• Published 31st Dec 2017
  • 10,390 Views, 67 Comments

Rainboom Mutant Apocalypse - Wildcard25

In a desolate alternate future, Raph, Donnie, and the Rainbooms fight to survive in a wasteland of mutants

  • ...

The Holy Chalupa and The Spicy Cupcake

When the sun rose, the heroes were still driving through the desert, as Mira spoke to them, "Do you really think they could be your brother and friend?"

"Only Mikey could come up with a name like the Holy Chalupa." Donnie answered.

"And there's nobody else who would call themselves the Spicy Cupcake but Pinkie Pie." Sunset added.

"I want to believe it too, but I wouldn't get my hopes up." Raph replied.

Rarity spoke, "Well, at least if Pinkie Pie is one of them our necklaces will let us know."

"Before my clan was destroyed, we were taught that the Holy Chalupa was the only one who could translate the map to Oasis," she revealed a map on her arm, "We were all marked so we could find our way. Now I'm the only one left."

Donnie inspected it, as did Sunset, "Doesn't resemble any language I've ever seen."

"And could Mikey really translate something like this?" Sunset wondered.

"The Holy Chalupa will know what it means," Mira assured, "And the only way to find him and the Spicy Cupcake is by crossing the Impossible Wasteland."

"Just another desert to me." Raph replied like it was no big.

"I don't know, Raph," Donnie began, "The Wasteland is miles of the harshest desert imaginable."

"The wasteland is said to drive men mad." Mira added.

Raph smirked, "I'll show it who's mad." But Raph's cockiness didn't last, as he pulled to a halt. The group saw before them was a vast number of quicksand pits with very little road to drive on.

"Quicksand pits?" Rarity gasped.

"This looks like a drivers ed course." Sunset groaned.

"Hang onto your tattoo kid." Raph said, as he slowly drove through the quicksand pits.

"You sure you don't want me to drive, Raph? Because I took drivers ed three times. And I had Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack to help me through it."

"No dice, Sunset. Only I can handle these wheels." Raph answered.

"Raph! You're left! You're left!" Donnie cried as he was navigating up top.

"I see it!" Raph answered, as he carefully maneuvered around the pits.

They finally reached halfway, as Rarity sighed in relief, "That was a close one."

"Yeah. Too close." Sunset agreed.

Donnie suddenly turned and saw the ground shake and a sandstorm was moving in, "Raph, punch it!"

Raph put the pedal to the metal and sped off across the sandpits as the sandstorm was following them. The group screamed, as Raph made the jump before landing on a highway ramp, "We made it." Mira said in relief.

"Yes, by a hair." Rarity added.

Sunset looked out the window at the highway ramps, "Amazing how these structures are still standing."

"If only we knew where we really are." Rarity said.

"Like it matters." Raph replied.

"Hey, what's that?" Donnie asked.

They looked at a rock and carved into it looked like reptile head with graffiti paintings reading "Danger" and "Beware".

"Beware? Danger?" Sunset asked.

"And what's with the head?" Rarity wondered.

"Looks familiar." Raph said, but brushed it off and proceeded onward.

As they continued on, the girls were napping, until Donnie gasped while looking at the monitor, "Uh-Oh, something's coming up on radar fast."

Mira looked outside seeing something moving through the ground leaving a trail, "That's it."

"What do you think it is?" Sunset asked.

"Probably supposed desert monsters many speak of?" Donnie suggested.

"No monster's gonna stop us." Raph said, as he hit the gas pedal.

It didn't matter as whatever it was burying under the ground rammed them and made the truck tumble over. They climbed out through the hatch and saw whatever was after them was circling the truck like a shark, "What do we do now?" Rarity asked.

"Get to those boulders!" Raph ordered, as he threw a can of lard at the thing, distracting it while they made a run for it.

"Metal feet don't fail me now!" Donnie said, as he ran.

Rarity looked back and screamed, "It's getting closer!"

Raph spun around and whipped out his blaster before opening fire. After the third shot the burrowing creature vanished, "Where'd it go?" Sunset asked.

Raph suddenly felt the ground shake below him and he jumped away before a purple head could eat him. Donnie looked while climbing the boulders with the others, "By Darwin's Beard."

"Wasn't that?" Sunset trailed off.

Raph continued to open fire on the creature before it emerged from the ground to reveal a large purple terrapin. As it pinned Raph down, two gibberish calls were heard. Everyone looked as two figures hidden by the shadows of the boulders were dancing around. One of them was wearing some wizard hat and a poncho, and the other was wearing rags that were a bit poofy.

The girls looked down seeing their amulets were glowing, "Sunset, I think that's..." Rarity started.

The one removed his hat to reveal it was Mikey who was scrawny as an old geezer, "Booyakasha!" he cheered.

The second revealed to be a girl with straight pink hair, "Whoo-hoo!" she cheered.

"Can it be?" Donnie gasped.

"Mikey?" Raph asked.

"Pinkie Pie?" Rarity and Sunset gasped.

"The Holy Chalupa and the Spicy Cupcake." Mira gasped.

Mikey jumped into Raph's arms, "Big bro! I thought I'd never see you again. Chompy look who it is! It's your dad, Raph!"

"Chompy?!" Sunset and Rarity asked in shock.

The big turtle was indeed Chompy Picasso, Raph's old pet alien turtle. Raph himself looked up at the creature and started remembering all the times he had with Chompy since that day he adopted him in space, "Chompy? Chompy!" he cheered, "Wow! You got so big!" Chompy showed his love for Raph by almost putting him in his mouth.

"I don't believe it," Donnie walked up to Mikey, "After all this time you made it, Mikey."

"And look at you, Donnie. Awesome robot body. Heavy metal high three." they high threed only for Mikey to recoil from how hard it was.

Pinkie looked over seeing her two friends. She gasped as her hair inflated in her poofed style, "Sunset Shimmer! Rarity!" she ran over and hugged them, "Oh, I missed you guys so much!"

"We missed you too, Pinkie Pie." Rarity replied.

"You survived the explosion." Sunset said in joy.

"And so did you two. Love the robot arm, Sunset." Pinkie smiled.

Mira approached Pinkie and Mikey, "Are you truly the mystics called the Holy Chalupa and the Spicy Cupcake?" she asked.

"I am the Holy Chalupa or, just Mikey."

"And call me Pinkie Pie." Pinkie grinned.

"I am Mira of the Meerkat Clan," she introduced herself, "It was fate that brought me to you two."

"Ah, yes, the universe bringing us together as we were meant to be." Mikey sighed happily.

"As we were always meant to be." Pinkie added.

Raph smiled, and spoke, "Yep, he's still Mikey."

"And that's still our Pinkie Pie." Rarity smiled.

"How did you two make it out here on your own without going crazy?" Donnie wondered.

Mikey gasped, as he and Pinkie went to a skeleton of a long since dead animal, "Huh? What's that? Hmmm. Oh, you're so right, Doctor Deepdish." Pinkie agreed.

Mikey called out to the others, "Bros, we should go before those sneaky Hoojibs steal our brain goo." they mounted Chompy.

"I stand corrected." Donnie said dryly.

"Come on. Fluttershy's gonna wanna see you all." Pinkie said.

"Fluttershy?!" the group gasped.

"She's with you guys?" Sunset asked with hope.

"Yeah. She lives right next door to us." Mikey added.

"Come on, we'll show you." Pinkie said, as they mounted Chompy.

The big alien turtle trekked through the desert, as Mira looked ahead, "What?" they all looked ahead seeing a small building up ahead.

"Is that an actual building?" Rarity asked.

"Wow, the odds of this being the last standing structure in a town like this must be astronomical." Donnie said in shock.

"It's perfect, right? As long as sand storms, acid rain, and mushroom trolls don't bother you." Mikey added.

Suddenly the girls necklaces glowed, "They're glowing?" Pinkie asked.

"It means one of our friends is close." Sunset explained.

"So that's why my necklace was glowing when I got close to you," Pinkie realized, before shouting out, "Fluttershy! We're back! And look who we found!"

Walking out from behind the building was Fluttershy who was also dressed in rags, and her hair was in twin braids that framed her face. She saw the others and gasped, as tears came in her eyes. Sunset and Rarity jumped off Chompy and ran to her.

"Fluttershy!" they cried.

Fluttershy embraced them, "Sunset Shimmer! Rarity! It really is you! I missed you all so much."

"We missed you too, Darling." Rarity replied.

Raph and Donnie dismounted, as Raph spoke, "Good to see you, Fluttershy."

"Raph! Donnie! I'm glad you two are ok." Fluttershy smiled.

"What've you been doing out here?" Donnie asked.

"Taking care of some of my mutant animal friends."

"Mutant animal friends?" Raph asked, as they saw a mutant bunny, mutant bear, mutant bird, and mutant cat approach.

"These are the only animals I recovered after the mutagen explosion. Angel and the others underwent a mutation of their own. But they're not quite sentient like you guys." Fluttershy explained, while Angel stood by her side.

So they entered the building to see it was an old arcade, but saw something up ahead that was powering up a cannon. They panicked, until Mikey called, "I'm home, and I brought company."

The lights came on to reveal at the cannon was Ice Cream Kitty, "Ice Cream Kitty?" Sunset asked, as the mutant ice cream cat meowed.

"Welcome to Casa de Michelangelo." Mikey welcomed them, as they entered another part of the arcade which was the dining area but in better shape.

"Well, not quite the best design but it does feel homey." Rarity admitted.

Mikey went to a big mustachioed sombrero wearing animatron, "This is my main amigo, Senor Antonio. High three, my Bro." he high threed the animaton.

Mira looked at a bunch of TVs playing countless reruns of all the cartoons the turtles watched when they were teens, "Wow, the great stories of old."

"Anything to eat around here?" Raph asked.

"Indeed. I'm famished." Rarity noted.

"It's always pizza time at Mikey's house." Mikey answered, as he stood near a whole mountain of pizza boxes.

"Pizza? I'm sold," Sunset said, as he saw Mikey open one up to reveal it was old moldy and rotten, "On second thought. Never mind."

"I don't even have a stomach anymore, and I want to throw up." Donnie said in repulse.

"Dig in." Mikey said.

"No thank you," Rarity said, "Pinkie. Fluttershy. Tell me you don't eat that."

"It's not so bad." Pinkie answered.

"It really isn't." Fluttershy smiled nervously while mouthing to not eat it.

"There's plenty of water. Gotta keep hydrated." Mikey said.

Raph grabbed a container and drank from it, before spitting it up, "What is wrong with that?"

Mike who was standing before another container answered, "Ah, the water's actually over there." he motioned to another corner.

Needless to say, everyone was repulsed. Sunset spoke to the three, "How were you able to survive here all this time?"

"By the guidance of the Great Pepperoni." Mikey answered.

Pinkie spoke to them, as Ice Cream Kitty played on a keyboard, "Have you heard the good news about the Great Pepperoni? It binds us all. It is you. It is me."

"It's this tiny sardine!" Mikey showed them a little sardine on a rotting pizza.

"Mikey!" Raph snapped, "But what about Leo?"

Mikey sighed, "He was caught inside of that mutagen blast. There's no way he could have survived that."

The group looked dismal as Raph sighed, "I knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up."

"What about Twilight? Applejack? Rainbow Dash?" Sunset asked the girls.

"We never found them." Fluttershy answered in sorrow.

Sunset and Rarity sighed, until Pinkie came between them, "Come on the Mutant Apocalypse isn't so bad." Pinkie began.

"How do you figure?" Rarity asked rhetorically with her hands on her hips.

Mikey answered, "The bros are back together, half the Rainbooms are here, Ice Cream Kitty and Chompy are kicking it, and we'll have all the pizza and cartoons we'll ever need which reminds me. I found this, the last episode of "Space Heroes, the Next Generation." he held up the tape.

"Is that supposed to mean something?" Raph asked in sarcasm.

"Leo would probably want us to see what happened for him." Sunset replied.

"Let me refresh your brain mass, bromeo." Mikey said, as they watched the episode which was all the same scenario as any ep with Captain Ryan and Crankshaw Jr. lost on an alien planet alone until they were vaporized by enemies.

Donnie, Mikey, and the girls laughed at what happened, "Totally worth the wait." Donnie said.

"Typical ending to a cartoon like that." Sunset added.

Raph on the other hand was in shock, "But don't you see? This is exactly what's happening to us."

"Don't get so excited." Donnie began.

"Yeah, Raph, it's just a cartoon." Sunset added.

"Isn't everything a cartoon?" Pinkie asked, while winking at the fourth wall.

Mira spoke to Mikey, "Great and wise Chalupa. I do not mean to impose on your hospitality further, but-"

Mikey spoke up, "Say nothing. I can sense a greater purpose has brought you here."

"And we know just what it is." Pinkie added, as Mikey continued.

"You seek the secret to the perfect calzone, the kind that's evenly baked, but doesn't burn the roof of your mouth."

"Or maybe the secret to the perfect cupcake." Pinkie declared.

"No, Holy ones. I'm seeking Oasis."

Pinkie grinned, "That was our second guess."

Mira showed them the mark on her arm, "I've had this since I was a child, but I can't understand it."

Mikey gasped at it, "By the Great Pepperoni in the sky, I created this map years ago, but I lost it, and now it's a cool tattoo."

"So Oasis is real." Raph said in disbelief.

"It's the perfect place for my mutant animals to live." Fluttershy smiled.

"We should go there together!" Pinkie cheered.

"But without the others?" Rarity asked.

"I don't wanna admit it, Rarity, but finding the others sounds like a wild goose chase." Sunset said with a sigh.

Suddenly a hole was blasted through the wall and stepping inside was a bunch of lizard mutants and Rex accompanying them. The head of the lizards named Imperius Reptilicus spoke, "Time to say goodnight, Turtles and humans."

"Oh, no, the Ravagers." Donnie groaned.

Sunset looked at the lizard group in shock, "And the Scale Tail clan?"

"See, what did I tell you? Just like that stupid cartoon." Raph grumbled.

Rex spoke to Mira, "We know your secret, girl. You've got the map to paradise."

Fluttershy spoke, "Wait! Verminator. Imperius. Since we all seek the Oasis why don't we go together?" she smiled nervously.

"Verminator Rex doesn't associate with humans. And neither does Maximus Kong." Rex answered.

"Maximus Kong?" Rarity asked.

"The Ravagers leader. No one's ever seen him but Verminator." Sunset explained.

"And he will award me gratefully for turning you all over to him." Rex approached only for Ice Cream Kitty to jump at his face.

"Get it off!" he wrestled the ice cream mutant off.

"Take them down!" Sunset called, as they engaged the honey badgers and the lizards.

"Go get them!" Fluttershy told her animal mutants who helped out.

"Like old times!" Pinkie cheered, as she pulled out her old weapon and began fighting.

"Grab the Meerkat girl! Destroy the rest!" Rex ordered, until Sunset attacked him.

The two engaged, before Rex tripped her off her feet and clenched her face, "Now I'm gonna take your other arm." Verminator readied his chainsaw arm.

"Sunset!" the group called.

Before Verminator could drop his chainsaw on her, the wall close to them burst open and jumping in through the hole was a giant purple furred wolf mutant with green ears. It roared before biting down on Verminator's arm and swung him around hitting the walls before letting go and Rex collided with Imperius. The heroes looked at the mutant canine who barked at the two clan heads.

"Lay one hand on my friends and you both will be my new chew toys!" he declared.

"No way!" the turtles gasped.

"Spike?" Rarity and Pinkie gasped.

Spike smiled and spoke, "Hey, guys. Miss me?"

"Spike!" Sunset cheered, "But if you're here. Then where is-"

She cut off as everyone saw someone enter the building. It was none other than Twilight dressed in rags like the others. Her hair was cut to shoulder length, and her glasses were actually two halves of two different pairs of glasses tapped together.

"Twilight!" The girls cheered.

"Twilight?" the turtles gasped.

Twilight looked around and smiled, "I'm glad Spike and I were able to catch up to you all."

"How many humans are there?" Rex asked in irritation.

"Scale Tail, attack!" Reptillicus ordered.

The lizards tried to attack Twilight who used her magic to levitate her enemies off the ground and throw them against the wall, "The Ravagers and the Scale Tail clan working together. The planet really has come to an end." she said.

"They're after Mira the Meerkat." Pinkie began.

"She has the map to Oasis!" Fluttershy added.

"Oasis?" Twilight gasped, as the fight resumed. She and Spike joined the fight, as Mira got knocked out by Imperius and was hauled off.

"He's getting away with Mira!" Rarity called.

"Mira!" Raph called, as he ran after them.

They put Mira in a cage, mounted their rides and took off. Raph quickly snagged a bike and rode after them, "I'm coming kid."

He chased them across the desert before hijacking a bigger ride. One of the Ravagers pulled out a rocket launcher and launched a rocket, but not at Raph. The turtle saw it was aimed at the sanctuary, "Don! Mikey! Sunset! Chompy!" but it was too late the rocket blew the place up, "NO!" he cried. Suddenly Imperius shot at his tires and he crashed as well.

"That'll take care of him. Back to the compound, Scale Tails!" he ordered, as they headed back.

Back at the place, in the wreckage was a huge diamond barrier courtesy of Rarity. She lowered it and everyone was relieved, "Close call." Pinkie said.

"Thanks, Rarity." Fluttershy smiled.

"Always." she replied.

"Twilight!" Sunset embraced her, followed by the others.

"It is you!" Pinkie cheered.

"You survived the mutagen bomb?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah. But living on after it wasn't easy. Spike and I kept traveling around fighting for survival." Twilight motioned to her mutant dog.

"Spike, look at you." Rarity said while marveling at his mutant look.

"Yeah. Mutagen got to me, but at least I held onto my humanity."

"You haven't seen Rainbow Dash or Applejack, did you?" Sunset asked.

"I haven't. I was hoping one of you did."

"We haven't either." Fluttershy answered in sorrow.

"Girls, I think this reunion will have to wait," Donnie said, "They got Mira."

"Where are they taking her?" Rarity wondered.

"Back to Scale Tail HQ." Twilight suspected.

"And Raph went after them." Sunset recalled.

"Which means we gotta go after them." Spike said.

"Then let's ride!" Mikey said, as he mounted Chompy, and Twilight mounted Spike.

Donnie got Raph's ride up and running again and the girls climbed aboard. They took off hoping to catch up with the Ravagers and Scale Tail and hope their friends were ok.