday

A Wild Magikarp

Faith, family, friends, food. In that order.


The war against the Burning Legion is all but won. Gul'Dan is no more, his machinations at an end. Kil'jaeden and his armada are but ruin and Dark Lord Sargeras himself has been imprisoned, nevermore to return. While it has been costly, and some wounds may never heal, in the end, the champions of Azeroth have prevailed.

While clearing the last of the hated demons from the Broken Shore, however, a party of such champions finds themselves taking an unexpected journey through the Twisting Nether. When the demonic portal is destroyed, and mystical means of returning home fail them, the team must familiarize themselves with this strange new world, at least until a means of escape can be determined.

But despite how idealistic this planet may appear, there is a darkness lurking. They did not fall into this realm alone, and the enemy is not known for leaving a land unspoiled. The taint cannot be allowed to spread, least of all to an innocent world, and so it falls to the heroes to save a land of peace from the horrors of war.

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