• Published 31st Dec 2017
  • 3,735 Views, 43 Comments

Equestria's Phantom - RayRox360

Upon meeting a strange young colt seemingly new in Ponyville, Twilight and her friends find themselves in for one heck of a ride as they try to peel back the layers of this secretive colt. So . . . just what is this Danny hiding, anyway?

  • ...

Chapter 10: Rook

Chapter 11: Rook

Danny watched with narrowed eyes as Spike continued to sweep in the kitchen, oblivious to the teen currently boring holes into the back of his head with his stare. "Alright, reptile." He growled to himself. "How will I traumatize you today?"

A loud sigh floated into the air behind the teen. "Why?" Was all the tired voice said.

Danny whipped his head around to glare at Twilight as the mare continued to strategize her next move in her chess game consisting of only one player: herself. "How can younotknow what he did? It's horrible! It's appalling! It's downright EVIL!"

The mare sighed and raised her head up from her game, making a'go on'motion with her hoof.

"He ate my cookie."

"Are you serious?!"

"Yes! That little son of a bitch ate myfrikkincookie!"


"I don't care!"

Twilight let out an exasperated groan before turning back to her game. "So, what? Now you're plotting on how to make Spike feel the same amount of pain he caused you?" She asked sarcastically, slamming her hoof into her face as the teen quickly responded with a yes.

She shook her head slowly. "You are one strange kid, Rook." She called.

Danny glanced at her in confusion. "Rook?" He asked.

Twilight chuckled and pulled herself away from her game once more. "Yep." She called, before turning down to the chessboard, levitating a small piece off the board.

"If we tried to think of this like a game of Chess, you'd probably be a Rook." She continued after receiving a long look of confusion. "You see, the rook's one of the more powerful pieces on the board, especially when it comes to delivering checkmate. They're a more strategic piece. Always thinking of the endgame." She said with a knowing smirk, setting the piece back down on the board.

Danny shrugged his shoulders. "Whatever you say, Twi. As long as the rook gets to dish out some sweet revenge." He said with a grin.

Twilight rolled her eyes and walked over. "You finally figure out what you're gonna do?"

"Yep! Andyou'regonna help me."

"Do I have a choice?"



"Can you try not making a mess with this next spell?" Spike called to the mare down below as he continued to reshelf a large stack of books from atop one of the library ladders.

Down below, Twilight and Danny were reading a spell book, the mare eager to try out a new spell, hopefully one that did not result in a mess Spike would have to clean up later. Though he tried to ignore the giggling pair and merely focus on his chores so he could finish up early.

That new comic book wasn't going to read itself.

"Alright, I think I've got it down."He heard Twilight say from below.

"Hey, why is that the expression? Why not: I got this up? Actually, why choose a direction anyways?"Spike rolled his eyes at the teen's comment. Though he begrudgingly had to admit the teen had a point, which was usually the case for his stupid questions.

"Admit it, Twi. It doesn't make sense."

"Nothing you say makes sense."Twilight muttered. "Now be quiet. I have to concentrate."

Spike glanced down at the pair, watching as the glowing pink light from below began to grow before turning back to his work.

Suddenly, a large blast of white light filled the room, making the dragon stumble atop the ladder. Dropping the books, he instead chose to wrap his claws around the ladder and cling on for dear life.

After the ladder finally decided to stop swaying, the dragon turned his head to glare at the pair, only to scrunch his face in confusion when he noticed the light from below hadn't dimmed yet, hiding the two from view.

"Uhh. . . guys?" He called, quickly sliding down the ladder and jogging over. The sight made him gasp and stumble backwards.

Twilight and Danny were nowhere to be seen, but the same couldn't be said for theirplushies.


On the floor, there were two plushies, one purple with dark blue hair and shiny purple button eyes, the other white with black hair and blue button eyes. All in all, they looked exactly like Twilight and Danny, you know. . . . . inplushieform.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" Spike mumbled as he ran over, reaching his claws over, only to retract them hesitantly. "Umm . . . Twilight? Danny?" He called out softly.

Danny plushie stared up at him with its soulless button eyes while Twilight plushie merely flopped over.

"Aw geez! Oh goodness!" Spike rambled as he gingerly picked up the two plushies in his arms. "What kind of spell was that?!" He shouted, only to realize the spell book was gone as well.

"Well great. Ahh . . . I hope this spell is temporary. Who would I even call for this?!" He shouted to nopony in particular.

He glanced down at the two plushies with a worried frown. "Umm . .. what do plushies even eat? Cotton balls?" He mumbled to himself before walking out of the hallway, plushies in tow. "Don't worry. I'll take care of you guys till this thing wears off. I'll go talk to the girls, see if they can do anything and . . . ."

His voice trailed off as he walked farther and farther away from the library.

Suddenly, another bright blast of white light exploded from the center of the room, Twilight and Danny popping into existence. Both immediately flopped to the floor, gasping for breath as they clutched their stomachs.

"Oh man! That was hilarious!" Danny choked out, rolling around on the floor.

Twilight wiped a tear from her eye. "It'll be even better when we watch Spike wander around Ponyville all day talking to two plushies." She giggled, Danny letting out a snort of his own. "Ponies are gonna think he's crazier than a drunk rabbit."

Twilight let out a chuckle before she grew quiet, a stray thought coming to her.

"Hey Danny. Where'd you get those plushies from anyways?"

" . . . . "


" . . . I don't think you want me to answer that."