• Member Since 25th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen 14 minutes ago


"Ladies and Gentlemen, take my advice. Pull down your pants and slide on the ice." ~ Dr. Sidney Freedman, M*A*S*H S3 Ep5

Comments ( 52 )






The word pride does not fully explain how I feel about you and this story.
I think a better word is... nausea.

So Anon followed Spike to the library, because fuck this castle, even I’m lost and I’m narrating this bitch. Like, is it the next left? Or straight? Fuck if I know, hell fuck if Spike even knows. Lets just say he does for the sake of plot progression.

This better get featured or I'mma end myself. :pinkiecrazy:

This is what happens when you mix whiskey, DWK's Totally Legit Recap, and Homer's Pony Thread Simulator all in one night.

I regret everything in life.

Except writing my little dashie, right?

No words can accurately describe my feelings for this.


Okay, that was weirder than I expected, and I knew what was coming.

Majin Syeekoh

This story is shaped like itself.

I have never been prouder to know you than I am now.

Someone shoot me

Dead dove, do not eat.

I went back and re-read this in DWK’s voice with the sounds of corks being poppped every so often, good job πŸ‘

Perfect material to head off to bed with.

It almost offsets the eternal screaming of the damned I hear every night.

I think it almost makes sense. You just gotta tilt your head back, gargle some salt water, and pour acid into your eye sockets. Then it all becomes clear.

What I learned is this: don't be a silver. Cyka Blyka Blyat. Rush B, comrade. Rush B. Sooka Blooka. For the motherland.
The gentle laborer shall no longer be oppressed by the capitalistic elite--

I honestly don't think I could shit a better post if I downed a bowl of laxatives and raw veal.

This was amazing. I need to know what the heck you drank to make this masterpiece.


10/10 best comment ever.


What kind of depraved sick mind did this mindfuck come from.......I'm still laughing my ass off from the absurdity.

Is this even worse than My Little Dashie? Noone knows! Submit to The Reviewers Cafe on the 9'th to find out!

I see you haven't lost your silver tongue.

You earn a like four the sheer what, but it was kinda weak :applejackunsure:

What in the hell did I just read? Well, that was....something. I somehow feel guilty after reading this. I can't say I wasn't warned right away. Thumbs up for best story description?

Twilight played Anon like 4D chess.

Wait, what? What did I just read?

This story in one word: Bamboozled.

Go home, drunk, you are Rob.

You know, I don't want to read this, and yet somehow I feel compelled... :twilightoops:

This was, despite the hate, pretty classy in a meta fic kinda way. I came.

So thanks for that.

And on this fine day,
Anon got fucking mugged,
By a purple horse.
-Silver, a haiku by Dlaf'rferg.

Is this kino?

I thought that it was all an elaborate ruse, but then I thought it was too easy. And then I got surprised. And it was a very amusing surprise! :rainbowlaugh:

10/10 best story of the year so far.

this is the best fic I read in my opinion. 10/10 for craziness, 10/10 for even writing something decent while having to many drinks. lol jk its 9000+ score anyway. he must of been shown de way. :trollestia: :3

*Slow Clap and Maniacal Laughter*

I usually don't favorite one-shots, but, uh... Yeah.

Where can I get an abortion watch? Are those legal? Ethical?

Anyway, there...was something actually clever in there, the silver bleeding thing and the reason behind it, even if it was smoke being blown up Anon's ass.

Otherwise...I did just read an actual story, right? :pinkiecrazy:

Seriously we need to take the still out of your swamp, Captain ROB.

This was the most amazing piece of shitposting I've ever read. Fav!

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